Find all instances of a word in a string and display them in textbox ( -

I have a string filled with the contents of a textbox (pretty large).
I want to search through it and display all occurances of this word. In addition I need the searchresult to display some charachters in the string before and after the actual searchterm to get the context for the word.
The code below is part of a code that takes keywords from a listbox one by one using For Each. The code displays the first occurance of a word together with the characters in front and after the word - and stop there. It will also display "no Match for: searched word" if not found.
As stated in the subject of this question - I need it to search the whole string and display all matches for a particular word together with the surrounding characters.
Where = InStr(txtScrape.Text, Search)
If Where <> 0 Then
txtScrape.SelectionStart = Where - 10
txtScrape.SelectionLength = Where + 50
Result = txtScrape.SelectedText
AllResults = AllResults + Result
AllResults = AllResults + "No Match for: " & item
End If

I recommend that you can split the string into long sentences by special symbols, such as , : ? .
You can refer to the following code.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
RichTextBox1.Text = ""
Dim Index As Integer
Dim longStr() As String
Dim str = TextBox3.Text
longStr = TextBox1.Text.Split(New Char() {CChar(":"), CChar(","), CChar("."), CChar("?"), CChar("!")})
Index = 0
For Each TheStr In longStr
If TheStr.Contains(str) Then
RichTextBox1.AppendText(longStr(Index) & vbCrLf)
End If
Index = Index + 1
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
TextBox1.Text = "....."
End Sub
End Class

Try like this:
Dim ArrStr() As String
Dim Index As Integer
Dim TheStr As String
Dim MatchFound As Boolean
MatchFound = False
ArrStr = Split(txtScrape.text," ")
Index = 1
For Each TheStr In ArrStr
If TheStr = Search Then
MatchFound = True
End If
Index = Index + 1
Inside the If statement you will get the index there. And MatchFound is the Boolean value if match found.


how to check checklistbox items using datagridview

I'm just a beginner for coding and I want to programmatically check items in checklistbox using datagridview.
Data grid view values are seperated with commas like this jhon,Metilda,saman,.
Checklistbox name as chklistinput and please help me to solve this ?
'Full coding is here..............................
Private Sub TextBox10_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox10.TextChanged
'this is ok and searching as I want
Dim SearchV As String = TextBox10.Text
SearchV = "%" + TextBox10.Text + "%"
Me.PassIssuingRecordTableAdapter.FillBy(Me.Database4DataSet.PassIssuingRecord, SearchV)
'But the problem bigins here
Dim areasback As String = DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(6).Value.ToString
Dim areasback1 As String() = areasback.Split(",")
For Each x In areasback1
For i = 0 To areasback.Count - 1
If chklistInput.Items(i).ToString() = x.ToString() Then
chklistInput.SetItemChecked(i, False)
End If
End Sub
You have to loop over chklistInput.Items.Count - 1 instead of areasback.Count - 1
use the following code:
Dim areasback As String = DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(6).Value.ToString
Dim areasback1 As String() = areasback.Split(",")
Dim intCount as integer = 0
For each str as string in areasback1
For intCount = 0 To chklistInput.Items.Count - 1
If chklistInput.Items(intCount).ToString() = str Then
chklistInput.SetItemChecked(intCount , True)
End If
Note: comparing is case sensitive

How to Replace string and loop between commas with another string

can you help me how to get Index of the same string and replace it one by one with another string?
Here my example code :
For i As Integer = 0 To 10
Dim str As String = "abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd"
Dim replace As String = "efgh"
Dim value As String
value = str.Replace("abcd", replace)
The value will be result : efgh,efgh,efgh,efgh,efgh...
How i can create the result like this :
for the next loop it will be like this :
for the next loop it will be like this :
Thank you
There are lots of ways this could be done. One perhaps inefficient way would be to split the string at the commas, replace the appropriate item in the resulting array, and then join the array back up.
Dim str As String = "abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd"
Dim replace As String = "efgh"
For i As Integer = 0 To str.Count(Function(x) x = ","c)
Dim strParts = str.Split(","c)
strParts(i) = replace
Dim value As String = String.Join(",", strParts)
As #Mark mentioned there are lots of ways this could be done. One of this ways to add and remove ranges in a string is to use the StringBuilder.
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
For i As Integer = 0 To 35 Step 5
Dim sDefaultString As String = "abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd"
Dim sbText = New StringBuilder(sDefaultString)
sbText.Remove(i, 4)
sbText.Insert(i, "efgh")
TextBox1.AppendText(sbText.ToString & vbNewLine)
End Sub
End Class

