I've seen similar questions to mine but the XML format has always been different, as the XML format I have does not follow the "standard" strcuture. My table looks like the following (single column with XML bracket as row values):
|<person name="bob" age="22" city="new york" occupation="student"></person>|
|<person name="bob" age="22" city="new york" occupation="student"></person>|
And the outcome I'm looking for is:
|Name|age|city |occupation|
|bob |22 |new york|student |
|bob |22 |new york|student |
I can create hardcoded script with these column names, but the problem is that I have over 20 tables that would then all require a custom script. My thinking is that there is a way where I can dynamically, taken into account destination table and a source table (xml), I could have a procedure where this data is generated.
Your question is not all clear...
As far as I understand, you have a variety of different XMLs and you want to read them generically. If this is true, I'd suggest for your next question, to reflect this in your sample data.
One general statement is: There is no way around dynamically created statements, in cases, where you want to set the descriptive elements of a resultset (in this case: the names of the columns) dynamically. T-SQL relies on some things you must know in advance.
Try this:
I set up a mockup scenario to simulate your issue (please try to do this yourself in your next question):
('One person',N'|<person name="bob" age="22" city="new york" occupation="student"></person>')
,('One more person','<person name="bob" age="22" city="new york" occupation="student"></person>')
,('One country','<country name="Germany" capital="Berlin" continent="Europe"></country>');
--this query relies on all possible attributes known in advance.
--common attributes, like the name, are returned for a person and for a country
--differing attributes return as NULL.
--One advantage might be, that you can use a specific datatype if appropriate.
,t.VAL.value('(/*[1]/#name)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS [name]
,t.VAL.value('(/*[1]/#age)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS [age]
,t.VAL.value('(/*[1]/#city)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS [city]
,t.VAL.value('(/*[1]/#occupation)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS [occupation]
,t.VAL.value('(/*[1]/#city)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS [city]
,t.VAL.value('(/*[1]/#capital)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS [capital]
,t.VAL.value('(/*[1]/#continent)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS [continent]
FROM #tbl t;
--This query returns as classical EAV (entity-attribute-value) list
--In this result you get each attribute on its own line
,A.attrs.value('local-name(.)','nvarchar(max)') AS AttrName
,A.attrs.value('.','nvarchar(max)') AS AttrValue
FROM #tbl t
CROSS APPLY t.VAL.nodes('/*[1]/#*') A(attrs);
Both approaches might be generated as a statement on string-level and then executed by EXEC() or sp_executesql.
Hint: One approach might be to insert the EAV list into a tolerant staging table and proceed from there with conditional aggregation, PIVOT or hardcoded VIEWs.
Dynamic approach
In order to read the <person> elements we would need this:
,t.VAL.value('(/*[1]/#name)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS [name]
,t.VAL.value('(/*[1]/#age)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS [age]
,t.VAL.value('(/*[1]/#city)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS [city]
,t.VAL.value('(/*[1]/#occupation)[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS [occupation]
FROM #tbl t
WHERE VAL.value('local-name(/*[1])','varchar(100)')='person';
All we have to do is to generate the changing part:
Try this:
A new mockup with a real table
('One person',N'|<person name="bob" age="22" city="new york" occupation="student"></person>')
,('One more person','<person name="bob" age="22" city="new york" occupation="student"></person>')
,('One country','<country name="Germany" capital="Berlin" continent="Europe"></country>');
--Filter for <person> entities
DECLARE #entityName NVARCHAR(100)='person';
--This is a string representing the command
***columns here***
FROM SimulateYourTable t
WHERE VAL.value(''local-name(/*[1])'',''varchar(100)'')=''***name here***''';
--with this we can create all the columns
--Hint: With SQL Server 2017+ there is STRING_AGG() - much simpler!
SELECT CONCAT(',t.VAL.value(''(/*[1]/#',Attrib.[name],')[1]'',''nvarchar(max)'') AS ',QUOTENAME(Attrib.[name]))
FROM SimulateYourTable t
CROSS APPLY t.VAL.nodes('//#*') AllAttrs(a)
CROSS APPLY (SELECT a.value('local-name(.)','varchar(max)')) Attrib([name])
WHERE VAL.value('local-name(/*[1])','varchar(100)')=#entityName
GROUP BY Attrib.[name]
--Now we stuff this into our command
SET #cmd=REPLACE(#cmd,'***columns here***',#columns);
SET #cmd=REPLACE(#cmd,'***name here***',#entityName);
--This is the command.
--Hint: You might use this to create physical VIEWs without the need to type them in...
PRINT #cmd;
You can use EXEC(#cmd) to execute this dynamic SQL and check the result.
My first xQuery, may be a bit basic, but it's the only time I need to use it at the moment)
SET #IdList =
What I want to do is:
SELECT * FROM [MyTable] WHERE [Id] IN ( /* This list of Id's in the XML */ );
What is the desired way to do this?
