Backend Express API with react electron js front end - express

I'm actually developing an Electron js app and idk if i can do a separate express js api ?
How can we do to put the EXPRESS app online ?
Am i obligate to get Express in my Electron js app ?


Publish Expo React Native app with Python backend to the App Store

I’m building a trivia app in expo to deploy it to the App Store but my backend is in Python. Do I need to deploy the backend and frontend separately. If yes , what will be the best way? Or do you recommend to build everything in React Native.
In the backend I have a flask API applied to a Python script containing all the logic to retrieve, handle, and process the data(stored in a SQLlite DB) before it goes to the frontend.
I’m thinking about gunicorn and Heroku to deploy the API and request it from the front end

React native project to use heroku express url

I have heroku backend express server project.I have react native project. I am trying to use heroku express url in my fetch in react native.. but I am getting network request failed.
I have two questions.
1.Why is that url not working in react native fetch, but opening in heroku.
Like react, can we put static files in build and try to serve that build in express app.use(express.static("client/build"));
Thanks a lot in advance.

Do i need redux to integrate laravel api with react native cli

Im am trying to integrate laravel login api with react native cli front end .Do i have to use redux ? And how to integrate it.
its not necessary to use redux for integration of api you can use fetch or axios to request the server and then you can store data into AsyncStorage or ContextApi.if you want to go with redux then you have to install couple of libs
you can visit this link for proper guide how to integrate redux

Do I have to code my site with NativeScript and VueJs for a separate native app or I could just directly convert it to native?

I am new to NativeScript and I just used VueJs since last year only. I already got a working website with admin page and dashboard made with VueJs and Bootstrap for my front-end.
I have read about nativescript these past few weeks and I planned to make my website native.
Should I rewrite my website with admin functions in nativescript or could I just use nativescript to enable my website as native app in android?
Thank you.
If you have coded your app with Vue or Angular and if you choose NativeScript to build your native mobile app, then you will be able to reuse the data model, services, basically anything that is not related to UI.
We call it native mobile app for a reason, your UI is pure native here, more or less equivalent to building a mobile app using Java (Android) / Objective C (iOS). You will have access to all native UI components and device apis, which is why you have to recode your UI.
What you must be looking for is something like Corodova / PhoneGap (Hybrid mobile app) which can just take your web app and wrap it inside a WebView.

How we can connect React Native App to octobercms backend?

We are developing new app, and we choose octobercms like backend.
How to connect React Native with octobercms and login with JWT.
you can not :(
but you can create a backend API system to sarve and manage your data for your React APP,
mabye this video series can help you to know about how to you can, on
this viedo use Octobercms as backend api system and use vue.js as Frontend
Framework same like octobercms and react etc....
i hope help you