AspNetZero .NetCore + Angular project - api versioning -

I have a AspNetZero .NetCore + Angular project and I need to implement api versioning to the project for backwards compatibility. I followed a few examples online, but they either don't specify all the steps, or are specific to mvc, and this project uses the AppService pattern. If any one has successfully managed to implement api versioning in a AspNetZero project, I would really appreciate your help.
I'm currently at the swagger page showing two version, but for v1, I get an AmbiguousMatchException and for v2 swagger can't find the v2 file, so I assume it's not getting generated.
In my Application project, I changed the current AppService's namespace to .v1, and created a new AppService with namespace v2, that inherits the old one, and overrides 1 method which will be the v2.
The aim is to be able to call both methods once it's done with i.e:
(http://localhost:9901/api/services/app/Equities/Get_Snapshot or http://localhost:9901/api/services/v1/Equities/Get_Snapshot) and

Open Startup.cs in YOURCOMPANY.Web.Host project.
In the ConfigureServices method, scroll down and find services.AddSwaggerGen ...
Implement the following code:
services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
options.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo()
Title = "MY API",
Version = "v1",
Description = "Any description for your V1 APIs."
options.SwaggerDoc("public", new OpenApiInfo()
Title = "CMS API",
Version = "v2",
Description = "Any description for your V2 APIs."
options.DocInclusionPredicate((docName, apiDesc) =>
switch (docName)
case "v1":
return true;
case "v2":
return apiDesc.GroupName == null || apiDesc.GroupName == "v2";
return false;
Next, in the Configure method, scroll down and find app.UseSwaggerUI ...
Open appsettings.json in YOURCOMPANY.Web.Host and add a new endpoint configuration variable in the "App" field:
"SwaggerEndPoint": "/swagger/v1/swagger.json",
"SwaggerV2EndPoint": "/swagger/v2/swagger.json"
Implement the following code:
app.UseSwaggerUI(options =>
options.SwaggerEndpoint(_appConfiguration["App:SwaggerEndPoint"], "MY API V1");
options.SwaggerEndpoint(_appConfiguration["App:SwaggerPublicEndPoint"], "MY API V2");
options.IndexStream = () => Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
Now you can implement APIs in V2 group by adding ApiExplorerSettings attribute in your YOURCOMPANY.Application project; let's assume you have a service named (TestAppService),
Then implement your methods (APIs) in the below namespace, and simply open your Swagger UI and test it.
namespace CMS.TestNameSpace
[ApiExplorerSettings(GroupName = "v2")]
public class TestAppService : (YOUR)AppServiceBase, ITestAppService
public async Task<TestDto> GetTest(TestDtoInput input)


what is the purpose of {documentname} in the RouteTemplate config?
By default, Swagger JSON will be exposed at the following route -
"/swagger/{documentName}/swagger.json". If necessary, you can change
this when enabling the Swagger middleware. Custom routes MUST include
the {documentName} parameter.
Why does the template config require this placeholder but the UI config does not?
app.UseSwagger(c =>
c.RouteTemplate = "api-docs/{documentName}/swagger.json";
NOTE: If you're using the SwaggerUI middleware, you'll also need to update its configuration to reflect the new endpoints:
app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
c.SwaggerEndpoint("/api-docs/v1/swagger.json", "My API V1");
What is {documentName} for? Is there a feature to swap it out dynamically or something? Because the UI config in the example has it statically configured. why wouldn't it just be "/api-docs/v1/swagger.json" in the RouteTemplate config too?
The {documentName} refers to the name you specify in the AddSwaggerGen() method.
The following code uses myapi as the name for a swagger document.
builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
options.SwaggerDoc("myapi", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "My API", Version = "v1" })
Using UseSwagger as follows
app.UseSwagger(options =>
options.RouteTemplate = "swagger/{documentName}/swagger.json");
leads to a swagger file being created the following location:
Which means your Swagger UI configuration must be
app.UseSwaggerUI(options => {
options.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/myapi/swagger.json", "Swagger v1");
The Swagger UI can make a UI based on any swagger file, whether it comes from this project or not. That's why it doesn't include the {documentName} placeholder. There isn't a relationship between these, necessarily.
Multiple Swagger UIs
This, for example, is the configuration where I have 1 Swagger Doc, 2 swagger files, and two UI endpoints. I describe the same API, but once using the OpenAPI v3 standard, and once using the old Swagger v2 standard.
builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
options.SwaggerDoc("myapi", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "My API", Version = "v1" });
app.UseSwagger(options =>
options.SerializeAsV2 = true;
options.RouteTemplate = "swagger/{documentName}/swaggerV2.json";
app.UseSwagger(options =>
options.SerializeAsV2 = false;
options.RouteTemplate = "swagger/{documentName}/openapiV3.json";
app.UseSwaggerUI(options => {
options.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/myapi/openapiV3.json", "OpenApi v3");
options.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/myapi/swaggerV2.json", "Swagger v2");
When you go to the swagger UI, you will see a dropdown to select one of the two endpoints.
Multiple Swagger Docs
Your app can also have multiple swagger docs. E.g. your 'normal' API + some legacy API stuff.
options.SwaggerDoc("myapi", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "My API", Version = "v1" });
options.SwaggerDoc("myapiLegacy", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "My Legacy API", Version = "v1" });
There are several ways to specify when a method of your project belongs to a certain swagger doc. But the easiest way is to mark it with an attribute:
[ApiExplorerSettings(GroupName = "myapiLegacy")]
public void Post([Product product)
So since you can have multiple swagger docs, it makes sense to create a placeholder for it. i.e., {documentName}.
In my swagger UI I now end up with 4 endpoints:
normal api as Swagger V2
normal api as OpenApi V3
legacy api as Swagger V2
legacy api as OpenApi V3

