Is it possible to do usual atomic INSERT operation but update Indexes asynchronously? - sql

indexes make read fast but write slower. But why can't you have single writes and have db add indexes asynchronously with time, also cache in the INSERT until it's indexed?
Is there any database like that?

Converting my comments to an answer:
indexes make read fast but write slower
That's an oversimplification and it's also misleading.
Indexes make data lookups faster because the DBMS doesn't need to do a table-scan to find rows matching a predicate (the WHERE part of a query). Indexes don't make "reads" any faster (that's entirely dependent on the characteristics of your disk IO) and when used improperly they can sometimes even make queries slower (for reasons I won't get into).
I want to stress that the additional cost of writing to a single index, or even multiple indexes, when executing a DML statement (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE/etc) is negligible, really! (In actuality: foreign-key constraints are a much bigger culprit - and I note you can practically eliminate the cost of foreign-key constraint checking by adding additional indexes!). Indexes are primarily implemented using B-trees (a B-tree is essentially like a binary-tree, except rather than each node having only 2 children it can have many children because each tree-node comes with unused space for all those child node pointers, so inserting into the middle of a B-tree won't require data to be moved-around on-disk unlike with other kinds of trees, like a heap-tree).
Consider this QA where a Postgres user (like yourself) reports inserting 10,000 rows into a table. Without an index it took 78ms, with an index it took 84ms, that's only a 7.5% increase, which at that scale (6ms!) is so small it may as well be a rounding error or caused by IO scheduling. That should be proof enough it shouldn't be something you should worry about without actual hard data showing it's a problem for you and your application.
I assume you have this negative impression about indexes after reading an article like this one, which certainly gives the impression that "indexes are bad" - but while the points mentioned in that article are not wrong, there's a LOT of problems with that article so you shouldn't take it dogmatically. (I'll list my concerns with that article in the footer).
But why can't you have single writes and have db add indexes asynchronously with time
By this I assume you mean you'd like a DMBS to do a single-row INSERT by simply appending a new record to the end of a table and then immediately returning and then at an arbitrary point later the DBMS' housekeeping system would update the indexes afterwards.
The problem with that is that it breaks the A, C, and I parts of the the A.C.I.D. model.
Indexes are used for more than just avoiding table-scans: they're also used to store copies of table data for the benefit of queries that would use the index and which also need (for example) a small subset of the table's data, this significantly reduces disk reads. For this reason, RDBMS (and ISO SQL) allow indexes to include non-indexed data using the INCLUDES clause.
Consider this scenario:
CREATE INDEX IX_Owners ON cars ( ownerId ) INCLUDE ( colour );
CREATE INDEX IX_Names ON people ( name ) INCLUDE ( personId, hairColour );
INNER JOIN people ON people.personId = cars.ownerId
The above query will not need to read either the cars or people tables on-disk. The DBMS will be able to fully answer the query using data only in the index - which is great because indexes tend to exist in a small number of pages on-disk which tend to be in proximal-locality which is good for performance because it means it will use sequential IO which scales much better than random IO.
The RDBMS will perform a string-prefix index-scan of the people.IX_Names index to get all of the personId (and hairColour) values, then it will look-up those personId values in the cars.IX_Owners index and be able to get the car.colour from the copy of the data inside the IX_Owners index without needing to read the tables directly.
Now, assuming that another database client has just completed inserted a load of records into the cars and/or people table with a COMMIT TRANSACTION just for good measure, and the RDMBS uses your idea of only updating indexes later whenever it feels like it, then if that same database client re-runs the query from above it would return stale data (i.e. wrong data) because the query uses the index, but the index is old.
In addition to using index tree nodes to store copies of table data to avoid non-proximal disk IO, many RDBMS also use index-trees to store entire copies - even multiple copies of table data, to enable other scenarios, such as columnar data storage and indexed-VIEWs - both of these features absolutely require that indexes are updated atomically with table data.
Is there any database like that?
Yes, they exist - but they're not widely used (or they're niche) because for the vast majority of applications it's entirely undesirable behaviour for the reasons described above.
There are distributed databases that are designed around eventual consistency, but clients (and entire application code) needs to be designed with that in-mind, and it's a huge PITA to have to redesign a data-centric application to support eventual-consistency which is why you only really see them being used in truly massive systems (like Facebook, Google, etc) where availability (uptime) is more important than users seeing stale-data for a few minutes.
Regarding this article:
The number of indexes on a table is the most dominant factor for insert performance. The more indexes a table has, the slower the execution becomes. The insert statement is the only operation that cannot directly benefit from indexing because it has no where clause.
I disagree. I'd argue that foreign-key constraints (and triggers) are far more likely to have a larger detrimental effect on DML operations.
