Cannot pass price into Stripe Checkout nodejs - sql

I am using the embedded nodejs / javascript code for stripe checkout on my ecommerce website. However, I am trying to pass the name of the product(s) the customer will add to their cart, and the price as well, so I can display the items and prices on Stripe Checkout page.
I ran into the issue after making a connection to DB2, I cannot get the price of each item to be passed into the stripe checkout session. I think it may have to do with async, but even if it is, im not sure how to fix. I am also receiving the error: "(node:45673)UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Invalid integer: NaN"
(excuse the messy code. also some variables are not in use, just ignore)'/create-checkout-session', (req, res) => {
var amount = stringify(req.body)
var userId = req.body.sessionID
console.log("email: " + req.body.customer_email)
var email = req.body.customer_email;
var deliveryTotal = req.body.totalWithDelivery;
var totalVal = amount.split("=");
var totalPrice = parseFloat(totalVal[1]);
//console.log("TOTAL PRICE: " + totalPrice);
var finalPrice = parseFloat(Math.round(totalPrice * 100) / 100);
var finalTotal = parseFloat(Math.round(totalPrice * 100) / 100) + parseFloat(Math.round(deliveryTotal));
console.log("final total: " + finalTotal);
var itemName = ""
var itemPrice = ""
var totalNewPriceTest = ""
//query to database
var productsStripe = "select * from " + userId
console.log("query to db for displaying cart on stripe page")"DATABASE=BLUDB;HOSTNAME=;PORT=50000;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID="";PWD="";", function (err,conn) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
conn.query(productsStripe, function (err, rows) {
if (err) {
for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
itemName = rows[i]['ITEM']
itemPrice = rows[i]['PRICE']
totalNewPriceTest = parseFloat(rows[i]['PRICE'])
console.log("item name : " + itemName + " " + itemPrice )
totalNewPriceTest = parseFloat(totalNewPriceTest);
console.log("final overall prcie: " + (totalNewPriceTest))
console.log("inside productsStripe function.")
console.log("overall prcie: " + totalNewPriceTest)
totalNewPriceTest = parseFloat(totalNewPriceTest)
var grandTotal = totalNewPriceTest;
var finalGrandTotal = parseFloat(grandTotal)
const session = stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
shipping_address_collection: {
allowed_countries: ['CA'],
payment_method_types: ['card'],
line_items: [
price_data: {
currency: 'CAD',
product_data: {
name: itemName,
unit_amount: finalGrandTotal,
//finalTotal * 100
quantity: 1,
mode: 'payment',
success_url: 'localhost:1001/successPg',
cancel_url: 'localhost:1001/catalogue',
customer_email: email,
res.json({ id: });
//console.log("customer id" +
console.log("totalNewPriceTest " + totalNewPriceTest)
can anyone help? thank you in advance, and sorry for the terribly written code :(

You have to write following lines inside query callback :-
totalNewPriceTest = parseFloat(totalNewPriceTest)
var grandTotal = totalNewPriceTest;
var finalGrandTotal = parseFloat(grandTotal)
And for error check before parsing the data to int or float like
value = parseFloat(field);

I did follow what you said, no errors, however it still doesn't reach the stripe checkout page... it logs in the console: Promise { }. i did research this and it says this has to once again do with async. not sure how to fix, read something about .then may work as well?

