Salesforce first error: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY, Entity not available - testing

When I am trying to run my test class I am getting the below error.
System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id 8023B000000ekyaQAA; first error: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY, Entity not available: [PricebookEntryId]
Also in the stack trace of debug log I am getting the below message
Class.OBOrderLineItemCreate.updateObjectMethod: line 367, column 1
I have Created the product and referenced the Standard price book. And have created the Pricebookentry, Order and Order line item. I am not sure why I am getting this error. Can anyone please help me with this and let me know what am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
My test class code is as below
Product2 prod = new Product2();
prod.Name = 'Inb Enterprise';
prod.Description = 'Annual subscription,80 topics, 40,000 company locations';
prod.productCode = 'ABC';
prod.Service_Type__c = 'Inb';
prod.OB_Sub_Type_Name__c = 'Inb';
prod.isActive = true;
insert prod;
Pricebook2 standardPricebook = new Pricebook2(
Id = Test.getStandardPricebookId(),
IsActive = true
update standardPricebook;
standardPricebook = [SELECT Id, IsStandard FROM Pricebook2 WHERE Id = :standardPricebook.Id];
//Id pricebookId = Test.getStandardPricebookId();
PricebookEntry standardPrice = new PricebookEntry();
standardPrice.Pricebook2Id = standardPricebook.Id;
standardPrice.Product2Id = prod.Id;
standardPrice.UnitPrice = 10000;
standardPrice.IsActive = true;
insert standardPrice;
Order ord = new Order();
ord.Name = 'Test Order';
ord.AccountId = acc.Id;
ord.Pricebook2Id = standardPricebook.Id;
ord.Customer_Success_Manager__c = am.Id;
ord.Agency_Name__c = agc.Id;
ord.OpportunityId = opp.Id;
ord.Purchase_Order__c = '783983';
ord.EffectiveDate =;
ord.Status = 'Draft';
ord.OBSyncStatus__c = 'Inactive';
ord.End_Date__c =;
insert ord;
OrderItem oli = new OrderItem();
oli.OrderId = ord.Id;
oli.PricebookEntryId = standardPrice.Id;
oli.Quantity = 5;
oli.UnitPrice = 35;
oli.OBSyncStatus__c = 'Inactive';
oli.Line_Item_Start_Date__c = Date.Today();
oli.Line_Item_End_Date__c = Date.Today();
oli.Bonus_Units__c = 25;
oli.Geography__c = 'US';
oli.Unique_Line_Item_Name__c = 'Inb Order';
insert oli;

You don't need the code of instantiating the Pricebook2 object. Get rid of that code and use the code below.
standardPrice.Pricebook2Id = Test.getStandardPricebookId().
Do the same for ord.Pricebook2Id also.


how to add Customer Name

$hostedPaymentData = new HostedPaymentData();
$hostedPaymentData->customerEmail = $this->customer_email;
$hostedPaymentData->customerPhoneMobile = $this->customer_mobile_phone;
$hostedPaymentData->addressesMatch = false;
How to add customer name in hosted payment data
The following all work, the comments are the POST variables they populate when requesting the HPP.
$hostedPaymentData->customerName = 'asdf hjkl';
$hostedPaymentData->customerFirstName = 'asdf';
$hostedPaymentData->customerLastName = 'hjkl';

SAP Business One - Add BP (DI Error: (-5002)

