How to execute strings of expression in an array with Ramda - ramda.js

I've got an array where strings of expression are listed.
const newPIXI = ["container1 = new PIXI.Container();","container2 = new PIXI.Container();","container3 = new PIXI.Container();"]
I managed to run this with (Function(...newPIXI))()
How can I do this with Ramda?
I tried R.forEach , but didn't work.

These are strings, and not functions. To run them you need to evaluate them using eval() (or Function and then run them). Each string is an expression, and not an actual function. Running the expression will create global variables (container1, container2, and container3).
You've probably heard that eval() is evil. Using eval() is a security risk, and hurts performance, and Function is only slightly less so (read more here):
eval() is a dangerous function, which executes the code it's passed
with the privileges of the caller. If you run eval() with a string
that could be affected by a malicious party, you may end up running
malicious code on the user's machine with the permissions of your
webpage / extension. More importantly, a third-party code can see the
scope in which eval() was invoked, which can lead to possible attacks
in ways to which the similar Function is not susceptible.
Function's advantage is that it runs in the global scope, and can't access variables in the scope it was called in. However, Function still allows running arbitrary code.
Eval example:
const PIXI = {
Container: function () {
this.example = 'Container';
const newPIXI = ["container1 = new PIXI.Container();","container2 = new PIXI.Container();","container3 = new PIXI.Container();"]
newPIXI.forEach(x => eval(x))
console.log({ container1, container2, container3 });
Function example:
const PIXI = {
Container: function () {
this.example = 'Container';
const newPIXI = ["container1 = new PIXI.Container();","container2 = new PIXI.Container();","container3 = new PIXI.Container();"]
newPIXI.forEach(x => Function(x)())
console.log({ container1, container2, container3 });
It's better to pass data that tells the browser what you want to do (a command), and not how to do it. Then in the code you can decide how to interpret the command. For example:
const PIXI = {
Container: function () {
this.example = 'Container';
const newPIXI = [{ type: 'PIXIContainer', name: 'container1' }, { type: 'PIXIContainer', name: 'container2' }, { type: 'PIXIContainer', name: 'container3' }]
const result = {};
newPIXI.forEach(({ type, name }) => {
switch(type) {
case 'PIXIContainer':
result[name] = new PIXI.Container();
throw new Error(`Type ${type} not found`);


Vue Reading in parallel in a loop

I have an Set array which contains multiple Ids.I would like to loop through the Set and make the api calls in parallel for each id and get back the user object, add it to a map.How can i achieve it.
The value is Set
userIds :Set[2]
data() {
return {
userIds: new Set(),
const res = getUsers(userId)
hope it will resolve your issues. i did not test, just writing code here directly.
// set requests
let allRequests = []
//you can use other loop based on your decession
this.userIds.forEach(id => { allRequests.push(axios.get(`your_url\${id}`)) })
// you can use await it is based on you requirement
axios.all(allRequests).then(axios.spread((...responses) => {
//make your map here using responses
})).catch(errors => {
// react on errors.
you can check this reference

VeeValidate use custom rule globally

I have a custom veevalidate rule that I use to see if the value entered is already in an array in that component. I want to use this rule in different components with different arrays. Is there a way to do this? Here is my current rule in just one component
const isUnique = (value) => {
const reg = new RegExp(`^${value}$`, 'i');
const inputValue = this.myArray.filter(str => reg.test(str));
if (inputValue.length > 0) {
return {
valid: false,
data: {
message: `The ${inputValue} already exists.`,
return { valid: true };
Validator.extend('unique', {
validate: isUnique,
getMessage: (field, params, data) => data.message,
You sure can - either you can use the existing rule called oneOf which is documented here, or you can change your rule to accept parameters. It looks like your rule is case-insensitive, so probably you'd want to stick with that. All you would need to do is accept a 2nd parameter to your isUnique function and then use that instead of this.myArray:
const isUnique = (value, values) => {
const reg = new RegExp(`^${value}$`, 'i');
const inputValue = values.filter(str => reg.test(str));
Then in your template, you would call it like this:
<ValidationProvider :rules="{isUnique:myArray}">

