How can I use a SystemAssigned identity when pulling an image from Azure Container Registry into Azure Container Instances? - azure-container-instances

I want to create a container (or container group) in Azure Container Instances, pulling the image(s) from Azure Container Registry - but with using a SystemAssigned identity. With that I want to avoid using ACR login credentials, a service principal or a UserAssigned identity.
When I run this script (Azure CLI in PowerShell) ...
$LOC = "westeurope"
$RG = "myresourcegroup"
$ACRNAME = "myacr"
az configure --defaults location=$LOC group=$RG
$acr = az acr show -n $ACRNAME -o json | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10
az container create --name app1 --image $($acr.loginServer+"/app1") `
--assign-identity --role acrpull --scope $ `
... ACI does not seem to recognize that it should be already authorized for ACR and shows this prompt:
Image registry username:
Azure CLI version: 2.14.0
Does this make sense? Is the ACI managed identity supported for ACR?

In your code, when you create an Azure container with a managed identity that is being created at the ACI creating time to authenticate to ACR. I am afraid that you can not do that because there are limitations
You can't use a managed identity to pull an image from Azure Container
Registry when creating a container group. The identity is only
available within a running container.

From Jan 2022 on managed identity is supported on Azure Container Instance to access Azure Container Registry:

#minus_one -solution do not work in my case. Runbook to make container registry. It does need more priviledges than stated in here...

This solution will not use managed identity, and it is important to note that we will need owner role at least on the resource group level.
The main idea is to use service principals to get the access using the acrpull role. See the following PowerShell script:
$resourceGroup = (az group show --name $resourceGroupName | ConvertFrom-Json )
$containerRegistry = (az acr show --name $containerRegistryName | ConvertFrom-Json)
$servicePrincipal = (az ad sp create-for-rbac `
--name "${containerRegistryName}" `
--scopes $ `
--role acrpull `
| ConvertFrom-Json )
az container create `
--name $containerInstanceName `
--resource-group $resourceGroupName `
--image $containerImage `
--command-line "tail -f /dev/null" `
--registry-login-server "${containerRegistryName}" `
--registry-username $servicePrincipal.appId `
--registry-password $servicePrincipal.password
Please note that we have created a service principal, so we also need to remove that:
az ad sp delete --id $servicePrincipal.appId
There is a documentation on how to do that:
Deploy to Azure Container Instances from Azure Container Registry
I think the --registry-login-server ${containerRegistryName}" option was missing.


Set-AzStorageContainerAcl error due supposed container not found but it really exists

I'm trying to update ACL through Azure PowerShell but I'm getting this weird error.
The script is pretty simple but don't understand what is wrong.
First I'm getting the Storage Container by name to be sure the
container already exists.
Then just trying to set ACL permission on
it but got an error saying the container doesn't exist.
Am I missing something?
Edit: Just to avoid confusion, I have full control on this storage account resource. I created it and I'm able to configure this setting through Azure portal but no with power shell.
Browse to Storage Account in the Azure Portal
Access Control (IAM)
Grant Access to this resource section (Add Role Assignments)
Role: Storage Blob Data Contributor
Assign Access to: Use the default values (I.e. User , Group , or Service Principal)
Select: User Name
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment to apply ACL permissions:
Here is the script to apply the ACL permission to your container.
You can get the Azure Storage Account Key
Azure Portal > Storage accounts > YourStorageAccount >Access keys
#Install Storage Module
Install-Module Az.Storage
#Connect to Azure AD
#Set Context to Storage Account
$StorageContext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName 'venkatsa' -StorageAccountKey 'StorageAccount-key'
$Container = Get-AzureStorageContainer -Name 'thejademo' -Context $StorageContext
#Get Container ACL Permissions
Get-AzStorageContainerAcl -Container "thejademo" -Context $StorageContext
#Set ACL permission to Container.
Set-AzStorageContainerAcl -Container "thejademo" -Permission Off -PassThru -Context $StorageContext
Applied ACL permission to my container

How to create a service networking creation from a gcp project to "default" network

