pandas groupby returns multiindex with two more aggregates - pandas

When grouping by a single column, and using as_index=False, the behavior is expected in pandas. However, when I use .agg, as_index no longer appears to behave as expected. In short, it doesn't appear to matter.
# imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# set the seed
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(10, 1), columns=['a'])
df['letter'] = np.random.choice(['a','b'], size=10)
summary = df.groupby('letter', as_index=False).agg([np.count_nonzero, np.mean])
count_nonzero mean
a 6.0 0.539313
b 4.0 0.456702
When I would have expected the axis to be 0 1 with letter as a column in the dataframe.
In summary, I want to be able to group by one or more columns, summarize a single column with multiple aggregates, and return a dataframe that does not have the group by columns as the index, nor a Multi Index in the column.

The comment from #Trenton did the trick.
summary = df.groupby('letter')['a'].agg([np.count_nonzero, np.mean]).reset_index()


Iterating and ploting five columns per iteration pandas

I am trying to plot five columns per iteration, but current code is ploting everithing five times. How to explain to it to plot five columns per iteration without repeting them?
for tag_1,tag_2,tag_3,tag_4,tag_5 in zip(df.columns[n:], df.columns[n+1:], df.columns[n+2:], df.columns[n+3:], df.columns[n+4:]):
fig,ax=plt.subplots(ncols=5, tight_layout=True, sharey=True, figsize=(20,3))
sns.scatterplot(df, x=tag_1, y='variable', ax=ax[0])
sns.scatterplot(df, x=tag_2, y='variable', ax=ax[1])
sns.scatterplot(df, x=tag_3, y='variable', ax=ax[2])
sns.scatterplot(df, x=tag_4, y='variable', ax=ax[3])
sns.scatterplot(df, x=tag_5, y='variable', ax=ax[4])
You are using list slicing in the wrong way. When you use df.columns[n:], you are getting all the column names from the one with index n to the last one. The same is valid for n+1, n+2, n+3 and n+4. This causes the repetition that you are referring to. In addition to that, the fact that the plot is shown five times is due to the behavior of the zip function: when used on iterables with different sizes, the iterable returned by zip has the size of the smaller one (in this case df.columns[n+4:]).
You can achieve what you want by adapting your code as follows:
# Imports to create sample data
import string
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
# Create some sample data and a sample dataframe
data = { string.ascii_lowercase[i]: [random.randint(0, 100) for _ in range(100)] for i in range(15) }
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Iterate in groups of five indexes
for start in range(0, len(df.columns), 5):
# Get the next five columns. Pay attention to the case in which the number of columns is not a multiple of 5
cols = [df.columns[idx] for idx in range(start, min(start+5, len(df.columns)))]
# Adapt your plot and take into account that the last group can be smaller than 5
fig,ax=plt.subplots(ncols=len(cols), tight_layout=True, sharey=True, figsize=(20,3))
for idx in range(len(cols)):
#sns.scatterplot(df, x=cols[idx], y='variable', ax=ax[idx])
sns.scatterplot(df, x=cols[idx], y=df[cols[idx]], ax=ax[idx]) # In the example the values of the column are plotted
In this case, the code performs the following steps:
Iterate over groups of at most five indexes ([0->4], [5->10]...)
Recover the columns that are positioned in the previously recovered indexes. The last group of columns may be smaller than 5 (e.g., 18 columns, the last is composed of the ones with the following indexes: 15, 16, 17
Create the plot taking into account the previous corner case of less than 5 columns
With Seaborn's object interface, available from v0.12, we might do like this:
from numpy import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import seaborn.objects as so
First, let's create a sample dataset, just like trolloldem's answer.
random.seed(0) # To produce the same random values across multiple runs
columns = list("abcdefghij")
sample_size = 20
df_orig = pd.DataFrame(
{c: random.randint(100, size=sample_size) for c in columns},
index=pd.Series(range(sample_size), name="variable")
Then transform the data frame into a long-form for easier processing.
df = (df_orig
.melt(value_vars=columns, var_name="tag", ignore_index=False)
Then finally render the figures, 5 figures per row.
so.Plot(df, x="value", y="variable") # Or you might do x="variable", y="value" instead
.facet(col="tag", wrap=5)

How do you split a pandas multiindex dataframe into train/test sets?

I have a multi-index pandas dataframe consisting of a date element and an index representing store locations. I want to split into training and test sets based on the time index. So, everything before a certain time being my training data set and after being my testing dataset. Below is some code for a sample dataset.
import pandas as pd
import stats
data = stats.poisson(mu=[5,2,1,7,2]).rvs([60, 5]).T.ravel()
dates = pd.date_range('2017-01-01', freq='M', periods=60)
locations = [f'location_{i}' for i in range(5)]
df_train = pd.DataFrame(data, index=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([dates, locations]), columns=['eaches'])
df_train.index.names = ['date', 'location']
I would like df_train to represent everything before 2021-01 and df_test to represent everything after.
I've tried using df[df.loc['dates'] > '2020-12-31'] but that yielded errors.
You have 'date' as an index, that's why your query doesn't work. For index, you can use:
That will select all rows, where df_train >= '2020-12-31'. So, if you would like to choose only rows where df_train > '2020-12-31', you should use df_train.loc['2021-01-01':]
You can't do df.loc['dates'] > '2020-12-31' because df.loc['dates'] still represents your numerical data, and you can't compare those to a string.
You can use query which works with index:

How to select a value in a dataframe with MultiIndex?

