How can I clean a buildozer custom recipe build? - buildozer

I have a buildozer project that has custom python-for-android recipes in the directory p4a/recipes/.
One of my recipes needs some debugging, and I don't want to rebuild python and all these other programs every time I want to rebuild it.
I've tried buildozer android p4a -- clean_recipe_build recipe-name but it doesn't find it (running recipes shows only the vanilla recipes, not my custom ones).
What should I do?

Apparently there's an undocumented argument --local-recipes that solves it. But since we're running under buildozer that changes the working dir before running p4a, we have to supply an absolute path:
buildozer android p4a -- clean_recipe_build recipe-name --local-recipes ~/p4a/recipes/
And now it works (but note that the docs warn some misbehaviours by recipes would require a full clean, so if things keep being weird, just p4a -- clean). Also, note the --, it's important, and once again - the path must be absolute and not relative.


React Native Xcode 13.2 Error no such file or directory for NativeVibration.js

After creating the project with react-native init, i found this issue in terminal as well as in xcode. After digging deep, i found that this particular file is showing missing in project node modules.
Here are example of error codes showing in xcode & terminal-
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory,
I've learned the hard way when programming in react native (for cross platform/hybrid application development), many unknown issues will be caused if you deviate from native OS clustering. Make sure you don't make the same mistakes as I have.
I have more specific help for you, apart from the obi wan style in my previously semi-answer.
Another guy had an issue with this a few years back, he asked and was answered,"delete your node_modules and app from simulator. Then re-install everything back, clear cache and see if it start bundler from root directory.
Before doing that, you can try 'react-native start' from your root directory.
I have seen that error message a lot, specifically with jest. But that's a different fix. I realize you are not using jest to test your reactjs, but it is jest tests runner that is the problem that causes the same outcome as you have come to- solution there is to disable the jest runner from running in the background while installing new packages.
I wonder if there isn't a similar solution here - only applicable to xcode - although you see it in terminal, that's probably just the cmdline not recognizing the path to the directory or at least that file.
Should be easy to figure out with terminal--
Go to $HOME~ type dir or ls, to see your directory folders, if you see the project listed, cd into it or, just search for the directory apt-get search [package] or apt, pkg, pip, pacman, snap etc etc whatever your flavor if OS terminal is, or search for the file-- $find / -iname [query] or even search for all paths containing the phrase: $locate [query]... If you created it, it exists. Just because xcode can't find it, and initial attempts in term produced nada, don't believe it is not in your system. just a matter of where, what, and why a process or dependancy is missing or malfunctioning in attempt to retrieve the file & open it.
You can definitely find it - i don't know jack about xcode, but terminal -- I can get anything from anywhere on cmdline-- you can too. I have to go, but I'm curious if you have figured it out. Let us know yeah? Best of luck to you. Cheers QwaziRidwanhasib.

assembleRelease fails with react-native 0.50

Using gradle-plugin 3.0.0
Gradle distribution 4.1.0
react-native 0.50
Linux fedora 27
app name is u1b.
Project structure
/proj/mob/rn.common (this is where node_modules is and all my js related stuff)
/proj/mob/a/u1b -- is where the android app is.
the project structure is different than the one normally created by boiler plate react-native create app script (because my node_modules is not just one level up from the android app).
But not clear if this is an issue or not.
I have been building my android with react-native library, in debug mode.
Now its time to start building release.
But I am running into a problem
bash gradlew assembleRelease errors out :
> Task :app:bundleReleaseJsAndAssets
Scanning folders for symlinks in /home/v/devel/mine/proj/mob/rn.common/node_modules (12ms)
Scanning folders for symlinks in /home/v/devel/mine/proj/mob/rn.common/node_modules (9ms)
Loading dependency graph, done.
warning: the transform cache was reset.
bundle: start
bundle: finish
bundle: Writing bundle output to: /home/v/tmp/u1b/app/intermediates/assets/release/
bundle: Done writing bundle output
bundle: Copying 18 asset files
bundle: Done copying assets
/home/v/tmp/u1b/app/intermediates/res/merged/release/drawable-mdpi/src_jsapp_img_material_ic_local_library_black_48dp_android_drawablexxhlack_48dp.png: **error: Invalid filename. Unable to add.**
The image file it is looking at is, indeed not there. However I have no idea how that file name is constructed and, why it something is looking for it.
my contains a flag to switch to old apk due to a bug
could somebody shed a light on how the image names are decided and what might be causing the error
thank you
I figured out how the offending file name was constructed, and then I was able to mitigate what seemed to be 'too deep of a path for image file'.
Basically the file name below
was concatenation of a path where the file resided in my javascript folder (starting from same level where node_modules are )
my referes to a static icon file
icon: require('./src/'),
When the bundler constructed that offending file name, It was basically appending elements of the path to the file together, with some 'mangling'. Like removing a dot (so became jsapp)
I just copied that file over to a higher level directory (to reduce the length of the release-constructed file name)
And then the release build started working.
The length of the offending file name was about 177 characters long. Not sure why it created problem for the release build. I suspect this is a limitation of android tools, not facebook's problem. I switched back and forth between buildTools 25.0.3 and 26.0.2 (that also meant switching android plugin versions .. .and that whole thing took quite a bit of time). But the problem was in either of the buildtools versions.
So I just figured deep directory structures for js static resource (eg images) is a problem for now. So better use smaller directory depths.

