How to wait until all async calls are finished - express

I've got NestJS application which interact with YoutubeAPI and load videos from it.
One particular method is important and it's loadVideos from below. Method it self has multiple asyncs inside and I need to work with videoIdMap property once everything is finished
private loadVideos(
playListId: string,
channel: Channel,
nextPageToken: string,
stopLoadingOnVideoId: string,
) {
const baseUrl = YoutubeService.VIDEO_URL_SNIPPET_BY_ID + playListId;
const response = this.httpService
.get(nextPageToken ? baseUrl + '&pageToken=' + nextPageToken : baseUrl)
.pipe(map((response) =>;
response.subscribe((data) => {
data.items.forEach((item) => {
if (stopLoadingOnVideoId && item.snippet.resourceId.videoId === stopLoadingOnVideoId) {
this.prepareVideoEntity(item.snippet, channel).then((partialVideo) =>
this.videoService.create(partialVideo).then((video) => {
this.videoIdMap[video.youtubeId] =;
if (data.nextPageToken) {
Ideal solution for me would be to make loadVideos async somehow so I can later do:
public methodWhichCallLoadVideos(): void {
await loadVideos(playListId, channel, null, stopLoadingOnVideoId)
// My code which have to be executed right after videos are loaded
Every solution I tried out end up with this.videoIdMap to be empty object or with compilation issue so any idea is more than welcome.

You could switch to promises instead of Observables, thus turning the method into an async one that recurs as long as data has a nextPageToken:
private async loadVideos(
playListId: string,
channel: Channel,
nextPageToken: string,
stopLoadingOnVideoId: string,
) {
const baseUrl = YoutubeService.VIDEO_URL_SNIPPET_BY_ID + playListId;
const response = await this.httpService
.get(nextPageToken ? url + '&pageToken=' + nextPageToken : url).toPromise();
const { data } = response;
for (const item of data.items) {
if (stopLoadingOnVideoId && item.snippet.resourceId.videoId === stopLoadingOnVideoId) {
const partialVideo = await this.prepareVideoEntity(item.snippet, channel);
const video = await this.videoService.create(partialVideo)
this.videoIdMap[video.youtubeId] =;
if (data.nextPageToken) {
await this.loadVideos(
In your caller you can then simply await loadVideos(...):
private async initVideoIdMap(...) {
await this.loadVideos(...);
// this.videoIdMap should be correctly populated at this point


react native instance class not running in js side

I have this class:
export default class CallManager{
static instance = null
calls = []
static getInstance() {
if (CallManager.instance == null) {
CallManager.instance = new CallManager()
return this.instance;
addCall(callUUID, data){
callId : callUUID,
data: data
this.calls = this.calls.filter(c => c.callId != callUUID)
return this.calls
When ios app killed + get incoming call (with RNCallKeep), I'm using this class to store new call like this:
RNCallKeep.addEventListener('didDisplayIncomingCall', ({ error, callUUID, handle, localizedCallerName, hasVideo, fromPushKit, payload }) => {
// you might want to do following things when receiving this event:
// - Start playing ringback if it is an outgoing call
console.log('didDisplayIncomingCall', error, callUUID, handle, localizedCallerName, hasVideo, fromPushKit, payload)
try {
CallManager.getInstance().addCall(callUUID, { ...payload})
} catch (error) {
console.log('didDisplayIncomingCall error', error)
const answerCall = ({callUUID}) => {
console.log(`[answerCall] ${callUUID}`)
const callData = CallManager.getInstance().getAllCall().find(c => c.callId.toString().toUpperCase() === callUUID.toString().toUpperCase())
But after debug, i got getAllCall return empty. Can someone help?

