Flight offers pricing giving unexpected results after adding bags - amadeus

I tried to follow this guide https://developers.amadeus.com/blog/add-baggage-amadeus-flight-booking-api on retrieving flight offer price.
After first request to the pricing endpoint I get:
"included": {
"bags": {
"1": {
"quantity": 1,
"name": "CHECKED_BAG",
"price": {
"amount": "1637",
"currencyCode": "NOK"
"bookableByItinerary": true,
"segmentIds": [
"travelerIds": [
"2": {
"quantity": 1,
"name": "CHECKED_BAG",
"price": {
"amount": "655",
"currencyCode": "NOK"
"bookableByItinerary": true,
"segmentIds": [
"travelerIds": [
To be honest I'm not sure how to interpret that. What do the "1" and "2" keys represent here? Are those for the first and the second flight offer that I sent in the request?
Anyway, after getting this response I'm assigning 1 to travelerPricings.fareDetailsBySegment.additionalServices.chargeableCheckedBags.quantity to every segment (ids "3" and "21") in every flight offer (2 of them).
I was expecting to get different prices in a response for a second request, but I got the same thing and additional services are never mentioned in the second response to flight offers pricing.
Am I doing something wrong?
I also tried to add bags for just one segment and the same thing happened.
I'm looking for a JFK<->MAD flight (2020-10-20 -> 2020-10-30).

The “1” and “2” are the id’s of the bag offers. In this case the API returns the offer 1 with 1 bag for 1637 NOK and the offer 2 with 1 bag for 655 NOK. By the price difference it means that one bag is bigger than the other even though the airline hasn’t provided explicitly this information. The segmentId in each bag offer guarantees which bag offer can be applied to which segment. Now, in this case both bag offers have the same quantity = 1. In order to choose which bag offer you want to add in the flight (as both offers have the same quantity), you can manually update the price of the flight offer with the one of the bag you’ve selected, so the system will know which bag to add.
When the price returned after adding the bags to the flight offers is the same, it means the bag was not possible to be added. This can be linked to several things such as: this bag is not available to a specific segment, due to the test environment data and it's limitations the amount of bags is not available while confirming in the flight offers price, or specific airlines allow only one bag for each person, or even the specific flight reached the limit of bag capacity as there is not unlimited amount of space.


How to get the products in a category thats based on Dynamic Product Groups from the shopware API

I have a high volume shop with a lot of products and categories.
The products are seasonal, so a lot of new products are added.
Because of this, dynamic product groups are perfect. We set conditions and add the group to the category.
Right now i'm trying to get all the products of the category in the api's (both backend and store), but i dont get any product back. I do get a streamId back in the store-api https://localhost//store-api/product-listing/9cf2c65bd7084144aa4d4a35bb3f568e But there is no endpoint i can call for the streamId.
Next to that, the breadcrumbs are also missing on the front-end.
What is the best way to get a the products from a category back in the API?
If you do have the id of the product_stream you can filter product entities by them having that id as part of their streamIds:
// POST /api/search-ids/product
"page": 1,
"limit": 500,
"filter": [
"type": "equalsAny",
"field": "streamIds",
"value": [
"65103ca79e1e4e3ba846f551fbb1cb36" // your product stream id

How to implement "GET" request to work for STRAVA API from Postman?

Further update...
I got this working. Although Strava's documentation does not say any of the arguments in the call are mandatory it seems they all are. You need to put valid before and after arguments in epoch time and... (and this is the part that confused me a bit) you need to give a page number and items per page. The items per page default to 30 but the page number does not default. The way it works is if you say page 1 and 30 items per page you get items 1 - 30. If you say page 3 and 30 items per page you get items 31 - 60 and so on. You have to create a loop that keeps going until it gets a blank page. You then know you have retrieved all the activities. (At least that is how I think it works.)
Question update...
After some digging and experimenting I have managed to solve some of my problem (as described below) on my own. When one creates an app on Strava listed under your settings under "My API Application" the token given has scope "read" and seems to be very, very limited.
After following the steps listed here Strava Authentication I was able to get a new token with the following scopes:
So... I thought I was "golden" as the saying goes.
Well now I am able to get individual activities using:
But when I try to get a list of all activities I don't get any error messages but Strava simply returns
[] and this for an athlete that I know has over 1800 activities.
What I really want is to get the list of activities. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
I can get athlete information back from Strava using postman using the following https request:
The following gets returned:
"id": 19133707,
"username": "adrian_geekie",
"resource_state": 2,
"firstname": "Adrian",
"lastname": "Geekie",
"city": "Gauteng, South Africa",
"state": "GP",
"country": "South Africa",
"sex": "M",
"premium": true,
"summit": true,
"created_at": "2017-01-03T16:07:37Z",
"updated_at": "2019-01-28T16:08:07Z",
"badge_type_id": 1,
"profile_medium": "https://dgalywyr863hv.cloudfront.net/pictures/athletes/19133707/5599004/2/medium.jpg",
"profile": "https://dgalywyr863hv.cloudfront.net/pictures/athletes/19133707/5599004/2/large.jpg",
"friend": null,
"follower": null
But when I try to get activities using this request:
I get this returned:
"message": "Record Not Found",
"errors": [
"resource": "resource",
"field": "path",
"code": "invalid"
According to me I am asking for all records after the 1st of January 2019 i.e. epoch timestamp 1546293601. I know there are many activities for that athlete after that date. (More than 20).
I have also tried to get a single activity using:
and I get the result:
"message": "Resource Not Found",
"errors": [
"resource": "Activity",
"field": "",
"code": "not found"
On the Strava developer's page the examples are given for HTTPie like this:
https://www.strava.com/api/v3/activities/{id}?include_all_efforts=" "Authorization: Bearer [[token]]
So I am replacing "Authorization: Bearer [[token]] with &access_token=
Perhaps that is my error but access_token works in the first example.
I am sorry if this is a total idiot question. I am a beginner and I would appreciate any help.
Thank you

