update state after useQuery onCompleted... Error - react-native

Iam building an app using react hooks and apollo client 3
trying to update the state on useQuery complete
here is the code
const GET_POST_BY_ID_QUERY = gql`
query getPostById($postId: ID!) {
getPostById(postId: $postId) {
const [{ title, body }, setPost] = useState({ title: '', body: '' });
variables: { postId: route?.params?.postId },
skip: !route.params,
onCompleted: data => {
console.log('data', data.getPostById);
onError: err => {
it keep on giving me this error
Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component.
This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application.
To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in %s.%s, a useEffect cleanup function
I am not using useEffect at all within this screen.
What could be wrong ?

React is warning you that you're trying to update a stateful variable that's no longer there. What's probably happening is that your component is unmounted after your query has begun execution, but before it has actually completed. You can solve this by adding an if(mounted) statement inside your onCompleted handler to check if the component is still there, before trying to update its state.
However, I suggest you drop the onCompleted and onError callbacks and opt to the use variables as returned by the useQuery hook. Your code will look like this:
const { data, loading, error } = useQuery(GET_POST_BY_ID_QUERY, {
variables: { postId: route?.params?.postId },
skip: !route.params
if (loading) return 'Loading...';
if (error) return `Error! ${error.message}`;
return (
The new approach with hooks allows you to simplify your code and handle the lifecycle of your component without having to wire a bunch of event handlers together. This way you can avoid many of the state-woes altogether.


How Do I consume errors in my Vue Graphql component and let other errors be handled globally?

We use Vue with apollo and I have difficulties to handle errors properly.
This is on of our components
<div v-if="product">
<router-view :key="product.id" :product="product" />
<div v-else-if="!this.$apollo.loading">
<p>Product is not available anymore</p>
import productQuery from "#/graphql/product.graphql";
export default {
name: "ProductWrapper",
props: ["productId"],
apollo: {
product: {
query: productQuery,
variables() {
return {
productId: this.productId,
If the product is not available anymore, we have three options in the backend:
a) the backend just can send null without errors
b) send an error object as part of the data with unions
c) send some error extensions with apollo for easy error handling in the client
Option a) seems to be a strange option
Option b) is too complicated for our use case.
So I decided for option c):
In our backend we use apollo error extensions to send some proper errorCode for the client to handle.
data: { }
errors: [
"message": "NOT_FOUND",
"locations": ...,
"path": ...
"extensions": {
"details": [],
"errorCode": "NOT_FOUND",
"message": "NOT_FOUND",
"classification": "DataFetchingException"
Everything works fine as product results in null anyway as no data is sent, just an error.
But vue-apollo is logging this to console.error. I don't want any logging to console.error as the user sees an red mark in his browser. But I want it to pop up in the console.error if nobody else has handled this error.
I can add an error handling in three places:
error() inside query definition
$error() default handler for all queries
ErrorLink seems to be the wrong place as only the query in the component knows that NOT_FOUND is not fatal but can happen sometimes. Same is true for $error
So how do I say: this error might happen, I am well prepared for this. All other errors should be handled by the ErrorLink. How can I consume an error in my component?
My overview over vue-apollo error handling.
SmartQuery error handler
Documentation: https://apollo.vuejs.org/api/smart-query.html
error(error, vm, key, type, options) is a hook called when there are
errors. error is an Apollo error object with either a graphQLErrors
property or a networkError property. vm is the related component
instance. key is the smart query key. type is either 'query' or
'subscription'. options is the final watchQuery options object.
Not documented: If you return false the error processing is stopped and the default error handler (Apollo Provider) is not called. If you return true or do not return anything (aka undefined) the default error handler is called.
Code Example
export default {
name: "ProductWrapper",
props: ['productId'],
apollo: {
product: {
query: productQuery,
variables() {
return {
productId: this.productId
error(errors) {
console.log("Smart Query Error Handler")
return false;
VueApolloProvider errorHandler
Documentation: https://apollo.vuejs.org/api/apollo-provider.html
Global error handler for all smart queries and subscriptions
Important: This is NOT for mutations.
Not documented: This is not called when an error handler of a smart query returned false
Code Example
const apolloProvider = new VueApollo({
defaultClient: apolloClient,
errorHandler: (errors) => {
console.log("Provider errorHandler")
VueApolloProvider $error special option (useless)
$error to catch errors in a default handler (see error advanced options > for smart queries)
Code Example (wrong)
const apolloProvider = new VueApollo({
defaultClient: apolloClient,
defaultOptions: {
error(errors) {
console.log("Provider $error")
This was my first try, but it results in a call when the component is mounted and gives us the complete component. See https://github.com/vuejs/vue-apollo/issues/126
Code Example (kind of ok?)
const apolloProvider = new VueApollo({
defaultClient: apolloClient,
defaultOptions: {
$error() {
return (errors) => {
console.log("Provider $error handler")
This way the $error function is called.
But it is called just like the default errorHandler (see above). the documentation seems to be wrong. So this method looks rather useless to me. As you can see in this debugging screenshot, it is used just like the other error handlers:
Documentation: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/data/error-handling/#advanced-error-handling-with-apollo-link
Code example
import {onError} from "apollo-link-error";
const errorHandler = onError(({ networkError, graphQLErrors }) => {
console.log("Link onError")
console.log({ graphQLErrors, networkError})
const link = split(
// split based on operation type
({query}) => {
const definition = getMainDefinition(query);
return definition.kind === 'OperationDefinition' &&
definition.operation === 'subscription'
Important: this is called before any other ErrorHandler and it works for queries, subscriptions and mutations
Mutation catch
Documentation https://apollo.vuejs.org/guide/apollo/mutations.html
Code example 1
async submit() {
await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: productDeleteMutation,
variables: {
productId: this.product.id
}).catch((errors) => {
console.log("mutation .catch error")
Code example 2
You can use try/catch too:
async submit() {
try {
await this.$apollo.mutate({
mutation: productDeleteMutation,
variables: {
productId: this.product.id
} catch (errors) {
console.log("mutation try/catch error")
the only other handler which can be called is the onError ErrorLink (see above), which would be called before the catch error handling.
Mutation handled by vue with errorCaptured
Add this lifecycle hook to your component to catch errors from mutations.
errorCaptured(err, vm, info) {
return false
Documentation: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/api/#errorCaptured
More links: https://medium.com/js-dojo/error-exception-handling-in-vue-js-application-6c26eeb6b3e4
It works for mutations only as errors from smart queries are handled by apollo itself.
Mutation errors with vue global errorHandler
You can have a vue default error handler to catch graphql errors from mutations
import Vue from 'vue';
Vue.config.errorHandler = (err, vm, info) => {
if (err.graphQLErrors) {
console.log("vue errorHandler")
It works for mutations only as errors from smart queries are handled by apollo itself.
Documentation https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/api/#errorHandler
Errors outside vue can be handled with plain javascript
window.onerror = function(message, source, lineno, colno, error) {
if (error.graphQLErrors) {
This does not work for mutations, queries or subscriptions inside or outside vue components as these are handle by vue or apollo itself (and printed to console.err if not handled)
Documentation https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/GlobalEventHandlers/onerror
The only way to catch errors for mutations AND queries at the same time is onError with an ApolloLink. Server, Network and Authentication errors should be catched there as these are not specific to any operation.
Additional notes
Approach how to handle errors in the backend