I am trying to add new addresses into a BP. If there is an address registered in the BP everything works, but now if it is new addresses return the error -5002 - Error updating BP: [OCRD.State2], 'the linked value' SP 'does not exist'
I test with SAP Business 10 (10.00.140) FP 2011
if (oBP.GetByKey(CardCode))
oBP.Addresses.SetCurrentLine(oBP.Addresses.Count - 1);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oBP.Addresses.AddressName))
UF =;
if (UF.Length > 2)
UF = "";
oBP.Addresses.SetCurrentLine(oBP.Addresses.Count - 1);
oBP.Addresses.AddressName = "Novo 1";
oBP.Addresses.AddressType = BoAddressType.bo_ShipTo;
oBP.Addresses.Street =;
oBP.Addresses.Block =;
oBP.Addresses.ZipCode =;
oBP.Addresses.City =;
oBP.Addresses.State = UF;
oBP.Addresses.County = county;
oBP.Addresses.StreetNo =;
oBP.Addresses.BuildingFloorRoom =;
oBP.Addresses.SetCurrentLine(oBP.Addresses.Count - 1);
oBP.Addresses.AddressName = "Novo 2";
oBP.Addresses.AddressType = BoAddressType.bo_BillTo;
oBP.Addresses.Street =;
oBP.Addresses.Block =;
oBP.Addresses.ZipCode =;
oBP.Addresses.City =;
oBP.Addresses.State = UF;
oBP.Addresses.County = county;
oBP.Addresses.StreetNo =;
oBP.Addresses.BuildingFloorRoom =;
int iRetVal = oBP.Update();
if (iRetVal != 0)
Program.oApplication.StatusBar.SetText("Error updating BP: " + Program.oCompany.GetLastErrorDescription(), BoMessageTime.bmt_Short, BoStatusBarMessageType.smt_Error);
return false;
SAP helped me to solve this issue. The answer follows.
I tried to reproduce this issue in the DemoUK (GB Localization) database and was able to reproduce as well.
After the investigation, it was found that you cannot link a state which does not exist for the specific country.
In your case, the system throws the error because the data is validated based on the following query:
SELECT* FROM OCST WHERE "Code" = 'SP' and "Country" = ''
Similarly, if I will try to set the State as 'Arizona' and Country as 'United Kingdom', it will give me the same error because the correct 'Country' value should be 'USA'.
Therefore, in order to resolve this issue, you need to opt out one of the following:
Set the Country property also in the DI Code (State should belong to the Country which you are trying to set):
oBP.Addresses.Country = "GB"
Remove the State property from the DI Code:
oBP.Addresses.State = "SP"

Cannot set salesorder to fulfilled CRM 2013

I have written the following code for order fulfillment in crm 2013.
FulfillSalesOrderRequest req = new FulfillSalesOrderRequest();
req.OrderClose = new Entity();
req.OrderClose.LogicalName = "salesorder";
req.OrderClose.Id = pSalesOrderId;
OptionSetValue o = new OptionSetValue();
o.Value = 100001;
req.Status = o;
FulfillSalesOrderResponse resp = (FulfillSalesOrderResponse)_service.Execute(req);
But Order is not getting fulfilled.
Please help me if anything i am missing ?
OrderClose property is an orderclose, not a salesorder. In addition you need to set the SalesOrderId property
try with this code (assuming your status value is valid)
FulfillSalesOrderRequest req = new FulfillSalesOrderRequest();
req.OrderClose = new Entity("orderclose");
req.OrderClose["salesorderid"] = new EntityReference("salesorder", pSalesOrderId);
req.Status = new OptionSetValue(100001);
FulfillSalesOrderResponse resp = (FulfillSalesOrderResponse)_service.Execute(req);