SQL Database for Magic Cardgame

For school I am creating a deckbuilder website based on Magic the gathering. It's the project that decides if I get my degree or not. Trough the website from Deckbrew I have been able to get data like the following:
"name": "About Face",
"id": "about-face",
"url": "https://api.deckbrew.com/mtg/cards/about-face",
"store_url": "http://store.tcgplayer.com/magic/urzas-legacy/about-face",
"types": [
"colors": [
"cmc": 1,
"cost": "{R}",
"text": "Switch target creature's power and toughness until end of turn.",
"formats": {
"commander": "legal",
"legacy": "legal",
"vintage": "legal"
"editions": [
"set": "Urza's Legacy",
"rarity": "common",
"artist": "Melissa A. Benson",
"multiverse_id": 12414,
"flavor": "The overconfident are the most vulnerable.",
"number": "73",
"layout": "normal",
"price": {
"low": 0,
"average": 0,
"high": 0
"url": "https://api.deckbrew.com/mtg/cards?multiverseid=12414",
"image_url": "http://mtgimage.com/multiverseid/12414.jpg",
"set_url": "https://api.deckbrew.com/mtg/sets/ULG",
"store_url": "http://store.tcgplayer.com/magic/urzas-legacy/about-face"
It's obvious that it's in jSon format. I have found the way to turn this into objects and the structure of the project is 4-layer MVC with entity framework and C#, which is working (kinda)...The problem is the database. I have been working on it for 2 months now and I am not getting any further. The thing I get stuck on is the database. I have not seen much on how to create databases and that's where it goes wrong. I don't get how to build the database. The creation itself would work if I figured out how to include certain things...
1) Formats: if the card is legal in a format, Formats is filled with: "legacy": "legal", "commander":"legal", ... so only the legal formats are included.
2) Types and colors are just plain arrays of words, but since I'm very bad with databases I don't even know how to figure this one out.
3) Editions is something completely different. It's an array of the object Edition which I believe has to have a table of its own. The problem here is that I thought I needed to use a foreign key but since it's an array of Editions I don't really know how to start doing that either.
4) and then there's Price: It always has 3 values: low, average and high which can be 0 if there's no price known.
So here you have it. To me this database is very complex or maybe I am making it too complex. Is there anybody who can help me to get this database organized so I can get on with my project, because I'm so lost at the moment that I feel I am not going to get this ready by the end of next month and that would be awful.
1: No, you should include all.
2: Table with colors, standard m:n binding table in between mapping the card table with the color table. Not knowing how to make a m:n relationship thing makes me thing you skipped all classes... this is fundamental and basic.
3: Seems like "cardedition" is the main table actually, and everything before is a master type table. Not sure- I don't really do magic at all, so I lack what is called domain knowledge. Are cards changed so multiple editions exist? Why is that an array in json?
3: magic values, 0,1,2,3. What is the question?
To me this database is very complex
I suggest you start from scratch (making things easier) and just have maybe 10 or so tables. Go step by step. Follow what you learned, go to 3rd of 4th normal form and go relational.

Without JOINs, what is the right way to handle data in document databases?