Using map to reduce in Gun

I am new to Gun. I have existing code that very effectively reduces an array of objects based on a pattern. I am thinking I should tweak this to run in the context of Gun's .map and return undefined for non-matches. I think I will also have to provide two arguments, one of which is the where clause and the other the properties I want shown on returned objects. I also presume that if I use .on future matches will automagically get spit out! Am I on the right path?
const match = (object,key,value) => {
const type = typeof(value);
if(value && type==="object") {
return Object.keys(value).every(childkey =>
if(type==="function") return value(object[key]);
return object[key]===value;
const reduce = (objects,where) => {
const keys = Object.keys(where);
return objects.reduce((accumulator,current) => {
if(keys.every(key => match(current,key,where[key]))) {
return accumulator;
let rows = reduce([{name: "Joe",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:25},
{name: "Mary",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:16},
{name: "Joe",address:{city: "New York"},age:20}],
{name: () => true,
address: {city: "Seattle"},
age: (age) => age > 10});
// results in
[{name: "Joe",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:25},
{name: "Mary",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:16}]
Further exploration of this resulted in the code below, which is stylistically different, but conforms to the immediate responsive nature of Gun. However, it is unclear how to deal with nested objects. The code below only works for primitives.
const match = (object,key,value) => {
const type = typeof(value);
if(!object || typeof(object)!=="object") return false;
if(value && type==="object") {
const child = gun.get(object[key]["#"]);
for(let key in value) {
const value = {};
child.get(key).val(v => value[key] = v,{wait:0});
if(!match(value,key,value[key])) return;
if(type==="function") return value(object[key]);
return object[key]===value;
const gun = Gun(["http://localhost:8080/gun"]),
users = [{name: "Joe",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:25},
{address:{city: "Seattle"},age:25},
{name: "Mary",address:{city: "Seattle"},age:16},
{name: "Joe",address:{city: "New York"},age:20}];
for(let user of users) {
const object = gun.get(;
gun.get("users").map(user => {
const pattern = {name: (value) => value!=null, age: (age) => age > 20}; //, address: {city: "Seattle"}
for(let key in pattern) {
if(!match(user,key,pattern[key])) return;
return user;
}).on(data => console.log(data));
Yes. GUN's .map method does more than what it seems.
Say we have var users = gun.get('users'). We can do: with no callback acts like a forEach because the default callback is to return the data as-is. => user.age * 2) with a callback, it lets you transform the data like you would expect from a map, except where:{ return }) if you return undefined, it will filter out that record.
WARNING: As of the current time, .map(transform) function is currently experimental and my have bugs with it. Please try it and report any you find.
Now we can combine it with some other methods, to get some cool behavior: will get current and future users as they are added to the table, and gets notified for updates on each of those users. will get current and future users as they are added to the table, but only gets each one once.
users.val().map().on(cb) gets only the current users (not future), but gets the updates to those users.
users.val().map().val(cb) gets only the current users (not future), and only gets them once.
So yes, you are on the right track. For instance, I have a test in gun core that does this: => user.age === 27? + "thezombie" : u).on(function(data){
// verify
list.set({name: 'alice', age: 27});
list.set({name: 'bob', age: 27});
list.set({name: 'carl', age: 29});
list.set({name: 'dave', age: 25});
This creates a live map that filters the results and locally (view only) transforms the data.
In the future, this is how the SQL and MongoDB Mango query extensions will work for gun.
Note: GUN only loads the property you request on an object/node, so it is bandwidth efficient. If we do'age') it will only load the age value on every user, nothing else.
So internally, you can do some efficient checks, and if all your conditionals match, only /then/ load the entire object. Additionally, there are two other options: (1) you can use an in-memory version of gun to create server-side request-response patterns, so you can have server-side filtering/querying that is efficient. (2) if you become an adapter developer and learn the simple wire spec and then write your own custom query language extensions!
Anything else? Hit me up! More than happy to answer.
Edit: My reply in the comments, comments apparently can't have code. Here is pseudo-code of how to "build up" more complex queries, which will be similar to how SQL/Mango query extensions will work:
mutli-value & nested value matching can be "built up" from this as the base, but yes, you are right, until we have SQL/Mango query examples, there isn't a simple/immediate "out of the box" example. This is pseudo code, but should get the idea across:
Gun.chain.match = function(query, cb){
var gun = this;
var fields = Object.keys(query);
var check = {};
check[field] = true;
if(val !== query[field]){ return }
check[field] = false;
//all checks done?
return gun;
Solution, the trick is to use map and not val:
Gun.chain.match = function(pattern,cb) {
let node = this,
passed = true,
keys = Object.keys(pattern);
keys.every(key => {
const test = pattern[key],
type = typeof(test);
if(test && type==="object") {
} else if(type==="function") {
node.get(key).map(value => {
if(test(value[key])) {
return value;
} else {
passed = false;
} else {
node.get(key).map(value => {
if(value[key]===test) {
return value;
} else {
passed = false;
return passed;
if(passed && cb) this.val(value => cb(value))
return this;
const gun = new Gun();
gun.get("Joe").match({age: value => value > 15,address:{ city: "Seattle"}},value => console.log("cb1",value));

How to spyOn a service function within the link of a directive?