Need help on SQL statement

Hello i am getting "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING" on the following SQL Statement. Any help thanks
$result2 = ($con,SELECT
Customers.CustomerId, JrnlHdr.Reference, JrnlRow.DistNumber, LineItem.ItemId, LineItem.ItemDescription
FROM "JrnlHdr", "JrnlRow", "Customers", "LineItem"
WHERE JrnlHdr.POSOisClosed = 0
AND JrnlHdr.PostOrder = JrnlRow.PostOrder
AND JrnlHdr.CustVendId = Customers.CustomerRecordNumber
AND JrnlRow.temRecordNumber = LineItem.ItemRecordNumber
AND JrnlHdr.JrnlKey_Journal = 11);
Query should be a string, use quotes:
$result2 = ($con,'SELECT Customers.CustomerId, JrnlHdr.Reference, JrnlRow.DistNumber, LineItem.ItemId, LineItem.ItemDescription FROM "JrnlHdr", "JrnlRow", "Customers", "LineItem" WHERE JrnlHdr.POSOisClosed = 0 AND JrnlHdr.PostOrder = JrnlRow.PostOrder AND JrnlHdr.CustVendId = Customers.CustomerRecordNumber AND JrnlRow.temRecordNumber = LineItem.ItemRecordNumber AND JrnlHdr.JrnlKey_Journal = 11');
However this code will still result in an other error. You need to call a function to query the database, for example mysqli_query:
$result2 = mysqli_query($con,'SELECT Customers.CustomerId, JrnlHdr.Reference, JrnlRow.DistNumber, LineItem.ItemId, LineItem.ItemDescription FROM "JrnlHdr", "JrnlRow", "Customers", "LineItem" WHERE JrnlHdr.POSOisClosed = 0 AND JrnlHdr.PostOrder = JrnlRow.PostOrder AND JrnlHdr.CustVendId = Customers.CustomerRecordNumber AND JrnlRow.temRecordNumber = LineItem.ItemRecordNumber AND JrnlHdr.JrnlKey_Journal = 11');

