I have a task where i need to flatten some json arrays
say my sample json is and i want to flatten the two arrays temperature_Readings and airpollution readings i.e my result must have 5 rows and the columns for air_pollution(array value) should be empty
How do I do this?
Sample JSON
"sensor_readings": {
"temperature_readings": [
"date": "02-02-2020",
"hour": "12",
"second": "00",
"temperature": "22.12C"
"date": "02-02-2020",
"hour": "13",
"second": "00",
"temperature": "22.2C"
"date": "02-02-2020",
"hour": "14",
"second": "00",
"temperature": "12.12C"
"date": "02-02-2020",
"hour": "15",
"second": "00",
"temperature": "22.12C"
"date": "02-02-2020",
"hour": "16",
"second": "00",
"temperature": "22.12C"
"date": "02-02-2020",
"hour": "12",
"second": "00",
"particulate": "2.2"
"date": "02-02-2020",
"hour": "13",
"second": "00",
"particulate": "2.1"
"siteid": "a1234566",
"deviceid": "2343434"
Here is an idea of how you can 'unpack' your array of readings.
with sensorReadings as (Select sensor_readings.readings.temperature_readings from input),
inputValues as (Select message.ArrayValue as Data from sensorReadings CROSS APPLY GetArrayElements(sensorReadings.temperature_readings) as message)
INTO output
FROM inputValues
From the documentation of the Get Route for the flight offers Api, I can add travelerClass as a filter to make a request. If I add say travelerClass as ECONOMY?
I expect to see only offers with ECONOMY. However I see that within the fareDetailsBySegment section in the result, I see that some Offers have their cabin values as other than ECONOMY. I see some with value of BUSINESS while others as PREMIUM_ECONOMY.
Is this proper?
My Concern
I want to be able to get all bookings that where ECONOMY based only. So I need to be sure that the flight offers returned in the first place are strictly limited by the travelerClass.
I will appreciate any clarity on the this issue. Also if there is a better way to go about this concern above, it will be most appreciated.
An example of my request is below:
originLocationCode: 'SYD',
destinationLocationCode: 'BKK',
departureDate: '2022-11-01',
adults: '1',
travelClass: 'ECONOMY'
Offer with BUSINESS instead of ECONOMY
"type": "flight-offer",
"id": "22",
"source": "GDS",
"instantTicketingRequired": false,
"nonHomogeneous": false,
"oneWay": false,
"lastTicketingDate": "2022-11-01",
"numberOfBookableSeats": 6,
"itineraries": [
"duration": "PT28H20M",
"segments": [
"departure": {
"iataCode": "SYD",
"terminal": "1",
"at": "2022-11-01T12:00:00"
"arrival": {
"iataCode": "PVG",
"terminal": "2",
"at": "2022-11-01T19:30:00"
"carrierCode": "MU",
"number": "562",
"aircraft": {
"code": "77W"
"operating": {
"carrierCode": "MU"
"duration": "PT10H30M",
"id": "13",
"numberOfStops": 0,
"blacklistedInEU": false
"departure": {
"iataCode": "PVG",
"terminal": "1",
"at": "2022-11-02T08:45:00"
"arrival": {
"iataCode": "BKK",
"at": "2022-11-02T12:20:00"
"carrierCode": "MU",
"number": "541",
"aircraft": {
"code": "320"
"operating": {
"carrierCode": "MU"
"duration": "PT4H35M",
"id": "14",
"numberOfStops": 0,
"blacklistedInEU": false
"price": {
"currency": "EUR",
"total": "4048.84",
"base": "3858.00",
"fees": [
"amount": "0.00",
"type": "SUPPLIER"
"amount": "0.00",
"type": "TICKETING"
"grandTotal": "4048.84"
"pricingOptions": {
"fareType": [
"includedCheckedBagsOnly": true
"validatingAirlineCodes": [
"travelerPricings": [
"travelerId": "1",
"fareOption": "STANDARD",
"travelerType": "ADULT",
"price": {
"currency": "EUR",
"total": "4048.84",
"base": "3858.00"
"fareDetailsBySegment": [
"segmentId": "13",
"cabin": "ECONOMY",
"fareBasis": "YSE0WDNQ",
"class": "Y",
"includedCheckedBags": {
"quantity": 2
"segmentId": "14",
"cabin": "BUSINESS",
"fareBasis": "QSE0WCNL",
"class": "Q",
"includedCheckedBags": {
"quantity": 2
in order to apply the filter for cabin class, I suggest you to try with POST method.
in POST method has more search criteria you can apply, below example is something that I have tried and it works: response only contains ECONOMY classes by updating values under cabinRestrictions.
details of the request model is available in API reference page
"currencyCode": "USD",
"originDestinations": [
"id": "1",
"originLocationCode": "SYD",
"destinationLocationCode": "BKK",
"departureDateTimeRange": {
"date": "2022-11-01"
"travelers": [
"id": "1",
"travelerType": "ADULT"
"sources": [
"searchCriteria": {
"maxFlightOffers": 10,
"flightFilters": {
"cabinRestrictions": [
"cabin": "ECONOMY",
"coverage": "ALL_SEGMENTS",
"originDestinationIds": [
I would like to find name value at whatever level when searching by ID
I assume Lodash would be the best method, I have been searching and testing but no luck, is this possible?
"delegate": [
"id": "2",
"name": "David",
"balances": [],
"responsibility": [
"id": "18",
"name": "Lilly",
"balances": []
"id": "12",
"name": "Barb",
"balances": [],
"responsibility": [
"id": "3",
"name": "Amy",
"balances": []
"id": "9",
"name": "John",
"balances": []
"responsibility": [
"id": "14",
"name": "Shawn",
"balances": []
how can I fetch the name and team_name keys in this API data?
condition: here 18,1,17, etc are subject codes that change according to the subject and not fix this subject available in the next API call.
