I am writing some infrastructure testing in Chef InSpec & am not sure how to go about testing that a url is not accessible publicly. I have the following code snippet which I am currently using
environments = {
:ops => "ops",
control "verify-not-accessible-publicly" do
impact 1.0
title "verify we are not publicly accessible"
environments.each do |_, env|
uri = "http://#{env}.internal.example.com"
result = http(uri, ssl_verify: true, open_timeout: 2, read_timeout: 5, max_redirects: 0)
rescue => e
unless e.class == Faraday::ConnectionFailed
raise e
This isn't working quite like I expect. I don't think the http(uri,...) block is actually executed until it is passed into a describe function.
you should use http resource with a describe block and matchers
describe http('url', auth: {user: 'user', pass: 'test'}, params: {params}, method: 'method', headers: {headers}, data: data, open_timeout: 60, read_timeout: 60, ssl_verify: true, max_redirects: 3) do
its('status') { should eq number }
its('body') { should eq 'body' }
its('headers.name') { should eq 'header' }
I have a Test which submits a form. This form usually results in performing doing a external API call. I want to mock that because I'm not interested in the API but in the action.
Whenever I call submitForm the client is still making an external call, but I don't want that.
The test also fails because the api expects a api key which the test does not have.
class SubscriptionControllerTest extends WebTestCase
public function testSubscribe(): void
$client = static::createClient();
$userRepository = static::$container->get(UserRepository::class);
$testUser = $userRepository->findOneBy(['email' => UserFixtures::$testUser]);
$clientMock = $this->createMock(ApiClient::class);
//replace the api with the mock one
self::$container->set(ApiClient::class, $clientMock);
$client->request('GET', '/subscription/new');
$client->submitForm('btn-submit', [
'subscribe[firstName]' => 'firstname',
'subscribe[lastName]' => 'lastname'
What am I doing wrong here?
So the problem is described in this post:
2 requests are being done in my test. A GET and a submitForm (POST). First one uses the proper Mock, second request rebuilds the kernel and the mocks are gone.
My solution was to just use 1 request by submitting the form with a POST request. Using the CSRF token manager to generate a csrf token:
public function testSubscribe(): void
$client = static::createClient();
$userRepository = static::$container->get(UserRepository::class);
$testUser = $userRepository->findOneBy(['email' => UserFixtures::$testUser]);
$csrfTokenGenerator = $client->getContainer()->get('security.csrf.token_manager');
$apiClient = $this->createMock(ApiClient::class);
$client->getContainer()->set(ApiClient::class, $apiClient);
$client->request('POST', '/subscription/new', [
'subscribe' => [
"firstName" => 'firstname',
"lastName" => "lastname",
"_token" => $csrfTokenGenerator->getToken('subscribe')->getValue()
I'm attempting to get Guardian auth work for my application. But I'm completely stuck and can't find any support for the problem I'm having.
As far as I know I've setup Guardian exactly how the documentation shows how, but when I test authentication in the browser it fails on EnsureAuthenticated plug that Guardian provides.
Here is what I'm working with:
All values are filled correctly in the app.
config :statcasters, MyApp.Guardian,
allowed_algos: ["HS512"],
verify_module: Guardian.JWT,
issuer: "my_app",
ttl: {30, :days},
allowed_drift: 2000,
verify_issuer: true,
secret_key: "my_secret_key"
defmodule Statcasters.LeagueController do
use StatcastersWeb, :controller
alias Statcasters.{League, Repo}
plug Guardian.Plug.EnsureAuthenticated
def create(conn, %{"league" => league_params}) do
changeset = League.changeset(%League{}, league_params)
case Repo.insert(changeset) do
{:ok, league} ->
|> put_status(:created)
|> render("league.json", league: league)
{:error, changeset} ->
|> put_status(:unprocessable_entity)
|> render(Statcasters.ChangesetView, "error.json", changeset: changeset)
In this controller is where it fails. When it goes to the EnsureAuthenticated plug it halts right there. but I have a valid JWT in the headers at this point.
