SQL statement returning "could not find file" while executing - vba

In my code, I am trying to use an input box to hold a user inputted value as a string, then use SQL to then update a field based on that.
My code is:
Dim strinput
Dim strsql
Call CreateRevisions
strinput = InputBox(prompt:="Name of revision")
If Not IsNull(strinput) Then
'DoCmd.SetWarnings False
strsql = " UPDATE tblJobDetails.RevisionName"
strsql = strsql & " SET tblJobDetails.RevisionName = '" & strinput & "'"
strsql = strsql & " WHERE (((tblJobDetails.JobID)=[Forms]![JobQuote]![JobID]));"
'DoCmd.RunSQL strsql
CurrentDb.Execute strsql
'docmd.setwarnings true
End If
End Sub
When it runs, I get the prompt that fields are about to be updated, then the input box appears and allows me to enter something. I checked the value of strinput and it is holding the value correctly, but when I try to actually execute the SQL statement I can an interesting error I haven't run into before.
The error is :
Run-time error '3024':
Could not find file 'C\....
I have run various statements like this before with no problem. This is the first time I have tried using the input box however. What is causing that error?
I have tried changing it to docmd as well as adding in debug.print, but it still results in the same error.


VBA code works in one box, throws an error in another

Alright, short background, I have a form, on which I have 3 Comboboxes.
Two of these comboboxes are tied to the same exact table, an accounts table. They use slightly different queries between them, see below.
In one box, cmb_GA I have set the box property "On Not in List" to the following code segment :
Private Sub cmb_GA_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim strSQL As String
Dim password As String
Dim bytUpdate As Byte
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
bytUpdate = MsgBox("Do you want to add " & NewData & " to the Accounts list?", vbYesNo, "Not in list of Accounts!")
If bytUpdate = vbYes Then
password = InputBox("Enter New Account Password")
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_Accounts(Login, PW) " & "VALUES
('" & NewData & "#mcsnet.org' , '" & password & "')"
Debug.Print strSQL
cnn.Execute strSQL
Response = acDataErrAdded
Call AuditLogs("txt_DN", "New")
ElseIf bytUpdate = vbNo Then
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error"
End Sub
Note that for formatting here I put in an extra CR after "VALUES" that doesn't exist in the actual code, other than that, and some deleted comments, WYSIWIG.
This code works perfectly. 100% Does what I want.
I have another combobox, cmb_IA
I am using the same code for it (Yeah I probably should have done this as a module in retrospect, but I didn't yet.)
The problem is that it throws an error. "The text you entered isn't an item in the list. Select an Item from the list, or enter text that matches one of the listed items."
I've looked at the properties and can not find a difference between the two boxes on the property sheets: Here's a look at both boxes Data tab:
And here is the relevant SQL from the two queries:
FROM tbl_Accounts
WHERE tbl_Accounts.Association LIKE "*Device*";
FROM tbl_Accounts
WHERE tbl_Accounts.Association LIKE "*Intune*";
I would assume the question is obvious, but let me state this outright, what is happening here? Is there a way to suppress this error? Both comboboxes must let the user add new information to them, as the point of this form is to register new devices, cellphones and tablets, and the security accounts and corporate accounts that each device uses. What's puzzling me the most is that this error is only showing up on the one combobox.
Edited to add the code from the section that is throwing the error:
Private Sub cmb_IA_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim strSQL As String
Dim password As String
Dim bytUpdate As Byte
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
bytUpdate = MsgBox("Do you want to add " & NewData & " to the Accounts list?", vbYesNo, "Not in list of Accounts!")
If bytUpdate = vbYes Then
password = InputBox("Enter New Account Password")
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_Accounts(Login, PW) " & "VALUES ('" & NewData & "#mcsnet.org' , '" & password & "')"
Debug.Print strSQL
cnn.Execute strSQL
Response = acDataErrAdded
Call AuditLogs("txt_DN", "New")
ElseIf bytUpdate = vbNo Then
Response = acDataErrContinue
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error"
End Sub
It was suggested I show the RowSource SQL generated by Access so here it is Working:
SELECT qry_DeviceAccounts.AccountIDKey, qry_DeviceAccounts.Login, qry_DeviceAccounts.PW
FROM qry_DeviceAccounts
ORDER BY qry_DeviceAccounts.[Login];
Not Working:
SELECT qry_SecurityAccounts.AccountIDKey, qry_SecurityAccounts.Login, qry_SecurityAccounts.PW
FROM qry_SecurityAccounts
ORDER BY qry_SecurityAccounts.[Login];
I can't believe I didn't see it earlier. This was the result of the difference between the two queries, and the way they filtered for the account information. I needed to set the new account information to be filtered for during the INSERT statement, which hadn't been done. Since the other one worked on the default value of one of the fields in the table, it wasn't relevant to that one's INSERT statement.
Moral of the story, check your fields, and make sure you carefully read what each is doing. I was so busy looking for an error in my VBA, I forgot to check my SQL.