How to improve performance of SQL MERGE statement

I have a job that I am currenlty running to sync data between two databases on different internal servers. The one server is the backend database for the HEAT product from FrontRange. The second is our own reporting database we are using for report writing and other internal uses.
Our first approach at the job went something like this:
Query all the data from the HEAT database tables we wanted and populate local temp tables. Then copy that data out to the appropriate table. That would work but they use to TRUNCATE the table every time and repopulate without doing anything for indexes or fragmentation. So I thought well this could be a good candidate to use the SQL merge statement.
So our second approach used a merge statement for each of the tables. It greatly improved the speed of the process but it seems to be locking the source table up so that users are noticing 15-30 second delays when they try to save information. To make the merge only handle records that have had changes or are new I added the BINARY_CHECKSUM function on the select and store it on my side so that I can avoid updating records that haven't changed. Seems expensive though to call that for every record. This table has about ~300k records.
I am wondering is there a better approach to try and synchronize these two tables that I am overlooking. My only constraint is that I really do not want to change anything on the source tables because it is a third party application.
Here is my mege statement I am using for the CallLog table:
-- Merge CallLog
[CallID], [CustID], [CustType], [CallType], [Tracker], [CallStatus], [Priority], [CDuration], [CallCount], [StopWatch], [ClosedBy],
[ClosedDate], [ClosedTime], [Cause], [CallDesc], [CloseDesc], [RecvdBy], [RecvdDate], [RecvdTime], [ModBy], [ModDate], [ModTime],
[DTLastMod], [CallSource], [PriorityName], [QuickCall], [Category], [TotalAsgnmntTime], [CatHeading], [TotalJournalTime],
[TotalTime], [SL_Warn_Goal], [SL_Warn_Date], [SL_Warn_Time], [SL_Complete_Goal], [SL_Complete_Date], [SL_Complete_Time],
[SL_Clock_Status], [SL_Button_Status], [FirstResolution], [SL_Complete_Status], [SubCallType], [ImpactValue], [ImpactName],
[UrgencyValue], [UrgencyName], [LinkedToProblem], [LinkedToProblemCustID], [LinkedToProblemName], [LinkedToProblemBy],
[LinkedToProblemDate], [LinkedToProblemTime], [SLAStatus], [issue_text], [issue_number], [ResCheck], [AsgnAckBy], [AsgnAckDate],
[AsgnAckTime], [Resolvedby], [ResolvedDate], [ResolvedTime], [ACheck], [ACKEmail], [LinkedToChange], [LinkedToChangeCustID],
[LinkedToChangeName], [LinkedToChangeBy], [LInkedToChangeDate], [LinkedToChangeTime], [IssueTypeProblem], [IssueTypeChange],
[RespWarningD], [RespWarningT], [RespMissedD], [RespMissedT], [ResoWarningD], [ResoWarningT], [ResoMissedD], [ResoMissedT],
[IssueType], [SubCategory], [Diagnosis], [HSSAlert], [ErrorMessage], [ProblemType], [diagnosising], [KB], [CloseStatus],
[SuggestedAssignGrp], [DefaultGrp], [DefaultGrpTF], [OtherAssign], [WorkAround], [ChangeReason], [CloseProblem], [AssgnApp],
[AssgnAppRes], [DenyChk], [ImplementationApp], [ImplementationAppRes], [WorkAroundChk], [NoDenyChk], [ImpNoDenyChk],
[ImpDenyChk], [ChangeStatus], [ReadyToClose], [ResolveOrReAssign], [TicketLabel], [CatCallType], [IssueType_PK], [Category_PK],
[SubCategory_PK], [CallType_PK], [SubCallType_PK], BINARY_CHECKSUM(*) AS [Checksum]
) AS S
ON (T.[CallID] = S.[CallID])
WHEN MATCHED AND T.[Checksum] <> S.[Checksum] THEN
T.[CallID] = S.[CallID], T.[CustID] = S.[CustID], T.[CustType] = S.[CustType], T.[CallType] = S.[CallType],