Adding a new row to a table involves several steps. First, the database must find a place to store the row. For a regular heap table—which has no particular row order—the database can take any table block that has enough free space. This is a very simple and quick process, mostly executed in main memory. All the database has to do afterwards is to add the new entry to the respective data block.
I agree with this.
If there are indexes on the table, the database must make sure the new entry is also found via these indexes. For this reason it has to add the new entry to each and every index on that table. The number of indexes is therefore a multiplier for the cost of an insert statement.
This is true, but I don't know if I agree that it's a "multiplier" of the cost of an insert.
For example, consider a table with hundreds of nvarchar(1000) columns and several int columns - and there's separate indexes for each int column (with no INCLUDE columns). If you're inserting 100x megabyte-sized rows all-at-once (using an INSERT INTO ... SELECT FROM statement) the cost of updating those int indexes is very likely to require much less IO than the table data.
Moreover, adding an entry to an index is much more expensive than inserting one into a heap structure because the database has to keep the index order and tree balance. That means the new entry cannot be written to any block—it belongs to a specific leaf node. Although the database uses the index tree itself to find the correct leaf node, it still has to read a few index blocks for the tree traversal.
I strongly disagree with this, especially the first sentence: "adding an entry to an index is much more expensive than inserting one into a heap structure".
Indexes in RDBMS today are invariably based on B-trees, not binary-trees or heap-trees. B-trees are essentially like binary-trees except each node has built-in space for dozens of child node pointers and B-trees are only rebalanced when a node fills its internal child pointer list, so a B-tree node insert will be considerably cheaper than the article is saying because each node will have plenty of empty space for a new insertion without needing to re-balance itself or any other relatively expensive operation (besides, DBMS can and do index maintenance separately and independently of any DML statement).
The article is correct about how the DBMS will need to traverse the B-tree to find the node to insert into, but index nodes are efficently arranged on-disk, such as keeping related nodes in the same disk page which minimizes index IO reads (assuming they aren't already loaded into memory first). If an index tree is too big to store in-memory the RDBMS can always keep a "meta-indexes" in-memory so it could potentially instantly find the correct B-tree index without needing to traverse the B-tree from the root.
Once the correct leaf node has been identified, the database confirms that there is enough free space left in this node. If not, the database splits the leaf node and distributes the entries between the old and a new node. This process also affects the reference in the corresponding branch node as that must be duplicated as well. Needless to say, the branch node can run out of space as well so it might have to be split too. In the worst case, the database has to split all nodes up to the root node. This is the only case in which the tree gains an additional layer and grows in depth.
In practice this isn't a problem, because the RDBMS's index maintenance will ensure there's sufficient free space in each index node.
The index maintenance is, after all, the most expensive part of the insert operation. That is also visible in Figure 8.1, “Insert Performance by Number of Indexes”: the execution time is hardly visible if the table does not have any indexes. Nevertheless, adding a single index is enough to increase the execute time by a factor of a hundred. Each additional index slows the execution down further.
I feel the article is being dishonest by suggesting (implying? stating?) that index-maintenance happens with every DML. This is not true. This may have been the case with some early dBase-era databases, but this is certainly not the case with modern RDBMS like Postgres, MS SQL Server, Oracle and others.
Considering insert statements only, it would be best to avoid indexes entirely—this yields by far the best insert performance.
Again, this claim in the article is not wrong, but it's basically saying if you want a clean and tidy house you should get rid of all of your possessions. Indexes are a fact of life.
However tables without indexes are rather unrealistic in real world applications. You usually want to retrieve the stored data again so that you need indexes to improve query speed. Even write-only log tables often have a primary key and a respective index.
Nevertheless, the performance without indexes is so good that it can make sense to temporarily drop all indexes while loading large amounts of data—provided the indexes are not needed by any other SQL statements in the meantime. This can unleash a dramatic speed-up which is visible in the chart and is, in fact, a common practice in data warehouses.
Again, with modern RDBMS this isn't necessary. If you do a batch insert then a RDBMS won't update indexes until after the table-data has finished being modified, as a batch index update is cheaper than many individual updates. Similarly I expect that multiple DML statements and queries inside an explicit BEGIN TRANSACTION may cause an index-update deferral provided no subsequent query in the transaction relies on an updated index.
But my biggest issue with that article is that the author is making these bold claims about detrimental IO performance without providing any citations or even benchmarks they've run themselves. It's even more galling that they posted a bar-chart with arbitrary numbers on, again, without any citation or raw benchmark data and instructions for how to reproduce their results. Always demand citations and evidence from anything you read making claims: because the only claims anyone should accept without evidence are logical axioms - and a quantitative claim about database index IO cost is not a logical axiom :)

