Scroll content + scroll popover doesn't work properly in ionic 4 - ionic4

I put terms and condition in popover to show it for users.
When popover present part of content visible not all content and can not scroll to show all content.
After searching I find this issue here. and try their solution but not work

I solve this issue via adding all content in
<ion-list> inside <ion-content>


Navbar shifts to the right slightly when dropdown is selected

Why does my navbar jump a little to the right when a drop-down is selected? Looks like some padding is missing on :hover perhaps. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
It has to do with Bootstrap hiding the vertical scrollbar on body when the modal opens. It occurs only when you have a fixed navbar and body/modal content that require vertical scrolling.
Based on what I recall and found, it's a bug with Bootstrap 3 that I don't believe was ever resolved based on this GitHub issue.
Most workarounds seem to involve JS to add padding-right (like 15px) to the navbar when the modal opens or to override the overflow: hidden property the modal-open class that Bootstrap adds to body when you open a modal. The downside of this is you will have two vertical scroll bars (ugly). Either add the workaround or remove the fixed navbar. I haven't moved on to Bootstrap 4 yet but maybe they've addressed this.

nav doesnt work properly inside accordion

As you can see in the picture. The nav doesn't response on the screen size when I place inside the accordion.
I try to resized it using jQuery when the accordion collapse but it doesn't work also.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

Fixed nav under a relative div

I have a relative div above a fixed one which acts like a navigation bar.
I want to be able to scroll past the relative div before the fixed div starts having to scroll here is my website.
as you can see from just scrolling on the site the sidebar doesn't work as intended.
Try using JavaScript to detect the scroll position of the window and then change the CSS to start scrolling like a fixed div.
Another tip, the the fixed div which contains your projects on the home page lays over your footer when you scroll to the bottom.
Use JavaScript to detect if the user is at the bottom of the page or not and then set the CSS of it to have a margin from the bottom of the page.
Hope I helped.

Why does the iOS toolbar view get added on top of my loading view when I hide and show it again?

I have a normal navigation based iOS app
I've got "loading view" which I initiate from my app delegate and use across the app, simply by showing and hiding it.
This works fine, but as soon as I hide the bottom toolbar in one of the views in the app and display it again, the toolbar seems now be shown on top of the my generic "loading view"
Any help is much appreciated
How do you add your bottomBar? Obviously not on the view itself, right? Than it would probably be beneath the overlay.
Also you should use an extra window for the loading overlay. That would solve your issues.
I basically ended up deleting the loading view and recreating it each time.
It now appears at the top of the view hierarchy each time. This fixed the problem.

Sencha Touch 2 fixed header

Is there a way to have a fixed non animated header in a sencha app and still retain page animation and browsing history?
I need my header to not animate on a page slide. The way i tried it is:
-main container (v box)
--header container
--card container(card layout)
And I manually switch the cards inside the card container with setActiveItem(index)
The header is never animated in/out but I dont have history now so the only way to have a back button is manually hard coding it with setActiveItwm(prevIndex)
Its an unfortunate and dirty solution maybe somebody else has a better one.
Yes I achieved it using sencha architect to test. From memory I created a base container that had layout vbox. Inside that I had a top tabpanel and under that a tabpanel. I then set the flex on the top panel to 0.2 and the tabpanel to 0.8. That way my header will always be 20% height on any device. I hope this helps.
You require Ext.navigation.View
Use Ext.navigation.View and create basic navigation between views...then hide the navigation view you can do that by making the navigationBar property as hidden:true
Next have a common navigation header as you have mentioned above...
Going forward using a button lets say would be by using
button.up('navigationview').push({xtype: 'card2'});
This button will be somewhere in your card which takes you to next card
Similarly for going back on button click
button.up('navigationview').pop(2);//Will take you two views back and so on
These buttons will be on your common header