EWM in pandas for timeseries transformation - pandas

I am trying to do a time series prediction with ARIMA.
So, as the first step, I am doing some series transformation
#Taking log transform
#Taking exponential weighted mean`enter code here`
df_expwighted_mean = dflog.ewm(span=12).mean()
#Taking moving average
df_expwighted_mean_diff = dflog - df_expwighted_mean
df_diff = df_expwighted_mean_diff - df_expwighted_mean_diff.shift()
#filling zero for NaN
df_diff = df_diff.fillna(0)
And after with the below code I am very much able to reach back to the original series
# Take cumulative some to remove the differencing
bdf_expwighted_mean_diff = df_diff.cumsum()
# Add rolling mean as we originally reduced it
bdf_log=bdf_expwighted_mean_diff + df_expwighted_mean
#Take exponentiation as we originally did log transform
But the problem comes when I do this on the predicted series.
It fails on it as I do not have the EWM of the predicted series.(pdf_expwighted_mean)
SO basically, I want some way to reverse the exponentially weighted mean.
df_expwighted_mean = dflog.ewm(span=12).mean()
Any thoughts?

It doesn't make sense to reverse exponentially weighted mean in Time series prediction. Exponentially weighted mean is used smoothen a time series, basically you are trying to remove noise from the series that would otherwise make the series hard to predict.
For Example: Let red series be your actual data, blue is the EWMA series, green is predicted series based on EWMA series in the following image
Once you use the smoothened series to predict, reversing EWMA would mean you add noise to it. You are able to it on source data becuase you stored the noise data from your original data. Usualy you just use the predictions on EWMA as is, ie. no reversing of EWMA required.
In your case, just do cumsum and exp(to reverse differencing and log).


Using optical flow to predict velocities

I am no expert in this field but more of a beginner with a bit of experience, so please keep the answer as simple as possible.
I cannot be very specific about this topic but what I am trying to do is predict the velocity of multiple objects(that should have a pattern because they are similar). I am taking the optical flow from every tenth frame and building a histogram of every tenth frame(x and y velocities separate). Then, I convert these histograms to vectors and store them in a CSV file. I am trying to use these vectors in an LSTM for Timeseries forecast. I do not know how to input each x and y velocity vector as a time step to output the next x and y velocities every (let's say) 5 steps.
The tutorials I see are usually about predicting temperature, and the input values(not vectors but single values) of humidity, precipitation, etc. and then output a single value(being the temperature)
please help, I hope I made it relatively clear.
Maybe there is a better approach.

Power spectrum incorrectly yielding negative values

I have a real signal in time given by:
And I am simply trying to compute its power spectrum, which is the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation of the signal, and is also a purely real and positive quantity in this case. To do this, I simply write:
import numpy as np
from scipy.fftpack import fft, arange, rfftfreq, rfft
from pylab import *
lags1, c1, line1, b1 = acorr(((Y_DATA)), usevlines=False, normed=True, maxlags=3998, lw=2)
Power_spectrum = (fft(np.real(c1)))
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(c1), dx)
plt.xlabel('f (Hz)')
But the output gives:
which has negative-valued output. Although if I simply take the absolute value of the data on the y-axis and plot it (i.e. np.abs(Power_spectrum)), then the output is:
which is exactly what I expect. Although why is this only fixed by taking the absolute value of my power spectrum? I checked my autocorrelation and plotted it—it seems to be working as expected and matches what others have computed.
Although what appears odd is the next step when I take the FFT. The FFT function outputs negative values which is contrary to the theory discussed in the link above and I don't quite understand why. Any thoughts on what is going wrong?
The power spectrum is the FFT of the autocorrelation, but that's not an efficient way to calculate it.
The autocorrelation is probably calculated with an FFT and iFFT, anyway.
The power spectrum is also just the squared magnitude of the FFT coefficients.
Do that instead so that the total work will be one FFT instead of 3.
An fft produces a complex result (real and imaginary components to represent both magnitude and phase of the spectrum). You have to take the (squared) magnitude of the complex vector to get the power spectrum.