Note: The format of the XML (passed into a Stored Procedure from C#) is also under my control, so if there is a better structure (for performance), then please include details.
Also, there could be 1000's of Id's in the real list if that makes a difference..
If you're passing 1000's of Id's, I don't think this will be a stellar performer, but give it a try:
SET #IdList =
select * from mytable where id in
select cast(T.c.query('text()') as varchar(36)) as result from #idlist.nodes('/Ids/Id') as T(c)
You might look at table valued parameters as a better way, unless you already have your data in XML.
I am developing an sql server 2012 based application.
I am a newbie to SQl server. But the requirement is to use it.
One of the table I am using contains an XML Datatype column. However the data containing in that column may vary as per the xml element. The only thing in common is the root: For instance this is a sample data:
What I want to do is to query the whole table and fetch records that will match a specific key and a specific values sent by the user.
Please assist me.
Well it sounds like you need to use some variables to build an XQuery, yes? So, assuming you build a stored procedure or something which takes a pair of string arguments for key and value you could use the following example I've knocked up in SQL Fiddle so you can try it out.
DECLARE #key nvarchar(20)
DECLARE #value nvarchar(20)
SET #key = N'key5'
SET #value = N'Value5'
TagValue = T1.xmlcol.value('(/Tags/*[local-name()=sql:variable("#key")])[1]', 'varchar(10)')
T1.xmlcol.exist('/Tags/*[local-name()=sql:variable("#key")][text() = "Value5"]') = 1
I'm trying to query a table with a column which is xml data with the query and value functions. When using regular string literals it's all okay, but if I put that in a stored procedure and try to use variables it doesn't work.
I suppose I'm not using the correct datatype, but after some searching I can't figure out what datatype the query function wants.
table contains
| Id | xmldata |
| 1 | <data><node>value</node></data> |
now, using the select query
select id
from table
where xmldata.query('/data/node').value('.', 'VARCHAR(50)') = 'value'
gets me the data I want. But, if I use this in a stored procedure and use a parameter #xpath varchar(100) and pass that to the query method as xmldata.query(#xpath)
i get the error
The argument 1 of the xml data type method "query" must be a string literal.
I guess varchar(100) is not correct, but what datatype can I use that would make MSSQL happy?
Okay, so. Apparently you can't pass a parameter to the query method "just like that", but one can use the sql:variable in conjunction with local-name to work a part of it out. So, for instance, this will work
declare #xpath VarChar(100)
set #xpath='node'
select objectData.query('/data/*[local-name() = sql:variable("#xpath")]')
.value('.', 'varchar(100)') as xmldata
from table
and value is selected in the column xmldata. But(!) it requires that the root node is the first value in the query function. The following will not work
declare #xpath VarChar(100)
set #xpath='/data/node'
select objectData.query('*[local-name() = sql:variable("#xpath")]')
.value('.', 'varchar(100)') as xmldata
from table
notice how the query path is "moved up" to the variable. I will continue my investigations..
A literal is the opposite of a variable. The message means that you cannot pass a variable as the first argument to query.
One way around that is dynamic SQL:
declare #sql varchar(max)
set #sql = 'select id from table where xmldata.query(''' + #path +
''').value(''.'', ''VARCHAR(50)'') = ''value'''
exec #sql
As you can see, dynamic SQL does not result in very readable code. I would certainly investigate alternatives.
EDIT: Your suggestion of local-name() works for node names.
declare #nodename varchar(max)
set #nodename = 'node'
where xmldata.query('//*[local-name()=sql:variable("#nodename")]')
.value('.', 'varchar(50)') = 'value'
There doesn't seem to be an equivalent for paths.
I need to update an XML document stored in a Microsoft SQL Server database, however the vendor of the product chose to store the XML in a TEXT column.
I've been able to extract the TEXT into an XML-type variable and perform the update I need on the xml within this variable, but when I try to UPDATE the column to push the change back to the database, I run into trouble.
Looking through the documentation it appears that it's not possible to simply CAST/CONVERT an XML type variable to insert it into a TEXT column, but I would think there is some way to extract the xml "string" from the XML-type variable and UPDATE the column using this value.
Any suggestions are appreciated, but I would like to keep the solution pure SQL that it can be run directly (no C# custom function, etc.); just to keep the impact on the database minimal.
(note: isn't it a bit absurd that you can't just CAST XML as TEXT? I'm just saying...)
Casting the XML as VARCHAR(MAX) works.
declare #xml xml
declare #tblTest table (
Id int,
XMLColumn text
insert into #tblTest
(Id, XMLColumn)
(1, '<MyTest><TestNode>A</TestNode></MyTest>')
set #xml = '<MyTest><TestNode>A</TestNode><TestNode>B</TestNode></MyTest>'
update #tblTest
set XMLColumn = cast(#xml as varchar(max))
where Id = 1
select Id, XMLColumn from #tblTest