I wanted to use the gcloud cli to create an sql instance that is accessible on the default network. So I tried this:
gcloud beta sql instances create instance1 \
--network projects/peak-freedom-xxxxx/global/networks/default
And I get the error
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.sql.instances.create) [INTERNAL_ERROR] Failed to create subnetwork.
Please create Service Networking connection with service ''
from consumer project '56xxxxxxxxx' network 'default' again.
When you go to the console to create it, you can check Private IP you can see this:
And there's an "Allocate and connect" button. So I'm guessing that's what I need to do. But I can't figure out how to do that with the gcloud cli.
Can anyone help?
I've tried setting the --network to
Which resulted in
ERROR: (gcloud.beta.sql.instances.create) [INTERNAL_ERROR] Failed to
create subnetwork. Set Service Networking service account as
servicenetworking.serviceAgent role on consumer project
Then I tried recreating a completely new project and enabling the Service Networking API like so:
gcloud --project testing-project-xxx \
services enable \
And then creating the DB resulted in the same error. So I tried to manually add the servicenetworking.serviceAgent role and ran:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding testing-project-xxx \ \
This succeeded with
Updated IAM policy for project [testing-project-xxx].
- members:
role: roles/owner
- members:
role: roles/servicenetworking.serviceAgent
etag: XxXxXX37XX0=
version: 1
But creating the DB failed with the same error. For reference, this is the command line I'm using to create the DB:
gcloud --project testing-project-xxx \
beta sql instances create instanceName \
--network= \
--database-version POSTGRES_11 \
--zone europe-north1-a \
--tier db-g1-small
the network name of form "projects/peak-freedom-xxxxx/global/networks/default" is for creating SQL instances under shared VPC network. if you want to create an instance in a normal VPC network you should use:
gcloud --project=[PROJECT_ID] beta sql instances create [INSTANCE_ID]
where [VPC_NETWORK_NAME] is of the form[PROJECT_ID]/global/networks/[VPC_NETWORK_NAME]
for more information check here.
Note: you need to configure private service access for this and it's one time action only. follow instructions here to do so.

Assigning group permissions using to Azure DevOps CLI

I am trying to assign permissions to the "build administrators" group using the cli.
The specific permission i want to update is the "Delete Team Project" permission.
The documentation is a little difficult to put together since the information is scattered, specially the parts about security tokens and permissions bits.
I am using the az devops security command. The part i am struggling with is getting the correct token and the setting the correct permission bits
I know the namespace I want to use. it is the environment namespace. Found this out by first checking all the namespaces and finding the guid for the environment namespace.
#get list of all namespaces
az devops security permission namespace list -o table
$envnamespace = <guid from above command for the environment namespace>
# first i set my org and token
$orgUrl = "<MYORG>"
$personalToken = "<MY_PERSONAL_TOKE>"
$projectName = "<my_project>"
# login using PAT
$personalToken | az devops login --organization $orgUrl
# set default organisation
az devops configure --defaults organization=$orgUrl
# get the group descriptor ID for the group "build administrators"
$id = az devops security group list --project $projectName --output json --query "graphGroups[?displayName == '$groupID'].descriptor | [0]" -o tsv --verbose
# now i want to add permissions for the group "build administrators"
# but i am not sure what the token should be and what permission bits to use
I run the following command to see list the permissions on the group. it returns some tokens but they don't make sense to me. How am i meant to know which token is for what permissions. for example how do i know which token is for "Delete Team Project" permission
az devops security permission list --namespace-id $envnamespace --subject $id
The aim next is to run the following command to update permissions
az devops security permission update --namespace-id $envnamespace --subject $id --token $token2 --allow-bit 4 deny-bit 1 --verbose
The --allow-bit and deny-bit i'm not sure exactly what it should be to set the permission to deny
any advice on the correct way to do this would be appreciated.
how do I know which token is for "Delete Team Project" permission
Run az devops security permission namespace list, the namespaceID of "Delete Team Project" is under the "Project" namespace.
You can get the bit and the namespaceID of the specific Delete Team Project namespace (for reference see screenshot shown below).
How am I meant to know which token is for what permissions
For the tokens, you can refer to Security tokens for permissions management for details, there are listed Token examples for different namespaces.
Another example for your reference (reference jessehouwing's blog) :
az login
az extension add --name "azure-devops"
# Find the group identifier of the group you want to set permissions for
$org = "gdbc2019-westeurope"
# There is a weird edge case here when an Azure DevOps Organization has a Team Project with the same name as the org.
# In that case you must also add a query to filter on the right domain property `?#.domain == '?'`
$subject = az devops security group list `
--org "$org/" `
--scope organization `
--subject-types vssgp `
--query "graphGroups[?#.principalName == '[$org]\Project Collection Administrators'].descriptor | [0]"
$namespaceId = az devops security permission namespace list `
--org "$org/" `
--query "[? == 'Git Repositories'].namespaceId | [0]"
$bit = az devops security permission namespace show `
--namespace-id $namespaceId `
--org "$org/" `
--query "[0].actions[? == 'PullRequestBypassPolicy'].bit | [0]"
az devops security permission update `
--id $namespaceId `
--subject $subject `
--token "repoV2/" `
--allow-bit $bit `
--merge true `

