the development server returned 500 react native - react-native

I started a new react-native project and I suddenly got this error for no reason and every time I add a package the app can't read and it shows an error for that package for example react-navigation. I tried reinstalling the app countless times but the problem never got fixed.

You have to install react-native-gesture-handler.
yarn add react-native-gesture-handler
npm install react-native-gesture-handler


react native expo run web is showing some permission issue

I am trying to run react native project using expo package on web browser.
but I am getting error message.
Commands executed
yarn install - installed all packages.
expo start - executed very well no issue
npm install react-native-web - no issue
npm install react-dom packages - no issue
expo start - no issue
pressed w - no issue
Browser opened up but in console it says something like.
The issue
Uncaught Error: react-native-permissions: NativeModule.RNPermissions is null. To fix this issue try these steps:
installed npm packages

Struggling to set up nativebase in a React Expo project

I have tried so many different ways to set nativebase up with expo and am still having an issue. At the moment I'm using the
Getting Started documentation found on the nativebase website.
I first create a new app with expo using
expo init myapp
Then I install nativebase using
npm install native-base --save
Then I finally install the font
expo install expo-font
I even copy the App.js found in the getting started documentation, and after I start the app and try to run it on an emulator I face the below error
Unable to resolve "#expo/vector-icons/Fontisto" from "node_modules\native-base\dist\src\basic\IconNB.js"
Failed building JavaScript bundle.
What am I missing? Coming from .NET world this whole process with dependencies is so painful...
*Edit 1
I'm sure someone will make mention of the fact that the error message mentions #expo/vector-icons and I have not installed that. When running before I install this package I get that error, and after I install the mentioned package I still face the exact same error.
Please try with this version of native base :
npm i --save-exact native-base#2.13.8
Expo should release a version with that version .
Hope it helps. feel free for doubts
We can run the below command with Expo
npm i --save-exact native-base#2.13.8
Still this version is not available, but its working, really don't know why?

Graphql error when building react-native app

I'm getting this error on node when I try and npm run android my react native app
Unable to resolve "./printError" from
The error only occurs when attempting to import any libraries that require Graphql. Graphql is installed, and I've uninstalled and reinstalled my node_modules several times attempting to fix this but nothing works. Any help would be appreciated.
printError was added with v0.12.0. Apollo requires at least v14.5.4. You can install the latest version with npm install graphql#latest.

undefined is not an object after updating react-navigation to v3

i updated my react-native testproject yesterday to the new version of react-navigation v3, but now when i run the project i got this red error screen with the error Message
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'RNGestureHandlerModule.State')
The thing is i created a new and clean project after hours of cleaning node_modules folder and updating and so on but the error wont disappear.
Today i uploaded the mini project on snack and everything is fine.. no errors and the mini test app runs almost perfectly ->
But on the normal "react-native run-ios" the error wont go away. I also uploaded the project to github:
Can anyone help me with this? I dont know what the problem is :/
Solve this problem using below commands:
Step1: npm install --save react-native-gesture-handler
Step2: react-native link react-native-gesture-handler
Step3: Killall node -9
Step4: Delete app from simulator or imulator
Step5: Run app from Xcode or Android studio
I have this issue too : helped for me :
Do this command in your project may help you :
react-native link react-native-gesture-handler

react-native 0.1.5 TransformError: /path_to_app/index.ios.js Unknown plugin "node-env-inline"

I've just updated both watchman, homebrew and react-native-cli
The result is that all my new as well as old react-native applicationsare giving the same error.
It is a TransformError in index.ios.js
this is what i got in the simulator
I looked into this question:
[TransformError when running React Native Getting Started project (iOS)]
(TransformError when running React Native Getting Started project (iOS))
But, the answer did not worked for me.
i did :
rm -rf node_modules
npm cache clean
npm i
npm start
and it did not work.
Does any one know what is happening?
I ran into this issue as well. It appears to be a missing babel plugin. Run npm install babel-plugin-node-env-inline to fix. I also had to install babel-plugin-dunderscore-dev-inline.