GetRequiredService from within Configure

I'm trying to access one of my services from within the Configure call within Startup.cs in aspnet core. I'm doing the following however I get the following error "No service for type 'UserService' has been registered." Now I know it is registered because I can use it in a controller so I'm just doing something wrong when it comes to using it here. Please can someone point me in the right direction. I'm happy with taking a different approach to setting up Tus if there's a better way of achieving what I want.
var userService = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService<UserService>();
The below is where I'm wanting to use
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
... Other stuff here...
app.InitializeSimpleInjector(container, Configuration);
app.UseTus(httpContext =>
var restaurantEndpoint = "/restaurant/images";
var userEndpoint = "/account/images";
var endPoint = "/blank/images";
if (httpContext.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments(new PathString(restaurantEndpoint)))
endPoint = restaurantEndpoint;
if (httpContext.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments(new PathString(userEndpoint)))
endPoint = userEndpoint;
return new BranchTusConfiguration
Store = new TusDiskStore(#"C:\tusfiles\"),
UrlPath = endPoint,
Events = new Events
OnBeforeCreateAsync = ctx =>
return Task.CompletedTask;
OnCreateCompleteAsync = ctx =>
return Task.CompletedTask;
OnFileCompleteAsync = async ctx =>
var file = await ( (ITusReadableStore)ctx.Store ).GetFileAsync(ctx.FileId, ctx.CancellationToken);
var userService = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService<UserService>();
... More stuff here...
My end goal is to move this to an IApplicationBuilder extension to clean up my startup.cs but that shouldn't affect anything if it's working from within startup.cs
Edit: Add to show the registration of the userService. There is a whole lot of other stuff being registered and cross wired in the InitializeSimpleInjector method which I've left out. can add it all if need be..
public static void InitializeSimpleInjector(this IApplicationBuilder app, Container container, IConfigurationRoot configuration)
// Add application presentation components:
container.Register<IServiceCollection, ServiceCollection>(Lifestyle.Scoped);
Please read the Simple Injector integration page for ASP.NET Core very closely, as Simple Injector integrates very differently with ASP.NET Core as Microsoft documented how DI Containers should integrate. The Simple Injector documentation states:
Please note that when integrating Simple Injector in ASP.NET Core, you do not replace ASP.NET’s built-in container, as advised by the Microsoft documentation. The practice with Simple Injector is to use Simple Injector to build up object graphs of your application components and let the built-in container build framework and third-party components
What this means is that, since the built-in container is still in place, resolving components using app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService<T>()—while they are registered in Simple Injector—will not work. In that case you are asking the built-in container and it doesn't know about the existence of those registrations.
Instead, you should resolve your type(s) using Simple Injector:

