Query with multiple schemas - Dbeaver - sql

I have 5 schemas under one db. 3 of them have exactly the same tables and fields.
I want to create queries that call those 3 schemas at once.
Im using DBeaver version 7.2.2
I already checked the box 'use global search' and it didn't help.
Maybe I need to do something in the sql editor itself?
for example, I want to call 'users' table and it will give me the data from all 3 tables.

I think to do that you will need to call all three schemas/tables individually. You can still return all results in one go, though.
For example:
SELECT * FROM schema1.users
SELECT * FROM schema2.users
SELECT * FROM schema3.users


Select the same multiple columns from multiple tables

I am trying to extract specific columns of data from multiple tables which all have the same columns in a single sql query.
As a long winded method I am using the below query:
select application, service, serviceid, item
from table10_01
where service IN ('SERVICE12','SERVICE204') and application = 'My Application'
select application, service, serviceid, item
from table10_02
where service IN ('SERVICE12','SERVICE204') and application = 'My Application';
Is there a way I can use the table names available in the information_schema.tables to go through all tables? So where I can just select table wildcard like table10_% in one select query?
I understand i can script this query into a for loop but i was hoping to make the select query directly.
thanks you!
That's not possible with regular SQL. You can either use PL/pgSQL or do it in a loop with the programming language you're using.
You can refer to this link, there's an example of some functions written in PL/pgSQL to select from all tables.

Getting empty rows from "SELECT ALL" query in PostgreSQL

I'm using PostgreSQL server on my Windows.
I have created table user(id, name, age) and inserted some data there.
When I'm trying to retrieve that data via SELECT ALL FROM user I'm getting only the rows count and just plain nothingness.
How it looks like in psql CLI:
...and I'm also receiving empty object array as query result in my nodejs app:
Postgres supports SELECT ALL as a synonym for SELECT -- as a two words syntax parallel to SELECT DISTINCT. The ALL does nothing.
In addition, Postgres -- unlike other databases -- allows a SELECT to select no columns.
FROM user;
Selects all the rows from user but no columns. In general, you would instead write:
FROM user;
to see the contents of the rows. If you want to be verbose, yo could use:
FROM user;
But that is used somewhere close to never in practice.
You specified that you want the data from the column named "all". To get data from all columns you need to specify them all or use the asterisk symbol like so:
SELECT * FROM "user";

Optimize view that dynamically choose a table or another

So the problem is that I have three huge table with same structure, and I need to show the results of one of them depending on result from another query.
So my order table looks like that:
code order
A 0
B 2
C 1
And I need to retrieve data from t_results
My approach (which is working) looks like this:
select *
from t_results_a
where 'A' in (
select code
from t_order
where order = 0
select *
from t_results_b
where 'B' in (
select code
from t_order
where order = 0
select *
from t_results_c
where 'C' in (
select code
from t_order
where order = 0
Is there anyway to not scan all three tables, as I am working with Athena so I can't program?
I presume that changing your database schema is not an option.
If it were, you could use one database table and add a CODE column whose value would be either A, B or C.
Basically the result of the SQL query on your ORDER table determines which other database table you need to query. For example, if CODE in table ORDER is A, then you have to query table T_RESULTS_A.
You wrote in your question
I am working with Athena so I can't program
I see that there is both an ODBC driver and a JDBC driver for Athena, so you can program with either .NET or Java. So you could write code that queries the ORDER table and use the result of that query to build another query string to query just the relevant table.
Another thought I had was dynamic SQL. Oracle database supports it. I can create a string containing variables where one variable is the database table name and have Oracle interpret the string as SQL and execute it. I briefly searched the Internet to see whether Athena supports this (as I have no experience with Athena) but found nothing - which doesn't mean to say that it does not exist.

Dynamically update queries as new database comes into existence

Platform: SQL Server 2008
Language: TSQL
I have a number of queries that currently take the general form of (for simplicity sake)
-- Sample begin results
SELECT * from DB01.dbo.table UNION ALL
SELECT * from DB02.dbo.table UNION ALL --many other databases follow with same syntax
How can I modify these queries such that, when a new database comes into existence (named, say DB39C), I ensure that my queries already includes those new records?
--Sample end results
SELECT * from DB01.dbo.table UNION ALL
SELECT * from DB02.dbo.table UNION ALL
SELECT * from DB39C.dbo.table -- this was created as soon as a new database came into existence
I am looking to make sure programmatically, that this happens without my awareness as new databases are added quite regularly and I need the queries I rely on to keep pace.
You might want to have a look at using something like
FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases
and creating dynamic queries
sys.databases (Transact-SQL)

How to run query in Wordpress against multiple tables

This query does what I need, return a list of data from a widget in several tables from a Wordpress Multi Site database.
There must be an easier way to do this. I have 30 tables I need to include, how can I get some type of loop to just return option value from all wp_n_option tables?
SELECT option_value
FROM `wp_options`
WHERE option_name = 'widget_thin_search'
SELECT option_value
FROM `wp_3_options`
WHERE option_name = 'widget_thin_search'
SELECT option_value
FROM `wp_4_options`
WHERE option_name = 'widget_thins_search'
INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/result.csv'
Edit: As Brandon pointed out, if it was a static 30 tables, I could build the query. However, the tables will increase as time goes on.
You could create a table with one column containing table names. Then create a T-SQL proc to loop through those table names and construct a query string resembling what you have in your example. Then run that query string with the exec command.
Just note that UNION removes duplicates whereas UNION ALL does not. That may not be an issue for you but I just wanted to point it out.