Fourier transform and filtering frequencies with negative fft values

I'm looking for the most abundant frequency in a periodic signal.
I'm trying to understand what do I get if I perform a Fourier transformation on a periodic signal and filter for frequencies which have negative fft values.
In other words, what do the axis of plots 2 and 3 (see below) express? I'm plotting frequency (cycles/second) over the fft-transformed signal - what do negative values on the y axis mean, and would it make sense that I'd be interested in only those?
import numpy as np
import scipy
# generate data
time = scipy.linspace(0,120,4000)
acc = lambda t: 10*scipy.sin(2*pi*2.0*t) + 5*scipy.sin(2*pi*8.0*t) + 2*scipy.random.random(len(t))
signal = acc(time)
# get frequencies from decomposed fft
W = np.fft.fftfreq(signal.size, d=time[1]-time[0])
f_signal = np.fft.fft(signal)
# filter signal
# I'm getting only the "negative" part!
cut_f_signal = f_signal.copy()
# filter noisy frequencies
cut_f_signal[(W < 8.0)] = 0
cut_f_signal[(W > 8.2)] = 0
# inverse fourier to get filtered frequency
cut_signal = np.fft.ifft(cut_f_signal)
# plot
plt.plot(W, f_signal)
plt.plot(W, cut_f_signal)
plt.plot(time, cut_signal)
The FFT of a real-valued input signal will produce a conjugate symmetric result. (That's just the way the math works best.) So, for FFT result magnitudes only of real data, the negative frequencies are just mirrored duplicates of the positive frequencies, and can thus be ignored when analyzing the result.
However if you want to do the inverse and compute the IFFT, you will need to feed the IFFT a conjugate symmetric negative half (or upper half, above Fs/2) of frequency data, or else your IFFT result will end up producing a complex result (e.g. with non-zero imaginary (sqrt(-1)) components, rarely what one want when dealing with base-band real data).
If you want to filter the FFT data and end up with real results from an IFFT, you will need to filter the positive and negative frequencies symmetrically identically to maintain the needed symmetry.
The FFT also produces a complex result, where the value and sign the components (real and imaginary) of each result bin represents the phase as well as the magnitude of the component basis vector (complex sinusoid, or real cosine plus real sine components). Any negative value just represents a phase rotation from if the same result was positive.
As #hotpaw2 already wrote in his comment above, the result of a FFT performed on a real signal in time domain generates complex values in frequency domain.
The input value f_signal of your plot command is a vector of complex values.
plt.plot(W, f_signal)
This results in meaningless output.
You should plot the absolute values of f_signal.
If you are interested in the phase you should plot the angle, too.
In Matlab this would look like this:
% Plot the absolute values of f_signal
plot(W, abs(f_signal));
% Plot the phase of f_signal
plot(W, (unwrap(angle(f_signal)));

Units of frequency when using FFT in NumPy

I am using the FFT function in NumPy to do some signal processing. I have array called signal
which has one data point for each hour and has a total of 576 data points. I use the following code on signal to look at its fourier transform.
t = len(signal)
ft = fft(signal,n=t)
I see two peaks but I am unsure as to what the units of the x axis are i.e., how they map onto hours? Any help would be appreciated.
Given sampling rate FSample and transform blocksize N, you can calculate the frequency resolution deltaF, sampling interval deltaT, and total capture time capT using the relationships:
deltaT = 1/FSample = capT/N
deltaF = 1/capT = FSample/N
Keep in mind also that the FFT returns value from 0 to FSample, or equivalently -FSample/2 to FSample/2. In your plot, you're already dropping the -FSample/2 to 0 part. NumPy includes a helper function to calculate all this for you: fftfreq.
For your values of deltaT = 1 hour and N = 576, you get deltaF = 0.001736 cycles/hour = 0.04167 cycles/day, from -0.5 cycles/hour to 0.5 cycles/hour. So if you have a magnitude peak at, say, bin 48 (and bin 528), that corresponds to a frequency component at 48*deltaF = 0.0833 cycles/hour = 2 cycles/day.
In general, you should apply a window function to your time domain data before calculating the FFT, to reduce spectral leakage. The Hann window is almost never a bad choice. You can also use the rfft function to skip the -FSample/2, 0 part of the output. So then, your code would be:
ft = np.fft.rfft(signal*np.hanning(len(signal)))
mgft = abs(ft)
xVals = np.fft.fftfreq(len(signal), d=1.0) # in hours, or d=1.0/24 in days
plot(xVals[:len(mgft)], mgft)
Result of fft transformation doesn't map to HOURS, but to frequencies contained in your dataset. It would be beneficial to have your transformed graph so we can see where the spikes are.
You might be having spike at the beginning of the transformed buffer, since you didn't do any windowing.
In general, the dimensional units of frequency from an FFT are the same as the dimensional units of the sample rate attributed to the data fed to the FFT, for example: per meter, per radian, per second, or in your case, per hour.
The scaled units of frequency, per FFT result bin index, are N / theSampleRate, with the same dimensional units as above, where N is the length of the full FFT (you might only be plotting half of this length in the case of strictly real data).
Note that each FFT result peak bin represents a filter with a non-zero bandwidth, so you might want to add some uncertainty or error bounds to the result points you map onto frequency values. Or even use an interpolation estimation method, if needed and appropriate for the source data.