Swashbuckle/Swagger on .NET Core 2.1 has stopped working since upgrade

I have a .NET Core 2.0 application, using Swashbuckle/Swagger to generate API documentation. When we were on 2.1.0-preview, Swagger was working fine. Then we did the big upgrade to 2.1.0 release and SDK 2.1.300. We didn't notice exactly when things broke, but now our Swagger docs won't load. Here's what we see:
Project has a reference to Swashbuckle.AspNetCore version 2.5.0. The relevant code in Startup.cs is below. In ConfigureServices():
services.AddSwaggerGen(swaggerOptions =>
// Register a swagger doc
swaggerOptions.SwaggerDoc("v1", new Info
// Optional descriptive info that will be included in the Swagger output
Contact = new Contact
Name = "LightSail",
Url = ""
Description = "A description of the API can go here",
Title = "My API",
Version = "v1"
// Xml file to get comment information from
And in Configure():
app.UseSwaggerUI(swaggerUiOptions => swaggerUiOptions.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "My API v1"));
I found lots of other similar questions, one of which suggested that there might be duplicate endpoints; I tried adding a call to .ResolveConflictingEndpoints() but that made no difference. I have searched through my project folders and there is no file called swagger.json, so I'm guessing that's the problem.
Any ideas why this is not working, or how to fix?
This is usually indicative of controllers/actions that Swashbuckle doesn't support for one reason or another.
It's expected that you don't have a swagger.json file in your project. Swashbuckle creates and serves that dynamically using ASP.NET Core's ApiExplorer APIs. What's probably happening here is that Swashbuckle is unable to generate Swagger.json and, therefore, the UI is failing to display.
As HelderSepu said, it's hard to know exactly what caused the failure, so the best way to debug is probably just to remove half your controllers (just move the files to a temporary location) and check whether the issues persists. Then you'll know which half of your controllers contains the troublesome action. You can 'binary search' removing controllers (and then actions) until you figure out which action method is causing Swashbuckle to not be able to generate Swagger.json. Once you know that, it should be obvious whether this is some issue in your code or an issue that should be filed in the Swashbuckle repo.
For example, Swashbuckle appears to not support open generics, so having a response type attribute like [ResponseType(typeof(IEnumerable<>))] could cause this sort of behavior. It could also be an issue with ambiguous routes or something like that tripping Swashbuckle up. Once you've narrowed down the cause of failure to something more specific like that, it can either be fixed or filed, as appropriate.
Today I found out that I could just go to the json url in the browser and get some error information
for example
I was able to solve this error by explicitly adding the http verb attribute to my core 2.x controller method. The convention of prefixing the method name with the http verb is not enough for Swashbuckle apparently.
public async Task<IActionResult> AddNewData([FromBody] MyType myType) { … }
In my case I can reproduce your error by omitting "." from the end point as you have done.
I don't get the error if I include "." at the start of the path.
Here is more of my code in case it is relevant.
In ConfigureServices I have
services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new Info
Version = "v1",
Title = "My API",
Description = "ASP.NET Core Web API",
TermsOfService = "None",
Contact = new Contact
Name = "my name",
Email = ""
In configure
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
app.UseRewriter(new RewriteOptions()
app.UseSwagger(c =>
c.RouteTemplate =
app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
//Include virtual directory if site is configured so
c.RoutePrefix = "api-docs";
c.SwaggerEndpoint("./v1/swagger.json", "Api v1");
app.UseMvc(routes =>
Also there is
public class AuthorizationHeaderParameterOperationFilter : IOperationFilter
public void Apply(Operation operation, OperationFilterContext context)
var filterPipeline = context.ApiDescription.ActionDescriptor.FilterDescriptors;
var isAuthorized = filterPipeline.Select(filterInfo => filterInfo.Filter).Any(filter => filter is AuthorizeFilter);
var allowAnonymous = filterPipeline.Select(filterInfo => filterInfo.Filter).Any(filter => filter is IAllowAnonymousFilter);
if (isAuthorized && !allowAnonymous)
if (operation.Parameters == null)
operation.Parameters = new List<IParameter>();
operation.Parameters.Add(new NonBodyParameter
Name = "Authorization",
In = "header",
Description = "access token",
Required = true,
Type = "string"
My dependencies are
Microsoft.AspNetCore.App (2.1.0)
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore (2.5.0)
Microsoft.NETCore.App (2.1.0)
Personally I was a bit quick and forgot to add this line to the method ConfigureServices in Startup.cs.
In my case, I missed the 'HttpAttribute':
public async Task<IEnumerable<ClientesListDto>> GetAll()
return await _service.GetAllAsync();
Then I put it and swagger likes it:
public async Task<IEnumerable<ClientesListDto>> GetAll()
return await _service.GetAllAsync();
In my case, I had this:
public async Task<ActionResult<bool>> CleanUpSnoozedLeads()
public async Task<ActionResult<bool>> DoSomethingElse()
Notice the HttpGet() had the same name. That causes the undefined error as well.
A very common case is ambiguity. Just use the same signature for two PUT or POST operations for example and you will get the error.
Others answers did not worked for me.
I was able to fix and understand my issue when I tried to go to the swagger.json URL location:
The page will show the error and reason why it is not found.
In my case, I saw that there was a misconfigured XML definition of one of my methods based on the error it returned:
NotSupportedException: HTTP method "GET" & path "api/Values/{id}" overloaded by actions - ...
In my case, i just forgot to add the HttpPostAttribute annotation to the method.
public ActionResult Post()
return Ok();
In my case there was a conflict in the schemaId. Apparently every class in the swagger JSON must have a unique schemaId. If you have two classes in different namespaces with the same name this will not work. We have to configure "UseFullTypeNameInSchemaIds" in the startup class.
Add "options.CustomSchemaIds(x => x.FullName);" in "services.AddSwaggerGen"
I found the trace by enabling Output window in VS, selecting the main project from Show output from dropdown list then visit http://{yourapiendpoint}/swagger/v1/swagger.json
If your api have same two or more [HttpGet] its not working swagger.
You should be specify [HttpGet] , [HttpGet ("{id}")]
simple solution

