Getting unknown local action type in Vuex Store - vue.js

I have broken up my Vuex store into namespaced modules.
I have created a User module, where I need to call my Showrooms module. The interesting thing, is that this action works fine. But I am updating the store:
showroomDresses: element.showroom.showroomDresses,
status: element.showroom.status,
uuid: element.showroom.uuid,
root: true
But when I try and reset the Showrooms store with this:
dispatch('showrooms/resetShowrooms', { root: true })
I get the following error:
[vuex] unknown local action type: showrooms/resetShowrooms, global type: user/showrooms/resetShowrooms
The only thing I can think of is something is that when I resetShowrooms I do it like this in my store module:
This action:
resetShowrooms: ({ commit }) => {
Calls this mutation
zeroOutShowrooms: (state) => {
Vue.set(state, 'showrooms', [])

It ends up that dispatch is looking for some data in the second position. That's why this was NOT working:
resetShowrooms: ({ commit }) => {
While this DID work and solved my issue:
dispatch('showrooms/resetShowrooms', '', { root: true })
Just sending the empty string did the trick and all is good now.


Is way i can react to an asynchronous action in vuex in a vue template

I want to display a loading effect in a vue template whilst an asynchronous action in vuex is still running. But the loading effect doesn't seem to work. How do I fix it?. Is there any better way I can achieve this?
This is how I defined the action:
actions: {
signIn({ state }, user) {
.signInWithEmailAndPassword(, userInfo.password)
.then(result => {
return result
This how defined the dispatch in vue template method:
let loader = this.$
this.$store.dispatch('signIn', this.user).then(() => {
I expected the loader to start when the action begins and end when the action ends but it starts and ends almost instantly.
Just add return statement, that returns a Promise so you can then it in your component.
actions: {
signIn({ state }, user) {
return auth()
.signInWithEmailAndPassword(, userInfo.password)
.then(result => {
return result

Nuxt.js Store, dispatch action to other store

I have two stores on my Nuxt.js app and I need to dispatch an action to another store.
export const actions = {
addToCart({ state, commit, dispatch }) {
.then(response => {
It seems to me like I cannot dispatch an action to a different store. Is that right? Or is there a way to do so?
The above will result in the error:
[vuex] unknown local action type: CartLoadingStore/enableLoadingBar, global type: StoreTheActionDispatchedFrom/CartLoadingStore/enableLoadingBar
You need to add root param to your dispatch call
dispatch('CartLoadingStore/disableLoadingBar', null, { root: true })
Here docs

How do correctly add a getter to a Vuex Module?

I'm trying to create a Vuex module whenever I register the module, I get a state is undefined, even though there is nothing calling the getter I had just made. I'm able to call actions correctly with no errors.
This is my module. customer.js
export default {
namespaced: true,
state: {
login: false,
getters: {
isLoggedIn: (state) => {
mutations: {
set_login: (state, login) => {
state.login = login;
set_orders: (state, orders) => {
state.orders = orders;
actions: {
newsletter_subscribe: (context, email) => {
//- TODO
I have register via the registerModule function.
import Customer from './customer';
store.registerModule('customer', Customer, {
preserveState: true
Whenever I have developer tools open it just alerts me that.
Uncaught ReferenceError: state is not defined
at isLoggedIn (customer.js:11)
at wrappedGetter (vuex.esm.js:734)
Am I doing anything wrong with my getter?
I've only noticed the getter being called with Vue Dev tools open as I tried putting an alert in the getter to see what else could be triggering without the state being passed in.
I managed to solve it by giving my store a blank state!
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {}
And registering modules as normal.

VueJS,vue-form-generator Accessing $store from field callback

I am using the vue-form-generator component. I am attempting to update a variable in the store with the response from a call back. What I believe the relevant code is (inside the schema:fields property):
type: 'submit',
buttonText: 'Save Updates',
styleClasses: ['custom-submit', 'custom-submit-primary', 'custom-submit-full'],
disabled () {
return this.errors.length > 0
validateBeforeSubmit: true,
onSubmit: function (model, schema) {
Vue.CustomSubmit('UserUpdate', model).then((response) => {
this.$store.user = response
From within the Vue.CustomSubmit().then((response)) => { ... }
I don't seem to be able to access the store.
It works slightly higher in scope, such as:
data () {
return {
avatar: this.$store.getters.user.avatar,
You cannot modify the $store directly. That's the most important part of the vuex concept. You need to use a mutation and commit it after you got the data.
Here it is described

Vuex | How to commit a global mutation in a module action?

I have an action in a namespaced module and a global mutation (i.e. not in a module). I would like to be able to commit the global mutation inside the action.
// Global mutation
export default {
globalMutation (state, payload) {
// Action in a namespaced module
export default {
namespaced: true,
actions: {
namespacedAction ({ commit, dispatch, state }, payload) {
commit({ type: 'globalMutation' })
When the namespaced action is dispatched, Vuex displays:
[vuex] unknown local mutation type: globalMutation, global type: module/globalMutation
Is there an option I can pass to the commit function to call this global mutation?
Looks like I just found a way with the { root: true } parameter.
commit('globalMutation', payload, { root: true })
If module is namespaced, use global path instead:
commit('module/mutation', payload, { root: true })