SQL statement in ms access db bringing up InputBox

I have VBA for a form.
I'm trying to take the information in a textbox on the form and update a particular field in a table. (haven't figured out how to do that properly)
This line of code is my current try but I'm getting unexpected behavior
The program doesn't continue executing after this
If (Not IsNull([New_Value_Box].Value)) Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "Update [Export_NDC_Certification] Set " & [Field_List].Value & " = " & [New_Value_Box].Value & " WHERE SellerLoanIdentifier = " & Current_Loan
End If
it does however open an input box with the value of Current_Loan as the caption. It doesn't appear to do anything with the input and it doesn't execute any further code. I've used MsgBox's for debugging and its definitely coming from this line. This line was what I came across for taking a value and updating a particular table value with it. if this isn't the way to do it any push in the right direction would be appreciated. Thank you!
First, I would recommend using the Execute method (of either DAO.Database or DAO.QueryDef), instead of using DoCmd.RunSQL. This makes debugging a lot easier (here's a forum post with more information).
Also, since it seems that you need values in all your controls ([Field_List], [New_Value_Box], and Current_Loan), you should do a null check on all of those.
As noted by #HansUp, your actual SQL string is likely causing the issue, so you probably want to store that in a separate variable you can then output to the immediate window.
With all that being said, revised code might look something like this:
Dim db As DAO.Database, qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strSQL As String
If _
IsNull([New_Value_Box].value) Or _
IsNull([Field_List].value) Or _
IsNull([Current_Loan].value) _
' handle missing input
' we know all required fields have values, so can proceed
strSQL = _
"UPDATE [Export_NDC_Certification " & _
"SET " & [Field_List].value & "=" & [New_Value_Box].value & " " & _
"WHERE SellerLoanIdentifier=" & Current_Loan
Debug.Print strSQL
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef("")
qdf.SQL = strSQL
qdf.Execute dbFailOnError
End If
' clean up DAO objects
Set qdf = Nothing: Set qdf = Nothing: Set db = Nothing

Access VBA RunSQL Error

I'm trying to insert into a table the top x records from a query data-set. However I keep getting the run-time error '3061' Too few parameters. Expected 1. I've tried a few things but it doesn't make any difference.
Private Sub UpdateGA_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim strSQL As String
Dim rounds As Integer
Dim playerid As Long
Set dbs = CurrentDb
rounds = Me.NoOfScores.Value
playerid = Me.lngPlayerID.Value
strSQL = "INSERT INTO [tbl_TopRounds] ( [lngPlayerID], [lngRoundID], [dblPlayedTo], [dteRoundDate]) " & _
" SELECT TOP " & Me.NoOfScores.Value & " [lngPlayerID], [lngRoundID], [dblPlayedTo], [dteRoundDate] FROM qry_LastRounds" & _
" WHERE [lngPlayerID] = " & Me.lngPlayerID.Value & _
" ORDER BY [dblPlayedTo], [dteRoundDate] DESC;"
dbs.Execute strSQL
End Sub
I'm expecting that x (based on a form parameter) records will be written to the tbl_TopRounds.
VB Error on executing
Any help would be appreciated.
Normally this error means that you made a mistake in field name. Set breakpoint on last command, run the sub, open immediate window and type ?strSQL. Copy received SQL text and try to run it in query builder, it will show column name which doesn't exist in the table. The error may be in the query qry_LastRounds, check it first by opening

