eBay. Is there any reason for not passing the Item.PostalCode field in the AddFixedPriceItem/AddItem requests? - ebay-api

Despite the eBay recommendation
https://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/guides/features-guide/default.html#development/Listing-AnItem.html#ItemLocation, is there any reason for not passing the Item.PostalCode field in eBay - AddFixedPriceItem/AddItem requests?


ebay API - Get promoted listings

Using the Ebay Api I want to query whether any listings have promoted listings associated with them.
Using the Marketing API I've tried: getCampaigns and getPromotions.
On the Trading API I've tried: getPromotionalSaleDetails.
The standard getSellerList call doesn't return promoted listing data.
I'm hoping there is an API call that will return all listings that have "promoted listings" on them, or a list of campaigns that will give me an id number that I can use to look up the relevant listings.
According to the documentation for the getCampaign api call, campaigns created through the eBay website ("eBay web flow") are not returned via this method. Of course, all the campaigns I want to retrieve were created via the eBay website. And the documentation doesn't point the developer to where this data can be retrieved. Probably because it doesn't exist. The eBay forum mentions this.

eBay Trading API - How to get shipping label for an order to be shipped?

I am able to get the orders for a seller through eBay GetSellerList (Trading API) and GetOrders (Fulfillment API) calls. I also found an API
CompleteSale for processing the orders but could not find any API for generating the shipping label like this sample Label.
Any help is appreciated.

Transform eBay search URL into eBay REST API call to get the same items

Here's what I want to do .
Users search for the items they want to track on main eBay website and set filters
They enter the URL on my website. Sample eBay URL
I make calls to eBay API and email them if items with price lower than X have been listed
To do that, I need to transform the eBay URL I mentioned above into an URL to call eBay REST API and get the same products.
So far I only managed to search by keywords and order by newest listing:
I don't know how to get the search parameters from main eBay URL and use them to call the API.
You'll probably need to reverse engineer all/most of eBay's URL parameters to interpret exactly what the user is intending to search for. Then from there you can build an API call.
I'm not aware of any formal documentation of eBay URL parameters. I've unofficially noted a few on my site, but there are many more.

Does ebay API allows to create a listing draft?

I would like to create a listing ebay draft as it is possible to do manually using this flow:
Go to the new listing sell creation page
Choose category id
Put some random data (title, description, etc.)
Close tab
You will see now unfinished draft, when you go to the new listing sell creation page.
Can I do the same thing using eBay api?
The reason of it is that I don't want to implement all functionality of addItem, currently.
eBay API will not allow to create draft listing.
when you call API for creating new listing, API needs all required fields value.
eBay Listing API provide one attribute PrivateListing.it will hide your product for selling.
If PrivateListing is true, designates the listing as private.customer can't see private listing.
eBay Listing API provide one more attribute ScheduleTime.
When you export product in eBay via API you can give ScheduleTime as well, eBay will active product for selling based on ScheduleTime.
You can make product inactive/draft using this alternative way.
You can refer above link for eBay API.
As of now, I can confirm eBay does provide the API to create listing draft, though it's in beta at the moment.
POST - /item_draft/
Official doc is here
To my knowledge this cannot be done, since there are some pretty strict constraints around using the addItem API call, and eBay will throw an error if you don't complete the all the required fields. The required fields of addItem are numerous enough that if you could populate these fields, then you are already 90% of the way to completing your listing anyways.
If you are using Selling Manager Pro, you can create product templates which may be a way to accomplish what you are looking for.

Make a single request containing many requests to eBay API

I send a request to eBay API to get my eBay buying. I also want to get some extra information about each item, let's say that's itemCondition and itemCategory (parent and child). GetMyeBayBuyingResponse doesn't contain these fields. So I have to call GetItemRequest for each returned item to get them.
But it's very bad, it would take much more traffic and time. Is there any more efficient way do it?
I also read somewhere at eBay that there was a kind of ability to pack many requests to one request and then send it to reduce traffic and effort. Is it true?
P.S. Note that I'm not asking about itemCondition and itemCategory fields only. There might be any other fields. The goal is make only one request containing many calls.
There are calls with item data:
If you're the seller of the items, ebay proposes to use GetSellerList.
If you want all items you recently bid on / bought, you can use GetBidderList.
For sellers with many products, ebay offers LMS (Marge Merchant Services), but i thinks this is mostly applicable for sellers, I think there are no calls to retrieve bought items.