"18": {
"detail": {
"id": "18",
"name": "Hindi"
"list": [
"id": "5",
"team_name": "Gurpreet",
"id": "2",
"team_name": "Test1",
"17": {
"detail": {
"id": "17",
"name": "Punjabi"
"list": [
"id": "6",
"team_name": "Guru",
"id": "3",
"team_name": "Test",
"1": {
"detail": {
"id": "1",
"name": "History"
"list": [
"id": "7",
"team_name": "Gurpreet",
"19": {
"detail": {
"id": "19",
"name": "Math"
"list": [
"id": "4",
"team_name": "Gurpreet",
"status": true
Use this code. You can check keys getter to check dynamics key.
import 'dart:convert';
void main() async {
var f = {
"18": {
"detail": {"id": "18", "name": "Hindi"},
"list": [
"id": "5",
"team_name": "Gurpreet",
"id": "2",
"team_name": "Test1",
"17": {
"detail": {"id": "17", "name": "Punjabi"},
"list": [
"id": "6",
"team_name": "Guru",
"id": "3",
"team_name": "Test",
"1": {
"detail": {"id": "1", "name": "History"},
"list": [
"id": "7",
"team_name": "Gurpreet",
"19": {
"detail": {"id": "19", "name": "Math"},
"list": [
"id": "4",
"team_name": "Gurpreet",
"status": true
for (var o in f.keys) {
if (f[o] is bool) {
} else { // check it is Map. I consider it always is Map
if ((f[o] as Map)['detail'] != null) {
print((f[o] as Map)['detail']['name']);
if ((f[o] as Map)['list'] != null) {
print((f[o] as Map)['list'][0]['team_name']); // you can use for here. please check array is not null
I'm testing self-service APIs. I wonder if this is a bug:
I make a search request, and the response contains the extra bag information in the flight-offer/price/additionalServices
Then I make the offer price request by adding include=bags parameter in the path of Flight Offers Price API.
However there is no any bags information in the response, neither in the offer/price/additionalServices, nor in the included/.
I still try to create order by adding the extra bag. So I use the extra bag information that I got at step 1 (search response). And the order is created successfully.
It seems that the extra bag information is missing in step 2 (response of flight offer price), is it a bug?
Here is an example of my test to reproduce the issue:
search request
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"originDestinations": [
"id": "1",
"originLocationCode": "PAR",
"destinationLocationCode": "NYC",
"departureDateTimeRange": {
"date": "2020-08-20",
"time": "10:00:00"
"travelers": [
"id": "1",
"travelerType": "ADULT"
"sources": [
"searchCriteria": {
"maxFlightOffers": 3
Then I select the second offer in the response to make a offer price request using include=bags parameter
"type": "flight-offer",
"id": "2",
"source": "GDS",
"instantTicketingRequired": false,
"nonHomogeneous": false,
"oneWay": false,
"lastTicketingDate": "2020-08-13",
"numberOfBookableSeats": 8,
"itineraries": [
"duration": "PT8H15M",
"segments": [
"departure": {
"iataCode": "ORY",
"terminal": "4",
"at": "2020-08-20T19:45:00"
"arrival": {
"iataCode": "EWR",
"terminal": "B",
"at": "2020-08-20T22:00:00"
"carrierCode": "TX",
"number": "6720",
"aircraft": {
"code": "359"
"operating": {
"carrierCode": "BF"
"duration": "PT8H15M",
"id": "3",
"numberOfStops": 0,
"blacklistedInEU": false
"price": {
"currency": "EUR",
"total": "149.44",
"base": "41.00",
"fees": [
"amount": "0.00",
"type": "SUPPLIER"
"amount": "0.00",
"type": "TICKETING"
"grandTotal": "149.44",
"additionalServices": [
"amount": "70.00",
"type": "CHECKED_BAGS"
"pricingOptions": {
"fareType": [
"includedCheckedBagsOnly": false
"validatingAirlineCodes": [
"travelerPricings": [
"travelerId": "1",
"fareOption": "STANDARD",
"travelerType": "ADULT",
"price": {
"currency": "EUR",
"total": "149.44",
"base": "41.00"
"fareDetailsBySegment": [
"segmentId": "3",
"cabin": "ECONOMY",
"fareBasis": "ULBCOWFR",
"brandedFare": "EBASIC",
"class": "U",
"includedCheckedBags": {
"quantity": 0
There is no extra bag in the response.
I am having an issue with the format EsStorage store tuples into Elasticsearch.
Let's take a concrete example:
X: {id: chararray,score: long,answers: {(id: chararray,score: long)}}
I am using the following ESStorage configuration:
DEFINE EsStorage org.elasticsearch.hadoop.pig.EsStorage (
'es.http.timeout= 5m',
'es.index.auto.create = true',
'es.mapping.pig.tuple.use.field.names = true',
'es.nodes = $es_nodes',
'es.mapping.id = id'
And I store my tuples like this:
STORE X INTO '$es_index_name/$es_index_type' USING EsStorage;
The result is the following:
"_index": "stackoverflow_test3",
"_type": "post",
"_id": "4",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"id": "4",
"score": 385,
"answers": [
"id": "7",
"score": 287
"id": "7263",
"score": 48
I'am expecting to have something like this:
"_index": "stackoverflow_test3",
"_type": "post",
"_id": "4",
"_score": 1,
"_source": {
"id": "4",
"score": 385,
"answers": [
"id": "7",
"score": 287
"id": "7263",
"score": 48
Do you know how could I achieve this ?
Thank you