Based on this issue about using NSString formatting I try to implement multiplatform implementation for formatting when using vararg, with no luck so far.
What I did
added FoundationInterop.def
language = Objective-C
#import <Foundation/NSString.h>
NSString* format(NSString* format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
NSString* result = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:args];
return result;
compiled it in gradle
targets {
final def iOSTarget = System.getenv('SDK_NAME')?.startsWith("iphoneos") \
? presets.iosArm64 : presets.iosX64
fromPreset(iOSTarget, 'ios') {
binaries {
compilations.main.cinterops {
FoundationInterop {
Created StringExtensions.kt in commonMain
expect class StringType
expect fun String.format(format: String, vararg args: Any?): StringType?
in iosMain
actual typealias StringType = String
actual fun String.format(format: String, vararg args: Any?): StringType? {
return FoundationInterop.format(format, args as Any)
val fmt = ""
val url = fmt.format(urlFmt, 59.127934932762166, 38.00503518930868, 2020, 1, 3)
output - as you see no values substitutions occured for some reason
stringWithFormat gives the same result
actual fun String.format(format: String, vararg args: Any?): StringType? {
return NSString.stringWithFormat(format, args as Any)
Edit 2
Created issue
I confirm what you say about NSString.stringWithFormat. The feature is missing as we read in the JB offical answer from
Svyatoslav Scherbina and we could follow the issue from you here: KT-42925
As an awful workaround, I was suggesting something like that (WARNING: not exhaustive, without many index count checks...)
import platform.Foundation.NSString
import platform.Foundation.stringWithFormat
actual typealias StringType = String
actual fun String.format(format: String, vararg args: Any?): StringType? {
var returnString = ""
val regEx = "%[\\d|.]*[sdf]|[%]".toRegex()
val singleFormats = regEx.findAll(format).map {
val newStrings = format.split(regEx)
for (i in 0 until args.count()) {
val arg = args[i]
returnString += when (arg) {
is Double -> {
NSString.stringWithFormat(newStrings[i] + singleFormats[i], args[i] as Double)
is Int -> {
NSString.stringWithFormat(newStrings[i] + singleFormats[i], args[i] as Int)
else -> {
NSString.stringWithFormat(newStrings[i] + "%#", args[i])
return returnString
But look if it could be a valid workaround for you.
You can't forward Kotlin variadic arguments to C or Objective-C. C variadics are compile time.
It is not a Kotlin-specific limitation. You can't call a variadic C function from another variadic C function with forwarding all the arguments.
NSString.stringWithFormat(format, args as Any)
This is not correct.
This line takes args (which is an Array), casts it to Any and passes as a single argument.
So this is mostly equivalent to something like
[NSString stringWithFormat:format, createKotlinArray(/* all arguments here */)]
which doesn't do what you expect.
So KT-42925 is not valid.
Your problem could possibly be solved by one of the missing features:
Common String.format in stdlib (KT-25506). But this is not easy.
Support for building va_list dynamically, e.g. from Kotlin Array (KT-42973). In this case it would be easy to use this variant:
Simply, I want a function like:
fun <T> convert(val foo: String, fooT: KType) : T {
For Int, it would return foo.toInt(), for Double, foo.toDouble(), and to some unknown type, just throw an exception. I think it's not so hard to create my own switch statement for the types I expect, but out of curiosity - is there a way already?
Recommended way
Unfortunately, there's no easy generic way because we're not dealing with casts, but method calls. This would be my approach:
fun <T> convert(str: String, type: KType) : T {
val result: Any = when (type.jvmErasure)
Long::class -> str.toLong()
Int::class -> str.toInt()
Short::class -> str.toShort()
Byte::class -> str.toByte()
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("'$str' cannot be converted to $type")
return result as T // unchecked cast, but we know better than compiler
fun main() {
val int = convert<Int>("32", typeOf<Int>())
println("converted: $int")
Instead of a KType parameter, you could also use a Class<T> and make the function reified, so it can be called as convert<Int>("32") or even "32".toGeneric<Int>().
Hardcore way
While there is no easy way, it is possible to access the type using heavy reflection and relying on implementation details. For this, we can extract the type name from the KType object, find an extension method (in a different class) that matches, and call it using reflection.
We have to use to*OrNull() instead of to*(), because the latter is inline and won't be found by reflection. Also, we need to resort to Java reflection -- at this time, Kotlin reflection throws UnsupportedOperationException for the types involved.
I do not recommend this in productive code, as it's inefficient and can break with future standard library versions, but it's a nice experiment:
fun convert(str: String, type: KType): Any {
val conversionClass = Class.forName("kotlin.text.StringsKt")
// here, the to*OrNull() methods are stored
// we effectively look for static method*OrNull(String)
val typeName = type.jvmErasure.simpleName
val funcName = "to${typeName}OrNull" // those are not inline
val func = try {
conversionClass.getMethod(funcName, // Java lookup
} catch (e: NoSuchMethodException) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Type $type is not a valid string conversion target")
func.isAccessible = true // make sure we can call it
return func.invoke(null, str) // call it (null -> static method)
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("'$str' cannot be parsed to type $type")
I'm attempting to write an invocation handler that uses a map (supplied at runtime) to implement an interface's getters.