T.[Tracker] = S.[Tracker], t.[CallStatus] = S.[CallStatus], T.[Priority] = S.[Priority], T.[CDuration] = S.[CDuration],
T.[CallCount] = S.[CallCount], T.[StopWatch] = S.[StopWatch], T.[ClosedBy] = S.[ClosedBy],
T.[ClosedDate] = S.[ClosedDate], T.[ClosedTime] = S.[ClosedTime], T.[Cause] = S.[Cause], T.[CallDesc] = S.[CallDesc],
T.[CloseDesc] = S.[CloseDesc], T.[RecvdBy] = S.[RecvdBy], T.[RecvdDate] = S.[RecvdDate], T.[RecvdTime] = S.[RecvdTime],
T.[ModBy] = S.[ModBy], T.[ModDate] = S.[ModDate], T.[ModTime] = S.[ModTime], T.[DTLastMod] = S.[DTLastMod],
T.[CallSource] = S.[CallSource], T.[PriorityName] = S.[PriorityName], T.[QuickCall] = S.[QuickCall],
T.[Category] = S.[Category], T.[TotalAsgnmntTime] = S.[TotalAsgnmntTime], T.[CatHeading] = S.[CatHeading],
T.[TotalJournalTime] = S.[TotalJournalTime], T.[TotalTime] = S.[TotalTime], T.[SL_Warn_Goal] = S.[SL_Warn_Goal],
T.[SL_Warn_Date] = S.[SL_Warn_Date], T.[SL_Warn_Time] = S.[SL_Warn_Time], T.[SL_Complete_Goal] = S.[SL_Complete_Goal],
T.[SL_Complete_Date] = S.[SL_Complete_Date], T.[SL_Complete_Time] = S.[SL_Complete_Time],
T.[SL_Clock_Status] = S.[SL_Clock_Status], T.[SL_Button_Status] = S.[SL_Button_Status],
T.[FirstResolution] = S.[FirstResolution], T.[SL_Complete_Status] = S.[SL_Complete_Status],
T.[SubCallType] = S.[SubCallType], T.[ImpactValue] = S.[ImpactValue], T.[ImpactName] = S.[ImpactName],
T.[UrgencyValue] = S.[UrgencyValue], T.[UrgencyName] = S.[UrgencyName], T.[LinkedToProblem] = S.[LinkedToProblem],
T.[LinkedToProblemCustID] = S.[LinkedToProblemCustID], T.[LinkedToProblemName] = S.[LinkedToProblemName],
T.[LinkedToProblemBy] = S.[LinkedToProblemBy], T.[LinkedToProblemDate] = S.[LinkedToProblemDate],
T.[LinkedToProblemTime] = S.[LinkedToProblemTime], T.[SLAStatus] = S.[SLAStatus], T.[issue_text] = S.[issue_text],
T.[issue_number] = S.[issue_number], T.[ResCheck] = S.[ResCheck], T.[AsgnAckBy] = S.[AsgnAckBy],
T.[AsgnAckDate] = S.[AsgnAckDate], T.[AsgnAckTime] = S.[AsgnAckTime], T.[Resolvedby] = S.[Resolvedby],
T.[ResolvedDate] = S.[ResolvedDate], T.[ResolvedTime] = S.[ResolvedTime], T.[ACheck] = S.[ACheck],
T.[ACKEmail] = S.[ACKEmail], T.[LinkedToChange] = S.[LinkedToChange], T.[LinkedToChangeCustID] = S.[LinkedToChangeCustID],
T.[LinkedToChangeName] = S.[LinkedToChangeName], T.[LinkedToChangeBy] = S.[LinkedToChangeBy],
T.[LInkedToChangeDate] = S.[LInkedToChangeDate], T.[LinkedToChangeTime] = S.[LinkedToChangeTime],
T.[IssueTypeProblem] = S.[IssueTypeProblem], T.[IssueTypeChange] = S.[IssueTypeChange],
T.[RespWarningD] = S.[RespWarningD], T.[RespWarningT] = S.[RespWarningT], T.[RespMissedD] = S.[RespMissedD],
T.[RespMissedT] = S.[RespMissedT], T.[ResoWarningD] = S.[ResoWarningD], T.[ResoWarningT] = S.[ResoWarningT],
T.[ResoMissedD] = S.[ResoMissedD], T.[ResoMissedT] = S.[ResoMissedT], T.[IssueType] = S.[IssueType],
T.[SubCategory] = S.[SubCategory], T.[Diagnosis] = S.[Diagnosis], T.[HSSAlert] = S.[HSSAlert],
T.[ErrorMessage] = S.[ErrorMessage], T.[ProblemType] = S.[ProblemType], T.[diagnosising] = S.[diagnosising],
T.[KB] = S.[KB], T.[CloseStatus] = S.[CloseStatus], T.[SuggestedAssignGrp] = S.[SuggestedAssignGrp],
T.[DefaultGrp] = S.[DefaultGrp], T.[DefaultGrpTF] = S.[DefaultGrpTF], T.[OtherAssign] = S.[OtherAssign],
T.[WorkAround] = S.[WorkAround], T.[ChangeReason] = S.[ChangeReason], T.[CloseProblem] = S.[CloseProblem],
T.[AssgnApp] = S.[AssgnApp], T.[AssgnAppRes] = S.[AssgnAppRes], T.[DenyChk] = S.[DenyChk],
T.[ImplementationApp] = S.[ImplementationApp], T.[ImplementationAppRes] = S.[ImplementationAppRes],
