How to end / close a MutableSharedFlow? - kotlin

SharedFlow has just been introduced in coroutines 1.4.0-M1, and it is meant to replace all BroadcastChannel implementations (as stated in the design issue decription).
I have a use case where I use a BroadcastChannel to represent incoming web socket frames, so that multiple listeners can "subscribe" to the frames.
The problem I have when I move to a SharedFlow is that I can't "end" the flow when I receive a close frame, or an upstream error (which I would like to do to inform all subscribers that the flow is over).
How can I make all subscriptions terminate when I want to effectively "close" the SharedFlow?
Is there a way to tell the difference between normal closure and closure with exception? (like channels)
If MutableSharedFlow doesn't allow to convey the end of the flow to subscribers, what is the alternative if BroadcastChannel gets deprecated/removed?

The SharedFlow documentation describes what you need:
Note that most terminal operators like Flow.toList would also not complete, when applied to a shared flow, but flow-truncating operators like Flow.take and Flow.takeWhile can be used on a shared flow to turn it into a completing one.
SharedFlow cannot be closed like BroadcastChannel and can never represent a failure. All errors and completion signals should be explicitly materialized if needed.
Basically you will need to introduce a special object that you can emit from the shared flow to indicate that the flow has ended, using takeWhile at the consumer end can make them emit until that special object is received.

I think a possible solution is creating a boolean flag isValid and publicly expose only flows with .takeWhile { isValid }. Then just call isValid = false and sFlow.emit() when you want to close all subscribers.
Possible implementation:
private var isValid = true // In real scenario use atomic boolean
private val _sharedFlow = MutableSharedFlow<Unit>()
val sharedFlow: Flow<Unit> get() = _sharedFlow.takeWhile { isValid }
suspend fun cancelSharedFlow() {
isValid = false
EDIT: In my case .emit() was always suspending so I had to use BufferOverflow.DROP_LATEST (which is not suitable for many usecases). Not sure if the problem is in this example or elsewhere in my app. If you see a problem, please comment :)


Creating `Uni` from a coroutine / suspending function

We are using quarkus to process messages this run on a regular function
in that we have to call a suspend function
fun process (msg:Message):Message{
val resFrom:Data = runBlocking{fetchDataFromDB(msg.key)}
val processedMsg = processRoutingKey(msg,resFrom)
return processedMsg
We would like to get the data as a Uni (
so basically we would like to get back
fun process (msg:Message){
val resFrom:Uni<Data> = ConvertUni {fetchDataFromDB(msg.key)}
We need the uni further downstream one time to process some data but we would like to return a Uni from the method meaning
fun process (msg:Message):Uni<Message>{
val resFrom:Uni<Data> = ConvertUni {fetchDataFromDB(msg.key)}
val processed:Uni<Message> =process(msg,resfrom)
return processed
The signature fun process(msg:Message): Uni<Message> implies that some asynchronous mechanism needs to be started and will outlive the method call. It's like returning a Future or a Deferred. The function returns immediately but the underlying processing is not done yet.
In the coroutines world, this means you need to start a coroutine. However, like any async mechanism, it requires you to be conscious about where it will run, and for how long. This is defined by the CoroutineScope you use to start the coroutine, and this is why coroutine builders like async require such a scope.
So you need to pass a CoroutineScope to your function if you want it to start a coroutine that will last longer than the function call:
fun CoroutineScope.process(msg:Message): Uni<Message> {
val uniResult = async { fetchDataFromDB(msg.key) }.asUni()
return process(msg, uniResult)
Here Deferred<T>.asUni() is provided by the library mutiny-kotlin. In the examples given in their doc, they use GlobalScope instead of asking the caller to pass a coroutine scope. This is usually a bad practice because it means you don't control the lifetime of the started coroutine, and you may leak things if you're not careful.
Accepting a CoroutineScope as receiver means the caller of the method can choose the scope of this coroutine, which will automatically cancel the coroutine when appropriate, and will also define the thread pool / event loop on which the coroutine runs.
Now, with that in mind, you see that you'll be using a mix of coroutines and Uni at the same level of API here, which is not great. I would advise to instead stick with suspend functions all the way, until you really have to convert to Uni.

Determining when a Flow returns no data

The Kotlin flow states the following:
A suspending function asynchronously returns a single value, but how
can we return multiple asynchronously computed values? This is where
Kotlin Flows come in.
However, if the source of my flow is such that when it completes but returns no data, is there a way to determine that from the flow? For example, if the source of the flow calls a backend API but the API returns no data, is there a way to determine when the flow completes and has no data?
There is an onEmpty method that will invoke an action if the flow completes without emitting any items.
It can also be used to emit a special value to the flow to indicate that it was empty. For example, if you have a flow of events you can emit an EmptyDataEvent.
Or you can just do whatever it is that you want to do inside this onEmpty lambda.
Highly related is also the onCompletion method
If the API returns a Flow, it is usually expected to return 0 or more elements. That flow will typically be collected by some piece of code in order to process the values. The collect() call is a suspending function, and will return when the flow completes:
val flow = yourApiCallReturningFlow()
flow.collect { element ->
// process element here
// if we're here, the flow has completed
Any other terminal operator like first(), toList(), etc. will handle the flow's completion in some way (and may even cancel the flow early).
I'm not sure about what you're looking for here, but for example there is a terminal operator count:
val flow = yourApiCallReturningFlow()
val hasAnyElement = flow.count() == 0
There is also onEmpty that allows to emit some specific values instead of the empty flow.
I guess it depends on what you want to do when there are items in the flow.
You can just do toList() on the flow and check if it's empty

Why is Flow created on ConflatedBroadcastChannel only able to receive last element?