For PostgreSQL GIN indexes, there is the fastupdate feature. This stores new index entries into a unordered unconsolidated area waiting for some other process to file them away into the main index structure. But this doesn't directly match up with what you want. It is mostly designed so that the index updates are done in bulk (which can be more IO efficient), rather than in the background. Once the unconsolidated area gets large enough, then a foreground process might take on the task of filing them away, and it can be hard to tune the settings in a way to get this to always be done by a background process instead of a foreground process. And it only applies to GIN indexes. (With the use of the btree_gin extension, you can create GIN indexes on regular scalar columns rather than the array-like columns it usually works with.) While waiting for the entries to be consolidated, every query will have to sequential scan the unconsolidated buffer area, so delaying the updates for the sake of INSERT can come at a high cost for SELECTs.
There are more general techniques to do something like this, such as fractal tree indexes. But these are not implemented in PostgreSQL, and wherever they are implemented they seem to be proprietary.


SQL - split a large table according to how frequently they're accessed?

I have a table that has 50 fields:
10 Fields that are almost always needed.
40 Fields that are very rarely needed.
I would roughly say that the fields in (1) are needed to be accessed 1000 times more frequently than the fields in (2).
Should I split them to two tables with one-to-one relation, or keep all in the same table?
The process that you are describing is sometimes referred to as "vertical partitioning". Taken to an extreme (one column per vertical partition), this is how columnar databases store data. Unfortunately (to the best of my knowledge), Postgres does not currently have direct support for vertical partitioning.
Your idea of splitting the data into two tables is fine. I would note the following:
You will need to modify queries that use the extra columns to use the second table. (You can wrap the join into a view which you use when you want the extra columns.)
If both tables have a clustered primary key that connects them, then the join should be really fast.
If you are inserting/updating/deleting data, then you need to be careful about synchronization. I think you can handle this with an INSTEAD OF trigger on a view combining the tables.
If some records do not have extra columns, this can be a big win on the space side.
If all records and all columns are going to be loaded into the cache, then this probably is not a big win.
This can be a big performance win, under some circumstances. But there is additional manual work to keep the tables synchronized.
There's really not nearly enough information here to estimate (never mind actually quantify) what the benefits might be, but the costs are very clear -- more complex code, a more complex schema, probably greater overall space usage, and a performance overhead when adding and removing rows.
A performance improvement might come from scanning a smaller amount of data when performing a full table scan, or from an increased likelihood in finding data blocks in memory when required, and an overall smaller memory footprint, but without specific information on the types of operation commonly performed, and whether the server is under memory pressure, no reliable advice can be given.
Be very wary of making your system more complex as a side-effect of uncertain performance gains.

Is O(1) access to a database row is possible?