T.[WorkAroundChk] = S.[WorkAroundChk], T.[NoDenyChk] = S.[NoDenyChk], T.[ImpNoDenyChk] = S.[ImpNoDenyChk],
T.[ImpDenyChk] = S.[ImpDenyChk], T.[ChangeStatus] = S.[ChangeStatus], T.[ReadyToClose] = S.[ReadyToClose],
T.[ResolveOrReAssign] = S.[ResolveOrReAssign], T.[TicketLabel] = S.[TicketLabel], T.[CatCallType] = S.[CatCallType],
T.[IssueType_PK] = S.[IssueType_PK], T.[Category_PK] = S.[Category_PK], T.[SubCategory_PK] = S.[SubCategory_PK],
T.[CallType_PK] = S.[CallType_PK], T.[SubCallType_PK] = S.[SubCallType_PK], T.[Checksum] = S.[Checksum]
S.[CallID], S.[CustID], S.[CustType], S.[CallType], S.[Tracker], S.[CallStatus], S.[Priority], S.[CDuration],
S.[CallCount], S.[StopWatch], S.[ClosedBy], S.[ClosedDate], S.[ClosedTime], S.[Cause], S.[CallDesc], S.[CloseDesc],
S.[RecvdBy], S.[RecvdDate], S.[RecvdTime], S.[ModBy], S.[ModDate], S.[ModTime], S.[DTLastMod], S.[CallSource],
S.[PriorityName], S.[QuickCall], S.[Category], S.[TotalAsgnmntTime], S.[CatHeading], S.[TotalJournalTime], S.[TotalTime],
S.[SL_Warn_Goal], S.[SL_Warn_Date], S.[SL_Warn_Time], S.[SL_Complete_Goal], S.[SL_Complete_Date], S.[SL_Complete_Time],
S.[SL_Clock_Status], S.[SL_Button_Status], S.[FirstResolution], S.[SL_Complete_Status], S.[SubCallType], S.[ImpactValue],
S.[ImpactName], S.[UrgencyValue], S.[UrgencyName], S.[LinkedToProblem], S.[LinkedToProblemCustID], S.[LinkedToProblemName],
S.[LinkedToProblemBy], S.[LinkedToProblemDate], S.[LinkedToProblemTime], S.[SLAStatus], S.[issue_text], S.[issue_number],
S.[ResCheck], S.[AsgnAckBy], S.[AsgnAckDate], S.[AsgnAckTime], S.[Resolvedby], S.[ResolvedDate], S.[ResolvedTime], S.[ACheck],
S.[ACKEmail], S.[LinkedToChange], S.[LinkedToChangeCustID], S.[LinkedToChangeName], S.[LinkedToChangeBy],
S.[LInkedToChangeDate], S.[LinkedToChangeTime], S.[IssueTypeProblem], S.[IssueTypeChange], S.[RespWarningD],
S.[RespWarningT], S.[RespMissedD], S.[RespMissedT], S.[ResoWarningD], S.[ResoWarningT], S.[ResoMissedD], S.[ResoMissedT],
S.[IssueType], S.[SubCategory], S.[Diagnosis], S.[HSSAlert], S.[ErrorMessage], S.[ProblemType], S.[diagnosising], S.[KB],
S.[CloseStatus], S.[SuggestedAssignGrp], S.[DefaultGrp], S.[DefaultGrpTF], S.[OtherAssign], S.[WorkAround], S.[ChangeReason],
S.[CloseProblem], S.[AssgnApp], S.[AssgnAppRes], S.[DenyChk], S.[ImplementationApp], S.[ImplementationAppRes],
S.[WorkAroundChk], S.[NoDenyChk], S.[ImpNoDenyChk], S.[ImpDenyChk], S.[ChangeStatus], S.[ReadyToClose],
S.[ResolveOrReAssign], S.[TicketLabel], S.[CatCallType], S.[IssueType_PK], S.[Category_PK], S.[SubCategory_PK],
S.[CallType_PK], S.[SubCallType_PK], S.[Checksum]
Since you're on SQL 2008, how about Change Data Capture? You can get the net changes over a period of time and deal only with that (as opposed to replication which pushes every change, even if you update the same data 10 times).
I think you can improve performance by figuring out what rows to modify/insert before the merge statement.
You can create a temp table that contains the CallID's that should be affected.
Perhaps something like this.
;with cteSource as
binary_checksum(*) as [CheckSum]
from [CHLA-HEATDB].SDIT.dbo.calllog
into #TmpSource
from cteSource as S
left outer join CallLog as T
on S.CallID = T.CallID and
S.[CheckSum] = T.[CheckSum]
where T.CallID is null
Then you can use that table in your using select statement.
-- A lot of fields
T.[CheckSum] AS [Checksum]
[CHLA-HEATDB].SDIT.dbo.calllog as C
inner join #TmpSource as Tmp
on C.CallID = Tmp.CallID
) AS S
ON (T.[CallID] = S.[CallID])
WHEN MATCHED THEN -- Probably don't need this AND T.[Checksum] <> S.[Checksum] THEN
T.[CallID] = S.[CallID],
-- More fields here
-- More fields here