Here our my params:
Parameters: %{"headers" => %{"Authorization" => "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJTdGF0Y2FzdGVycyIsImV4cCI6MTUyNzUzMDA1OSwiaWF0IjoxNTI0OTM4MDU5LCJMiOiJTdGF0Y2FzdGVycyIsImp0aSI6IjJhNDg3MWQ4LTkwZGEtNDNlYS1hMGJlLWVjNjgwNjIzOTBkOCIsIm5iZiI6MTUyNDkzODA1OCwic3ViIjoiMSIsInR5cCI6InJlZnJlc2gifQ.EKeaHoQiW9tmtsabPIjj6069zD6Vcex9w3xfkXP5MIyiogWh400S6wMzaAsTQd20I5ai_y9jJTtgLzqYfbGTaQ"}
I've verified that the JWT is valid here.
axios.post('/api/v1/leagues', {
league: {
name: this.$refs.league_name.value,
player_limit: this.$refs.player_limit.value,
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer jwt(correct jwt)"
}).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {
Again, the problem is that my auth is failing in the Plug.EnsureAuthenticated hook. But I can't understand why because I seem to be setting everything up correctly and the JWT is in the auth header.
You're sending the header as a POST parameter, not an HTTP header. You need to put the headers in the third argument for axios.post:
axios.post('/api/v1/leagues', {
league: {
name: this.$refs.league_name.value,
player_limit: this.$refs.player_limit.value,
}, {
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer jwt(correct jwt)"
I have this redux-observable epic which does a POST ajax request using RxJS.ajax.post and I don't think it is hitting my Elixir router properly as nothing is happening on my elixir backend. I am doing get requests to get categories correctly and in the same manner so I am hitting other paths in my Elixir router correctly. I am expecting the issue to be with my backend Elixir code not my frontend. I might need to change my path in router.ex.
When I press a button on the frontend, this object is what gets sent to the elixir backend (it dispatches this action with a product as the payload and hits the redux-observable epic below):
onPress = {() => {
name: props.name,
brand: props.brand,
description: props.description,
image: props.image
The epic:
import { ajax } from 'rxjs/observable/dom/ajax'
import { Observable } from 'rxjs'
export const uploadProductEpic = action$ =>
.mergeMap(action => {
ajax.post('http://localhost:4000/products/', action.payload)
.map(response => uploadProductFulfilled(response))
.catch(error => Observable.of(
the elixir router:
defmodule Api.Router do
use Plug.Router
if Mix.env == :dev do
use Plug.Debugger
plug :match
plug :dispatch
get "/categories/" do
post "/products/:product" do
IO.puts inspect conn
Api.Repo.insertProduct(conn, product)
IO.puts inspect conn doesn't log anything. So My Elixir router path post "/products/:product" do is not being hit by my POST request. What am I doing wrong?
This is the elixir function in repo.ex that I HOPE will insert the product into my database:
def insertProduct(conn, product) do
product = %Api.Product{name: product.name, brand: product.brand, description: product.description, image: product.image, rating: 0, numberOfVotes: 0}
changeset = Api.Product.changeset(product)
errors = changeset.errors
valid = changeset.valid?
case insert(changeset) do
{:ok, product} ->
|> put_resp_content_type("application/json")
|> send_resp(200, Poison.encode!(%{
successs: "success"
{:error, changeset} ->
|> put_resp_content_type("application/json")
|> send_resp(500, Poison.encode!(%{
failure: "Errors"
I am a frontend developer just trying to get into Elixir so any guidance and patience is appreciated. Thanks.
Your data is sent in the body of the request, not in the URL, so the route should be:
post "/products"
You'll also need to plug in a JSON parser after plug :match and before plug :dispatch, as described in the Parameter Parsing section in the documentation of Plug.Router:
plug :match
plug Plug.Parsers, parsers: [:json],
pass: ["application/json"],
json_decoder: Poison
plug :dispatch
The JSON data will now be present in conn.body_params, which you can send to your function:
post "/products" do
Api.Repo.insertProduct(conn, conn.body_params)
And finally, the keys in the JSON would be strings, so you need to use the bracket syntax to access them instead of dots:
product = %Api.Product{name: product["name"], brand: product["brand"], description: product["description"], image: product["image"], rating: 0, numberOfVotes: 0}
I'm not sure how you've defined Api.Product.changeset, but the default Phoenix convention defines a 2 arity function which calls cast and extracts the data from a map itself. If you're doing the same, you can do this instead:
changeset = Api.Product.changeset(%Api.Product{}, product)
I have a post method that accepts JSON:
post '/channel/create' do
content_type :json
#data = JSON.parse(env['rack.input'].gets)
if #data.nil? or !#data.has_key?('api_key')
status 400
body({ :error => "JSON corrupt" }.to_json)
status 200
body({ :error => "Channel created" }.to_json)
As a newbie to rspec I am bewildered trying to figure out how to write a test against that POST with an acceptable JSON payload. The closest I got to is this which is woefully inaccurate but I don't seem to be asking the Google god the right questions to help me out here.
