how to change color of Struts 1.3 HTML Radio button - struts

I am using Apache Struts, version 1.3 HTML form.
I'd like to change the color of the radio button. Please see below, the line of code corresponding to the radio button :
<html:radio property="search.dateRange" style = "color:red;" value="demo" />
I was expecting the radio button to be red, but it does not work.

<html:radio property="search.dateRange" style = "accent-color:red;" value="demo" />


Codename one Radio Buttons in a ButtonGroup

#Shai According to the image below got from CleanMordern Project.
how can I style my radio buttons using CSS to look exactly as Shai did his,
and also make actions on each button to show different container when pressed
ButtonGroup barGroup = new ButtonGroup();
RadioButton all = RadioButton.createToggle("All", barGroup);
RadioButton featured = RadioButton.createToggle("Featured", barGroup);
RadioButton popular = RadioButton.createToggle("Popular", barGroup);
RadioButton myFavorite = RadioButton.createToggle("My Favorites", barGroup);
Label arrow = new Label(res.getImage("news-tab-down-arrow.png"), "Container");
GridLayout.encloseIn(4, all, featured, popular, myFavorite),
You can open the theme file in the designer tool and just copy the styling from there. I implemented this using image backgrounds to keep some pixels free for the arrow on the bottom.
If you look at the theme you will see I just placed a background image that's solid red on top and has a white bottom. Then I have a separate "arrow" image which is animated with the code to the selected button on every click. Everything else is just colors and fonts which is trivial.

Handle click a button or undeline text in webview react_native

I need 1 feature as follows: Click a button or underline text in my webview and console this click. example :
Click "Xem chi tiết" => show a alert "you clicked xemchitiet".
XemChitiet is a "href" or "button" or "element tag html". This my code:
source={{html: '<h1>Xem lí thuyết các loại nhiễm điện</h1><a style=\"text-decoration:underline\">Xem chi tiết</a>'}}
You need a React-Webview bridge to accomplish that, take look into react-native-webview-bridge.

apex 5.0.1 and css class for HTML button

in apex 4.2.3 i can add class to my button using
Button style : HTML button
Button CSS Classes : myclass
in apex 5
Button style is changed by Button template (HTML button (legacy - APEX5 migration)
==> Where can i put my button css class ?
CSS Classes is hidden by default to display it we have to do one of the two things
1- click on Show all
2- click on "Go to group" then "Appearance"

Is there any analog to property binding via fxml in JavaFX?

In JavaFX property can be bound to some observable value.
Label l = new Label();
l.setText("123"); // show label
l.setText("1234"); // hide label
Recently I have discovered that binding can be done not only in code but in FXML markup document.
<!-- Label is visible only if input is visible. -->
<Label l="Please input some value:" visible="${value.visible}" />
<TextField fx:id="value" />
Is there similar feature in another languages and markup tools or that is kind of oracle innovation? :-)
update: I added XAML tag because I guess it has something similar.
I have found out that QML has the same feature.

Getting a selected radio buttons label?

I have a group of radio buttons and I am getting the selected one out of this group like this:
var selectedRadio= Form.getInputs('my_form','radio','options[22]').find(function(radio) {
return radio.checked;
Now there is a label for each of the radio buttons and I want to get the one for this selected radio button. The radio button has id="options_22_2" for example and the label looks like that:
<label id="options_22_2label" for="options_22_2">
labels text
So what I want is labels text. Any chance to get that label? Maybe using the ids or something? Its ok to use prototype.
Solved: I now get the id of the selected radio and then get the innerHTML of the label using this id.