As you have guessed, it's a classic concurrency issue, first of all, this complete guide from MDN explains asynchronous javascript very well.
To briefly answer your case, you will need to continue executing stripe code in the query block. Why? Because you need to wait for the DB connection to open followed by a query execution, which both are asynchronous.
When you bypass those blocks, you're basically telling javascript to execute code in parallel, which in your case not what you want, you want to wait for the query to finish.'/create-checkout-session', (req, res) => {
var amount = stringify(req.body)
var userId = req.body.sessionID
console.log("email: " + req.body.customer_email)
var email = req.body.customer_email;
var deliveryTotal = req.body.totalWithDelivery;
var totalVal = amount.split("=");
var totalPrice = parseFloat(totalVal[1]);
//console.log("TOTAL PRICE: " + totalPrice);
var finalPrice = parseFloat(Math.round(totalPrice * 100) / 100);
var finalTotal = parseFloat(Math.round(totalPrice * 100) / 100) + parseFloat(Math.round(deliveryTotal));
console.log("final total: " + finalTotal);
var itemName = ""
var itemPrice = ""
var totalNewPriceTest = ""
//query to database
var productsStripe = "select * from " + userId
console.log("query to db for displaying cart on stripe page")"DATABASE=BLUDB;HOSTNAME=;PORT=50000;PROTOCOL=TCPIP;UID="";PWD="";", function (err,conn) {
if (err) return console.log(err);
conn.query(productsStripe, function (err, rows) {
if (err) {
for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
itemName = rows[i]['ITEM']
itemPrice = rows[i]['PRICE']
totalNewPriceTest = parseFloat(rows[i]['PRICE'])
console.log("item name : " + itemName + " " + itemPrice )
totalNewPriceTest = parseFloat(totalNewPriceTest);
console.log("final overall prcie: " + (totalNewPriceTest))
console.log("inside productsStripe function.")
console.log("overall prcie: " + totalNewPriceTest)
totalNewPriceTest = parseFloat(totalNewPriceTest)
var grandTotal = totalNewPriceTest;
var finalGrandTotal = parseFloat(grandTotal)
// continue executing here
shipping_address_collection: {
allowed_countries: ['CA'],
payment_method_types: ['card'],
line_items: [
price_data: {
currency: 'CAD',
product_data: {
name: itemName,
unit_amount: finalGrandTotal,
//finalTotal * 100
quantity: 1,
mode: 'payment',
success_url: 'localhost:1001/successPg',
cancel_url: 'localhost:1001/catalogue',
customer_email: email,
}).then((session) => {
res.json({ id: });
//console.log("customer id" +
console.log("totalNewPriceTest " + totalNewPriceTest)
}).catch((err) => {
console.log('stripe err: ', err);
Other useful tips to follow:
Don't write business logic inside the router, instead create a controller file and move the logic into it.
Instead of connecting to the DB upon every request, create a DB connection instance and keep it open and available whenever you need it, start with creating its own helper file and then export the connection.


How to write SuiteScript for map reduce CSV file or JSON data as an input process it and Create a customer Record

Map Reduce script for Csv file or JSON Data as input process it and create a customer record
Suite Answer 43795 has an excellent "Processing Invoices Example" sample script that you can work from, it is also pasted below. Suite Answer 43795, also has additional information for each map/reduce stage.
* #NApiVersion 2.x
* #NScriptType MapReduceScript
define(['N/search', 'N/record', 'N/email', 'N/runtime', 'N/error'],
function(search, record, email, runtime, error){
function handleErrorAndSendNotification(e, stage){
log.error('Stage: ' + stage + ' failed', e);
var author = -5;
var recipients = '';
var subject = 'Map/Reduce script ' + runtime.getCurrentScript().id + ' failed for stage: ' + stage;
var body = 'An error occurred with the following information:\n' + 'Error code: ' + + '\n' + 'Error msg: ' + e.message;
author: author,
recipients: recipients,
subject: subject,
body: body
function handleErrorIfAny(summary){
var inputSummary = summary.inputSummary;
var mapSummary = summary.mapSummary;
var reduceSummary = summary.reduceSummary;
if (inputSummary.error)
var e = error.create({
message: inputSummary.error
handleErrorAndSendNotification(e, 'getInputData');
handleErrorInStage('map', mapSummary);
handleErrorInStage('reduce', reduceSummary);
function handleErrorInStage(stage, summary){
var errorMsg = [];
summary.errors.iterator().each(function(key, value){
var msg = 'Failure to accept payment from customer id: ' + key + '. Error was: ' + JSON.parse(value).message + '\n';
return true;
if (errorMsg.length > 0)
var e = error.create({
message: JSON.stringify(errorMsg)
handleErrorAndSendNotification(e, stage);
function createSummaryRecord(summary){
var seconds = summary.seconds;
var usage = summary.usage;
var yields = summary.yields;
var rec = record.create({
type: 'customrecord_summary',
fieldId : 'name',
value: 'Summary for M/R script: ' + runtime.getCurrentScript().id
fieldId: 'custrecord_time',
value: seconds
fieldId: 'custrecord_usage',
value: usage
fieldId: 'custrecord_yields',
value: yields
} catch(e){
handleErrorAndSendNotification(e, 'summarize');
function applyLocationDiscountToInvoice(recordId){
var invoice = record.load({
type: record.Type.INVOICE,
id: recordId,
isDynamic: true
var location = invoice.getText({
fieldId: 'location'
var discount;
if (location === 'East Coast')
discount = 'Eight Percent';
else if (location === 'West Coast')
discount = 'Five Percent';
else if (location === 'United Kingdom')
discount = 'Nine Percent';
discount = '';
fieldId: 'discountitem',
text: discount,
ignoreFieldChange : false
log.debug(recordId + ' has been updated with location-based discount.');;
function getInputData(){
return search.create({
type: record.Type.INVOICE,
filters: [['status', search.Operator.IS, 'open']],
columns: ['entity'],
title: 'Open Invoice Search'
function map(context){
var searchResult = JSON.parse(context.value);
var invoiceId =;
var entityId = searchResult.values.entity.value;
key: entityId,
value: invoiceId
function reduce(context){
var customerId = context.key;
var custPayment = record.transform({
fromType: record.Type.CUSTOMER,
fromId: customerId,
toType: record.Type.CUSTOMER_PAYMENT,
isDynamic: true
var lineCount = custPayment.getLineCount('apply');
for (var j = 0; j < lineCount; j++){
sublistId: 'apply',
line: j
sublistId: 'apply',
fieldId: 'apply',
value: true
var custPaymentId =;
key: custPaymentId
function summarize(summary){
return {
getInputData: getInputData,
map: map,
reduce: reduce,
summarize: summarize