I have a directive that uses a service function like so:
.directive('testDirective', function(serviceBeingUsed) {
return {
restrict: 'AE',
templateUrl: 'testTemplate.tpl.html',
scope: {
boundVar1: "="
link: function(scope) {
scope.getRequiredData = function(data){
//gether data using service
scope.requiredData = result;
In the above directive I inject the service I wish to use and this service function gets used within the scope function "getRequiredData()" which is inside the "link" of this directive.
I have my test suite set up like so:
describe('test suite', function () {
var scope,
beforeEach( inject( function(_$rootScope_,
_serviceBeingUsed_) {
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
$compile = _$compile_;
serviceBeingUsed = _serviceBeingUsed_;
$q = _$q_;
//This is where we create the directive and it's options.
element = angular.element('<test-directive bound-var1="blabla"></test-directive>');
//We create a new scope from the rootScope.
scope = $rootScope.$new();
//Now we compile the HTML with the rootscope
//digest the changes
//We retrieve the isolated scope scope of the directive
isoScope = element.isolateScope();
Now I have a test which runs and passes wherby I can spyOn the isolated scope function "getRequiredData()", this test looks like so:
it('getRequiredData runs', inject(function () {
This proves that the link functions CAN be tested however when trying to test if the service function is called the test fails and I have no idea why, the test for the service looks like this:
it('serviceFunction runs', inject(function () {
spyOn(serviceBeingUsed, "serviceFunction").and.callFake(function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var data = "returnedDataDummy";
return deferred.promise;
How can I successfully test if the service function has been called here?
In writing this example I have solved my issue. In my actual code, inside the test "serviceFunction runs" I had also included a spyOn(isoScope,"getRequiredData)"
This has the effect of blocking the inner functionality of the function
which meant the the service function inside getRequiredData could never run.
To resolve this issue I needed to edit the spy for the outer function
this simple change means that the function being spied on will also run its inner code and not just register that it has been called.
However one important lesson that I have learned is to not do too much inside each test and to separate the tests as much as possible.
So just to clarify, my original test which failed looked like this:
it('getRequiredData runs', inject(function () {
spyOn(serviceBeingUsed, "serviceFunction").and.callFake(function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var data = "returnedDataDummy";
return deferred.promise;
the fix for this test which passes:
it('getRequiredData runs', inject(function () {
spyOn(serviceBeingUsed, "serviceFunction").and.callFake(function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var data = "returnedDataDummy";
return deferred.promise;

casperJS Can't find variable : $

I'm trying to call a function defined in another module using this.evaluate().
The code snippet(calling the function) is:
this.waitFor(function check() {
var re = this.evaluate(universe.answer(couponElement, url));
if (re != 'no' & re!='yes' & re!=null) {
and the module in which the function is defined is like this:
var require = patchRequire(require);
var utils = require('utils');
exports.answer = function(couponElement, url) {
var lblInvalidCoupon = 'lblInvalidCoupon';
var tolTipCouponinner='tolTipCouponinner';
var txtFCCoupondisocunt = 'txtFCCoupondisocunt';
var btnRemoveFCCoupon = 'btnRemoveFCCoupon';
var check = $('#txtCouponCode').css('backgroundImage');
if (check.indexOf('ajax-loader.gif')>-1){
return 'no';
} else {
if (document.getElementById(lblInvalidCoupon)!=null){
Basically, I want to call the function using this.evaluate but unable to do so.
First, try with the simplest evaluate: remote.message event to capture console.log from page.
casper.on("remote.message", function(msg) {
console.log("[page] " + msg);
this.evaluate(function () {
console.log("Hi phantomworld! I am hello-ing from remote page!");
Next, check if jQuery is present:
this.evaluate(function () {
console.log(typeof jQuery);
If it says, [page] function, jQuery is present in the page. You need to dig more...
If not, inject it:
var casper = require('casper').create({
clientScripts: [
You didn't actually pass the answer function to casper.evaluate, but you called it instead. The problem is that in this way answer was not executed in page context and because of this $ is not defined. casper.evaluate which executes a function in page context is sandboxed. It cannot use variables which are defined outside. The passed function must be self contained.
To fix this the arguments which are consumed by answer can be passed as additional parameters to casper.evaluate.
Change the line
var re = this.evaluate(universe.answer(couponElement, url));
var re = this.evaluate(universe.answer, couponElement, url);
If JQuery is not present in the page you need to follow sudipto's answer.