Cloudflare ESI worker / TypeError: Body has already been used

I'm trying to use a CloudFlare worker to manage my backend ESI fragments but i get an error:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Body has already been used. It can only be used once. Use tee() first if you need to read it twice.
Uncaught (in response) TypeError: Body has already been used. It can only be used once. Use tee() first if you need to read it twice.
I don't find where the body has already been used
The process is:
get a response with the parts
Transform the body by replacing parts fragments with sub Backend calls (streamTransformBody function)
return the response
addEventListener("fetch", event => {
const esiHeaders = {
"user-agent": "cloudflare"
async function handleRequest(request) {
// get cookies from the request
if(cookie = request.headers.get("Cookie")) {
esiHeaders["Cookie"] = cookie
// Clone the request so that it's no longer immutable
newRequest = new Request(request)
// remove cookie from request
// Add header to get <esi>
newRequest.headers.set("Surrogate-Capability", "abc=ESI/1.0")
const response = await fetch(newRequest);
let contentType = response.headers.get('content-type')
if (!contentType || !contentType.startsWith("text/")) {
return response
// Clone the response so that it's no longer immutable
const newResponse = new Response(response.body, response);
let { readable, writable } = new TransformStream()
streamTransformBody(newResponse.body, writable)
newResponse.headers.append('x-workers-hello', 'Hello from
Cloudflare Workers');
return newResponse;
async function streamTransformBody(readable, writable) {
const startTag = "<".charCodeAt(0);
const endTag = ">".charCodeAt(0);
let reader = readable.getReader();
let writer = writable.getWriter();
let templateChunks = null;
while (true) {
let { done, value } = await;
if (done) break;
while (value.byteLength > 0) {
if (templateChunks) {
let end = value.indexOf(endTag);
if (end === -1) {
} else {
templateChunks.push(value.subarray(0, end));
await writer.write(await translate(templateChunks));
templateChunks = null;
value = value.subarray(end + 1);
let start = value.indexOf(startTag);
if (start === -1) {
await writer.write(value);
} else {
await writer.write(value.subarray(0, start));
value = value.subarray(start + 1);
templateChunks = [];
await writer.close();
async function translate(chunks) {
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
let templateKey = chunks.reduce(
(accumulator, chunk) =>
accumulator + decoder.decode(chunk, { stream: true }),
templateKey += decoder.decode();
return handleTemplate(new TextEncoder(), templateKey);
async function handleTemplate(encoder, templateKey) {
const linkRegex = /(esi:include.*src="(.*?)".*\/)/gm
let result = linkRegex.exec(templateKey);
let esi
if (!result) {
return encoder.encode(`<${templateKey}>`);
if (result[2]) {
esi = await subRequests(result[2]);
return encoder.encode(
async function subRequests(target){
target = esiHost + target
const init = {
method: 'GET',
headers: esiHeaders
let response = await fetch(target, init)
if (!response.ok) {
return ''
let text = await response.text()
return '<!--esi-->' + text + '<!--/esi-->'

$nextTick running before previous line finished

I have a vue function call which is triggered when selecting a radio button but it seems that my code inside my $nextTick is running before my previous line of code is finished. I don't want to use setTimout as I don't know how fast the user connection speed is.
findOrderer() {'/MY/ENDPOINT')
.then((response) => {
this.orderers =;
console.log('FIND_ORDER', this.orderers)
rbSelected(value) {
this.newOrderList = [];
this.$nextTick(() => {
for (var i = 0, length = this.orderers.length; i < length; i++) {
if (value.srcElement.value === this.orderers[i].accountType) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.orderers = [];
this.orderers = this.newOrderList;
Looking at the console log the 'FINE_ORDERER' console.log is inside the 'findOrderer' function call so I would have expected this to be on top or am I miss using the $nextTick
That's expected, since findOrderer() contains asynchronous code. An easy way is to simply return the promise from the method, and then await it instead of waiting for next tick:
findOrderer() {
.then((response) => {
this.orderers =;
console.log('FIND_ORDER', this.orderers);
rbSelected: async function(value) {
// Wait for async operation to complete first!
await this.findOrderer();
this.newOrderList = [];
for (var i = 0, length = this.orderers.length; i < length; i++) {
if (value.srcElement.value === this.orderers[i].accountType) {
this.orderers = [];
this.orderers = this.newOrderList;