I understand that JOINs are either not possible or frowned upon in document databases. I'm coming from a relational database background and trying to understand how to handle such scenarios.
Let's say I have an Employees collection where I store all employee related information. The following is a typical employee document:
"id": 1234,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"gender": "Male",
"dateOfBirth": "3/21/1967",
{ "email": "johnsmith#mydomain.com", "isPrimary": "true" },
{ "email": "jsmith#someotherdomain.com", "isPrimary": "false" }
Let's also say, I have a separate Projects collection where I store project data that looks something like that:
"id": 444,
"projectName": "My Construction Project",
"projectType": "Construction",
{ "_id": 2345, "position": "Engineer" },
{ "_id": 1234, "position": "Project Manager" }
If I want to return a list of all my projects along with project teams, how do I handle making sure that I return all the pertinent information about individuals in the team i.e. full names, email addresses, etc?
Is it two separate queries? One for projects and the other for people whose ID's appear in the projects collection?
If so, how do I then insert the data about people i.e. full names, email addresses? Do I then do a foreach loop in my app to update the data?
If I'm relying on my application to handle populating all the pertinent data, is this not a performance hit that would offset the performance benefits of document databases such as MongoDB?
Thanks for your help.
"...how do I handle making sure that I return all the pertinent information about individuals in the team i.e. full names, email addresses, etc? Is it two separate queries?"
It is either 2 separate queries OR you denormalize into the Project document. In our applications we do the 2nd query and keep the data as normalized as possible in the documents.
It is actually NOT common to see the "_id" key anywhere but on the top-level document. Further, for collections that you are going to have millions of documents in, you save storage by keeping the keys "terse". Consider "name" rather than "projectName", "type" rather than "projectType", "pos" rather than "position". It seems trivial but it adds up. You'll also want to put an index on "team.empId" so the query "how many projects has Joe Average worked on" runs well.
"_id": 444,
"name": "My Construction Project",
"type": "Construction",
{ "empId": 2345, "pos": "Engineer" },
{ "empId": 1234, "pos": "Project Manager" }
Another thing to get used to is that you don't have to write the whole document every time you want to update an individual field or, say, add a new member to the team. You can do targeted updates that uniquely identify the document but only update an individual field or array element.
{ _id : 444 },
{ $addToSet : "team" : { "empId": 666, "position": "Minion" } }
The 2 queries to get one thing done hurts at first, but you'll get past it.
Mongo DB is a document storage database.
It supports High Availability, and Scalability.
For returning a list of all your projects along with project team(details),
according to my understanding, you will have to run 2 queries.
Since mongoDb do not have FK constraints, we need to maintain it at the program level.
Instead of FK constraints,
1) if the data is less, then we can embed the data as a sub document.
2) rather than normalized way of designing the db, in MongoDb we need to design according to the access pattern. i.e. the way we need to query the data more likely. (However time for update is more(slow), but at the user end the performance mainly depends on read activity, which will be better than RDBMS)
The following link provides a certificate course on mongo Db, free of cost.
Mongo DB University
They also have a forum, which is pretty good.

Google Search API Results Completely Different from Google.com Results

Below is one Json item returned from this query and this is the query:
The "dc.type" in the Json is "Patent" and this is obviously patent data BUT I didn't specify that search engine. I've googled this to death but can't find anything re why patent data would be returned from a simple query like this. If Google "Action Motivation, Inc." on the regular google.com page, I get completely different (normal) results. Has anyone had this problem?
"items": [
"kind": "customsearch#result",
"title": "Patent US5622527 - Independent action stepper - Google Patents",
"htmlTitle": "Patent US5622527 - Independent \u003cb\u003eaction\u003c/b\u003e stepper - Google Patents",
"link": "https://www.google.com/patents/US5622527",
"displayLink": "www.google.com",
"snippet": "Apr 22, 1997 ... Original Assignee, Icon Health & Fitness, Inc., Proform Fitness ....",
"htmlSnippet": "Apr 22, 1997 \u003cb\u003e...\u003c/b\u003e Original Assignee, Icon Health & Fitness..."
"formattedUrl": "https://www.google.com/patents/US5622527",
"htmlFormattedUrl": "https://www.google.com/patents/US5622527",
"pagemap": {
"book": [
"description": "A motivational exercise stepping machine has a pair of independently operable pivoting treadles for operation..."
"url": "https://www.google.com/patents/US5622527?utm_source=gb-gplus-share",
"name": "Patent US5622527 - Independent action stepper",
"image": "https://www.google.com/patents?id=&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=1"
"metatags": [
***"dc.type": "Patent"***,
"dc.title": "Independent action stepper",
"dc.contributor": "William T. Dalebout",
"dc.date": "1994-3-23",
"dc.description": "A motivational exercise stepping machine has a pair of independently operable pivoting treadles for operation by a user's feet. Each treadle..."
"dc.relation": "JP:S5110842"
When using their API, you can issue around 40 requests per hour. The results you see on the API is not what the real user sees. You are limited to what they give you, it's not really useful if you want to track ranking positions or what a real user would see. That's something you are not allowed to gather.
If you want a higher amount of API requests you need to pay.
60 requests per hour cost 2000 USD per year, more queries require a custom deal.