SQL- The Decode Function greater than [closed] - sql

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm trying the decode function but I can't get it work - please help.
naam, maandsal*2, mnr,
DECODE(maandsal * 2 > mnr, maandsal * 2),
DECODE(mnr > maandsal , mnr)

Use case:
select naam, maandsal2, mnr,
(case when maandsal2 > mnr then maandsal*2 end),
(case when mnr > maandsal then mnr end)
from medewerkers;


Take 2 digit after comma sql [closed]

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Closed 8 months ago.
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So, i have column with data type float. i want to take 2 digit after comma
i want the result is
i already tried some solution from stack overflow but still the result is 0.61.
sum(CASE WHEN a.TOTALBUDGET>bo.Bobot*2 then bo.Bobot*2 else a.totalbudget end) as UW_Rank
sum(CASE WHEN a.TOTALBUDGET>bo.Bobot*2 then bo.Bobot*2 else CAST(ROUND(a.totalbudget,2,1)AS NUMERIC(18,2)) end) as UW_Rank_Test
Did you tried round function.
declare #val float = '0.622'
SELECT ROUND(#val, 2);

In Sql developer ,How to remove the last 3 digit from string in all rows for one column? [closed]

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Closed 9 months ago.
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Want result Karim
This should work
select top 10 Lastname, LEFT(Lastname, LEN(Lastname) - 3) as TrimmedVersion from tablename
Hope this will help you. In Oracle:
SELECT SUBSTR(column_name, 0, LENGTH(column_name) - 2) from table_name;
--SELECT SUBSTR('karim_bk', 0, LENGTH('karim_bk') - 2) from dual; --karim

Oracle SQL Select Only 5 Digit Row in a Column [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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SLNO Column select only 5 digit row
Please use length function of oracle. For e.g:
select *
from table a
where length(a.column_name) = 5
In your case
and LENGTH(SLNO) = 5

Hive output query for selecting particular value based on groupby clause [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a table with data like:
cust_id, acct_no, ind
123111, 1233, Y
123111, 2311, N
222111, 1112, N
222111, 2111, N
I have to get output as cust_id, 1 (a binary indicator if any of the acct under that customer is Y)
so from the above table I have to get below output.
123111 1
222111 0
A simple way to achieve this is something like:
select cust_id, max(case when ind = 'Y' then 1 else 0 end) as flag from customers group by cust_id;

Select a part of a selected item in sql [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How can I possibly select a part of a row data in MS Sql?
ex. Charmina (Female)
All I want to select is the Female not the whole Charmina (Female)
Try this
select substring('Charmina (Female)',
charindex('(','Charmina (Female)')+1,
LEN('Charmina (Female)')-charindex('(','Charmina (Female)')-1)
select stuff('Charmina (Female)',1,charindex('(','Charmina (Female)')-1,'')
You may Use SUBSTRING to get sub sequences of strings
SELECT SUBSTRING( your_Raw ,start , length ) AS Alias
FROM Your_Table