Macro to close all open Modules - vba

Prior to 2017 I had a VBA macro routine that would close all open VBA modules (except the one containing the macro).
It looked SOMETHING like this:
Sub Close_Modules_1()
Dim iTemp As Integer
For iTemp = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBE.Windows.Count To 1 Step -1
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBE
.Windows (iTemp) '<- Invalid use of property
End With
Debug.Print "Done."
End Sub
Can anyone provide a working routine that closes all VBA modules? I've ended up with over 100 open modules at times.
Did Microsoft in its wisdom make acting on modules illegal in Excel 2016/2019/Excel 365?
Thanks in advance for helpful ideas.

Use this:
Private Sub X_Click()
Dim iTemp As Integer
For iTemp = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBE.Windows.Count To 1 Step -1
Debug.Print ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBE.Windows(iTemp).Caption
If InStr(ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBE.Windows(iTemp).Caption, "(") > 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Do not forget to check this option first:


Word VBA delete hidden bookmarks before closing

I want to set up a VBA so that for any document based on a template hidden bookmarks are deleted prior to the document closing. We publish documents on our website. They are written as Word and an API converts them to html. If there are hidden bookmarks they appear as links on the website (the hidden bookmarks convert to html anchors). Currently we remove the bookmarks manual prior to the API, but this is time consuming (we publish 1000s of documents a year) and ineffective (people forget).
I found VBA to remove hidden bookmarks which works and tried to add DocumentBeforeClose as the trigger. But it doesn't work:
Private Sub DocumentBeforeClose(cancel As Boolean)
Dim nBK As Long
With ActiveDocument
For nBK = .Bookmarks.Count To 1 Step -1
If LCase(Left(.Bookmarks(nBK).Name, 3)) = "_hl" Then
End If
Next nBK
End With
End Sub
I went through Visual Basic Window, Normal, Microsoft Word Objects, ThisDocument.
Nothing happens, the hidden bookmarks remain if I close and re-open the document.
I think you need to add this line :
.Bookmarks.ShowHidden = True
Like this it should work :
Private Sub DocumentBeforeClose(cancel As Boolean)
Dim nBK As Long
With ActiveDocument
.Bookmarks.ShowHidden = True
For nBK = .Bookmarks.Count To 1 Step -1
If LCase(Left(.Bookmarks(nBK).Name, 3)) = "_hl" Then
End If
Next nBK
End With
End Sub
This has solved it:
Sub AutoClose()
On Error Resume Next
Dim nBK As Long
With ActiveDocument
.bookmarks.ShowHidden = True
For nBK = .bookmarks.Count To 1 Step -1
If LCase(Left(.bookmarks(nBK).Name, 3)) = "_hl" Then
End If
Next nBK
End With
End Sub
Only issue is that it tries to run when you open a document and puts up an error message that there is no active document. 'On error resume next' is to stop that error message

Delete All Word Macros that are locked with a KNOWN PASSWORD

I have VBA code that is protected and I want to distribute the file once all the code runs, however, I want to remove all the macros before I do so that the user is not prompted to "enable" macros when they open the document.
I have this code that works if the project is "unlocked" but of course it will not work if the project is not unlocked.
I want to be able to UNLOCK the project then have the code below run. Again, I know the password.
This is a unique situation in that I have quite a few pieces of code and functions that run to perform a scan of another document. I think copy the results of the scanned document that includes comments and highlighted text into the existing document that contains all the code. I then want to remove all traces of itself so that the saved document contains no VBA or Macros.
Private Sub NothingHere(objDocument As Object)
' deletes all VBProject components from objDocument
' removes the code from built-in components that can't be deleted
' use like this: RemoveAllMacros ActiveWorkbook ' in Excel
' or like this: RemoveAllMacros ActiveWorkbookDocument ' in Word
' requires a reference to the
' Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility library
Dim i As Long, l As Long
If objDocument Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
i = 0
On Error Resume Next
i = objDocument.VBProject.VBComponents.Count
On Error GoTo 0
If i < 1 Then ' no VBComponents or protected VBProject
MsgBox "The VBProject in " & objDocument.Name & _
" is protected or has no components!", _
vbInformation, "Remove All Macros"
Exit Sub
End If
With objDocument.VBProject
For i = .VBComponents.Count To 1 Step -1
On Error Resume Next
.VBComponents.Remove .VBComponents(i)
' delete the component
On Error GoTo 0
Next i
End With
With objDocument.VBProject
For i = .VBComponents.Count To 1 Step -1
l = 1
On Error Resume Next
l = .VBComponents(i).CodeModule.CountOfLines
.VBComponents(i).CodeModule.DeleteLines 1, l
' clear lines
On Error GoTo 0
Next i
End With
End Sub

