How to insert Datetime with offset in SQL server? - sql

I have following value
How Can I insert the value into table, What is the column datatype I should use?
I have tried with datetime datatype for column, but that did not work out

The correct data type is datetimeoffset -- although datetime and datetime2 would also work (assuming the values are all in the same time zone). SQL Server stores date/times using an internal format.
create table t (ts datetimeoffset);
insert into t (ts) values ('2020-06-16T13:41:36.000Z');
select * from t;
This returns:
2020-06-16 13:41:36.0000000
This is equivalent to your value but formatted using an arbitrary format. If you want to control the format, then you need to convert the value to a string. One method uses convert() with option 127:
select convert(varchar(255), t.ts, 127) from t
format() provides more flexibility.
You can also add this logic into the table definition:
alter table t add ts_iso8601 as (convert(varchar(255), t.ts, 127));
Here is a db<>fiddle.


Inserting a value - Oracle sql date field format

From what I have seen so far, when inserting into a table that has date value such as "27-10-2004", the following format DD-MON-YYYY is used
insert into tableName values('27-Oct-2004')
Is it possible to insert the date in its original format '27-10-2004' into the table? In general how many variations of this date may be considered correct for inserting into tables (this is without using any built-in functions, just SQL)?
Use a date literal in Oracle:
insert into tableName
values (DATE '2004-10-27');
This defines a date constant using the ISO standard format YYYY-MM-DD.
If you wanted to use a specific format -- which I wouldn't recommend -- then you can convert to a date using to_date():
insert into tableName
values (to_date('27-10-2004', 'DD-MM-YYYY'));
Any particular string that you use is interpreted based on system settings, so it can vary by language and geography.
Note: When inserting a value, you should include the column names. I assume that your code is just for illustrative purposes.

How to order by date when a column is of type nvarchar in Microsoft SQL Server

I have an issue where I created a column sent_Date of type nvarchar while it's storing date and time.
Now when I try to sort it by date, it's not doing so correctly.
I am using this query:
select *
from tbl_skip
where sent_date > '9/27/2020 7:29:11 PM'
order by SENT_DATE desc
Like the comments have said, the real solution here is fix your design. That means changing the column's data type an nvarchar to a date and time data type, I'm going to use a datetime2(0) here, as your data is accurate to a second, so seems the most appropriate.
Firstly we need to convert the value to as ISO value. I'm also, however, going to create a new column called Bad_Sent_Date, to store values that could not be converted. Experience has taught many of us that systems that incorrectly use string data types to store dates (or numerical data) rarely have good data integrity rules on the value (because if they did, it wouldn't be an nvarchar) to start, so have bad values like '29/02/2019' or mix styles, such as having both '09/29/2020' and '29/09/2020'.
Based on the single example we have, I will assume your data is supposed to be in the format MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss AM/PM:
ALTER TABLE dbo.tbl_skip ADD Bad_Sent_Date nvarchar(30) NULL;
UPDATE TABLE dbo.tbl_skip
SET Bad_Sent_Date = CASE WHEN TRY_CONVERT(datetime2(0),Sent_date,101) IS NULL THEN Sent_date END,
Sent_Date = CONVERT(nvarchar(30),TRY_CONVERT(datetime2(0),Sent_date,101),126);
Now we have an ISO format, we can change the table's data type:
ALTER TABLE dbo.tbl_skip ALTER COLUMN Sent_date datetime2(0) NULL;
Note that if you do have constraints on the column Sent_date, or it isn't NULLable, you will first need to DROP said CONSTRAINTs, change the column to be NULLable and then recreate said CONSTRAINTs after you have altered the column.
You can also review the "dates" that failed to be converted with the following:
SELECT bad_sent_date
FROM dbo.tbl_skip
WHERE bad_sent_date IS NOT NULL
AND Sent_date IS NULL;
Once that's all done, then your query simply needs an update to use an unambiguous date literal, and it'll work:
FROM tbl_skip
WHERE sent_date > '2020-09-27T19:29:11' --'9/27/2020 7:29:11 PM'
You can convert the data from string to datetime.
Please note i used 100 as an example to convert to date time. You can use below link to see if its behaving correctly. link -
select *
from tbl_skip
where sent_date > convert(datetime,'9/27/2020 7:29:11 PM',100)
ORDER BY CONVERT(datetime,SENT_DATE,100) desc
You should be able to convert it to a datetime
select *
from tbl_skip
where sent_date > '9/27/2020 7:29:11 PM'
order by convert(datetime,SENT_DATE) desc
Just make sure the data in column is legit. If so, it would make sense to convert the column type to a datetime.
alter table tbl_skip alter column SENT_DATE datetime
If the data is mixed, you may need to fix it or use something like
order by try_convert(datetime,SENT_DATE) desc

Why can't I insert yyyymmdd (stored as text) to a date column

This has been asked many times before and I tried quite a bit before posting this question. I have 2 columns on my SQL Server table where the dates are stored as CHAR(8) yyyymmdd format. When I try to insert this to another table with date column, I get:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
The typecasting that I used is:
,CAST(convert(char(10),qrda.BillFromDate,120) AS DATE) AS [BillStartDate]
,CAST(convert(char(10),qrda.BillToDate,120) AS DATE) AS [BillEndDate]
With the above code, I am trying to make it SQL Server readable date format and then typecasting it to DATE so that I can insert it to the destination table without any other transformations. Not sure where I am going wrong with this.
Since date are stored in the following format yyyyMMdd you can insert these values without any need to use CONVERT or CAST functions, since this format can be implicitly converted to DATE.
If the data contains invalid values such as 00000000, you can use TRY_CONVERT or TRY_PARSE function to convert these values to NULL
VALUES ('20180101')
From the example above, you can see that 20180101 was inserted succesfly without any casting, while TRY_PARSE function converted the invalid value 00000000 to NULL.
You can use the following syntax:
INSERT INTO TargetTable(DateColumn)
FROM SourceTable
Understanding SQL Server’s TRY_PARSE and TRY_CONVERT functions
TRY_PARSE (Transact-SQL)
Sorry for the trouble folks, but looks like this is bad production data where some values are literally '00000000'. I dont know how this flows into our system, but since the source table columns are CHAR(8), this is a valid value. Not so much for me.

Converting numeric data type to a local datetimestamp

How to convert a numeric datatype to a local timestamp in sql?
this my numeric value : 56611838.0
A timestamp or rowversion in SQL Server is a 64-bit binary field (e.g. binary(8)), but one that cannot be written to. If you want to compare to a timestamp column, use binary(8).
You can convert a bigint to a binary(8) since both are 64-bit fields and there is an obvious path to the conversion:
DECLARE #test bigint;
SELECT #test = 56611838;
SELECT CAST(#test as binary(8))
And you could use this binary(8) to compare to a timestamp column (e.g. compare if it is greater, less than, or equal); but you can't set a timestamp column.

inserting only date in a column in sql server

Is there a way to insert only date in a datetime column in sql server without the time?
for example
date (datetime)
or i should store this as a varchar and cast it when retriving so that i can convert to whatever form i need.
my solution is to store it as varchar and convert it to datetime whenever needed
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),111) -- get datepart only
also check this post about creating date type :
create user defined data types:
create type Date from dateTime
If you are using SQLServer 2008 you can use the date data type.
The following SQL will strip out any time values and set them all to zero. So you won't need to worry whether a time value is there or not.
Select Cast(Floor(Cast(MyDateColumn as float)) as DateTime) as MyDateColumn
From dbo.MyTable
Just use smalldatetime or date. Convert your dates to your format before you update your date values or after you select date values in your app.
You can change format of date format in sql queries or in your app.
Here is a list on date formats in sql
Here's a link on date data types
Good Luck!