How to use async/await in vue lifecycle hooks with vuex?

When I dispatch an action in App.vue component in mounted() lifecycle hook, it runs after other components load. I am using async/await in my action and mounted lifecycle hook.
App.vue file
methods: {
setUsers: "setUsers",
async mounted() {
try {
await this.setUsers();
} catch (error) {
if (error) {
action.js file:
async setUsers(context) {
try {
const response = await axios.get('/get-users');
console.log('setting users');
if (response.data.success) {
context.commit('setUsers', {
data: response.data.data,
} catch (error) {
if (error) {
throw error;
In Users list component, I need to get users from vuex. So I am using mapGetters to get Users list.
getUsers: "getUsers",
mounted() {
But the problem is "setting users" console log in running after console logging the this.getUsers.
In Users list component, I can use getUsers in the template but when I try to console log this.getUsers it gives nothing.
How can I run app.vue file before running any other components?
You are using async await correctly in your components. It's important to understand that async await does not hold off the execution of your component, and your component will still render and go through the different lifecycle hooks such as mounted.
What async await does is hold off the execution of the current context, if you're using it inside a function, the code after the await will happen after the promise resolves, and in your case you're using it in the created lifecycle hook, which means that the code inside the mounted lifecycle hook which is a function, will get resolved after the await.
So what you want to do, is to make sure you render a component only when data is received.
Here's how to do it:
If the component is a child component of the parent, you can use v-if, then when the data comes set data to true, like this:
data() {
return {
hasData: false,
async mounted() {
const users = await fetchUsers()
this.hasData = true;
<SomeComponent v-if="hasData" />
If the component is not a child of the parent, you can use a watcher to let you know when the component has rendered. When using watch you can to be careful because it will happen every time a change happens.
A simple rule of thumb is to use watch with variables that don't change often, if the data you're getting is mostly read only you can use the data, if not you can add a property to Vuex such as loadingUsers.
Here's an example of how to do this:
data: {
return {
hasData: false,
computed: {
isLoading() {
return this.$store.state.app.users;
watch: {
isLoading(isLoading) {
if (!isLoading) {
this.hasData = true;
<SomeComponent v-if="hasData" />
if you're fetching a data from an API, then it is better to dispatch the action inside of created where the DOM is not yet rendered but you can still use "this" instead of mounted. Here is an example if you're working with Vuex modules:
created() {
methods: {
async fetchUsers() {
await this.$store.dispatch('user/setUsers');
computed: {
usersGetters() {
// getters here
Question: Do you expect to run await this.setUsers(); every time when the app is loaded (no matter which page/component is being shown)?
If so, then your App.vue is fine. And in your 'Users list component' it's also fine to use mapGetters to get the values (note it should be in computed). The problem is that you should 'wait' for the setUsers action to complete first, so that your getUsers in the component can have value.
A easy way to fix this is using Conditional Rendering and only renders component when getUsers is defined. Possibly you can add a v-if to your parent component of 'Users list component' and only loads it when v-if="getUsers" is true. Then your mounted logic would also work fine (as the data is already there).