Using Functions in Visual Basic

The program I'm working on has two different functions, one that calculates the number of syllables in a text file, and another that calculates the readability of the text file based on the formula
206.835-85.6*(Number of Syllables/Number of Words)-1.015*(Number of Words/Number of Sentences)
Here are the problems I'm having:
I'm supposed to display the contents of the text file in a multi-line text box.
I'm supposed to display the answer I get from the function indexCalculation in a label below the text box.
I'm having trouble calling the function to actually have the program calculate the answer to be displayed in the label.
Here is the code I have so far.
Option Strict On
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ExitToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim open As New OpenFileDialog
open.Filter = "text files |project7.txt|All file |*.*"
open.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory)
If open.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim selectedFileName As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(open.FileName)
If selectedFileName.ToLower = "project7.txt" Then
Dim text As String = File.ReadAllText("Project7.txt")
Dim words = text.Split(" "c)
Dim wordCount As Integer = words.Length
Dim separators As Char() = {"."c, "!"c, "?"c, ":"c}
Dim sentences = text.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim sentenceCount As Integer = sentences.Length
Dim vowelCount As Integer = 0
For Each word As String In words
vowelCount += CountSyllables(word)
vowelCount = CountSyllables(text)
Label1.Show(indexCalculation(wordCount, sentenceCount, vowelCount))
MessageBox.Show("You cannot use that file!")
End If
End If
End Sub
Function CountSyllables(word As String) As Integer
word = word.ToLower()
Dim dipthongs = {"oo", "ou", "ie", "oi", "ea", "ee", _
"eu", "ai", "ua", "ue", "au", "io"}
For Each dipthong In dipthongs
word = word.Replace(dipthong, dipthong(0))
Dim vowels = "aeiou"
Dim vowelCount = 0
For Each c In word
If vowels.IndexOf(c) >= 0 Then vowelCount += 1
If vowelCount = 0 Then
vowelCount = 1
End If
Return vowelCount
End Function
Function indexCalculation(ByRef wordCount As Integer, ByRef sentenceCount As Integer, ByRef vowelCount As Integer) As Integer
Dim answer As Integer = CInt(206.835 - 85.6 * (vowelCount / wordCount) - 1.015 * (wordCount / sentenceCount))
Return answer
End Function
End Class
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Here are my suggestions:
update your indexCalculation function to take in Integers, not strings. that way you don't have to convert them to numbers.
remove all of your extra variables you are not using. this will clean things up a bit.
remove your streamreader. it appears you are reading the text via File.ReadAllText
Label1.Show(answer) should be changed to Label1.Show(indexCalculation(wordCount,sentenceCount,vowelCount)) -- unless Label1 is something other than a regular label, use Label1.Text = indexCalculation(wordCount,sentenceCount,vowelCount))
Then for the vowelCount, you need to do the following:
Dim vowelCount as Integer = 0
For Each word as String in words
vowelCount += CountSyllables(word)
Also, add the logic to the CountSyllables function to make it 1 if 0. If you don't want to include the last character in your vowel counting, then use a for loop instead of a for each loop and stop 1 character short.

Flesch Readability Index in Visual Basic

I'm working on a program that is supposed to perform the calculations for the Flesch Readability Index. The program is supposed to read in a text file "Project7.txt", it's then supposed to display the text in a multi-line text box and perform the following calculations:
Count the number of words in the file.
Count the number of syllables in the file.
Count the number of sentences in the file (a sentence can be ended by a ".", "?", "!", or ":"
The program is then supposed to plug the values into the following formula and display the result in a label (label1).
206.835-85.6*(Number of syllables/Number of words) - 1.015*(Number of words/Number of sentences)
Here is the code I have written so far.
Option Strict On
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub ExitToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ExitToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim open As New OpenFileDialog
open.Filter = "text files |project7.txt|All file |*.*"
open.InitialDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory)
If open.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim selectedFileName As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(open.FileName)
If selectedFileName.ToLower = "project7.txt" Then
Dim doc As String = ""
Dim line As String
Using reader As New StreamReader(open.OpenFile)
While Not reader.EndOfStream
doc += reader.ReadLine
End While
Dim text = File.ReadAllText("Project7.txt")
Dim words = text.Split(" "c)
Dim wordCount = words.Length
Dim separators As Char() = {"."c, "!"c, "?"c, ":"c}
Dim sentences = text.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim sentenceCount = sentences.Length
End Using
MessageBox.Show("You cannot use that file!")
End If
End If
End Sub
Function CountSyllables(word As String) As Integer
word = word.ToLower()
Dim dipthongs = {"oo", "ou", "ie", "oi", "ea", "ee", _
"eu", "ai", "ua", "ue", "au", "io"}
For Each dipthong In dipthongs
word = word.Replace(dipthong, dipthong(0))
Dim vowels = "aeiou"
Dim vowelCount = 0
For Each c In word
If vowels.IndexOf(c) >= 0 Then vowelCount += 1
Return vowelCount
End Function
End Class
Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance for the help.
Is the code always reporting one more sentence than there actually is?
If so take a look at this from the String.Split method MSDN docs:
When the Split function encounters two delimiters in a row, or a
delimiter at the beginning or end of the string, it interprets them as
surrounding an empty string ("")...
I'm sure your last sentence ends with your sentence delimiter so what's happening is your assignment to sentences is getting an extra, empty array element. See for yourself by breakpointing the line after your assignment and hovering your mouse over sentences. Examine the contents of the array.
The fix is to call Split with the option to remove empty array values. To do that though you'll need to call the Split overload that takes an array of Char for the delimiters:
Replace this line:
Dim sentences = text.Split("."c, "!"c, "?"c, ":"c)
With this:
Dim separators As Char() = {"."c, "!"c, "?"c, ":"c}
Dim sentences = text.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
And you should be good.

