Generate rule-based passwords with John the Ripper - passwords

I am trying to recover a password I have not used in a long time.
I know the words used in the passphrase, but I do not remember exactly the character substitutions,
and upper/lower case I have used. I only remember some, and know the possibilities for others.
The passphrase I am trying to recover is 15 characters long.
I have installed John the Ripper (jumbo version 1.9), and I tried to create some rules for character
substitutions I know I have used hoping to quickly generate a wordlist with all possible passphrases
based on my rules.
Let's say my passphrase is password with some character substitutions. If I use this set of rules:
I get those results:
When I say I am looking for all possible combinations, I am looking for something lookig more like the following (this list is not exhaustive)
Gathering all rules in one line does not help me achieve my goal, and making one rule (line) with substitution by character position is basically generating my list by hand.
I am now wondering how can I achieve my goal, or, if JtR is the right tool for the job.

I have found a solution that fits my use case. the oNx syntax allows to replace the character at Nth position (zero based) with x.
In addition to that, using brackets allow to apply more than one substitution to the same character. So oN[xy] will yield two passwords with the character at Nth position replaced with x, then y.
For my password example above, the rule needed to achieve my goal would be:
o1[a#] o2[sS$] o3[sS$] o5[oO0]
I hope it helps someone with some old database to unlock )


Targeting a string for deletion with grep, sed, awk (or cut)

I am trying to parse some logs to gain the user agent and account id per line. I have already managed to pull the user agent and a string which contains the account id all on the same line.
The next step is to extract the account id from its longer string. I thought this would be fairly simple as I will know the start of the string and there are / slashes for the delimiter but the user agent also contains slashes and have varied number of fields.
The log file currently looks something like the following example but there are hundreds to thousands of lines to parse. Luckily I am working off a partition with plenty of space to spare.
USER_AGENT_PART ACCOUNT_ID_Part_/plus/path/to/stuff/they/access
some user agent/1.3 KnownString1_32d4-56e-009f98/some/stuff/here
user/agent KnownString1_12d3-345e-4c534/more/stuff/here
User/Agent cURL/1.5.0 KnownString2_12d34e56/stuff/things/stuff/stuff
one/User Agent/2.0 KnownString1_12d3_456e_7g8/more/random/stuff/stuff
So the goal is to keep the user agent part and the account id part and drop the path of the stuff they are accessing in the last string. But I can't use / or spaces as general delimiters because many user agents have / and various amounts of spaces in their name.
Also, the different types of user agents is way more than this little sample I have here. There are anywhere from 25 - 50 distinct types depending on the log. So it doesn't seem worth it to target the user agent and try to exclude it.
It seems the logical way to start is by targeting the part of the account ID which is a known string (KnownString1 or KnownString2) and grab everything from there (which is unknown numbers and letters with dashes) up until the first / of that account string.
Then I would delete the first / (In the account ID string) and everything after. I expect I will need to do this in two passes to utilize the two known parts of the user IDs.
This seemed like it would be easy but I just can't wrap my head around how to start targeting that last string. I don't even have a good example of something that is close to working because I don't know how to target the last string by delimiters without catching the same delimiters in the user agent part.
Any ideas?
Edit: Every line will have an account id that starts with one of two common KnownString_ in it but then is followed by a series of unknown digits and dashes until it gets to the first /. So I don't need to search for lines containing that before targeting the string.
Edit2: My original examples of the Account ID did not reflect there were letters mixed in with the numbers.
Edit3: Thanks to the responses from oguz ismail and kesubagu I was able to solve this using egrep. Looks like I was trying to make things more complicated than they were. I also realized I need to revisit grep as its capable of doing far more than what I tend to use it for.
This is what I ended up using which worked in one pass:
egrep -o ".+(KnownString1|KnownString2)_[^/]+" logfile > logfile2
Using grep:
$ grep -o '.*KnownString[^/]*' file
some user agent/1.3 KnownString1_32d4-56e-009f98
user/agent KnownString1_12d3-345e-4c534
User/Agent cURL/1.5.0 KnownString2_12d34e56
one/User Agent/2.0 KnownString1_12d3_456e_7g8
.* matches everything before KnownString, and [^/]* matches everything after KnownString until the first /.
You can use egrep with the -o option which will only output the part of that matches the provided regex, so you could do something like this
cat test | egrep -o ".+(KnownString1|KnownString2)_[_0-9-]+"
where the test file contains the input you've given, the output in this case was
some user agent/1.3 KnownString1_324-56-00998
user/agent KnownString1_123-345-4534
User/Agent cURL/1.5.0 KnownString2_123456
one/User Agent/2.0 KnownString1_123_456_78

Flat File Schema lines longer then expected

Hello there Stackoverflow, I've been tasked with making a flat file schema as well as a map, however, our specifications are that there are 3 fields,
Name       Length
TIdentity     2
OIdentity     17
Result        2
However, the file that we receive is 500(ish) characters long, is there a way to make it ignore the remaning empty characters??
Thanks for any help you guys might be able to supply
You should definitely ensure the spec and sample files are correct (particularly that the spec contains any whitespace requirements/options), but assuming they are and you're just supposed to ignore the whitespace, you can create node to stuff the whitespace into and just ignore it.
Without knowing a bit more about your requirements, it's hard to say exactly how this should work. If the whitespace is always a fixed length, make a node that expects that many characters. If it's not always a fixed length, you may have to make a repeating node that's one character long but not the record terminator (presumably CR/LF or something of the like). If the whitespace itself is the delimiter, you might be able to do something with the ignore_trailing_delimiter on the record.
Worst case scenario (whitespace is variable, you can't control the partner who sends it to you, and you can't get the FFDASM to sensibly deal with it), write a custom Decode component to preprocess the file and remove the extraneous whitespace.