How to prevent error propagation in Apollo Client useQuery in react?

I'd like to catch the error in component level and prevent propagation while using the useQuery in #apollo/react-hook.
Here is my example code
const invitationDocument = gql`
query DecodeInvitation($token: String!) {
DecodeInvitation(token: $token) {
const InvitationPage = (props) => {
const { data, error, loading } = useQuery(invitationDocument, {variables: { token: "XXXX" }});
return <InvitationErrorPage error={error.message}/>
return loading? <LoadingPage> : <InvitationAcceptPage />
It works fine but at the same time, the error is being propagated to its parents level so I get another error notification message which comes from the error handler at the global level.
At the application level, I use the apollo-link-error to manage the Graphql errors.
import { onError } from 'apollo-link-error';
const errorLink = onError (({ graphqlErrors, networkError }) => {
const client = ApolloClient({
cache: new InMemoryCache(),
link: ApolloLink.from([
new HttpLink({ uri: `http://localhost:8080/graphql`})
For now, I am finding a solution to stop propagation to top-level so that I can show only InvitationErrorPage and stop displaying error notification at the global level.
I was also trying to prevent errors from being logged in an Error Link by handling them on a useQuery hook and a further delve into the ApolloLink documentation helped clear up what is happening. The key misunderstanding is that the Error Link is not a parent- or application-level handler, it is request middleware. It's helpful to think about how the data is coming back from the server:
Thus, when you see an error notification from the Error Link it is not something that "propagated up" from the useQuery hook: it occurred in the request path before the useQuery result was available on the client.
Thus, the onError callback for the Error Link will always be called before any error handling code in the useQuery hook.
Probably your best bet is to use a combination of the operation and graphQLErrors[x].extensions to figure out what errors you should pass through the Error Link middleware like so:
const errorLink = onError(({operation, response, graphQLErrors}) => {
if (!graphQLErrors) {
if (operation.operationName === "DecodeInvitation") {
for (const err of graphQLErrors) {
if (err.extensions?.code === 'UNAUTHENTICATED') {
// Return without "notifying"
// Notify otherwise

How to get access to store from action in VueJS?

Im using VueJS and Vuex. I have the userid into the store, this way:
vuex screenshot
And i try pass the userid to a fetch, but vuejs return error
([Vue warn]: Error in created hook: "TypeError: this.$store is
import { LOAD_APPOINTMENTS } from './types'
export default {
loadProducts ({ commit }) {
var user = this.$store.state.user.userid
fetch('api/appointments/' + user)
.then((result) => {
return result.json()
.then((appointments) => {
commit(LOAD_APPOINTMENTS, appointments)
.catch(er => {
First, when referencing the store within vuex files:
context.state instead of this.$store.state.
context for all of the this.$store. So, context.commit and context.dispatch.
Second, the loadProducts needs to be rewritten as an action per docs.
Third, loadProducts needs to incorporate the context as a parameter:
actions: {
loadProducts (context) {
As #phil has mentioned in this thread, it is important to view the documentation entirely, as this single answer will get you on the way to debugging the problem, but there might be multiple more problems showing up (e.g. fetch errors, file structure errors, component/App level errors).

Handle errors in react native and redux

I have a react native application using redux for state management.
On every API request, I have actions dispatched which is handled by reducer. This is then forwarded to saga and back to reducer.
I am using snackbar to show any errors which might have happened.
e.g. In the login flow, one of the operations is to fetch the OTP for username.
The action types are:
The initial state for the reducer (LoginReducer) is
hasError: false,
error : {
display_message : "",
details : null
otherData : []
Now in case of GET_OTP_FOR_USER_FAILURE, the reducer will be updated to
hasError: true,
error : {
display_message : "Invalid Username",
details : null
otherData : []
In my view component, I conditionally render the snackbar based on the hasError flag
{this.props.hasError ? Snackbar.show({
title: this.props.error.display_message,
duration: Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG
}) : null}
If I don't reset the hasError, then the snackbar keeps coming for every setState call (which happens on textinputchange).
The current approach I am using is, I have an action to RESET_ERROR.
I call this action once the setState is called on the textbox on the component (in this case the username)
onUserNameTextChanged = (text) => {
this.props.resetError(); //Reset the error
this.setState({ //something });
The issue with this is that this.props.resetError(); will get called on every character update.
Just to ensure that I don't call render multiple time, I am using shouldComponentUpdate
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState){
if(this.props.hasError && (this.props.hasError === nextProps.hasError))
return false;
return true;
I am not sure if there is simpler or cleaner approach to handle these scenarios. Any directions will be helpful.
You can just conditionally call it if there's an error, that way you're not always invoking it:
onUserNameTextChanged = (text) => {
if (this.props.hasError) {
this.props.resetError(); //Reset the error
this.setState({ //something });
You can also tie it into the success action if you want that error to show until the API returns successfully.