I use the Panda library to analyze the data coming from an excel file.
I used pivot_table to get a pivot table with the information I'm interested in. I end up with a multi index array.
For "OPE-2016-0001", I would like to obtain the figures for 2017 for example. I've tried lots of things and nothing works. What is the correct method to use? thank you
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from math import *
import tkinter as tk
pd.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', False)
df = pd.read_csv('datas.csv')
def tcd_op_dataExcercice():
global df
new_df = df.assign(Occurence=1)
tcd= new_df.pivot_table(index=['Numéro opération',
'Libellé opération'],
print(tcd.xs('ALSTOM 8', level='Libellé opération', drop_level=False))
I get the following table (image).
How do I get the value framed in red?
You can use .loc to select rows by a DataFrame's Index's labels. If the Index is a MultiIndex, it will index into the first level of the MultiIndex (Numéro Opéracion in your case). Though you can pass a tuple to index into both levels (e.g. if you specifically wanted ("OPE-2016-0001", "ALSTOM 8"))
It's worth noting that the columns of your pivoted data are also a MultiIndex, because you specified the aggfunc, values and columns as lists, rather than individual values (i.e. without the []). Pandas creates a MultiIndex because of these lists, even though they had one
So you'll also need to pass a tuple to index into the columns to get the value for 2017:
tcd.loc["OPE-2016-0001", ('sum', 'Occurence', 2017)]
If you had instead just specified the aggfunc etc as individual strings, the columns would just be the years and you could select the values by:
tcd.loc["OPE-2016-0001", 2017]
Or if you specifically wanted the value for ALSTOM 8:
tcd.loc[("OPE-2016-0001", "ALSTOM 8"), 2017]
An alternative to indexing into a MultiIndex would also be to just .reset_index() after pivoting -- in which case the levels of the MultiIndex will just become columns in the data. And you can then select rows based on the values of those columns. E.g (assuming you specified aggfunc etc as strings):
tcd = tcd.reset_index()
tcd.query("'Numéro Opéracion' == 'OPE-2016-0001'")[2017]

pandas merge multiple dataframes

For example: I have multiple dataframes. Each data frame has columns: variable_code, variable_description, year.
variable_code, variable_description
N1, Number of returns
N2, Number of Exemptions
variable_code, variable_description
N1, Number of returns
NUMDEP, # of dependent
I want to merge these two dataframes to get all variable_codes in both df1 and df2.
variable_code, variable_description
N1 Number of returns
N2 Number of Exemption
NUMDEP # of dependent
There is documentation for merge right here
Since your columns you want to merge on are both called "variable_code" then you can use on='variable_code'
so the whole thing would be:
df1.merge(df2, on='variable_code')
You can specify How='outer' if you want blanks where you have data in only one of those tables. Use how='inner' if you want only data that is in both tables (no blanks).
To attain your requirement, try this:
import pandas as pd
#Create the first dataframe, through a dictionary - several other possibilities exist.
data1 = {'variable_code': ['N1','N2'], 'variable_description': ['Number of returns','Number of Exemptions']}
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=data1)
#Create second dataframe
data2 = {'variable_code': ['N1','NUMDEP'], 'variable_description': ['Number of returns','# of dependent']}
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=data2)
#place the dataframes on a list.
dfs = [df1,df2] #additional dfs can be added here.
#You can loop over the list,merging the dfs. But here reduce and a lambda is used.
resultant_df = reduce(lambda left,right: pd.merge(left,right,on=['variable_code','variable_description'],how='outer'), dfs)
This gives:
>>> resultant_df
variable_code variable_description
0 N1 Number of returns
1 N2 Number of Exemptions
2 NUMDEP # of dependent
There are several options available for how, each catering for various needs. outer, used here allows for inclusion of even the rows with empty data. See the docs for detailed explanation on the other options.
First, concatenate df1, df2, by using
final_df = pd.concat([df1,df2]).
Then we can convert columns variable_code, variable_name into dictionary. variable_code as keys, variable_name as values by using
d = dict(zip(final_df['variable_code'], final_df['variable_name'])).
Then convert d into dataframe:
d_df = pd.DataFrame(list(d.items()), columns=['variable_code', 'variable_name']).

Does a DataFrame with a single row have all the attributes of a DataFrame?

I am slicing a DataFrame from a large DataFrame and daughter df have only one row. Does a daughter df with a single row has same attributes like parent df?
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
dates = pd.date_range('20130101',periods=6)
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(6,2),index=dates,columns=['col1','col2'])
>> pandas.core.series.Series
>>'Series' object has no attribute 'columns'
Is there a way I can use all attributes of pd.DataFrame on a pd.series ?
Possibly what you are looking for is a dataframe with one row:
>>> pd.DataFrame(df1).T # T -> transpose
col1 col2
2013-01-02 -0.428913 1.265936
What happens when you do df.iloc[1] is that pandas converts that to a series, which is one-dimensional, and the columns become the index. You can still do df1['col1'], but you can't do df.columns because a series is basically a column, and hence the old columns are now the new index
As a result, you can returns the former columns like this:
>>> df1.index.tolist()
['col1', 'col2']
This used to confuse me quite a bit. I also expected df.iloc[1] to be a dataframe with one row, but it has always been the default behavior of pandas to automatically convert any one dimensional dataframe slice (whether row or column) to a series. It's pretty natural for a row, but less so for a column (since the columns become the index), but really is not a problem once you understand what is happening.