it "accepts create channel" do
h = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}
body = { :key => "abcdef" }.to_json
post '/channel/create', body, h
last_response.should be_ok
Any best practice guidance for testing APIs in Sinatra will be most appreciated also.
The code you've used is fine, although I would structure it slightly differently as I don't like to use it blocks the way you normally see them, I think it encourages testing of more than one aspect of a system at a time:
let(:body) { { :key => "abcdef" }.to_json }
before do
post '/channel/create', body, {'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json'}
subject { last_response }
it { should be_ok }
I've used let because it's better than an instance variable in a before block (kudos to you for not doing that). The post is in a before block because it's not really part of the spec, but a side effect that occurs prior to what you're speccing. The subject is the response and that makes the it a simple call.
Because checking the response is ok is needed so often I put it in a shared example:
shared_examples_for "Any route" do
subject { last_response }
it { should be_ok }
and then call it as such:
describe "Creating a new channel" do
let(:body) { { :key => "abcdef" }.to_json }
before do
post '/channel/create', body, {'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json'}
it_should_behave_like "Any route"
# now spec some other, more complicated stuff…
subject { JSON.parse(last_response.body) }
it { should == "" }
and because the content type changes so often, I put that in a helper:
module Helpers
def env( *methods )
methods.each_with_object({}) do |meth, obj|
obj.merge! __send__(meth)
def accepts_html
{"HTTP_ACCEPT" => "text/html" }
def accepts_json
{"HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/json" }
def via_xhr
It's easy to add this in where it's needed by including it via the RSpec config:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Helpers, :type => :request
describe "Creating a new channel", :type => :request do
let(:body) { { :key => "abcdef" }.to_json }
before do
post '/channel/create', body, env(:accepts_json)
Having said all that, personally, I wouldn't post using JSON. HTTP POST is simple to handle, and every form and javascript library does it easily and well. Respond with JSON by all means, but don't post JSON, HTTP is a lot easier.
Edit: after writing out the Helpers bit above I realised it would be more helpful as a gem.
Looks like the ability to do post :update, '{"some": "json"}' was added to the internal ActionPack test_case.rb used by rspec in this commit:
Since you're using Sinatra I'm not sure the best way to get those changes—you might be able to upgrade ActionPack directly, or patch from the above commit.
If you want to look at last_response as JSON, you could try rack-test-json which makes this trivial:
expect(last_response).to be_json
expect(last_response.as_json['key']).to be == 'value'
This is the API call Im attempting:
(Video upload is not available in the new Graph API.)
I have tried many variations on the parameters. The code below is my best guess. If I modify the params to be obviously incorrect, change to http (not https) or try to use api.facebook.com for video, I get proper errors back.
However, my code below just waits a few minutes before reporting:
ETIMEDOUT: Connection timed out
Also included is working code to upload a photo - which is almost identical.
# Facebook Old-API method - testing only - this works.
def post_photo
url = "https://api.facebook.com/method/photos.upload"
body = {
nil => File.new(self.media.media_files.first.source_file, 'rb'),
:access_token => self.session.auth_data[:access_token],
:callback => "none",
:aid => "Test Photos",
:caption => "Test",
:uid => self.session.auth_data[:uid],
response = RestClient.post url, body
# Facebook Old-API method - doesn't work - connection timeout.
def post_video
url = "https://api-video.facebook.com/method/video.upload"
body = {
:nil => File.new(self.media.media_files.first.source_file, 'rb'),
:access_token => self.session.auth_data[:access_token],
:callback => "none",
:title => "Test title",
:description => "Test description",
:privacy => "{ value: 'EVERYONE' }",
:uid => self.session.auth_data[:uid],
response = RestClient.post url, body
PS: Im in Australia - is the API limited to eg the USA?