How to insert into a table if it violates a foreign key constraint - sql

I am working on a script that moves data between two databases.
I am moving a table of Phone Numbers. Each Phone Number is for a user.
The problem is that each Phone Number entry references a User with a User ID. Some of these users do not exist anymore, so when I try to insert, it returns a foreign key constraint violation.
insert or update on table "phone_numbers" violates foreign key constraint "fk3843uenfej83jf32wde"
user_id = 10 is not present in table users
However, I can't go and delete each single user reference as there are thousands of references.
So what would be the best way to approach it?
Should I simply remove the foreign key constraint?

Phone numbers that belong to non existent users are termed “orphaned” data.
Either clean up orphaned data in the source data (orphaned data shouldn’t exist):
delete from phone_number
where not exists (select * from user where id = user_id)
Or don’t select them when exporting:
select p.*
from phone_number p
join user u on = p.user_id

I would not remove the constraint, as it can have impacts on other things (application ? report ? Whatever).
So the question is wHhat do you need ?
Insert all ph. numbers including the ones without users
Insert only ph. numbers with users associated
In any case load your data to a 'temp' table call, temp_phones, without any constraint.
In case 1 migrate data to phone_numbers making userid = null if the user is not present anymore. You can do it with an "easy" query
In case 2 migrate data to phone_numbers only when the userid of the record is found in your user table, also this can be done with a query
You can perform both processes also after having migrate the data. In this case you should disable\remove the constraint, update the userid according to the proposed rules, then recreate the constraint


Performing SQL Query to Remove Unused Users from a Database

I'm currently working with a database that consists of a users table, a permissions table, a set of documents-related tables, and several miscellaneous tables that have foreign key dependencies on rows in the user table.
I'm trying to remove all user entries from the 'Users' table that meet the following criteria:
Not referenced by an entry in one of the documents tables.
Not referenced by an entry in the permissions table.
Contains a null value in the 'Customer ID' column of the User row.
I'm able to create a query that gets all users, which looks like this:
INTO MyTableVar
FROM Users
(NOT EXISTS (SELECT Author_Id FROM ItemInstances_DocumentInstance
WHERE Users.Id = ItemInstances_DocumentInstance.Author_Id)
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT CompletedBy_Id FROM TaskInstanceUser
WHERE Users.Id = TaskInstanceUser.CompletedBy_Id)
AND Id > 4)
FROM MyTableVar
This query gets all of Id's of users that I want to remove, but I get an error when I try to delete these entries
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_MessageUser_User.
I'm stumped as to how I should use the ID's I've queried to remove entries in the MessageUser_User table that correspond to users I want to delete. I feel like this should be easy, but I can't figure out a way to do it with SQL syntax.
PS: I'd also appreciate some feedback on how I wrote what I have so far for my query. I'd love to know what I could do to make it cleaner. I'm new to SQL and need all the help I can get.
I'm guessing that the table with the Foreign Key does not have ON DELETE CASCADE which you can read about here.
If you have the ability to alter constraints on your table, you can do this, which will permit the referencing table to automatically delete records that reference a deleted row from the main table.
CONSTRAINT FK_MessageUser_User;
ALTER TABLE MessageUser_User ADD
CONSTRAINT FK_MessageUser_User
FOREIGN KEY (<<IdColumnName>>)
Otherwise, you can use a separate query to delete from MessageUser_User where it contains the IDs you want to delete in it's foreign key column:
Regarding the style of your delete query - I usually prefer to do left joins then delete the records where there is a null in the right table(s):
INTO MyTableVar
FROM Users
LEFT JOIN ItemInstances_DocumentInstance ON Author_Id = Users.Id
LEFT JOIN TastInstanceUser ON CompletedBy_Id = Users.Id
Author_Id IS NULL
AND CompletedBy_Id IS NULL
AND Id > 4

Is it possible to create a foreign key constraint using "NOT IN" logic

Is it possible to add a foreign key constraint on a table which will allow values which do NOT exist in another table?
In the example below, both tables contain the field USER_ID. The constraint is that a customer and and an employee cannot have the same USER_ID value.
I am very limited in adding new tables or altering one of the tables in any way.
USER_ID varchar2(10)
USER_ID varchar2(10)
I thought of a few workarounds, such as a view which contains the data from both tables or adding an insert trigger on the table I can modify.
No, no such thing exists, though it is possible to fake.
If you want to do this relationally (which would be a lot better than views/triggers) the easy option is to add a E to all employee IDs and a C to all customer IDs. However, this won't work if you have other attributes and you want to ensure they're not the same person (i.e. you're not just interested in the ID).
If this is the case you need to create a third table, let's call it PEOPLE:
create table people (
user_id varchar2(10) not null
, user_type varchar2(1) not null
, constraint pk_people primary key (user_id)
, constraint chk_people_user_types check ( user_type in ('C','E') )
C would stand for customer and E for employee in the check constraint. You then need to create a unique index/constraint on PEOPLE:
create index ui_people_id_type on people ( user_id, user_type );
Personally, I'd stop here and completely drop your CUSTOMER and EMPLOYEE tables; they no longer have any use and your problem has been solved.
If you don't have the ability to add new columns/tables you need to speak to the people who do and convince them to change it. Over-complicating things only leads to errors in logic and confusion (believe me - using a view means you need a lot of triggers to maintain your tables and you'll have to ensure that someone only ever updates the view). It's a lot easier to do things properly, even if they take longer.
However, if you really want to continue you alter your CUSTOMER and EMPLOYEE tables to include their USER_TYPE and ensure that it's always the same for every row in the table, i.e.:
alter table customers add user_type default 'C' not null;
alter table customers add constraint chk_customers_type
check ( user_type is not null and user_type = 'C' );
Unless you are willing to change the data model as someone else has suggested, the simplest way to proceed with the existing structure while maintaining mutual exclusion is to issue check constraints on the user_ids of both tables such that they validate only to mutually exclusive series.
For example, you could issue checks to ensure that only even numbers are assigned to customers and odd numbers to employees ( or vice-versa).
Or, since both IDS are varchar, stipulate using your check constraint that the ID begins with a known substring, such as 'EMP' or 'CUST'.
But these are only tricks and are hardly relational. Ideally, one would revise the data model. Hope this helps.

