Create a CByteArray from a CPointer in Visual Works Smalltalk - smalltalk

Some C function return aCPointer to a C struct.
The C struct is known.
Now i want to put the C struct into a ByteArray. Basically copy the contents of the struct to a ByteArray.
In GemStone/S this can be done with:
CByteArray fromCPointer: aCPointer numBytes: 120.
"this create aCByteArray with the contents of the struct referenced by CPointer (copying only 120 bytes)"
Is there something similar on Visual Works ?
I did not find it yet.
It could be possible to replicate C struct at Visual Works level but is only one struct and it is ok to handle it at low level.

There's only the rather ugly #copyAt:to:size:startingAt: that you can send to a pointer. You need to allocate a ByteArray yourself (make sure it's big enough).
answer := ByteArray new: size.
copyAt: 0
to: answer
size: size
startingAt: 1.
The other way (ByteArray -> Pointer) would be done using #copyAt:from:size:startingAt:.
This method works for both ByteArray and UninterpretedBytes. If you want to read data from the bytes, UninterpretedBytes may be more helpful as you can send things like #longAt: to read a long from an offset.

If aCPointer points to a struct of char * for example:
struct Names
{char * name;
char * longname;} name;
(aCPointer at: 0) copyCStringFromHeap. "answer [name]"
(aCPointer at: 1) copyCStringFromHeap. "answer [longname]"
For structs with char * it work nicely not tested with other C types.


Reading binary file into a struct using C++/CLI

I have a problem (and I think it can be resolved easily, but it is driving me crazy). I have checked other posts, but I was not able to find the solution.
I would like to read a binary file into a struct using C++/CLI. The problem is that after reading it, some of the values do not fit with the correct ones. In the example below, all the struct fields are well read until "a" (included) (at around byte 100). From that field, the rest have wrong values. I know that they have wrong values and the source file is right, since I previously used python, and FileStream and BinaryReader from C++/CLI. However, I am not using them anymore, given that I would like to read the binary file into a struct.
In addition, in some cases I also have a value of -1 for variable "size" (size of the file), but not always. I am not sure if it could get a wrong value when the file is too big.
Therefore, my question if you can see something that I cannot, or I am doing something wrong.
struct LASheader
unsigned short x;
char y[16];
unsigned char v1;
unsigned char v2;
char y1[68];
unsigned short a;
unsigned long b;
unsigned long c;
unsigned char z;
unsigned short d;
unsigned long e;
void main()
FILE *ptr = fopen("E:\\Pablo\\file.las", "rb");
//I go at the end of the file to get the size
fseek(ptr, 0L, SEEK_END);
unsigned long long size = ftell(ptr);
struct LASheader lasHeader;
//I want an offset of 6 bytes
fseek(ptr, 6, SEEK_SET);
fread(&lasHeader, sizeof(lasHeader), 1, ptr);
unsigned short a1 = lasHeader.a;
unsigned long b1 = lasHeader.b;
unsigned long c1 = lasHeader.c;
unsigned short d1 = lasHeader.d;
unsigned long e1 = lasHeader.e;
Thank you!
There's a couple things here. I'll tackle the direct problem first.
You didn't say how this binary format was being written, but I think it's an alignment issue.
Without a #pragma pack directive, unsigned long b will align to a 4-byte boundary. Struct members x through a are 90 bytes total, so two padding bytes are inserted between a and b so that b is aligned properly.
To fix the alignment, you can surround the struct with #pragma pack(push, 1) and #pragma pack(pop).
Second, a more overall issue:
You called this C++/CLI code, and you tagged it C++/CLI, but you're not actually using any managed features in this code. Also, you said you have some C# code that works using BinaryReader, and BinaryReader works fine in C++/CLI, so you technically already had a C++/CLI solution in-hand.
If the rest of your C++/CLI project is this way (not using managed code), consider switching your project to C++, or perhaps splitting it. If your project is largely making use of managed code, then I would strongly consider using BinaryReader instead of fopen to read this data.