how to extract certain text from string

How do I filter/extract strings?
I have converted a PDF file into String using itextsharp and I have the text displayed into a Richtextbox1.
However there are too many irrelevant text that I don't need in the Richtextbox.
Is there a way I can display the text I want based on keywords, the entire length of the text.
Example of text that is displayed in textrichbox1 after conversation of PDF to text:
So the keywords would be "Bos", "Das", "774". and the new text that would be displayed in the richtextbox1 is shown below, instead of the entire text above.
Here is what I have so far. But it doesn't work it still displays the entire PDF in the richtextbox.
Public Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim pdffilename As String
pdffilename = TextBox1.Text
Dim filepath = "c:\temp\" & TextBox1.Text & ".pdf"
Dim thetext As String
thetext = GetTextFromPDF(filepath)
Dim lines() As String = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(thetext, Environment.NewLine)
Dim keywords As New List(Of String)
Dim newTextLines As New List(Of String)
For Each line As String In lines
For Each keyw As String In thetext
If line.Contains(keyw) Then
Exit For
End If
RichTextBox1.Text = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, newTextLines.ToArray)
End Sub
Thanks everyone for your help. Below is the code that worked and did exactly what I wanted it to do.
Public Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim pdffilename As String
pdffilename = TextBox1.Text
Dim filepath = "c:\temp\" & TextBox1.Text & ".pdf"
Dim thetext As String
thetext = GetTextFromPDF(filepath)
Dim re As New Regex("[\t ](?<w>((774)|(Bos)|(Das))[a-z0-9]*)[\t ]", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Compiled)
Dim Lines() As String = {thetext}
Dim words As New List(Of String)
For Each s As String In Lines
Dim mc As MatchCollection = re.Matches(s)
For Each m As Match In mc
RichTextBox1.Text = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, words.ToArray)
End Sub
For Each Word As String In thetext.Split(" ")
For Each key As String In keywords
If Word.StartsWith(key) Then
Continue For
End If
or using LINQ:
Dim q = From word In thetext.Split(" ")
Where keywords.Any(Function(s) word.StartsWith(s))
Select word
RichTextBox1.Text = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, q.ToArray())
If don't know the keywords in advance but know in which context they occur, you can find them with a Regex expression. Two very handy Regex expressions allow you to find occurences succeeding or preceeding another:
(?<=prefix)find finds a pattern that follows another.
find(?=suffix) finds a pattern that comes before another.
If your number keyword (774) always preceeds " SIZE" you can find it like this: \w+(?=\sSIZE).
If the other keywords are always between "EX " and " DETAILS" you can find them like this: (?<=EX\s)(\w+\s)+(?=DETAILS).
You can put the whole thing together like this: \w+(?=\sSIZE)|(?<=EX\s)(\w+\s)+(?=DETAILS).
The disadvantage is that the keywords between "EX " and "DETAILS" will be returned as one match. But you can split the matches afterwards as in:
Const input As String = "2 3 3 4 4 A A B B SHEET 1 OF 1 774 SIZE SCALE 24.000-47.999 12.000-23.999 CON BAG WIRE 90in. EX Bos00232940 Bos00320491 Das1234 Das3216 DETAILS 1 2 RAGE"
Dim matches = Regex.Matches(input, "\w+(?=\sSIZE)|(?<=EX\s)(\w+\s)+(?=DETAILS)")
For Each m As Match In matches
Dim words = m.Value.Split(" "c)
For Each word As String In words
If word.Length > 0 Then ' Suppress the last empty word.
End If
How to do it with regular expression...
Dim re As New Regex("[\t ](?<w>((774)|(Bos)|(Das))[a-z0-9]*)[\t ]", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture Or RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.Compiled)
Private Sub test()
Dim Lines() As String = {"2 3 3 4 4 A A B B SHEET 1 OF 1 774 SIZE SCALE 24.000-47.999 12.000-23.999 CON BAG WIRE 90in. EX Bos00232940 Bos00320491 Das1234 Das3216 DETAILS 1 2 RAGE"}
Dim words As New List(Of String)
For Each s As String In Lines
Dim mc As MatchCollection = re.Matches(s)
For Each m As Match In mc
End Sub
Regex break down...
[\t ] Single tab or space (there is an alternative for whitespace too)
(?<w> Start of capture group called "w" This the the text returned later in the "m.Groups"
((774)|(Bos)|(Das)) one of the 3 blobs of text
[a-z0-9]* any a-z or 0-9 character, * = any number of them
) End of Capture group "w" from above.