I have an table which use an auto-increment field (ID) as primary key. The table is append only and no row will be deleted. Table has been designed to have a constant row size.
Hence, I expected to have O(1) access time using any value as ID since it is easy to compute exact position to seek in file (ID*row_size), unfortunately that is not the case.
I'm using SQL Server.
Is it even possible ?
Hence, I expected to have O(1) access
time using any value as ID since it is
easy to compute exact position to seek
in file (ID*row_size),
Ah. No. Autoincrement does not - even without deletions -guarantee no holes. Holes = seek via index. Ergo: your assumption is wrong.
I guess the thing that matters to you is the performance.
Databases use indexes to access records which are written on the disk.
Usually this is done with B+ tree indexes, which are logbn where b for internal nodes is typically between 100 and 200 (optimized to block size, see ref)
This is still strictly speaking logarithmic performance, but given decent number of records, let's say a few million, the leaf nodes can be reached in 3 to 4 steps and that, together with all the overhead for query planning, session initiation, locking, etc (that you would have anyway if you need multiuser, ACID compliant data management system) is certainly for all practical reasons comparable to constant time.
The good news is that an indexed read is O(log(n)) which for large values of n gets pretty close to O(1). That said in this context O notation is not very useful, and actual timings are far more meanigful.
Even if it were possible to address rows directly, your query would still have to go through the client and server protocol stacks and carry out various lookups and memory allocations before it could give the result you want. It seems like you are expecting something that isn't even practical. What is the real problem here? Is SQL Server not fast enough for you? If so there are many options you can use to improve performance but directly seeking an address in a file is not one of them.
Not possible. SQL Server organizes data into a tree-like structure based on key and index values; an "index" in the DB sense is more like a reference book's index and not like an indexed data structure like an array or list. At best, you can get logarithmic performance when searching on an indexed value (PKs are generally treated as an index). Worst-case is a table scan for a non-indexed column, which is linear. Until the database gets very large, the seek time of a well-designed query against a well-designed table will pale in comparison to the time required to send it over the network or even a named pipe.

To what degree can effective indexing overcome performance issues with VERY large tables?

So, it seems to me like a query on a table with 10k records and a query on a table with 10mil records are almost equally fast if they are both fetching roughly the same number of records and making good use of simple indexes(auto increment, record id type indexed field).
My question is, will this extend to a table with close to 4 billion records if it is indexed properly and the database is set up in such a way that queries always use those indexes effectively?
Also, I know that inserting new records in to a very large indexed table can be very slow because all the indexes have to be recalculated, if I add new records only to the end of the table can I avoid that slow down, or will that not work because the index is a binary tree and a large chunk of the tree will still have to be recalculated?
Finally, I looked around a bit for a FAQs/caveats about working with very large tables, but couldn't really find one, so if anyone knows of something like that, that link would be appreciated.
Here is some good reading about large tables and the effects of indexing on them, including cost/benefit, as you requested:
Indexing very large tables (as with anything database related) depends on many factors, incuding your access patterns, ratio of Reads to Writes and size of available RAM.
If you can fit your 'hot' (i.e. frequently accessed index pages) into memory then accesses will generally be fast.
The strategy used to index very large tables, is using partitioned tables and partitioned indexes. BUT if your query does not join or filter on the partition key then there will no improvement in performance over an unpartitioned table i.e. no partition elimination.
SQL Server Database Partitioning Myths and Truths
Oracle Partitioned Tables and Indexes
It's very important to keep your indexes as narrow as possible.
Kimberly Tripp's The Clustered Index Debate Continues...(SQL Server)
Accessing the data via a unique index lookup will slow down as the table gets very large, but not by much. The index is stored as a B-tree structure in Postgres (not binary tree which only has two children per node), so a 10k row table might have 2 levels whereas a 10B row table might have 4 levels (depending on the width of the rows). So as the table gets ridiculously large it might go to 5 levels or higher, but this only means one extra page read so is probably not noticeable.
When you insert new rows, you cant control where they are inserted in the physical layout of the table so I assume you mean "end of the table" in terms of using the maximum value being indexed. I know Oracle has some optimisations around leaf block splitting in this case, but I dont know about Postgres.
If it is indexed properly, insert performance may be impacted more than select performance. Indexes in PostgreSQL have vast numbers of options which can allow you to index part of a table or the output of an immutable function on tuples in the table. Also size of the index, assuming it is usable, will affect speed much more slowly than will the actual scan of the table. The biggest difference is between searching a tree and scanning a list. Of course you still have disk I/O and memory overhead that goes into index usage, and so large indexes don't perform as well as they theoretically could.