obj-c pass struct pointer to arm assembly function - corruption [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
return floats to objective-c from arm assembly function
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a structure in obj-c. I pass a pointer to this structure to an arm assembly function that i've written. When i step into the code i see the pointer get successfully passed in and i can access and modify the values of the structure elements from within my asm code. Life is good - until i return from the asm function. After returning to the calling obj-c code the structure values are all hosed. I can't figure out why. Below are the relevant pieces of my code.
struct myValues{ // define my structure
int ptr2A; // pointer to first float
float A;
float B;
float C;
float D;
float E;
float F;
struct myValues my_asm(int ptr2a, float A, float B, float C, float D, float E, float F); // Prototype for the ASM function
…code here to set values of A-F...
float* ptr2A = &myValues.A; //get the memory address where A is stored
myValues.ptr2A = ptr2A; //put that address into myValues.ptr2A and pass to the ASM function
// now call the ASM code
myValues = my_asm(myValues.ptr2A, myValues.A, myValues.B, myValues.C, myValues.D, myValues.E, myValues.F);
Here is relevant part of my asm code:
mov r5, r1 // r1 has pointer to the first float A
vdiv.f32 s3, s0, s0 //this line puts 1.0 in s3 for ease in debugging
vstr s3, [r5] // poke the 1.0 into the mem location of A
bx lr
When i step through the code everything works as expected and i end up with a 1.0 in the memory location for A. But, once i execute the return (bx lr) and return to the calling obj-c code the values in my structure become garbage. I've dug through the ABI and AACPS (as successfully as a novice probably can) but can't get this figured out. What is happening after that "bx lr" to wack the structure?
Below is "Rev 1" of my asm code. I removed everything except these lines:
vdiv.f32 s3, s0, s0 // s3 = 1.0
vstr s3, [r1]
bx lr
Ok, this was solution for me. Below is "Rev 2" of the relevant pieces of my obj-c code. I was conflating passing a pointer with passing a copy of the structure - totally hose. This code just passes a pointer to the first float in my struct...which my asm code picks up from general register r0. Man, i'm hard headed. ;-)
void my_asm2(int myptr); // this is my prototype.
This is where i call the asm2 code from my obj-c code:
My asm2 code looks like this:
_my_asm2: ; #simple_asm_function
// r0 has pointer to the first float of my myValues structure
// Add prolog code here to play nice
vdiv.f32 s3, s0, s0 //result S3 = 1.0
vstr s3, [r0] // poking a 1.0 back into the myValues.A value
// Add Epilog code here to play nice
bx lr
So, in summary, i can now pass a pointer to my structure myValues to my ASM code and inside my ASM code i can poke new values back into those memory locations. When i return to my calling obj-c code everything is as expected. Thanks to those who helped me fumble along with this hobby. :-)
The solution here is to simply pass a pointer (that points to the memory location of the first float variable in the structure) to the assembly function. Then, any changes the assembly function makes to those memory locations will be intact upon returning to the calling function. Note that this applies to the situation when you are calling assembly code and want that code to operate on an existing data structure (myValues in this case).

Memcpy and Memset on structures of Short Type in C

I have a query about using memset and memcopy on structures and their reliablity. For eg:
I have a code looks like this
typedef struct
short a[10];
short b[10];
tDataStruct m,n;
memset(&m, 2, sizeof(m));
My question is,
1): in memset if i set to 0 it is fine. But when setting 2 i get m.a and m.b as 514 instead of 2. When I make them as char instead of short it is fine. Does it mean we cannot use memset for any initialization other than 0? Is it a limitation on short for eg
2): Is it reliable to do memcopy between two structures above of type short. I have a huge
strings of a,b,c,d,e... I need to make sure copy is perfect one to one.
3): Am I better off using memset and memcopy on individual arrays rather than collecting in a structure as above?
One more query,
In the structue above i have array of variables. But if I am passed pointer to these arrays
and I want to collect these pointers in a structure
typedef struct
short *pa[10];
short *pb[10];
tDataStruct m,n;
memset(&m, 2, sizeof(m));
In this case if i or memset of memcopy it only changes the address rather than value. How do i change the values instead? Is the prototype wrong?
Please suggest. Your inputs are very imp
dsp guy
memset set's bytes, not shorts. always. 514 = (256*2) + (1*2)... 2s appearing on byte boundaries.
1.a. This does, admittedly, lessen it's usefulness for purposes such as you're trying to do (array fill).
reliable as long as both structs are of the same type. Just to be clear, these structures are NOT of "type short" as you suggest.
if I understand your question, I don't believe it matters as long as they are of the same type.
Just remember, these are byte level operations, nothing more, nothing less. See also this.
For the second part of your question, try
memset(, 0, sizeof(*(;
memset(m.pb, 0, sizeof(*(m.pb));
Note two operations to copy from two different addresses (, m.pb are effectively addresses as you recognized). Note also the sizeof: not sizeof the references, but sizeof what's being referenced. Similarly for memcopy.

