Vue.js sidebar transition - vue.js

I have a sidebar and a content inside a bootstrap row and I want to animate the toggle of the sidebar and to expand seamlessly the content container, I'm applying those transition classes:
.slide-fade-enter {
transform: translateX(100%);
position: relative;
.slide-fade-leave, .slide-fade-leave-to {
transform: translateX(-100%);
position: absolute;
but it flickers when expanding, you can see it here:
How can I prevent this?

Looks like you're doing some dirty stuff with flex and absolute positioning. I'd find a way to leave the sidebar as always absolutely (or relatively) positioned and figure out another way to collapse+expand it. The switch between absolute and relative is causing the rendering issue.


How to position multiple dialogs on the same page with Vuetify

I am building an in-app walkthrough with Vuetify. And I need to be able to define the position of many dialogs on the same page. I am able to custom position one dialog with this CSS overriding the default:
>>> .v-dialog {
position: absolute !important;
bottom: 0px !important;
right: 45px !important;
And I've tried to use custom classes, with the same css, but they won't work. I'm having to redefine the built in class, and so it will end up placing ALL the dialogs in the same spot which isn't what I want.

Theme style seems to override everything else

I am trying to give an element in my page a custom colour but all attempts are foiled by the Vuetify enforcing the important! on the component themes. I have followed the docs and tried:
then got desperate and tried
.selection {
color: red
.theme--light.v-list-item {
color: red
But the theme color just overrules everything by applying:
.theme--light.v-list-item:not(.v-list-item--active):not(.v-list-item--disabled) {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87) !important;
What do?
You can overwrite it by adding the same rule in your App.vue:
.theme--light.v-list-item:not(.v-list-item--active):not(.v-list-item--disabled) {
color: red !important;
Or you can increase specificity by adding your own class to that element:
<div class="custom-list-item"></div>
.custom-list-item {
color: red !important;
Or you can specifically change color of all elements inside it, if it works for you:
.theme--light.v-list-item * {
color: red !important;
One might work (but not a good practice at all):
.theme--light.v-list-item:not(.v-list-item--active):not(.v-list-item--disabled).selection {
color: red !important;
// it's more than Vuetify's style the `.selection` specificity
The answer I gave above will not work if you use scoped style
As working around myself, and have read a comment here. I don't think change Vuetify's style in a Vuetify component is easy. Instead, by using a Vuetify's component, you should predefine the colors you'll ever use, and then you could use those colors in the components you want.
To workaround without configuring Vuetify, then you can:
Combine inline style + !important
<v-list-item style="color: red !important">Content</v-list-item>
Don't use Vuetify's component, use vanilla html (for this component) instead

Scroll bar below fixed header with Vuetify + Electron

I am using Vuetify and Electron to make an app to help me with certain tasks at my job. I have disable the browserWindow frame and made my header the draggable area with a button to close the window. I am using the electron vuetify template
vue init vuetifyjs/electron
My problem is the scrollbar reaches all the way to the top but I would like it below my fixed header.
I have tried playing with overflow properties on the html, body, app div, and content div tags but i have not been successful.
How would I accomplish this?
This is purely a CSS question really as you can see this behaviour in the browser too with similar layouts. The easiest way to fix this is using a flex layout:
<div class="container">
<div class="titlebar"></div>
<div class="content">
<h1>So much content we scroll</h1>
<h1>So much content we scroll</h1>
<!-- etc -->
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden;
.container {
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.titlebar {
background-color: blue;
height: 35px;
flex-shrink: 0;
.content {
flex-grow: 1;
overflow-x: auto;
Check out this out in this CodePen
I'd like to offer a Vuetify specific answer for this question, this should apply whether or not Electron is involved.
Vuetify's default styles make this a bit more difficult than a simple CSS solution can give you, especially when the layout gets more complex.
For this example I'm using the complex layout from Vuetify's pre-defined themes here
Vuetify ships with an overflow-y: scroll on the html element so the first step is adding an override for this.
html {
overflow: hidden;
This will get rid of the bar on the right side that spans the whole height of the app.
Next you will want to set your v-content area as the scrollable area. There are a few gotchas to watch out for when you're setting this area:
Display flex is already declared
Vuetify sets padding in the style attribute so you'll need to override depending on your case
You'll need a margin the height of your header(only matters if you're changing header height from 64px)
You'll need to remove the header height from the height of the content container using calc(Same as above)
If you have a nav drawer on the right side you'll need to bind a class to take care of this.
My CSS for v-content looks like this, you will need an important to override the padding since it is set by Vuetify through style binding:
main.v-content {
width: 100vw;
height: calc(100vh - 64px);
flex-direction: column;
overflow: scroll;
margin-top: 64px;
padding-top: 0 !important;
I also have a class bound to the state of the temporary right drawer on the v-content tag in the template, this makes sure that the scroll bar doesn't disappear underneath the right nav drawer when it's open:
<v-content :class="{ draweropen: drawerRight }">
And the CSS for that bound class, once again you'll need an important to remove the default right padding Vuetify puts on v-content when the drawer is open:
.draweropen {
width: calc(100vw - 300px) !important;
padding-right: 0 !important;
You can optionally set the flex-direction to column-reverse if your content is bottom loaded like a chat which is what I'm doing in this CodePen Example
I built a little component that wraps the v-main and moves the scrollbar to the main container instead of the default (the entire html).
Simply replace v-main with this and you're done.
<v-main class="my-main">
<div class="my-main__scroll-container">
<slot />
export default {
mounted: function() {
let elHtml = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0] = 'hidden'
destroyed: function() {
let elHtml = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0] = null
height: 100vh
height: 100%
overflow: auto