How to Improve The axios.spread

The below code i use for doing multiple HTTP calls depending on the studentList.
It works well; however, I think the axios spread is not necessary
export default {
getFee (studentList: { studentId: string }[]) {
if (studentList.length < 1) {
let promises = []
for (const student of studentList) {
if (!student.studentId) {
var url = `${API_URL}/${student.studentId}`
return Axios.all(promises)
.then(Axios.spread((...args) => {
// customise the response here
return args
.map(response =>
.map(data => {
// #ts-ignore
data.totalMark = data.markinPhysics + data.markinMaths + data.markinChemistry // total mark sum of marks in differnet discplines
return data
.catch(error => {
switch (error.response.status) {
case 400:
console.log('student not found')
case 500:
console.log('error invoking')
console.log('unknown error')
I have to do multiple network calls in Vue and I am using Axios.
I got it working by axios, all and axios.spread, but I think the code can be improved.
The logic is to do multiple calls for the student list and get the outputs back
Can anyone help?
as well as Promise.all accepts array of promises and returns a new Promise which is resolved whenever all of the given promises are resolved with an array with the result of each promise
const promise1 = Promise.resolve('data1');
const promise2 = Promise.resolve('data2');
]).then(results => {
// results is an array with 2 elements
console.log(results[0]); // data1
console.log(results[1]); // data2
you can use Axios.spread to to assign each result to a variable like this:
]).then(Axios.spread(( result1, result2 ) => {
// args is an array with 2 elements
console.log(result1); // data1
console.log(result2); // data2
alternatively you can use ES6 Destructuring assignment:
]).then(([ result1, result2 ]) => {
// args is an array with 2 elements
console.log(result1); // data1
console.log(result2); // data2
Unnecessary Promise.resolve()
Your Promise.resolve() function calls have no effect on the getFee method since you're not returning them
What would my implementation be
async function getFee(studentList) {
try {
const promises = studentList.reduce((acc, student) =>
? acc.concat(Axios.get(`${API_URL}/${student.studentId}`))
: acc
, []);
const responses = await Axios.all(promises);
return responses
.map(response =>
.map(data => ({
// return new object
// with data's properties
// instead of assinging the new ones directly to the data,
// total mark sum of marks in differnet discplines
totalMark: data.markinPhysics + data.markinMaths + data.markinChemistry,
} catch (error) {
switch (error.response.status) {
case 400:
console.log("student not found");
case 500:
console.log("error invoking");
console.log("unknown error");
export default {
Since you're only using args as an array, you could remove axios.spread.
axios.spread() might only be useful in older browsers now that ES2015 introduced its own spread operator. The main purpose of axios.spread() is to expand the result of axios.all() into an argument list, such that you could do:
axios.all(promiseArray).then(axios.spread(function(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
instead of:
axios.all(promiseArray).then(function(args) {
var arg1 = args[0]
var arg2 = args[1]
var arg3 = args[2]
ES2015's rest operator does the inverse of axios.spread(), so when you combine them (as seen below), you end up with the result above, as if axios.spread() and the rest operator weren't even used:
axios.all(promiseArray).then(axios.spread(function(...args) {
var arg1 = args[0]
var arg2 = args[1]
var arg3 = args[2]
// or newer syntax:
axios.all(promiseArray).then(axios.spread((...args) => {
const arg1 = args[0]
const arg2 = args[1]
const arg3 = args[2]
To avoid promise chaining and improve readability, I think below can be used.
const [arg1, arg2] = await Promise.all(promises)

How to get data from Promise_ object?

I'm trying to get some data from a Promise_ object, in React Native app, in my AsyncStorage.
This is what I get in the console, in my Promise_ object :
Promise {_40: 0, _65: 0, _55: null, _72: null}
_40: 0
_55: {imageId: "1", imageName: "test.png"}
_65: 1
_72: null
__proto__: Object
So I don't know how to simply get the data in the _55 and show them in my code, I just want to take "1" and "test.png".
And sorry for my bad english. Thanks !
This is the code for the set :
export const setBadgePicture = async (badgePictureId, badgePictureName) => await AsyncStorage.multiSet([['imageId', badgePictureId],['imageName', badgePictureName]])
and for the get :
export const getBadgePicture = async () => { await AsyncStorage.multiGet(['imageId', 'imageName']).then((response) => { tableResponse = { 'imageId' : response[0][1], 'imageName' : response[1][1], } }) return tableResponse }
you can do this to wait until your AsyncStorage returns the item.
const itemVal = response;
AsyncStorage getItem function is an Asynchronous function. That means that if you want to get the return of that "get" function you will have to wait for the response. if you are using AsyncStorage.getItem() function add the reserved word await before the statement and in the function you are calling it put the reserved word async like this way:
async myFunctionWhereImCallingTheGetter () {
var myData = await AsyncStorage.getItem('theitemIamSearching');
Try then that:
export const getBadgePicture = async () => {
var response = await AsyncStorage.multiGet(['imageId', 'imageName']);
var tableResponse = { 'imageId' : response[0][1], 'imageName' : response[1][1], } });
return tableResponse;
What if you avoid multiGet?
export const getBadgePicture = async () => {
var imageId = await AsyncStorage.getItem('imageId');
var imageName = await AsyncStorage.getItem('imageName');
var tableResponse = { 'imageId' : imageId, 'imageName' : imageName };
return tableResponse;