Can I get the text of the comments in the VBA code

Lets say I have the following:
Public Sub Information()
End Sub
Is there a way to get "TEST" as a result?
Somehow through VBA?
E.g. - In PHP there is a good way to take the comments. Any ideas here?
There should be a way, because tools like MZ-Tools are able to provide the comments when they generate the documentation.
You need to parse the code yourself, using the VBA Extensibility library (aka "VBIDE API"). Add a reference to the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extentibility 5.3 type library, and then you can access types such as CodePane and VBComponent:
Sub FindComments()
Dim component As VBComponent
For Each component In Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents
Dim contents As String
contents = component.CodeModule.Lines(1, component.CodeModule.CountOfLines)
'"contents" now contains a string with the entire module's code.
Debug.Print ParseComments(contents) 'todo
End Sub
Once you have a module's contents, you need to implement logic to find comments... and that can be tricky - here's some sample code to play with:
Sub Test()
Dim foo 'this is comment 1
'this _
is _
comment 2
Debug.Print "This 'is not a comment'!"
'..and here's comment 3
REM oh and guess what, a REM instruction is also a comment!
Debug.Print foo : REM can show up at the end of a line, given an instruction separator
End Sub
So you need to iterate the lines, track whether the comment is continuing on the next line / continued from the previous line, skip string literals, etc.
Have fun!
After some tests, I got to this solution:
simply pass the name of the code-module to the function and it will print all comment lines. Inline comments won't work(you have to change the condition)
Function findComments(moduleName As String)
Dim varLines() As String
Dim tmp As Variant
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(moduleName).CodeModule
'split the lines of code into string array
varLines = Split(.lines(1, .CountOfLines), vbCrLf)
End With
'loop through lines in code
For Each tmp In varLines
'if line starts with '
If Trim(tmp) Like "'*" Then
'print comment line
Debug.Print Trim(tmp)
End If
Next tmp
End Function
You can use Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility to examine code at runtime:
'Requires reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility
'and trusted access to VBA project object model.
Public Sub Information()
End Sub
Public Sub Example()
Dim module As CodeModule
Set module = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents(Me.CodeName).CodeModule
Dim code As String
code = module.lines(module.ProcStartLine("Information", vbext_pk_Proc), _
module.ProcCountLines("Information", vbext_pk_Proc))
Dim lines() As String
lines = Split(code, vbCrLf)
Dim line As Variant
For Each line In lines
If Left$(Trim$(line), 1) = "'" Then
Debug.Print "Found comment: " & line
End If
End Sub
Note that the above example assumes that it's running in a Worksheet or Workbook code module (hence Me when locating the CodeModule). The best method for locating the correct module will depend on where you want to locate the procedure.
You could try with reading line by line of code in your module. Here is just idea returning first comment for further improvements:
Sub callIt()
Debug.Print GetComment("Module1")
End Sub
Function GetComment(moduleName As String)
Dim i As Integer
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(moduleName).CodeModule
For i = 1 To .CountOfLines
If Left(Trim(.Lines(i, 1)), 1) = "'" Then
'here we have comments
'return the first one
GetComment = .Lines(i, 1)
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End With
End Function
Important! in Reference window add one to 'Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility'.