Swagger .Net Core

I am trying to configure swagger for my .Netcore App (1.1) and couldnt generate the docs.
Here is my configuration
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
services.AddMvcCore().AddVersionedApiExplorer(o => o.GroupNameFormat = "1.0");
services.AddApiVersioning(opt =>
opt.ApiVersionReader = new HeaderApiVersionReader("api-version");
opt.DefaultApiVersion = new ApiVersion(1, 0);
opt.ReportApiVersions = true;
opt.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
options =>
options.SwaggerDoc("1.0",new Info {Contact = new Contact() {Name="Admin" } });
// add a custom operation filter which sets default values
In the Configure Method
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "default",
template: "{controller=User}/{action=Get}/{requestString?}");
o.RouteTemplate = "docs/{documentName}/swagger.json";
options =>
options.SwaggerEndpoint("/docs/1.0/swagger.json", "1.0");
When I run the application,
I am getting the below methods, None of my API's are discovered.
OK, I have reproduced your problem and found that the reason is the value in GroupNameFormat option.
If quickly, instead of const version string you should specify version format. As you want to have version in url as 1.0 you may use:
services.AddMvcCore().AddVersionedApiExplorer( o => o.GroupNameFormat = "VVVV" );
From Version Format section in Documentation:
Format Specifier: VVVV
Description: Major, minor version, and status
Examples: 1-RC -> 1.0-RC, 1.1 -> 1.1, 1 -> 1.0
Regarding AddMvcCore() vs AddMvc():
From the swagger docs at
Swashbuckle relies heavily on ApiExplorer, the API metadata layer that ships with ASP.NET Core. If you're using the AddMvc helper to bootstrap the MVC stack, then ApiExplorer will be automatically registered and SB will work without issue. However, if you're using AddMvcCore for a more paired-down MVC stack, you'll need to explicitly add the Api Explorer service:
If you also want AddVersionedApiExplorer(), chain that after AddApiExplorer()

Is ApiExplorer supported in ASP.NET Core 1.0, and how to use it?

Does ASP.NET Core 1.0 support the use of APIExplorer? I'm unable to find any docs on it or how to use it, has anyone used it and can share some insight?
Itay's response helped me a bit getting the answer I wanted.
To anyone else that needs to use the ApiExplorer, Dr Rob Lang wrote an answer to How to get a list of all routes in ASP.NET Core?.
In brief, to get the routes you can have the IApiDescriptionGroupCollectionProvider injected into your controller using constructor injection. You then receive the routes in ApiDescriptionGroupCollectionProvider.ApiDescriptionGroups.Items. The routes will only be visible if you mark them as visible to ApiExplorer. This can be done per controller or by using a convention. Since I want to use it on all of my controllers, I used an IApplicationModelConvention:
public class ApiExplorerVisibilityEnabledConvention : IApplicationModelConvention
public void Apply(ApplicationModel application)
foreach (var controller in application.Controllers)
if (controller.ApiExplorer.IsVisible == null)
controller.ApiExplorer.IsVisible = true;
controller.ApiExplorer.GroupName = controller.ControllerName;
Then in Startup.cs, you add the convention:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// other calls omitted for brevity
services.AddMvc(opt =>
opt.Conventions.Add(new ApiExplorerVisibilityEnabledConvention());
Code from How to get a list of all routes in ASP.NET Core? - Dr Rob Lang, Mar 2 '16 at 14:40
There's a downloadable NuGet of the ApiExplorer for ASP.NET Core: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiExplorer 1.0.0
So this means that it's supported (used by Swagger/Swashbackle which are also supported AFAIK).