What kind of overhead do non clustered indexes add?

If you are talking about btrees, I wouldn't imagine that the additional overhead of a non clustered index (not counting stuff like full text search or other kind of string indexing) is even measurable, except for an extremely high volume high write scenario.
What kind of overhead are we actually talking about? Why would it be a bad idea to just index everything? Is this implementation specific? (in that case, I am mostly interested in answers around pg)
EDIT: To explain the reasoning behind this a bit more...
We are looking to specifically improve performance right now across the board, and one of the key things we are looking at is query performance. I have read the things mentioned here, that indexes will increase db size on disk and will slow down writes. The question came up today when one pair did some pre-emptive indexing on a new table, since we usually apply indexes in a more reactive way. Their arguement was that they weren't indexing string fields, and they weren't doing clustered indexes, so the negative impact of possibly redundant indexes should barely be measurable.
Now, I am far from an expert in such things, and those arguments made a lot of sense to me based on what I understand.
Now, I am sure there are other reasons, or I am misunderstanding something. I know a redundant index will have a negative effect, what I want to know is how bad it will be (because it seems negligible). The whole indexing every field thing is a worst case scenario, but I figured if people could tell me what that will do to my db, it will help me understand the concerns around being conservative with indexing, or just throwing them out there when it has a possibility of helping things.
Random thoughts
Indexes benefit reads of course
You should index where you get the most bang for your buck
Most DBs are > 95% read (think about updates, FK checks, duplicate checks etc = reads)
"Everything" is pointless: most indexed need to be composite with includes
Define high volume we have 15-20 million new rows per day with indexes
Introduction to Indices
In short, an index, whether clustered or non-, adds extra "branches" to the "tree" in which data is stored by most current DBMSes. This makes finding values with a single unique combination of the index logarithmic-time instead of linear-time. This reduction in access time speeds up many common tasks the DB does; however, when performing tasks other than that, it can slow it down because the data must be accessed through the tree. Filtering based on non-indexed columns, for instance, requires the engine to iterate through the tree, and because the ratio of branch nodes (containing only pointers to somewhere else in the tree) to leaf nodes has been reduced, this will take longer than if the index were not present.
In addition, non-clustered indices separate data based on column values, but if those column values are not very unique across all table rows (like a flag indicating "yes" or "no"), then the index adds an extra level of complexity that doesn't actually help the search; in fact, it hinders it because in navigating from root to leaves of the tree, an extra branch is encountered.
I am sure the exact overheard is probably implementation specific, but off the top of my head some points:
Increased Disk Space requirements.
All writes (inserts, updates, deletes) cost more as all indexes must be updated.
Increased transaction locking overheard (all indexes must be updated within a transaction, leading to more locks being required, etc).
Potentially increased complexity for the query optimizer (choosing which index is most likely to perform best; Also potential for one index to be chosen when another index would actually be better).

When and why do I reindex a MSDE database

I understand that indexes should get updated automatically but when that does not happen we need to reindex.
My question is (1) Why this automatic udate fails or why an index become bad?
(2) How do I prgramatically know which table/index needs re-indexing at a point of time?
Indexes' statistics may be updated automatically. I do not believe that the indexes themselves would be rebuilt automatically when needed (although there may be some administrative feature that allows such a thing to take place).
Indexes associated with tables which receive a lot of changes (new rows, updated rows and deleted rows) may have their indexes that become fragmented, and less efficient. Rebuilding the index then "repacks" the index in a contiguous section of storage space, a bit akin to the way defragmentation of the file system makes file access faster...
Furthermore the Indexes (on several DBMS) have a FILL_FACTOR parameter, which determine how much extra space should be left in each node for growth. For example if you expect a given table to grow by 20% next year, by declaring the fill factor around 80%, the amount of fragmentation of the index should be minimal during the first year (there may be some if these 20% of growth are not evenly distributed,..)
In SQL Server, It is possible to query properties of the index that indicate its level of fragmentation, and hence it possible need for maintenance. This can be done by way of the interactive management console. It is also possible to do this programatically, by way of sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats in MSSQL 2005 and above (maybe even older versions?)