Bootstrap 3 Modal - How to fill remaining body content with div without overlapping parent?

I am working on location picker inside modal popup using Bootstrap3 CSS and JQuery location picker. Normally Bootstrap3's modal body size expands if content needs it.
What I need to do is to force modal to have relative to screen size because initial DOM content is empty and is filled via JQuery (Google maps initialization).
The problem is, that when setting relevant divs to have style= height:100%, body is overlapping its parent with the exact height of its sibling modal headers div.
How to prevent such behaviour and make modal body fill free space and not overlap parent component?
Here is working example
Ok after some consulting I have found the workaround/answer.
The trick was to threat divs like table and table rows. After adding some additional styling, dialog looks exactly like it should.
And the css:
#location-picker .modal-content {
display: table;
width: 100%;
#location-picker .modal-dialog{
width: 80%;
height: 85%;
#location-picker .modal-body{
height: 100%;
display: table-row;
width: 100%;
#location-picker .row{
height: 100%;

How to create sticky header bar for a website

I want to create a sticky header bar for a website just like the sticky header on this website ( if any on can can help me out with coding or any resource that helps me to create the same. Your reply would be of great help to me.
In your CSS, add
position: fixed;
to your header element. It's just that simple, really.
And next time, try to use right click on something you see on website and choose "Inspect element". I think that every modern browser has it now. Very useful function.
If you want to make it sticky when it's scroll down to a certain point then you can use this function:
$window = $(window);
$window.scroll(function() {
$scroll_position = $window.scrollTop();
if ($scroll_position > 300) { // if body is scrolled down by 300 pixels
// to get rid of jerk
header_height = $('.your-header').innerHeight();
$('body').css('padding-top' , header_height);
} else {
$('body').css('padding-top' , '0');
And sticky class:
.sticky {
position: fixed;
z-index: 9999;
width: 100%;
You can use this plugin and it has some useful options
jQuery Sticky Header
CSS already gives you the answer. Try this out
.sticky {
position: -webkit-sticky;
position: sticky;
top: 0;
now add the class sticky to any menu sidebar or anything you want to stick to the top and it will automatically calculate the margin and stick to the top. Cheers.
If you want simplicity in a HTML and CSS option to create a Stiky NavBar you can use the following:
Just create a navbar like this one:
<nav class="zone blue sticky">
<ul class="main-nav">
<li>Our Team</li>
<li class="push">Contact</li>
Remember to add the classes in this case I created a Zone (to separate my HTML in specific areas I want my CSS to be applied) blue (just a color for the nav) and sticky which is the one that gonna carry our sticky function. You can work on other attributes you want to add is up to you.
On the CSS add the following to create the sticky; first I am gonna start with the zone tag
.zone {
/*padding:30px 50px;*/
border:1px solid #bbb;
transition: all 0.3s linear;
now with the sticky tag
.sticky {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
Position fixed meaning it will always be in the same position; and with top 0 I will always be at the top and a 100% width so it covers the whole screen.
And now the color to make our navbar blue
.blue {
background: #7abcff;
You can use this example to create a sticky navbar of yours and play around with the CSS properties to customize it to your liking.
Try This
Add this style to the corresponding
style="position: fixed; width: -webkit-fill-available"
position: fixed;
width: -webkit-fill-available;