This very crudely works. I know the basic types that may be returned, so I'm OK with having a when expression.
I haven't found a way to avoid using the name of the class as the subject of the when expression; is there a better way?
class DynamicInvocationHandler<T>(private val delegate: Map<String, Any>, clzz: Class<T>) : InvocationHandler {
val introspector = Introspector.getBeanInfo(clzz)
val getters = { it.readMethod }
override fun invoke(proxy: Any, method: Method, args: Array<Any>?): Any? {
if (method in getters) {
// get the value from the map
val representation = delegate[]
// TODO need better than name
when (method.returnType.kotlin.simpleName) {
LocalDate::class.simpleName -> {
val result = representation as ArrayList<Int>
return LocalDate.of(result[0], result[1], result[2])
// TODO a few other basic types like LocalDateTime
// primitives come as they are
else -> return representation
return null
You can use the types instead of the class names in the when statement. After a type is matched, Kotlin smart cast will automatically cast it
val temporal: Any? =
when (temporal){
is LocalDate -> println("dayOfMonth: ${temporal.dayOfMonth}")
is LocalTime -> println("second: ${temporal.second}")
is LocalDateTime -> println("dayOfMonth: ${temporal.dayOfMonth}, second: ${temporal.second}")
when expressions support any type (unlike Java's switch), so you can just use the KClass instance itself:
when (method.returnType.kotlin) {
LocalDate::class -> {
This declaration works, but is not the most beautiful code. Is there a way to return functions less ugly? I tried (s: String) -> writer.println(s) but this didn't work.
val writeStuff: (PrintWriter) -> (String) -> Unit = {
val writer = it
val f: (String) -> Unit = {
PrintWriter("test").use { writeStuff(it)("TEST") }
EDIT: a bit more concrete example:
val writeStuff: (PrintWriter) -> (String) -> Unit = { writer ->
{ writer.println(it) }
val sendStuff: (Any) -> (String) -> Unit = { sender ->
{ sender.equals(it) }
#Test fun test1() {
val li = listOf("a", "b", "c")
val process: List<(String) -> Unit> =
listOf(writeStuff(PrintWriter("a")), sendStuff(Object())) { }
First, you can simplify your code using lambda syntax with explicit parameter and inlining val f:
val writeStuff: (PrintWriter) -> (String) -> Unit = { writer ->
{ writer.println(it) }
But since Kotlin supports local function declarations, you can even make writeStuff a local fun instead of a val.
This would lead to the following code:
fun writeStuff(writer: PrintWriter): (String) -> Unit {
return { writer.println(it) }
Or, using the single expression syntax,
fun writeStuff(writer: PrintWriter): (String) -> Unit = { writer.println(it) }
The usage, however, will be the same:
PrintWriter("...").use { writeStuff(it)("...") }
I stumbled across this question while trying to figure out how to return a Function (the java interface) in Kotlin. While this doesn't directly answer the question, hopefully it'll help someone else who has the same query:
override fun myFun(param1: Object): Function<in Object, out String?> {
if (!param1.meetsCriteria())
return Function { obj -> null }
return Function { obj ->
In this case, I was overriding a method in a java interface that required me to return a Function instance. (Note that since the param is not used in my particular implementation above, I could remove it and just have the return result. eg return Function { null })
Edit: After some research, it turns out Kotlin covers this subject with their discussion on "SAM (single abstract method) conversions" here and here, though it may not be the most intuitive thing to look up when figuring out how to return Functions.
To read Stars from a file in the Facebook Hacker Cup's 2016 Boomerang Constelations problem, following extension function can be defined:
fun BufferedReader.readStars(n: Int): Set<Star> {
return Array(n) {
val (l1, l2) = readLine().split(" ").map { it.toInt() }
Star(l1, l2)
Code is compact but the values are first read into an array and then converted to a HashSet. Is there a way to directly initialize a HashSet with the size of n and initializator function in Kotlin?
UPDATE: Is there an existing way in standard Kotlin libs?
You can always use apply to initialize objects in-place:
HashSet<Star>(n).apply {
repeat(n) {
val (l1, l2) = readLine()!!.split(' ').map { it.toInt() }
put(Star(l1, l2))
If that's too inconvenient too type every time, write an extension function:
inline fun <T> createHashSet(n : Int, crossinline fn: (Int) -> T) = HashSet<T>(n).apply {
repeat(n) { add(fn(it)) }
createHashSet<Star>(n) {
val (l1, l2) = readLine()!!.split(' ').map { it.toInt() }
Star(l1, l2)
Since HashSet is a java class so you can only initialize it in a way provided by JDK.