Faster way to perform point-wise interplation of numpy array?

I have a 3D datacube, with two spatial dimensions and the third being a multi-band spectrum at each point of the 2D image.
H[x, y, bands]
Given a wavelength (or band number), I would like to extract the 2D image corresponding to that wavelength. This would be simply an array slice like H[:,:,bnd]. Similarly, given a spatial location (i,j) the spectrum at that location is H[i,j].
I would also like to 'smooth' the image spectrally, to counter low-light noise in the spectra. That is for band bnd, I choose a window of size wind and fit a n-degree polynomial to the spectrum in that window. With polyfit and polyval I can find the fitted spectral value at that point for band bnd.
Now, if I want the whole image of bnd from the fitted value, then I have to perform this windowed-fitting at each (i,j) of the image. I also want the 2nd-derivative image of bnd, that is, the value of the 2nd-derivative of the fitted spectrum at each point.
Running over the points, I could polyfit-polyval-polyder each of the x*y spectra. While this works, this is a point-wise operation. Is there some pytho-numponic way to do this faster?
If you do least-squares polynomial fitting to points (x+dx[i],y[i]) for a fixed set of dx and then evaluate the resulting polynomial at x, the result is a (fixed) linear combination of the y[i]. The same is true for the derivatives of the polynomial. So you just need a linear combination of the slices. Look up "Savitzky-Golay filters".
EDITED to add a brief example of how S-G filters work. I haven't checked any of the details and you should therefore not rely on it to be correct.
So, suppose you take a filter of width 5 and degree 2. That is, for each band (ignoring, for the moment, ones at the start and end) we'll take that one and the two on either side, fit a quadratic curve, and look at its value in the middle.
So, if f(x) ~= ax^2+bx+c and f(-2),f(-1),f(0),f(1),f(2) = p,q,r,s,t then we want 4a-2b+c ~= p, a-b+c ~= q, etc. Least-squares fitting means minimizing (4a-2b+c-p)^2 + (a-b+c-q)^2 + (c-r)^2 + (a+b+c-s)^2 + (4a+2b+c-t)^2, which means (taking partial derivatives w.r.t. a,b,c):
or, simplifying,
22a+10c = 4p+q+s+4t
10b = -2p-q+s+2t
10a+5c = p+q+r+s+t
so a,b,c = p-q/2-r-s/2+t, (2(t-p)+(s-q))/10, (p+q+r+s+t)/5-(2p-q-2r-s+2t).
And of course c is the value of the fitted polynomial at 0, and therefore is the smoothed value we want. So for each spatial position, we have a vector of input spectral data, from which we compute the smoothed spectral data by multiplying by a matrix whose rows (apart from the first and last couple) look like [0 ... 0 -9/5 4/5 11/5 4/5 -9/5 0 ... 0], with the central 11/5 on the main diagonal of the matrix.
So you could do a matrix multiplication for each spatial position; but since it's the same matrix everywhere you can do it with a single call to tensordot. So if S contains the matrix I just described (er, wait, no, the transpose of the matrix I just described) and A is your 3-dimensional data cube, your spectrally-smoothed data cube would be numpy.tensordot(A,S).
This would be a good point at which to repeat my warning: I haven't checked any of the details in the few paragraphs above, which are just meant to give an indication of how it all works and why you can do the whole thing in a single linear-algebra operation.