Regex positive lookbehind

Let me apologize first. I've been fighting this SO editor for an hour. Sorry for the lousy formatting.
If I have a regex that matches a given input, then I put that regex into the positive look-behind wrapper, won't it still match the input it matched before?
For example, this input :
will register a match with this regex:
I have confirmed this on When I put that regex into the look-behind wrapper like so
with this as the input:
I do not receive the word help as a return.
This leads me to think I just plainly don't understand the look-behind concept. I watched a tutorial on this concept, but I am at a loss as to why this won't work. If I want to match:
and return the next word, how can I go about that?
You have a space as the last character of the look behind, but your input has no space before "help". Also, there is no colon character before the input text, yet your look behind requires one.
Remove the space and the colon:
Note that many regex engines disallow variable length look behinds, so a work around is to limit the.number of characters in the word to some large number, eg 99:

Approximate search with openldap

I am trying to write a search that queries our directory server running openldap.
The users are going to be searching using the first or last name of the person they're interested in.
I found a problem with accented characters (like áéíóú), because first and last names are written in Spanish, so while the proper way is Pérez it can be written for the sake of the search as Perez, without the accent.
If I use '(cn=*Perez*)' I get only the non-accented results.
If I use '(cn=*Pérez*)' I get only accented results.
If I use '(cn=~Perez)' I get weird results (or at least nothing I can use, because while the results contain both Perez and Pérez ocurrences, I also get some results that apparently have nothing to do with the query...
In Spanish this happens quite a lot... be it lazyness, be it whatever you want to call it, the fact is that for this kind of thing people tend NOT to write the accents because it's assumend all these searches work with both options (I guess since Google allowes it, everybody assumes it's supposed to work that way).
Other than updating the database and removing all accents and trimming them on the query... can you think of another solution?
You have your ~ and = swapped above. It should be (cn~=Perez). I still don't know how well that will work. Soundex has always been strange. Since many attributes are multi-valued including cn you could store a second value on the attribute that has the extended characters converted to their base versions. You would at least have the original value to still go off of when you needed it. You could also get real fancy and prefix the converted value with something and use the valuesReturnFilter to filter it out from your results.
#Sample object
Then modify your query to use an or expression.
And you would include a valuesReturnFilter that looked like
See RFC3876 for details. The method for adding a request control varies by what platform/library you are using to access the directory.
Search filters ("queries") are specified by RFC2254.
actually requires filters (indirectly defined) to be an
OCTET STRING, i.e. ASCII 8-byte String:
AttributeValue is OCTET STRING,
and AttributeDescription
are LDAPString, LDAPString is an OCTET STRING.
The standard on escaping: Use "<ASCII HEX NUMBER>" to replace special characters
(, examples
The <valueencoding> rule ensures that the entire filter string is a
valid UTF-8 string and provides that the octets that represent the
ASCII characters "*" (ASCII 0x2a), "(" (ASCII 0x28), ")" (ASCII
0x29), "\" (ASCII 0x5c), and NUL (ASCII 0x00) are
represented as a backslash "\" (ASCII 0x5c) followed by the two hexadecimal digits
representing the value of the encoded octet.
Additionally, you should probably replace all characters that semantically modify the filter (RFC 4515's grammar gives a list), and do a Regex replace of non-ASCII characters with wildcards (*) to be sure. This will also help you with characters like "é".

How to make a simple Mod_Rewrite in .htaccess

i have problems with my shared hosting account. the apache server i'm using scrambles utf8 so i can't use Hebrew/Arabic in the url such asאבא.php
So i want to know how can i make it that if someone asks for the page:
he would get to the page: (without the percentages)
but his browser url will show the first page he asked for (with no redirection).
I guess using mod_rewrite in .htaccess but have no clue how to approach this.
Please help you guys, this is a 911 for me.
I've been thinking about this for a little while now, and unless you know how many sets there are (6 in your example) I don't think there will be a terribly elegant way to do this. One solution may be to use a rather vague rewrite RewriteRule ^(.*?%.*?)\.php$ foo.php?bar=$1 then process the data in PHP where you have a few more options and quite a bit more flexibility.
Details of the Regex:
Options: case insensitive
Assert position at the beginning of the string «^»
Match any single character that is not a line break character «.*?»
Between zero and unlimited times, as few times as possible, expanding as needed (lazy) «*?»
Match the character “%” literally «%»
Match any single character that is not a line break character «.*?»
Between zero and unlimited times, as few times as possible, expanding as needed (lazy) «*?»
Match the character “.” literally «\.»
Match the characters “php” literally «php»
Assert position at the end of the string (or before the line break at the end of the string, if any) «$»
Created with RegexBuddy