The following code only prints 10000 i.e. only the last element
val channel = BroadcastChannel<Int>(Channel.CONFLATED)
val flowJob = channel.asFlow().buffer(Channel.UNLIMITED).onEach {
for (i in 0..100) {
Code can be ran in the playground.
But since the Flow is launched in separate dispatching thread, and value is sent to the Channel and since Flow has an unlimited buffer, it should receive each element till onEach is invoked. But why only the last element is able to get received?
Is this the expected behavior or some bug? If its expected behavior how would somebody try to push only the newest elements to the flow, but all the flow that has certain buffer can receive the element.
Actually, this is about the "Conflate" way of buffering. For buffering a flow you have a couple of ways such as using buffer() method or collectLatest() or conflate(). Each of them has their own way to buffer. So conflate() method's way is that when the flow emits values, it tries to collect but when the collector is too slow, then conflate() skips the intermediate values for the sake of the flow. And it's doing it even tho every time it's emitted in a separate coroutine. So in a channel, a similar thing is happening basically.
Here is the official doc explanation:
When a flow represents partial results of the operation or operation
status updates, it may not be necessary to process each value, but
instead, only most recent ones. In this case, the conflate operator
can be used to skip intermediate values when a collector is too slow
to process them.
Check out this link.
The explanation is for flow but you need to focus on the feature that you are using. And in this case, conflation is same for channel and flow.
The problem here is the Channel.CONFLATED. Taken from the docs:
Channel that buffers at most one element and conflates all subsequent `send` and `offer` invocations,
so that the receiver always gets the most recently sent element.
Back-to-send sent elements are _conflated_ -- only the the most recently sent element is received,
while previously sent elements **are lost**.
Sender to this channel never suspends and [offer] always returns `true`.
This channel is created by `Channel(Channel.CONFLATED)` factory function invocation.
This implementation is fully lock-free.
so this is why you only get the most recent (last) element. I'd use an UNLIMITED Channel instead:
val channel = Channel<Int>(Channel.UNLIMITED)
val flowJob = channel.consumeAsFlow().onEach {
for (i in 0..100) {
As some of the comments stated, using Channel.CONFLATED will store only the last value, and you are offering to the channel, even if your flow has a buffer.
Also join() will suspend until the Job is not complete, in your case infinitely, that's why you needed the timeout.
val channel = Channel<Int>(Channel.RENDEZVOUS)
val flowJob = channel.consumeAsFlow().onEach {
for (i in 0..100) {
channel.send(i * i)
Check out this solution (playground link), with the Channel.RENDEZVOUS your channel will accept new elements only if the others are already consumed.
This is why we have to use send instead of offer, send suspends until it can send elements, while offer returns a boolean indicating if send was succesfull.
At last, we have to close the channel, in order for join() not to suspend until eternity.

Flow of location

I want to use a coroutine flow as a source of the current phone position and mark it on the map. Here what I have in my ViewModel:
private val gpsAwareLocationFlow = broadcastFlow(BroadcastTransformers.gpsReceiver)
.flatMapConcat { locationNotifier.locationFlow() }
private val locationFlow = locationNotifier.locationFlow()
val currentPosition = //here is place for solution, I suppose
When I use locationFlow.asLiveData, activity receives data as long as the GPS option is on. When it's turned off stream is closed and activity doesn't react on GPS option disabled or enabled.
When I use gpsAwareLocationFlow.asLiveData(), activity reacts properly only after the first change of GPS option. Before the option is changed it doesn't do anything.
The first idea was to use combine on both flows. It turned out that as long as both work well on their own (at least as flow), after combining them, result flow doesn't receive any notifications.
val resultFlow = locationFlow.combine(gpsAwareLocationFlow){ a, b-> }
Have anybody got any idea what am I doing wrong?
I suppose the problem is that combineLatest function doesn't emit anything until both flow sources don't emit at least one value. I good way to solve this is to initialize both flows with a value but I don't know if you can do this in your code.

In RxJava/RxKotlin, what are the differences between returning a Completable.error(Exception()) and throwing?

What are the differences in the following cases:
fun a(params: String) = Completable.fromAction {
if (params.isEmpty()) {
throw EmptyRequiredFieldException()
fun b(params: String) = if(params.isEmpty())
Specifically in the context of android, if it matters (even though I don't think it does)
According to documentation,
If the Action throws an exception, the respective Throwable is delivered to the downstream via CompletableObserver.onError(Throwable), except when the downstream has disposed this Completable source. In this latter case, the Throwable is delivered to the global error handler via RxJavaPlugins.onError(Throwable) as an UndeliverableException.
So both of two ways you described are similar (except when the downstream has disposed). Note, that first approach (with manually throwing exception) allow to modify behavior of Completable at runtime. And second one - statically defined as you return particular type of Completable and can't modify it.
What to choose depends on your needs.