VBA Append Query Using Access

I am attempting to add a button to a form to add the contents of the form as a new line in my table. I have written this line of code before, but this time it isn't working.
My form contains text and integers. 3 boxes on the form are auto-populated when the form loads. (Will the auto populated boxes change anything?)
Instead of trying to make the whole string work, I have reduced my code to just add one box (one of the auto-populated boxes). I get a Rune-time error '438': Object doesn't support this property or method.
I've tried googling the error, but I cannot find anything that applies.
The code is as follows:
Dim strInsert As String
strInsert = "INSERT INTO NLog(IDKEY) " & _
" Values(" & Me.TxtIdKey & ")"
Debug.Print strInsert
CurrentProject.Execute strInsert, dbFailOnError
MsgBox ("Entry Added")
When I look at the debug screen it shows the following:
INSERT INTO NLog(IDKEY) Values(OH08801405)
I am so frustrated! I am still very new to this, and I feel totally out of my element.
You could execute your INSERT statement with ADO like this ...
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute strInsert
Note CurrentProject.Connection.Execute, not CurrentProject.Execute, and don't include the DAO constant dbFailOnError when executing from ADO.
Or with DAO like this ...
CurrentDb.Execute strInsert, dbFailOnError
Also, you were attempting to insert a text value into the IDKEY field. Assuming text is the correct datatype for that field, add quotes around the value you're inserting ...
strInsert = "INSERT INTO NLog(IDKEY) " & _
" Values('" & Me.TxtIdKey & "')"
Then you should see Debug.Print output similar to this ...
INSERT INTO NLog(IDKEY) Values('OH08801405')
Without quotes surrounding OH08801405, the db engine will not understand it is supposed to be a string value it should insert, and instead will assume it is a parameter for which you haven't supplied a value.
I have to assume that the error message is happening at CurrentProject.Execute strInsert, dbFailOnError since your debug actually shows something.
You will need to set up a connection to your database and use db.Execute strInsert, dbFailOnError.
You declare a connection like this:
Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = CurrentDb
So you should end up with something like:
Dim strInsert As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
strInsert = "INSERT INTO NLog(IDKEY) " & _
" Values(" & Me.TxtIdKey & ")"
Debug.Print strInsert
Set db = CurrentDb
db.Execute strInsert, dbFailOnError
MsgBox ("Entry Added")

Microsoft Access can't find the field '|1'

I keep getting a run time error '2465' when running a query via VBA in Access.
Error: Microsoft Access can't find the field '|1' referred to in your expression
I can't seem to find where this issue is occuring. Below is the VBA code that I'm currently using to requery a form.
Dim Test As String
Test = "*" & Combo161.Value
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strWhere As String
strWhere = (Chr(34) + Test + (Chr(34)))
'MsgBox (strWhere)
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Test_Query WHERE TestID " & strWhere
'MsgBox (strSQL)
[Form_Test (subform)].RecordSource = strSQL
[Form_Test (subform)].Requery
The TestID had a field formatting of text, rather than a number. Does this matter at all?
I have just fixed this error. I was referencing the subform's source object, rather than its name given in the form properties.
I had the same error. What I missing was the double quotes around a string. This error is a bit misleading. Check the syntax etc and you will find the issue was related to comma or double quotes etc.
Dim Test As String
Test = "*" & Combo161.Value
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strWhere As String
strWhere = (Chr(34) & Test & (Chr(34)))
'MsgBox (strWhere)
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Test_Query WHERE TestID Like " & strWhere
'To test
'Debug.print strSQL
If this is a subform, then:
Me.[Form_Test (subform)].Form.RecordSource = strSQL
''Not needed when changing record source
''Me.[Form_Test (subform)].Form.Requery
You did not have an equals sign / Like and the concatenator in VBA is &, not +, using + can lead to problems with nulls, but in this case, I reckon the problen is the missing Like, that is
TestID Like "*something"
You can control the contents of a subform with a combo and a link field: