#sql Find Actors who have acted in all coen movies [closed] - sql

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Answer should be McDormand
here is the movie table
here is the acts table

You can try the below - DEMO Here
SELECT a.actor
FROM movies m
INNER JOIN actors a ON a.title = m.title
WHERE m.director = 'Coen'
group by a.actor
having count(*)=(select count(distinct title) from movies where director = 'Coen')


Find sum from 2 tables and write code in php [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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This is the query image:
This result should appear as follows:
This is my query: select id, name, total where student.id= marks.sutdent_id
You should group on the student id and name and sum the marks:
SELECT s.id, s.name, SUM(e.marks) AS total
FROM student s
JOIN exam e ON s.id = e.stud_id
GROUP BY s.id, s.name

SQL Join...Issue with joins [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I need help regarding SQL joins, i am trying join two tables as shown in below images
I guess you can try the below query to get the desired result -
THEN C.partner_id
ELSE CT.partner1
END Partner1,
LEFT JOIN CONTACTS CT ON C.partner_id = CT.partner2

I need help in finding an average rating of all better products [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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id year category_id rating avg_better
need help in finding the average rating of all better products
select *,
( select avg(rating)
from mytab as t2
where t2.year = t1.year -- same year
and t2.rating > t1.rating -- better rating
) as avg_better
from mytab as t1

Sql Query Language using subquery [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How do I write a query in sql to update the salary of each instructor to 10,000 times the number of course sections they have taught given the schema below?
Here is the schema of the database:
UPDATE instructor
SET salary = 10000 *
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM section s
JOIN teaches t ON s.sec_id = t.sec_id
JOIN instructor i ON t.id = i.id
WHERE i.id = instructor.id);

How can I get the Unit Number to be displayed in place of the "ID" [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How can I write a SQL query that will replace the "ComputerID" and "PartID" with the "UnitNumber". The ComputerID's and PartID's are in the same column under InventoryID. The InventoryID's are unique but the UnitNumber (sticker label/name) doesn't have this requirement.
Here are the tables and how they relate.
Let's call your tables Object and Inventory
If you use a couple of joins then this should work:
select o.ObjectID as ObjectID, a.UnitNumber as Computer, b.UnitNumber as Part,
o.InputID from Object o
join Inventory a on a.InventoryID=o.CombputerID
join Inventory b on b.InventoryID=o.PartID