Selectively applying example weights - tensorflow

I have a weighted dataset, and a model composed of two parts.
How can I train the model in such a way that the dataset weights only apply to the first part of it (while the second part is trained as if each example had the same weight)?


Multiple BERT binary classifications on a single graph to save on inference time

I have five classes and I want to compare four of them against one and the same class. This isn't a One vs Rest classifier, as for each output I want to score them against one base class.
The four outputs should be: base class vs classA, base class vs classB, etc.
I could do this by having multiple binary classification tasks, but that's wasting computation time if the first layers are BERT preprocessing + pretrained BERT layers, and the only differences between the four classifiers are the last few layers of BERT (finetuned ones) and the Dense layer.
So why not merge the graphs for more performance?
My inputs are four different datasets, each annotated with true/false for each class.
As I understand it, I can re-use most of the pipeline (BERT preprocessing and the first layers of BERT), as those have shared weights. I should then be able to train the last few layers of BERT and the Dense layer on top differently depending on the branch of the classifier (maybe using something like keras.switch?).
I have tried many alternative options including multi-class and multi-label classifiers, with actual and generated (eg, machine-annotated) labels in the case of multiple input labels, different activation and loss functions, but none of the results were acceptable to me (none were as good as the four separate models).
Is there a solution for merging the four different models for more performance, or am I stuck with using 4x binary classifiers?
When you train DNN for specific task it will be (in vast majority of cases) be better than the more general model that can handle several task simultaneously. Saying that, based on my experience the properly trained general model produces very similar results to the original binary ones. Anyways, here couple of suggestions for training strategies (assuming your training datasets for each task are completely different):
Weak supervision approach
Train your binary classifiers, and label your datasets using them (i.e. label with binary classifier trained on dataset 2 datasets [1,3,4]). Then train your joint model as multilabel task using all the newly labeled datasets (don't forget to randomize samples before feeding them to trainer ;) ). Here you will need to experiment if you will use threshold and set a label to 0/1 or use the scores of the binary classifiers.
Create custom loss function that will not penalize if no information provided for certain class. So when your will introduce sample from (say) dataset 2, your loss will be calculated only for the 2nd class.
Of course you can apply both simultaneously. For example, if you know that binary classifier produces scores that are polarized (most results are near 0 or 1), you can use weak labels, and automatically label your data with scores. Now during the second stage penalize loss such that for score x' = 4(x-0.5)^2 (note that you get logits from the model, so you will need to apply sigmoid function). This way you will increase contribution of the samples binary classifier is confident about, and reduce that of less certain ones.
As for releasing last layers of BERT, usually unfreezing upper 3-6 layers is enough. Releasing more layers improves results very little and increases time and memory requirements.

Keras LSTM: how to predict beyond validation vs predictions?

When dealing with time series forecasting, I've seen most people follow these steps when using an LSTM model:
Obtain, clean, and pre-process data
Take out validation dataset for future comparison with model predictions
Initialise and train LSTM model
Use a copy of validation dataset to be pre-processed exactly like the training data
Use trained model to make predictions on the transformed validation data
Evaluate results: predictions vs validation
However, if the model is accurate, how do you make predictions that go beyond the end of the validation period?
The following only accepts data that have been transformed in the same way as the training data, but for predictions that go beyond the validation period, you don't have any input data to feed to the model. So, how do people do this?
# Predictions vs validation
predictions = model.predict(transformed_validation)
# Future predictions
future_predictions = model.predict(?)
To predict the ith value, your LSTM model need last N values.
So if you want to forecast, you should use each prediction to predict the next one.
In other terms you have to loop over something like
prediction = model.predict(X[-N:])
As you can guess, you add your output in your input that's why your predictions can diverge and amplify uncertainty.
Other model are more stable to predict far future.
You have to break your data into training and testing and then fit your mode. Finally, you make a prediction like this.
future_predictions = model.predict(X_test)
Check out the link below for all details.
Time-Series Forecasting: Predicting Stock Prices Using An LSTM Model

How to prioritise certain output in MultiOutput LSTM Tensorflow?

Basically, I am creating an LSTM model with Tensorflow and the shape of my input data is something like
(10000 users, 6 timesteps, 20 feature columns) => (10000,6,20)
The model is doing a binary classification using LSTM with 20 output columns giving the shape of (10000, 20).
PS. I'm not doing classification with 20 classes, I'm doing a classification that gives 20 binary outputs for each person
Is it possible to prioritise certain output columns like giving weights or importance to certain columns more than others so that when we train the model it punishes incorrect predictions for these more important output columns more than others or would it make more sense to create separate models for these important columns?
It's easy to use class weights with TensorFlow for this purpose. See the class_weight parameter for

Extract the output of the embedding layer

I am trying to build a regression model, for which I have a nominal variable with very high cardinality. I am trying to get the categorical embedding of the column.
the embeddings of the column.
I want to use the op of the embedding column alone since I would require that as a input to my traditional regression model. Is there a way to extract that output alone.
P.S I am not asking for code, any suggestion on the approach would be great.
If the embedding is part of the model and you train it, then you can use functional API of keras to get output of any intermediate operation in your graph:
if you do it before you train the model, you'll have to define custom loss function, that deals only with part of the output. The other way is to train the model with just one output, then create identical model with two outputs and set the weights of the second model from the trained one.
If you want to get the embedding matrix from your model, you can just use method get_weights of the embedding layer which returns the weights in numpy array.

How to learn multi-class multi-output CNN with TensorFlow

I want to train a convolutional neural network with TensorFlow to do multi-output multi-class classification.
For example: If we take the MNIST sample set and always combine two random images two a single one and then want to classify the resulting image. The result of the classification should be the two digits shown in the image.
So the output of the network could have the shape [-1, 2, 10] where the first dimension is the batch, the second represents the output (is it the first or the second digit) and the third is the "usual" classification of the shown digit.
I tried googling for this for a while now, but wasn't able find something useful. Also, I don't know if multi-output multi-class classification is the correct naming for this task. If not, what is the correct naming? Do you have any links/tutorials/documentations/papers explaining what I'd need to do to build the loss function/training operations?
What I tried was to split up the output of the network into the single outputs with tf.split and then use softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits on every single output. The result I averaged over all outputs but it doesn't seem to work. Is this even a reasonable way?
For nomenclature of classification problems, you can have a look at this link:
So your problem is called "Multilabel Classification". In normal TensorFlow multiclass classification (classic MNIST) you will have 10 output units and you will use softmax at the end for computing losses i.e. "tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits".
Ex: If your image has "2", then groundtruth will be [0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
But here, your network output will have 20 units and you will use sigmoid i.e. "tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits"
Ex: If your image has "2" & "4", then groundtruth will be [0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0], i.e. first ten bits to represent first digit class and second to represent second digit class.
First you have to provide two labels to an image comprised of two different images. Then change your objective loss function so it maximizes the outputs of the two given labels and train your model. I don't think you need to split the outputs.