How do I implement a bit array in C / Objective C

iOS / Objective-C: I have a large array of boolean values.
This is an inefficient way to store these values – at least eight bits are used for each element when only one is needed.
How can I optimise?
see CFMutableBitVector/CFBitVector for a CFType option
Try this:
#define BITOP(a,b,op) \
((a)[(size_t)(b)/(8*sizeof *(a))] op ((size_t)1<<((size_t)(b)%(8*sizeof *(a)))))
Then for any array of unsigned integer elements no larger than size_t, the BITOP macro can access the array as a bit array. For example:
unsigned char array[16] = {0};
BITOP(array, 40, |=); /* sets bit 40 */
BITOP(array, 41, ^=); /* toggles bit 41 */
if (BITOP(array, 42, &)) return 0; /* tests bit 42 */
BITOP(array, 43, &=~); /* clears bit 43 */
You use the bitwise logical operations and bit-shifting. (A Google search for these terms might give you some examples.)
Basically you declare an integer type (including int, char, etc.), then you "shift" integer values to the bit you want, then you do an OR or an AND with the integer.
Some quick illustrative examples (in C++):
inline bool bit_is_on(int bit_array, int bit_number)
return ((bit_array) & (1 << bit_number)) ? true : false;
inline void set_bit(int &bit_array, int bit_number)
bit_array |= (1 << bit_number);
inline void clear_bit(int &bit_array, int bit_number)
bit_array &= ~(1 << bit_number);
Note that this provides "bit arrays" of constant size (sizeof(int) * 8 bits). Maybe that's OK for you, or maybe you will want to build something on top of this. (Or re-use whatever some library provides.)
This will use less memory than bool arrays... HOWEVER... The code the compiler generates to access these bits will be larger and slower. So unless you have a large number of objects that need to contain these bit arrays, it might have a net-negative impact on both speed and memory usage.
#define BITOP(a,b,op) \
((a)[(size_t)(b)/(8*sizeof *(a))] op (size_t)1<<((size_t)(b)%(8*sizeof *(a))))
will not work ...
#define BITOP(a,b,op) \
((a)[(size_t)(b)/(8*sizeof *(a))] op ((size_t)1<<((size_t)(b)%(8*sizeof *(a)))))
I came across this question as I am writing a bit array framework that is intent to manage large amounts of 'bits' similar to Java BitSet. I was looking to see if the name I decided on was in conflict with other Objective-C frameworks.
Anyway, I'm just starting this and am deciding whether to post it on SourceForge or other open source hosting sites.
Let me know if you are interested
Edit: I've created the project, called BitArray, on SourceForge. The source is in the SF SVN repository and I've also uploaded a compiled framework. This LINK will get your there.

