Issue with Test Plan Migration - The value of field 'EndDate' must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM - azure-devops-migration-tools

I have moved all test cases from TFS to Azure DevOps and now I am running Test Plan migration with tool version 11.6.8 and I encountered an error.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Any help is appreciated.
My Test plan migration config:
"Processors": [
"ObjectType": "TestVariablesMigrationConfig",
"Enabled": true
"ObjectType": "TestConfigurationsMigrationConfig",
"Enabled": true
"ObjectType": "TestPlansAndSuitesMigrationConfig",
"PrefixProjectToNodes": false,
"Enabled": true,
"OnlyElementsWithTag": null,
"TestPlanQueryBit": null,
"RemoveInvalidTestSuiteLinks": true,
"FilterCompleted": false
Here are the error:
[11:38:46 INF] Processor: TestPlansAndSuitesMigrationContext
[11:38:46 INF] Migration Context Start: TestPlansAndSuitesMigrationContext
[11:38:46 INF] TestPlandsAndSuitesMigrationContext: Plan to copy 30 Plans?
[11:38:46 INF] ===============================================================================================
[11:38:46 INF] ===============================================================================================
[11:38:46 INF] ===============================================================================================
[11:38:46 INF] == Suite Name: Bill 9 & Sanctions Release 1 Iteration 1 =============================
[11:38:46 INF] == Date: 2016/03/31 =============================
[11:38:47 INF] == Suites: 6 =============================
[11:38:47 INF] ===============================================================================================
[11:38:47 INF] ===============================================================================================
[11:38:47 INF] ===============================================================================================
[11:38:47 INF] == Plan[ 1/30] Suite[0/0] Cases[0/0] - planid[463 ] | Process Plan Bill 9 & Sanctions Release 1 Iteration 1
[11:38:47 INF] ===============================================================================================
[11:38:48 INF] ===============================================================================================
[11:38:48 INF] ===============================================================================================
[11:38:48 INF] ===============================================================================================
[11:38:48 INF] == Suite Name: Hello TFS =============================
[11:38:48 INF] == Date: 0001/01/01 =============================
[11:38:48 INF] == Suites: 1 =============================
[11:38:48 INF] ===============================================================================================
[11:38:48 INF] ===============================================================================================
[11:38:48 INF] ===============================================================================================
[11:38:48 INF] == Plan[ 2/30] Suite[0/0] Cases[0/0] - planid[535 ] | Process Plan Hello TFS
[11:38:48 INF] ===============================================================================================
[11:38:49 INF] == Plan[ 2/30] Suite[0/0] Cases[0/0] - planid[535 ] | Creating Plan Hello TFS
[11:38:50 FTL] Error while running TestPlansAndSuitesMigrationContext
**Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.**Client.TestManagementValidationException: The test plan cannot be saved because some properties are not valid.
**EndDate: The value of field 'EndDate' must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
StartDate: The value of field 'StartDate' must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.**
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.TestPlan.Save()
at VstsSyncMigrator.Engine.TestPlandsAndSuitesMigrationContext.ProcessTestPlan(ITestPlan sourcePlan) in D:\a\1\s\src\VstsSyncMigrator.Core\Execution\MigrationContext\TestPlansAndSuitesMigrationContext.cs:line 747
at VstsSyncMigrator.Engine.TestPlandsAndSuitesMigrationContext.InternalExecute() in D:\a\1\s\src\VstsSyncMigrator.Core\Execution\MigrationContext\TestPlansAndSuitesMigrationContext.cs:line 83
at MigrationTools.Engine.Processors.MigrationProcessorBase.Execute() in D:\a\1\s\src\MigrationTools\Engine\Processors\MigrationProcessorBase.cs:line 45
[11:38:50 ERR] TestPlansAndSuitesMigrationContext The Processor MigrationEngine entered the failed state...stopping run
In AzDO process template, I have set EndDate and Start Date to "Set the initial value to the current date and time", but I still encounter this error.
It looks like the error is about saving TFS Test plan? Do StartDate and EndDate fields exist in TFS test plan as I can't seem to find them.

I was able to figure out the issue. The test plan in TFS does not have StartDate and EndDate filled. Someone with right right access filled in the fields in TFS and migration does not encounter this error anymore.