While there's no helper method in Kotlin runtime it's easy to write it yourself like so:
public fun <T> hashSetOf(size: Int, initializer: (Int) -> T): HashSet<T> {
val result = HashSet<T>(size)
0.rangeTo(size - 1).forEach {
return result
As #miensol has pointed out HashSet initialization is limited to the constructors made available by the JDK. Kotlin has added a hashSetOf function which initializes an empty HashSet and then adds the specified elements to it.
To avoid first reading the values into an array you can use a kotlin.Sequence who's "values are evaluated lazily":
fun BufferedReader.readStars(n: Int): Set<Star> {
return lineSequence().take(n).map {
val (l1, l2) = it.split(" ").map { it.toInt() }
Star(l1, l2)
It seems like you are asking an XY question ( You really want to know how to write readStars in the most efficient way, but instead you ask about HashSet. I think #mfulton26 answers your question as well depending on what is being asked.
Here is the answer for "how do I write this in the most efficient way:"
You have two options. First, a version that auto-closes the stream at the end:
fun BufferedReader.readStars(n: Int): Set<Star> {
return use {
lineSequence().map { line ->
val idx = line.indexOf(' ')
Star(line.substring(0, idx).toInt(), line.substring(idx + 1).toInt())
And second, a version that does not:
fun BufferedReader.readStars(n: Int): Set<Star> {
return lineSequence().map { line ->
val idx = line.indexOf(' ')
Star(line.substring(0, idx).toInt(), line.substring(idx+1).toInt())
Neither version creates an array, neither do they make copies of data. They stream the data through a sequence which creates the Set and fills it directly.
Other notes
No need to use split if you are really concerned about allocations and performance. Just use indexOf(char) and split the string yourself using substring.
If you do a split, then please use split(char) not split(String) when you are looking to split on a char
Supposing I have a class in Objective-c with a static method like this:
+ (NSError *)executeUpdateQuery:(NSString *)query, ...;
How do I call that from Swift? The autocomplete doesn't recognise it, and the compiler is unhappy with:
Complaining that 'MyClassName.Type does not have a member named executeUpdateQuery'
Write a va_list version of your variadic method;
+ (NSError *)executeUpdateQuery:(NSString *)query, ...
va_list argp;
va_start(argp, query);
NSError *error = [MyClassName executeUpdateQuery: query args:argp];
return error;
+ (NSError *)executeUpdateQuery:(NSString *)query args:(va_list)args
return nil;
This can then be called from Swift
MyClassName.executeUpdateQuery("query %d, %d %d", args: getVaList([1,2,3,4]))
Add an extension to support native Swift variadic args:
protocol CFormatFunction {
class func executeUpdateQuery(_ format: String, _ args: CVarArg...) -> NSError?
extension MyClassName : CFormatFunction {
class func executeUpdateQuery(_ format: String, _ args: CVarArg...) -> NSError?
return withVaList(args) { MyClassName.executeUpdateQuery(format, args: $0) }
MyClassName.executeUpdateQuery("query %d %# %.2f", 99, "Hello", 3.145)
Be careful, Swift doesn't provide NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION warnings (-Wformat)
MyClassName.executeUpdateQuery("query %#", 99)
CVArgType is useful in presenting C "varargs" APIs natively in
Swift. (Swift Docs)
If you have
+ (int)f1:(int)n, ...;
you first need to make a va_list version:
+ (int)f2:(int)n withArguments:(va_list)arguments
This can be done without duplicating code by calling the va_list version from the variadic version. If you didn't write the original variadic function it may not be possible (explained in this reference).
Once you have this method, you can write this Swift wrapper:
func swiftF1(x: Int, _ arguments: CVarArgType...) -> Int {
return withVaList(arguments) { YourClassName.f2(x, withArguments :$0) }
Note the omitted external parameter name (_ before arguments), which makes the call syntax for swiftF1 just like a normal C variadic function:
swiftF1(2, some, "other", arguments)
Note also that this example doesn't use getVaList because the docs say it is "best avoided."
You can further put this function in a Swift extension of the original class, if you want.
In Objective C
+ (BOOL)executeSQL:(NSString *)sql args:(va_list)args;
+ (BOOL)executeSQL:(NSString *)sql args:(va_list)arguments
NSLogv(sql, arguments);
sql = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:sql arguments:arguments];
Swift - add in its class
Works perfect
protocol CFormatFunction {
class func executeSQLArg(format: String, _ args: CVarArgType...) -> Bool
extension MyClassName : CFormatFunction {
class func executeSQLArg(format: String, _ args: CVarArgType...) -> Bool
return MyClassName(format, args:getVaList(args))
How to use
MyClassName.executeSQLArg(query, "one","two",3)
Objetive C
[MyClassName executeSQLArg:query, #"one",#"two",#3]