Anypoint Studio - Manage API is disabled - anypoint-studio

I'm doing the training course called: Anypoint Platform Development: Fundamentals (Mule 4) from
In WT4-5, I was instructed as "Right-click the training4-american-ws project in Anypoint Studio and select Manage Dependencies > Manage APIs". However it is disabled. Any ideas as to why or how to enable it?
I have my credential's entered in the Authentication section.
Clicking on Project Properties/Mule Project/APIs
I see a message Your current Private Cloud Edition does not allow API dependencies.

Reinstalling the product resolved the error.


Publishing from Visual Studio and .NET Core servicing updates, what is the best way to resolve?

I'm trying to use the Publishing tool from Visual Studio 2017. However, I guess Microsoft is now pushing out "servicing updates" for .NET core. It's complaining about a RuntimeIdentifier property being set during build or publish but not during restore. I didn't change anything. The Deployment Mode is set to Self Contained, so it should just include all dependencies and publish it to the server, right?
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error NETSDK1061: The project was restored using Microsoft.NETCore.App version 2.1.3, but with current settings, version 2.1.3-servicing-26724-03 would be used instead. To resolve this issue, make sure the same settings are used for restore and for subsequent operations such as build or publish. Typically this issue can occur if the RuntimeIdentifier property is set during build or publish but not during restore.
This is a bug in VS2017 "15.8.2". Please see the answer to [VS2017 15.8.2 publishing error (.NET Core 2.1)

Update Tools For Apache Cordova in Visual Studio

I am new to apache cordova and i'm trying to build a client app for my mvc website, using apache cordova in visual studio.
but visual studio 2017 tools for apache cordova installs cordova 6.3.1 and some plugins like onesignal can't work on it.
Could you please help me?
That is a known issue but it can be fixed following these steps:
Assuming you have already installed Cordova 7.1.0 gobally using npm install -g cordova#7.1.0
In Visual Studio 2017 go to File > New > Project > Blank App (Apache Cordova)
Open config.xml in View Code mode and find this:
<engine name="android" spec="5.2.1" />
Replace with:
<engine name="android" spec="6.3.0" />
Where 7.1.0 is your global Cordova version.
Note how cordova-android has been increased to 6.3.0 as well.
Feel free to try using cordova-android 6.4.0 or cordova-android 7.0.0, however they may or may not introduce some issues (with Gradle for example). I have tested 6.3.0 but certain plugins may require a newer version.
Select Device as target.
Now Build > Build Solution
Save, close and reload the project. When you access config.xml in designer mode you'll see Global Cordova 7.1.0 as the selected toolset.
In order to build you may need to use the external Android SDK Build Tools (API 26) instead of the ones provided by Visual Studio (API 25).
Use the Android SDK Manager to manage versions, no need to get Android Studio for this.
Remember to follow the guidelines from Microsoft when changing the CLI on existing projects. However I strongly recommend creating a new one and then importing your files and adding your plugins to avoid potential problems.

Suddenly unable to install new version of custom connector in Studio

This is not covered by Unable to install custom connector in mule ....
I have been always been able to update Studio with the new versions of the custom connector using simple workflow of
Right-click on the connector project and select AnyPoint Connector -> Install or Update
Restart Studio
But, suddenly updates are not occurring. I've expanded to try
Clean connector project
Build connector project
AnyPoint Connector -> Install or Update
Restart Studio
Clean target project
Build target project
The changes are still not applied
I have also tried uninstalling the connector (and restarting Studio), but the target project still seems to find it even while the plug-ins-installed panel does not show it is installed.
I created a new workspace and imported the target project and the connector project into it. That did not help, but it did rule out Studio per se.
So I looked in the local maven repo and realized I had not updated by target project pom to use the newer SNAPSHOT version of the connector project.

Install custom MessageProcessor in Anypoint Studio

I've developed a custom message-processor. Is it possible to install this such that it can be used in AnyPoint Studio's Flow GUI?
ie. That it is included with all the other components in the list on the right of the window.
Only if you build it using DevKit:
You can add custom processors to a module that can be packaged and installed into Studio.

Mule 3.5 Batch module. Enterprise or community version?

I recently downloaded Mule 3.5 after having a look at the new great features coming with the Batch module. After several days developing a flow that uses Batches using Anypoint Studio, when I wanted to deploy my app to my Mule 3.5 Community standalone server I got a disagreeable surprise: neither the batch xsd was contained in the Community runtime nor the batch module jar was in the lib/module folder.
Does that mean that the Batch module belongs to the Enterprise edition? Because I cannot see any mention to that "small detail" neither in the official documentation of the module, nor in the feature comparison page
At the same time, the Community runtime for Anypoint Studio comes with the batch module, as it can be seen in the corresponding plugin folder of eclipse.
Is it a marketing strategy to force users to switch to Enterprise edition? Maybe an error in the documentation? Perhaps an error of packaging of the Community runtime?
Yes, Batch Module is an Enterprise feature. And you are right that is not properly documented. For more detail on the content of each version you can take a look at the release notes, enterprise features are listed linking an EE jira key while community ones are linking a CE jira key.