Getting "INVALID DATE" if device or emulator not in "debug remotely" mode

I'm building chat fonctionality in an app and i'm using FaridSafi/react-native-gifted-chat. When i debug on chrome the messages dates are good.
if i'm not debugging remotely all dates of messages become "INVALID DATE".
I have same result on real device and emulator
I format date i get from the API to the format the library is in using this function:
formatOneMessage(message) {
const receiver = this.props.navigation.getParam("receiver");
const receiverName = receiver.Name;
const receiverLastName = receiver.lastName;
const formatedDate = Util.formatDate(message.creation_date)
const FormatedMessage = {
text: message.content,
createdAt: new Date(formatedDate),
user: {
_id: message.sender_id,
name: receiverName + " " + receiverLastName,
avatar: ""
return FormatedMessage;
let dateAndTimeArray = date.split(" ");
let dateArray = dateAndTimeArray[0].split("-");
let newDate = dateArray[1] + "-" + dateArray[0] + "-" + dateArray[2];
let newDateAndTime = newDate + " " + dateAndTimeArray[1]
return newDateAndTime;
I used Moment.JS to fix this issue myself, using the
Be aware, that your Parameter for "new Date()" has ISO_8601 Format.
More information about this see here:
Here is how i used moment.js to resolve this issue:
formatOneMessage(message) {
const receiverName = this.props.navigation.getParam("receiverName");
const modifiedDate = Util.formatDate(message.creation_date);
const formatedDate = moment(modifiedDate, "MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss");
const FormatedMessage = {
text: message.content,
createdAt: formatedDate,
user: {
_id: message.sender_id,
name: receiverName,
avatar: ""
return FormatedMessage;
if you are curious what Util.formatDate is doing:
formatDate(date) {
let dateAndTimeArray = date.split(" ");
let dateArray = dateAndTimeArray[0].split("-");
let newDate = dateArray[1] + "-" + dateArray[0] + "-" + dateArray[2];
let newDateAndTime = newDate + " " + dateAndTimeArray[1];
return newDateAndTime;

How can I get cases another solution in IBM Case Manager?