passing primitive or struct type as function argument

I'm trying to write some reasonably generic networking code. I have several kinds of packets, each represented by a different struct. The function where all my sending occurs looks like:
- (void)sendUpdatePacket:(MyPacketType)packet{
for(NSNetService *service in _services)
for(NSData *address in [service addresses])
sendto(_socket, &packet, sizeof(packet), 0, [address bytes], [address length]);
I would really like to be able to send this function ANY kind of packet, not just MyPacketType packets.
I thought maybe if the function def was:
- (void)sendUpdatePacket:(void*)packetRef
I could pass in anykind of pointer to packet. But, without knowing the type of packet, I can't dereference the pointer.
How do I write a function to accept any kind of primitive/struct as its argument?
What you are trying to achieve is polymorphism, which is an OO concept.
So while this would be quite easy to implement in C++ (or other OO languages), it's a bit more challenging in C.
One way you could get around is it to create a generic "packet" structure such as this:
typedef struct {
void* messageHandler;
int messageLength;
int* messageData;
} packet;
Where the messageHandler member is a function pointer to a callback routine which can process the message type, and the messageLength and messageData members are fairly self-explanatory.
The idea is that the method which you pass the packetStruct to would use the Tell, Don't Ask principle to invoke the specific message handler pointer to by messageHandler, passing in the messageLength and messageData without interpreting it.
The dispatch function (pointed to by messageHandler) would be message-specific and will be able to cast the messageData to the appropriate meaningful type, and then the meaningful fields can be extracted from it and processed, etc.
Of course, this is all much easier and more elegant in C++ with inheritance, virtual methods and the like.
In response to the comment:
I'm a little unclear how "able to cast
the messageData to the appropriate
meaningful type, and then the
meaningful fields can be extracted
from it and processed, etc." would be
You would implement a handler for a specific message type, and set the messageHandler member to be a function pointer to this handler. For example:
void messageAlphaHandler(int messageLength, int* messageData)
MessageAlpha* myMessage = (MessageAlpha*)messageData;
// Can now use MessageAlpha members...
int messageField = myMessage->field1;
// etc...
You would define messageAlphaHandler() in such a way to allow any class to get a function pointer to it easily. You could do this on startup of the application so that the message handlers are registered from the beginning.
Note that for this system to work, all message handlers would need to share the same function signature (i.e. return type and parameters).
Or for that matter, how messageData
would be created in the first place
from my struct.
How are you getting you packet data? Are you creating it manually, reading it off a socket? Either way, you need to encode it somewhere as a string of bytes. The int* member (messageData) is merely a pointer to the start of the encoded data. The messageLength member is the length of this encoded data.
In your message handler callback, you don't want probably don't want to continue to manipulate the data as raw binary/hex data, but instead interpret the information in a meaningful fashion according to the message type.
Casting it to a struct essentially maps the raw binary information on to a meaningful set of attributes matching to the protocol of the message you are processing.
The key is that you must realize that everything in a computer is just an array of bytes (or, words, or double words).
ZEN MASTER MUSTARD is sitting at his desk staring at his monitor staring at a complex pattern of seemingly random characters. A STUDENT approaches.
Student: Master? May I interrupt?
Zen Master Mustard: You have answered your own inquiry, my son.
S: What?
ZMM: By asking your question about interrupting me, you have interrupted me.
S: Oh, sorry. I have a question about moving structures of varying size from place to place.
ZMM: If that it true, then you should consult a master who excels at such things. I suggest, you pay a visit to Master DotPuft, who has great knowledge in moving large metal structures, such as tracking radars, from place to place. Master DotPuft can also cause the slightest elements of a feather-weight strain gage to move with the force of a dove's breath. Turn right, then turn left when you reach the door of the hi-bay. There dwells Master DotPuft.
S: No, I mean moving large structures of varying sizes from place to place in the memory of a computer.
ZMM: I may assist you in that endeavor, if you wish. Describe your problem.