Updating app to newer react-native

I wanna update a mobile app to a newer react-native version. I followed instructions from here, installed react-native-git-upgrade, went to my project's dir, ran react-native-git-upgrade 0.40.0, got lots of warnings like warning: unable to unlink path/to/some/project/file: Permission denied', tried with sudo, didn't have these errors, got output that to some files patch didn't apply, to some files it was applied cleanly, and to some other files it was applied with conflicts. As the docs said, the next step should have been fixing conflicts, but after these actions, described above my project's dir is still unchanged - my editor doesn't detect any file changes, I've opened files, listed as patched with conflicts and they didn't have any changes and didn't have conflict delimiters (like <<<<<<< ours). Looks like nothing happened. What am I doing wrong, and how can I do it right?

iOS UI Test Project 'MailCore/MailCore.h' file not found

I did a
git clone
I open the
iOS UI Test.xcodeproj
I run the Build
I get the error
'MailCore/MailCore.h' file not found
I cannot understand why that is happening.
What should I do to get this to build?
Some other sources I have found and followed their instructions are below. None of which fixed this problem.
I also was able to open the
and successfully build each of the targets. Which is interesting that I can do that but cannot build the test project independently.
I also followed the video and read me instructions to add to an existing project and was able to build until I added the
#import <MailCore/MailCore.h>
to one of my files.
The above process I initiated on my iMac.
On my MacBook Pro after I cloned mailcore2 I opened
first then did the build on each of the targets.
Then I closed that project.
Opened the iOS UI Test.xcodeproj and did a build on that.
This was successful.
However, I still want to know what would cause the problem with the "file not found"
I removed to trash all mailcore2 code from my iMac.
I created different locations in Finder for doing another clone of mailcore2.
I did the git clone.
I opened mailcore2.xcodeproj
I followed the exact same process of building each target like I did on my MacBook
I then opened the iOS UI Test.xcodeproj and did a build.
I get the same problem of
'MailCore/MailCore.h' file not found
Makes no sense to me how it works on macbook but not on iMac.
You can add in target dependency static mailcore ios(mailcore2).
and add the framework libmailcore-ios.a
Its working.
What I finally did was drop mailcore2 into an existing app I already had started.
To do this I did the following:
I removed all traces of mailcore2
I again followed the instructions in the README and the video help.
This time I followed some instructions from
The instructions in that link says to add the following to Library Search Path:
And the Header Search Path to
$(PROJECT_DIR)/mailcore2/build-mac/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/include - recursively
But, that did not work for me. I had to add the HARD CODED PATH to each of those 3 folders.
After doing a clean and build I was then able to add the
#import <MailCore/MailCore.h>
Now it BUILDs completely without error for me.
I will go back and try to add proper relative paths to each of those Search Paths.
Hopefully this helps somebody else with same issue.
Had same problem, spend hours trying - nothing worked, not ever hardcoding paths.
Then I stumbled on one issue:
if in XCode\Preferences\Locations I go to Derived Data - Advanced and set it to different locations it always reverts it to Unique, when I go back and check it.
Then I went in File\Project Setting to Derived Data - Advanced and there it was set to Unique. I changed it there to Default and now it does not have that issue anymore!
I delete Derived data, clean project and Start build (Ctrl+B) and I can see now how Build is being created in derived data w/o problems. And that what mailcore needs to function.
And, I checked - no need for hardcoded paths either!
Hope it helps somebody.
PS Another feature maybe useful too - XCode\Preferences\Continue building after error though it did not matter in my case

How to set a bundle installation location to its parent bundle directory?

I have a main project App that contains subproject intended to be installed in AppBundleDirectory/Contents/PlugIns.
The default installation directory for plugin.xcodeproj is /Library/Bundles, I'd like to change it to AppBundleDirectory/Contents/PlugIns. I don't think plugin is aware of its parent build directory, so I couldn't find any environment variable to put into the Installation Directory setting.
To sum it up:
Project structure
Wanted generated structure
How should I proceed ?
If your app target depends on your plugin targets, then it's fairly straightforward:
Add a Copy Files phase to your app
Make the Destination "PlugIns" (this is in the drop-down list)
Use the "+" button to choose the plugins.
If the plugins depend on the app, then it's only slightly more complicated. You have to hard-code the name of the app:
Make sure that everyone has the same DSTROOT (using a single Scheme is the easiest way to get this)
Make the plugins INSTALL_PATH be "/" (note the leading /)
Note that it's "PlugIns" not "Plugins". 99.99% of the time it doesn't matter. But every so often you run into that one guy who chooses a case-sensitive file system at install and your plugins don't load. I chased that bug for four months once. Picking it from the Copy Files list is a nice way to be sure to be right.