I have two solutions.
How can I get cases another solution?
I think that icm.util.SearchPayload allows you to get the cases of the current solution.
buildPayload: function (values) {
if (!values) {
console.log("An invalid values is received!");
var searchPayload = new icm.util.SearchPayload();
var solution = this.widget.solution;
var params = {};
params.ObjectStore = solution.getTargetOS().id;
params.ceQuery = "SELECT t.[FolderName], t.[LastModifier], t.[DateLastModified], t.[CmAcmCaseTypeFolder], t.[CmAcmCaseState], t.[CmAcmCaseIdentifier], t.[DateCreated], t.[Creator], t.[Id], t.[ContainerType], t.[LockToken], t.[LockTimeout], t.[ClassDescription], t.[DateLastModified], t.[FolderName] FROM [CmAcmCaseFolder] t where ";
params.ceQuery += "t.[CmAcmCaseIdentifier] LIKE '%%' AND ";
for (var key in values) {
var attr = values[key].attr;
if (attr.dataType === "xs:string") {
params.ceQuery += "t.[" + key + "] LIKE '%" + values[key].value + "%' AND ";
} else {
params.ceQuery += "t.[" + key + "] = " + values[key].value + " AND ";
params.ceQuery = params.ceQuery.substring(0, params.ceQuery.length - 4);
var that = this;
this.widget.solution.retrieveCaseTypes(function (types) {
params.caseType = types && types.length > 0 && types[0].name; // default to the first case type
params.solution = solution;
var payload = searchPayload.getSearchPayload(function (payload) {
that.widget.onBroadcastEvent("icm.SearchCases", payload);
May be
Thank you!
function(declare, lang, array, Constants, Case, LoggerMixin, _DesktopMixin){
return declare("icm.custom.pgwidget.customSearchWidget.CustomWidgetContentPaneEventListener", [LoggerMixin, _DesktopMixin], {
searchTemplate: null,
widget: null,
constructor: function(widget){
this.widget = widget;
buildPayload: function(values) {
if(!values) {
console.log("An invalid values is received!");
var that = this;
this.retrieveSolutions(function(solutionList) {
array.forEach(solutionList, function(solution) {
if ( === "CBFPSFED_57_2") {
var searchPayload = new icm.util.SearchPayload();
var params = {};
params.ObjectStore = solution.getTargetOS().id;
params.ceQuery = "SELECT t.[FolderName], t.[LastModifier], t.[DateLastModified], t.[CmAcmCaseTypeFolder], t.[CmAcmCaseState], t.[CmAcmCaseIdentifier], t.[DateCreated], t.[Creator], t.[Id], t.[ContainerType], t.[LockToken], t.[LockTimeout], t.[ClassDescription], t.[DateLastModified], t.[FolderName] FROM [CmAcmCaseFolder] t where ";
params.ceQuery += "t.[CmAcmCaseIdentifier] LIKE '%%' AND t.[JR572_name] LIKE '%%%'";
solution.retrieveCaseTypes(function(types) {
params.caseType = types && types.length > 0 && types[0].name; // default to the first case type
params.solution = solution;
var payload = searchPayload.getSearchPayload(function(payload) {
that.widget.onBroadcastEvent("icm.SearchCases", payload);
_eoc_: null
Key points:
this.retrieveSolutions(function(solutionList) {

Sensenet Content Picker Customization

I created two custom content types, ProjectContract and PaymentRequest. Under PaymentRequest, I have a reference field Contract which I would like to use to reference ProjectContract. When I am creating/changing PaymentRequest, I need the following:
how can I initialize Content Picker to display ContractNumber field of available ProjectContracts?
how can I display selected ProjectContract's ContractNumber under ReferenceField Grid control?
The SN js code and the mvc contains/returns fix field values. I did not find any setting where I can add custom fields to show.
First of all, what is the version of that SN package, because the oData.svc request will not work on older versions. It is available from 6.2.
About the oData, here is a link:
There is another way to solve it, but with this, you need to modify the existion SN codes.
You need to copy (" /Root/Global/scripts/sn/SN.Picker.js ") file into your skin folder with the same structure. (" /Root/Skins/[yourskinfolder]/scripts/sn/SN.ReferenceGrid.js ")
You need to copy (" /Root/Global/scripts/sn/SN.ReferenceGrid.js ") file into your skin folder as well.
Do not modify the original SN file, because it will be overwrite after an SN update.
Next step: copy the following code to line 1068, before the ("$grid.jqGrid({") line, into the InitGrid function.
var neededTypeName = "ProjectContract";
var neededFieldName = "ContractNumber";
var findField = false;
o2 = (function () {
var result = [];
var itemArray = [];
$.each(o2, function (index, el) {
el.ContentField = "";
if (el.ContentTypeName == neededTypeName) {
itemArray.push([index, el.Path]);
findField = true;
if (findField) {
$.each(itemArray, function (itemIndex, itemElArray) {
var itemId = itemElArray[0];
var itemEl = itemElArray[1];
var thisLength = itemEl.length;
var thislastSplash = itemEl.lastIndexOf("/");
var thisPath = itemEl.substring(0, thislastSplash) + "('" + itemEl.substring(thislastSplash + 1, thisLength) + "')";
url: "/oData.svc" + thisPath + "?metadata=no$select=Path," + neededFieldName,
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (d) {
result[itemId].ContentField = d.d[neededFieldName];
colNames.splice(6, 0, "ContentField");
colModel.splice(6, 0, { index: "ContentField", name: "ContentField", width: 100 });
return result;
return o2;
The "neededTypeName" may contains your content type value, and the "neededFieldName" may contains the field name you want to render.
The other will build up the grid.
This will modify the Content picker table.
You need to add this code into the GetResultDataFromRow function, at line 660 before the return of the function.
if (rowdata.ContentField != undefined) {
result.ContentField = rowdata.ContentField;
This will add the selected item properties from the Content picker to the reference field table.
Then you need to open the SN.ReferenceGrid.js and add the following code into the init function before the "var $grid = $("#" + displayAreaId);"
var neededTypeName = "CustomItem2";
var neededFieldName = "Custom2Num";
var findField = false;
var alreadyAdded = false;
var btnAttr = $("#"+addButtonId).attr("onClick");
if (btnAttr.indexOf(neededTypeName) > -1) {
alreadyAdded = true;
colNames[4].width = 150;
colModel[4].width = 150;
colNames.splice(3, 0, "ContentField");
colModel.splice(3, 0, { index: "ContentField", name: "ContentField", width: 60 });
initialSelection = (function () {
var result = [];
var itemArray = [];
$.each(initialSelection, function (index, el) {
el.ContentField = "";
if (el.ContentTypeName == neededTypeName) {
itemArray.push([index, el.Path]);
findField = true;
if (findField) {
$.each(itemArray, function (itemIndex, itemElArray) {
var itemId = itemElArray[0];
var itemEl = itemElArray[1];
var thisLength = itemEl.length;
var thislastSplash = itemEl.lastIndexOf("/");
var thisPath = itemEl.substring(0, thislastSplash) + "('" + itemEl.substring(thislastSplash + 1, thisLength) + "')";
url: "/oData.svc" + thisPath + "?metadata=no$select=Path," + neededFieldName,
dataType: "json",
async: false,
success: function (d) {
result[itemId].ContentField = d.d[neededFieldName];
if (!alreadyAdded) {
colNames.splice(3, 0, "ContentField");
colModel.splice(3, 0, { index: "ContentField", name: "ContentField", width: 100 });
return result;
return initialSelection;
I hope this will help but the SN version should be helpful.