Acquiring results from a foreign key reference

I am trying to set up a database that will hold/maintain a set of user privileges. I am also using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
I have made a Accounts table, with the PK= UserId.
I have made a Profiles table with the PK=ProfileId
I Have made a UserPrivileges table using the following SQL statement
CREATE TABLE UserPermissions
UserId int REFERENCES Accounts (UserId),
ProfileId int REFERENCES Profiles (ProfileId),
PRIMARY KEY (UserId, ProfileId)
But when I execute a Select query from the UserPrivileges table, nothing is returned even though I do have a few entries in the 2 previous tables.
From my understanding of foreign keys, their values are taken from the referenced table. And since the referenced tables do have entries, why are none being entered into the UserPrivileges table?
A foreign key is just a reference. If doesn't mean that you don't need entries in your table. You need them! But these entries has also to exist in the related table. Here is a very good explanation:
First, you didn't create a UserPrivileges table. You created a UserPermissions table. (If we're to believe your code.)
Second, no rows are being entered in UserPermissions because you didn't insert any rows into UserPermissions. Foreign keys don't make rows appear as if by magic. You decide which rows belong in UserPermissions, and you insert them.

How to alter relationship in MS SQL 2008?

I created a MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Database and I created a relationship between tables using Foreign Keys, I have (Devices) table and (Users) table and the relationship is one to many (1 - ) (one device can have many users), but I want to change this to be many to one ( - 1) (one user can have many devices) how to do that using T-SQL or using relationships design window?
1) Delete your foreign key constraint on the users table
2) Delete the device_id column from users
ALTER TABLE users DROP COLUMN device_id;
3) Add user_id column to device
4) Create foreign key constraint for user_id in device
REFERENCES User (id) ;
Replace column names / data types with your data types.
If it is many to one what you wanted (means one user many devices but one device only one user) then you can add one more column in device table refering to user table...
as what you have done for one to many relationship...
but revert of this

Update trigger old values natural key

I have an accounts table with the account owner as the primary key. In the update trigger, I want to update some accounts to new owners. Since this table doesn't have an id field, how do I use the inserted/updated tables in the trigger? DB is sql server 2008.
CREATE TRIGGER accounts_change_owner on accounts AFTER INSERT
MERGE INTO accounts t
FROM inserted e
INNER JOIN deleted f ON
e.account_owner = f.account_owner ---this won't work since the new account owner value is diff
) d
ON (t.account_owner = d.account_owner)
UPDATE SET t.account_owner = d.account_owner
I think I understood your question, but I am not sure. You want to be able update account owner name in one table and to have this update propagated to the referencing tables?
If so you don't really need a trigger, you can use on update cascade foreign key.
Like this:
create table AccountOwner
Name varchar(100) not null
constraint PK_AccountOwner primary key
create table Account
AccountName varchar(100) not null,
AccountOwnerName varchar(100) not null
constraint FK_Account_AccountOwnerName references AccountOwner(Name) on update cascade
insert AccountOwner values('Owner1')
insert Account values('Account1', 'Owner1')
Now if I update table AccountOwner like this
update AccountOwner
set Name = 'Owner2'
where Name = 'Owner1'
it will automatically update table 'Account'
select *
from Account
AccountName AccountOwnerName
----------- -----------------
Account1 Owner2
I think you need to modify the design of your table. Recall that the three attributes of a primary key are that the primary key must be
(If the primary key consists of multiple columns, all columns must follow the rules above). Most databases enforce #1 and #2, but the enforcement of #3 is usually left up to the developers.
Changing a primary key value is a classic Bad Idea in a relational database. You can probably come up with a way to do it; that doesn't change the fact that it's a Bad Idea. Your best choice is to add an artificial primary key to your table, put NOT NULL and a UNIQUE constraints on the ACCOUNT_OWNER field (assuming that this is the case), and change any referencing tables to use the artificial key.
The next question is, "What's so bad about changing a primary key value?". Changing the primary key value alters the unique identifier for that particular data; if something else is counting on having the original value point back to a particular row, such as a foreign key relationship, after such a change the original value will no longer point where it's supposed to point.
Good luck.