Cannot create AKS in azure with command "az aks create"

az aks create -n MyServices -g MyKubernetes --generate-ssh-keys
is not working. Error message: az aks create -n Adestis-Services -g Adestis.Kubernetes --generate-ssh-keys
A Cloud Shell credential problem occurred. When you report the issue with the error below, please mention the hostname '679e170bedd7'
Could not retrieve token from local cache.
Steps to reproduce:
az login
az account set --subscription MySubscriptionID
az group create --name "MyKubernetes" --location "westus"
az aks create -n MyServices -g MyKubernetes --generate-ssh-keys
AKS has been rolled out to East US new region. Can you please try deploying an AKS cluster in East US region?
Adding to #sauryadas_ answer, AKS is currently available in only 5 regions: East US, Central US, West Europe, Canada East and Canada Central.
to repro your issue via Bash Client, I attempted to create a new, 1 node AKS cluster on West US 2 but encountered Provisioning failed exception due to operational threshold limits - likely a capacity issue - could be the root cause of your issue given the provisioning service is down.
As a control, I created an AKS cluster on UK west and it successfully provisioned with no errors. Can you check if you are able to reproduce your issue on UK west? here's a sample cmd I used.
Create Resource Group on UKwest: az group create --name myResprpUK --location ukwest
Create Single node, AKS Cluster: az aks create --resource-group myResprpUK --name myAKSclusterUK --agent-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys
Hope this helps.
Use bash instead of Powershell
Create Resource Group in ukwest
Add required ResourceProviders (Microsoft.Compute and Microsoft.Network) manually (e.g. via Azure Portal or CLI)
Create AKS in this ResourceGroup
The commands used are the provided commands in the question and in answer from #Femi-Sulu. They keypoints are:
- Use bash
- Use region ukwest
- Add ResourceProviders manually
Please read comments in answer from #Femi-Sulu!
There are 2 ways to create your cluster
Approach 1:
Via bash / powershell / cmd
a) Make sure you are logged in to az account [use az login]
b) select your subscription by typing az account set --subscription <subacription-name>
c) az aks create --resource-group <your-RG-name> --name <your-cluster-name> -node-count 3 --generate-ssh-keys
Approach 2: Via
a) Search for Azure Kubernetes service on the top search bar
b) create your AKS cluster with all the options
c) Bonus here is you can also bring your cluster into your org custom VNet as well.

GKE clusterrolebinding for cluster-admin fails with permission error

I've just created a new cluster using Google Container Engine running Kubernetes 1.7.5, with the new RBAC permissions enabled. I've run into a problem allocating permissions for some of my services which lead me to the following:
The docs for using container engine with RBAC state that the user must be granted the ability to create authorization roles by running the following command:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin [--user=<user-name>]
However, this fails due to lack of permissions (which I would assume are the very same permissions which we are attempting to grant by running the above command).
Error from server (Forbidden):
User "<user-name>" cannot create at the cluster scope.:
"Required \"container.clusterRoleBindings.create\" permission."
Any help would be much appreciated as this is blocking me from creating the permissions needed by my cluster services.
Janos's answer will work for GKE clusters that have been created with a password, but I'd recommend avoiding using that password wherever possible (or creating your GKE clusters without a password).
Using IAM: To create that ClusterRoleBinding, the caller must have the container.clusterRoleBindings.create permission. Only the OWNER and Kubernetes Engine Admin IAM Roles contain that permission (because it allows modification of access control on your GKE clusters).
So, to allow to run that command, they must be granted one of those roles. E.g.:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT \ \
If your kubeconfig was created automatically by gcloud then your user is not the all powerful admin user - which you are trying to create a binding for.
Use gcloud container clusters describe <clustername> --zone <zone> on the cluster and look for the password field.
Thereafter execute kubectl --username=admin --password=FROMABOVE create clusterrolebinding ...