Remove specific code from a module VBA using .DeleteLines

I'd like to use the .DeleteLinesfunction in VBA. As I'm not deleting all the lines in the module i need a targeted approach. I assume there is a function like Find("FooBar").LineNumber, however I can't find it here/with google:
Sub Deletings()
With Workbooks("ClassExperiment.xlsm").VBProject.VBComponents("Module2").CodeModule
.DeleteLines(HowDoIGetThisValue, 0)
End With
End Sub
Help appreciated.
If you're removing the entire procedure, you can find its location with the ProcStartLine property and the line count with ProcCountLines.
Dim module As CodeModule
Set module = Workbooks("ClassExperiment.xlsm").VBProject.VBComponents("Module2").CodeModule
Dim start As Long
Dim lines As Long
With module
start = .ProcStartLine("button_Click", vbext_pk_Proc)
lines = .ProcCountLines("button_Click", vbext_pk_Proc)
.DeleteLines start, lines
End With
This should be obvious, but I'll throw it out there anyway. Do not use this (or any other method) to alter the module that the code is running from in Debug mode. This is a good way to break your workbook.
Sub test()
Dim vb As VBComponent
Dim i As Integer
Set vb = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Module2")
For i =vb.CodeModule.CountOfLines to 1 step -1
If InStr(1, vb.CodeModule.Lines(i, 1), "' remove") <> 0 Then
vb.CodeModule.DeleteLines i, 1
End If
Next i
End Sub
I would of also suggested using a condition statement to allow execution of the code line, rather than deleting it, when is it put back? this could cause issues if you wish to automate that bit, as you'll need to know where it came from.

How to test for existence of VBA in Excel workbook, in VBA?

I am writing a reporting tool to document Excel files for various "compliance criteria", including wkb.VBProject.Protection to report if the VBA is locked.
But how can I find if the workbook HAS any project ?
If I calculate
wkb.VBProject.VBComponents.Count - wkb.Worksheets.Count - 1 '(for the workbook)
that will give me the number of modules + class modules + forms, but I could still have some code behind a sheet.
Is there a way in Excel - like Access frm.HasModule - to find out if there's any VBA code in the workbook ?
Excel 2007+ has a new workbook property called ".HasVBProject" that you can enquire.
For Excel 2003 and earlier the above solution testing for lines of code in the CodeModule of any of the VBComponents of the workbook is appropriate.
You should test the ".CountOfLines" property all alone, since lines of code in the Declaration section of a code module (obtained via ".CountOfDeclarationLines") are considered by Excel as "Macro code" and require saving to macro-enabled formats.
Public Function HasVBProject(Optional pWorkbook As Workbook) As Boolean
' Checks if the workbook contains a VBProject.
On Error Resume Next
Dim wWorkbook As Workbook
Dim wVBComponent As VBIDE.VBComponent ' As Object if used with Late Binding
' Default.
HasVBProject = False
' Use a specific workbook if specified, otherwise use current.
If pWorkbook Is Nothing _
Then Set wWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook _
Else Set wWorkbook = pWorkbook
If wWorkbook Is Nothing Then GoTo EndFunction
If (VBA.CInt(Application.Version) >= 12) _
' The next method only works for Excel 2007+
HasVBProject = wWorkbook.HasVBProject
' Signs the workbook has a VBProject is code in any of the VBComponents that make up this workbook.
For Each wVBComponent In wWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
If (wVBComponent.CodeModule.CountOfLines > 0) _
' Found a sign of programmer's activity. Mark and quit.
HasVBProject = True: Exit For
End If
Next wVBComponent
End If
Set wVBComponent = Nothing
Set wWorkbook = Nothing
End Function
I've used the following to count the total number of lines in a project before. It will pick up code in ThisWorkbook, code modules, class modules and forms.
Private Sub countCodeLines()
Dim obj As Object
Dim VBALineCount As Long
For Each obj In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
VBALineCount = VBALineCount + obj.CodeModule.CountOfLines
Next obj
Debug.Print VBALineCount
End Sub
Note however that if your workbooks have Option Explicit forced then this will count as two lines per object (Option Explicit and a line feed). If you know this to be the case, and are checking the LOC from another project, then you could simply count the number of objects, double it and test that VBALineCount does not exceed this number.
After Lunatik's hint, here's my final function (for whom it may help):
Function fTest4Code(wkb As Workbook) As Boolean
'returns true if wkb contains VBA code, false otherwise
Dim obj As Object
Dim iCount As Integer
For Each obj In wkb.VBProject.VBComponents
With obj.CodeModule
'# lines - # declaration lines > 2 means we do have code
iCount = iCount + ((.CountOfLines - .CountOfDeclarationLines) > 2)
End With
If iCount 0 Then Exit For 'stop when 1st found
Next obj
fTest4Code = CBool(iCount)
End Function