S: Specifically, I have a c function that I want to accept several different types of structs (they will be representing different type of packets). So my struct packets will be passed to my function as void*. But without knowing the type, I can't cast them, or really do much of anything. I know this is a solvable problem, because sento() from socket.h does exactly that:
ssize_t sendto(int socket, const void *message, size_t length, int flags, const struct sockaddr *dest_addr,socklen_t dest_len);
where sendto would be called like:
sendto(socketAddress, &myPacket, sizeof(myPacket), Other args....);
ZMM: Did you describe your problem to Zen Master MANTAR! ?
S: Yeah, he said, "It's just a pointer. Everything in C is a pointer." When I asked him to explain, he said, "Bok, bok, get the hell out of my office."
ZMM: Truly, you have spoken to the master. Did this not help you?
S: Um, er, no. Then I asked Zen Master Max.
ZMM: Wise is he. What was his advice to you useful?
S: No. When I asked him about sendto(), he just swirled his fists in the air. It's just an array of bytes."
ZMM: Indeed, Zen Master Max has tau.
S: Yeah, he has tau, but how do I deal with function arguments of type void*?
ZMM: To learn, you must first unlearn. The key is that you must realize that everything in a computer is just an array of bytes (or, words, or double words). Once you have a pointer to the beginning of a buffer, and the length of the buffer, you can sent it anywhere without a need to know the type of data placed in the buffer.
S: OK.
ZMM: Consider a string of man-readable text. "You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility." It is 82 bytes long. Or, perhaps, 164 if the evil Unicode is used. Guard yourself against the lies of Unicode! I can submit this text to sendto() by providing a pointer to the beginning of the buffer that contains the string, and the length of the buffer, like so:
char characterBuffer[300]; // 300 bytes
strcpy(characterBuffer, "You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility.");
// note that sizeof(characterBuffer) evaluates to 300 bytes.
sendto(socketAddress, &characterBuffer, sizeof(characterBuffer));
ZMM: Note well that the number of bytes of the character buffer is automatically calculated by the compiler. The number of bytes occupied by any variable type is of a type called "size_t". It is likely equivalent to the type "long" or "unsinged int", but it is compiler dependent.
S: Well, what if I want to send a struct?
ZMM: Let us send a struct, then.
int integerField; // 4 bytes
char characterField[300]; // 300 bytes
float floatField; // 4 bytes
} myStruct;
myStruct.integerField = 8765309;
strcpy(myStruct.characterField, "Jenny, I got your number.");
myStruct.floatField = 876.5309;
// sizeof(myStruct) evaluates to 4 + 300 + 4 = 308 bytes
sendto(socketAddress, &myStruct, sizeof(myStruct);
S: Yeah, that's great at transmitting things over TCP/IP sockets. But what about the poor receiving function? How can it tell if I am sending a character array or a struct?
ZMM: One way is to enumerate the different types of data that may be sent, and then send the type of data along with the data. Zen Masters refer to this as "metadata", that is to say, "data about the data". Your receiving function must examine the metadata to determine what kind of data (struct, float, character array) is being sent, and then use this information to cast the data back into its original type. First, consider the transmitting function:
} typeBeingSent;
typeBeingSent dataType;
char data[4096];
} Packet_struct;
Packet_struct myPacket;
myPacket.dataType = STRING_IN_THE_PACKET;
strcpy(, "Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring.");
sendto(socketAddress, myPacket, sizeof(Packet_struct);
myPacket.dataType = STRUCT_IN_THE_PACKET;
memcpy(, (void*)&myStruct, sizeof(myStruct);
sendto(socketAddress, myPacket, sizeof(Packet_struct);
S: All right.
ZMM: Now, just us walk along with the receiving function. It must query the type of the data that was sent and the copy the data into a variable declared of that type. Forgive me, but I forget the exact for of the recvfrom() function.
char[300] receivedString;
struct myStruct receivedStruct;
recvfrom(socketDescriptor, myPacket, sizeof(myPacket);
// note the cast of the void* data into type "character pointer"
&receivedString[0] = (char*)&;
printf("The string in the packet was \"%s\".\n", receivedString);
// note the case of the void* into type "pointer to myStruct"
memcpy(receivedStruct, (struct myStruct *)&, sizeof(receivedStruct));
ZMM: Have you achieved enlightenment? First, one asks the compiler for the size of the data (a.k.a. the number of bytes) to be submitted to sendto(). You send the type of the original data is sent along as well. The receiver then queries for the type of the original data, and uses it to call the correct cast from "pointer to void" (a generic pointer), over to the type of the original data (int, char[], a struct, etc.)
S: Well, I'll give it a try.
ZMM: Go in peace.