SAPUI5 file upload

I am creating an SAPUI5 app that needs to upload attachments. I still am very new use SAPUi5. I want to save the uploaded file to the DB. Could I use the Document service? If so please provide me with docs or tutorials to do so.
I have done that in one off my SAPUI5 apps, for the uploading function check out my gist.
Or check this for reference
onUpload: function(e) {
var fU = this.getView().byId("idfileUploader");
var domRef = fU.getFocusDomRef();
var file = domRef.files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(oEvent) {
var strCSV =;
var arrCSV = strCSV.match(/[\w .]+(?=,?)/g);
var noOfCols = 6;
var headerRow = arrCSV.splice(0, noOfCols);
var data = [];
while (arrCSV.length > 0) {
var obj = {};
var row = arrCSV.splice(0, noOfCols);
for (var i = 0; i < row.length; i++) {
obj[headerRow[i]] = row[i].trim();
Irrespective of whether you use DB or Document Service, with respect to SAPUI5,
you can use sap.ui.unified.FileUploader. Read more here
Sample XML code would be:
placeholder="Add attachment"
useMultipart="false" >
While uploading make sure, you add slug and x-csrf-token to the headerparameters.
var oFileUploader = _this.byId("fileUploader");
oFileUploader.addHeaderParameter(new sap.ui.unified.FileUploaderParameter({
name: "slug",
value: oFileUploader.getValue()
oFileUploader.addHeaderParameter(new sap.ui.unified.FileUploaderParameter({
name: "x-csrf-token",
value: _this.oDataModel.getSecurityToken()
And if you are using ABAP Netweaver gateway stack, you need to implement CREATE_STREAM method in DPC_EXT classes. Also need to make sure that pareticular EventType with "media" supported in Gateway model.
var that = this;
var count = 0;
var o = "<URI>";
var h = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel(o, true);
var d = "";
var b = ({
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-CSRF-Token": "Fetch",
requestUri: o,
method: "GET",
headers: b
}, function (e, j) {
d = j.headers["x-csrf-token"];
that.csrfToken = d;
that.getModel("oAppData").setProperty("/busyIndicators/uploadFile", true);
for (var l = 0; l < that.fileDataAD.length; l++) {
var i = "<URI>";
var h = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel(i, true);
var b = ({
"X-CSRF-Token": that.csrfToken,
"Slug": that.fileDataAD[l].fileName + "|" + that.fileDataAD[l].fileType + "|" + "B" + "|" + reqId + "|" + 1
requestUri: i,
method: "POST",
headers: b,
data: that.fileDataAD[l].file
}, function (oData, oRes) {
count = count + 1;
if (count === that.fileDataAD.length) {
}.bind(this), function (oError) { }
where fileDataAD is buffer array