How can I duplicate a namespace with all content with a new name in the same kubernetes cluster?
e.g. Duplicate default to my-namespace which will have the same content.
I'm interested just by services and deployments, so
when I try with method with kubectl get all and with api-resources i have error with services IP like :
Error from server (Invalid): Service "my-service" is invalid: spec.clusterIP: Invalid value: "": provided IP is already allocated
As #coderanger mentioned in his answer, there is no straight way to make a copy of origin k8s resources to the separate namespace.
As was proposed, when you invoke kubectl get all command, k8s looks through resources catalog bounded to all category. Therefore, if you didn't add this category for each custom CRD object, throughout specific API group, you might probably miss some relevant k8s resources in the command output.
Furthermore, if you desire to export all k8s resources from the particular namespace, besides user workloads, I would recommend exploring API resources, filtering out only namespace scoped objects, and then apply bash processing to generate manifest files across each resource group:
kubectl api-resources --namespaced=true| awk '{print $1}'| sed '1d'| while read -r line; do echo "$(kubectl get $line -n namespace -o yaml > $line.yaml)"; done
You can also consider using Helm (as #David Maze pointed out in the comment), in order to manage user workloads through Helm Charts, as a more flexible and structured way to describe k8s native resources.
There is no specific way to do this. You could probably get close with something like kubectl get all -n sourcens -o yaml | sed -e 's/namespace: sourcens/namespace: destns/' | kubectl apply -f - but get all is always a bit wonky and this could easily miss weird edge cases.
You can backup your namespace using Velero and then you can restore it to another namespace or cluster!
I am looking for a persistent key DB which can be accessed via HTTP. I need to use it for storing postman test script data. I have heard of rocksdb and leveldb, but I am not sure whether they can be accessed via HTTP.
leveldb and rocksdb don't have a network component.
I created a small python project that does expose a document datastore like API that you can query using REST. Have a look at it It rely on leveldb for persistence.
There is a python asyncio client. You can create a client on your own it's very easy.
To get started, you can simply do the following:
pip3 install deuspy
python3 -m deuspy.server
And then start querying.
Here is an example curl-based session:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:9990
$ curl -X POST --data '{"héllo": "world"}' http://localhost:9990
$ $ curl -X GET http://localhost:9990/3252169150753703489
{"h\u00e9llo": "world"}
You can also filter documents. Look at how is implemented the asyncio client.
Take a look at Webdis which provides HTTP REST API access to Redis key value store. Redis has very good performance and scalability.
I am just going through this documentation to upgrade Sonarqube.
One of the steps is to open the URL in browser and follow instructions.
Is there any CLI command available for this step? So that I can automate this step in my upgrade automation?
Most (or even all?) UI interactions only trigger Web API calls.
In your case, api/system/migrate_db seems to serve your purpose.
From the api documentation:
Migrate the database to match the current version of SonarQube.
Sending a POST request to this URL starts the DB migration. It is
strongly advised to make a database backup before invoking this WS.
To call it from the command line use:
curl -s -u admin:admin -XPOST "localhost:9000/api/system/migrate_db"
curl is a linux command line tool for to communicate via HTTP
-s toggle "silent mode"
-u admin:admin provides authentication
-XPOST set's the HTTP method to POST (instead of default GET)
I have a local instance of Solr 5.4.0 running, and I am attempting to crawl an HTTPS site which requires authentication using bin/post.
bin/post -c gettingstarted -recursive 2 -delay 1
I would like to pass my credentials with this request, but I cannot find any documentation for doing so. Is this possible? I have reviewed the following documentation:
bin/post -h
If it is not possible, can someone propose an alternate solution?
Any easy way to move and custom AMI image between regions? (tokyo -> singapore)
I know you can mess up with API and S3 to get it done, but there there any easier way to do it?
As of December, 2012, Amazon now supports migrating an AMI to another region through the UI tool (Amazon Management Console). See their documentation here
So, how I've done it is..
From the AMI find out the Snapshot-ID and how it is attached (e.g. /dev/sda1)
Select the Snapshot, click "Copy", set Destination region and make the copy (takes a while!)
Select the new Snapshot, click "Create Image"
Architecture: (choose 32 or 64 bit)
Name/Description: (give it one)
Kernel ID: when migrating a Linux AMI, if you choose "default" it may fail. What worked for me was to go to the Amazon Kernels listing here to find the kernels Amazon supports, then specify it when creating the image)
Root Device Name: /dev/sda1
Click "Yes, Create"
4.Launch an instance from the new AMI and test that you can connect.
You can do it using Eric's post:
The following assumes your AWS Console utilities are installed in /opt/aws/bin/, JAVA_HOME=/usr and you are running i386 architecture, otherwise replace with x86_64.
1) Run a live snapshot, where you believe your image can fit in 1.5GB and you have that to spare in /mnt (check running df)
/opt/aws/bin/ec2-bundle-vol -d /mnt -k /home/ec2-user/.ec2/pk-XXX.pem -c /home/ec2-user/.ec2/cert-XXX.pem -u 123456789 -r i386 -s 1500
2) Upload to current region's S3 bucket
/opt/aws/bin/ec2-upload-bundle -b S3_BUCKET -m /mnt/image.manifest.xml -a abcxyz -s SUPERSECRET
3) Transfer the image to EU S3 bucket
/opt/aws/bin/ec2-migrate-image -K /home/ec2-user/.ec2/pk-XXX.pem -C /home/ec2-user/.ec2/cert-XXX.pem -o abcxyz -w SUPERSECRET --bucket S3_BUCKET_US --destination-bucket S3_BUCKET_EU --manifest image.manifest.xml --location EU
4) Register your AMI so you can fire up the instance in Ireland
/opt/aws/bin/ec2-register –K /home/ec2-user/.ec2/pk-XXX.pem –C /home/ec2-user/.ec2/cert-XXX.pem --region eu-west-1 -name DEVICENAME -a i386 --kernel aki-xxx
There are API tools for this.
I think that is now outdated by ec2-bundle-vol and ec2-migrate-image, BTW you can also take a look at this Perl script by Lincoln D. Stein:
$ --from us-east-1 --to ap-southeast-1 ami-123456
Amazon have just announced support for this functionality in this blog post. Note that the answer from dmohr relates to copying EBSs, not AMIs.
In case the blog post is unavailable, quoting the relevant parts:
To use AMI Copy, simply select the AMI to be copied from within the
AWS Management Console, choose the destination region, and start the
copy. AMI Copy can also be accessed via the EC2 Command Line
Interface or EC2 API as described in the EC2 User’s Guide. Once the
copy is complete, the new AMI can be used to launch new EC2 instances
in the destination region.
AWS now supports the copy of an EBS snapshot to another region via UI/CLI/API. You can copy the snapshot and then make an AMI from it. Direct AMI copy is coming - from AWS:
"We also plan to launch Amazon Machine Image (AMI) Copy as a follow-up
to this feature, which will enable you to copy both public and
custom-created AMIs across regions.
Ylastic allows you to move EBS backed linux images between regions.
Its $25 or $50 per month but it looks like you can evaluate it for a week.
I just did this using a script on CloudyScripts, worked fantastically: (and it's free).
As of 2017, it's pretty simple.. just follow the screenshots:
I'll add Scalr to the list of tools you can use (Disclaimer: I work there). Within Scalr, you can create your own AMI (we call them roles). Once your role is ready, you just have to choose where you want to deploy it (so in any regions).
Scalr is open-source released under the Apache 2 license: you can to download it and install it yourself. Otherwise, it is also available through a hosted version including support. Alternatives to Scalr includes RightScale and enStratus.