DBT - Segmentation Fault

When I try to use dbt build I'm getting this Segmentation Fault - I can't find a reason why:
Strangely dbt run seems fine. (now I get this error even with run command)
Here's an output with --debug
select *
from fields
07:36:17.280015 [debug] [Thread-3 ]: Using snowflake connection "model.hubspot_source.stg_hubspot__engagement_task"
07:36:17.288681 [debug] [Thread-3 ]: On model.hubspot_source.stg_hubspot__engagement_task: /* {"app": "dbt", "dbt_version": "1.1.1", "profile_name": "<profile>", "target_name": "development", "node_id": "model.hubspot_source.stg_hubspot__engagement_task"} */
select completion_date from analytics_dev.dbt_dawid_stg_hubspot.stg_hubspot__engagement_task_tmp where completion_date is not null limit 1
07:36:17.887152 [debug] [Thread-3 ]: SQL status: SUCCESS 1 in 0.6 seconds
Segmentation fault

Karma not running a specific test file. Instead, it run all test files

According to part A I should be able to run a specific test file by "karma start --grep my-test-file.js". I tried but it run two test files I have.
According to I should firstly start karma and then run the specific file but after I started karma I also have my two files triggered and when I try run the spesific file I get that the port isn't answering.
As far as I understood, I must setup autoWatch: true and singleRun: true and it is that way in my karma.conf.js
# karma start
03 07 2019 14:02:29.713:WARN [filelist]: Pattern "C:/_d/samples/../node_modules/#webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-bundle.js" does not match any file.
03 07 2019 14:02:29.730:INFO [karma-server]: Karma v4.1.0 server started at
03 07 2019 14:02:29.731:INFO [launcher]: Launching browsers Chrome, Firefox with concurrency unlimited
03 07 2019 14:02:29.739:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Chrome
03 07 2019 14:02:29.754:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Firefox
03 07 2019 14:02:35.891:INFO [Chrome 75.0.3770 (Windows 10.0.0)]: Connected on socket R657DrSW7GAKGkPxAAAA with id 98561767
**** certain test from a file
**** another test from other file
Chrome 75.0.3770 (Windows 10.0.0): Executed 6 of 6 SUCCESS (0.096 secs / 0.01 secs)
Firefox 67.0.0 (Windows 10.0.0): Executed 6 of 6 SUCCESS (0.073 secs / 0.017 secs)
mycompany#DESKTOPF C:\_d\samples\how-to-test-web-component
# karma run -- --grep=text.component.test.js
03 07 2019 14:03:02.469:ERROR [runner]: There is no server listening on port 9876
module.exports = function(config) {
basePath: "",
frameworks: ["jasmine"],
files: [
{ pattern: "**/*.test.js", type: "module", included: true },
{ pattern: "**/*.js", type: "module", included: false }
exclude: [],
preprocessors: {},
reporters: ["spec"],
port: 9876,
colors: true,
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
autoWatch: true,
browsers: ["Chrome", "Firefox"],
singleRun: true,
concurrency: Infinity
To summarize: what I am doing wrong or missing in order to test via karma just the tests found in a specific file?

SeleniumHQ htmlSuite Run Plugin not clicking

I have a jenkins set up on a windows 2012 R2 server. We have added the plugin SeleniumHQ htmlsuite run plugin. We can execute the call manually on the server and everything runs fine. When we run it from Jenkins we get this error:
2017-07-19 10:41:46.603:INFO::main: Logging initialized #8197ms to org.seleniumhq.jetty9.util.log.StdErrLog
2017-07-19 10:41:46.666:INFO:osjs.Server:main: jetty-9.4.z-SNAPSHOT
2017-07-19 10:41:46.697:INFO:osjsh.ContextHandler:main: Started o.s.j.s.h.ContextHandler#fbd1f6{/tests,null,AVAILABLE}
2017-07-19 10:41:46.713:INFO:osjs.AbstractConnector:main: Started ServerConnector#1c0f706{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
2017-07-19 10:41:46.713:INFO:osjs.Server:main: Started #8313ms
Jul 19, 2017 10:41:48 AM org.openqa.selenium.server.htmlrunner.CoreTestCase run
INFO: |open | | |
Jul 19, 2017 10:41:51 AM org.openqa.selenium.server.htmlrunner.CoreTestCase run
INFO: |type | id=UsernameField | badroutingtesting |
Jul 19, 2017 10:41:51 AM org.openqa.selenium.server.htmlrunner.CoreTestCase run
INFO: |clickAndWait | id=SubmitNext | |
Jul 19, 2017 10:41:52 AM org.openqa.selenium.server.htmlrunner.CoreTestCase run
INFO: |click | id=PasswordField | |
2017-07-19 10:41:53.057:INFO:osjs.AbstractConnector:main: Stopped ServerConnector#1c0f706{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
2017-07-19 10:41:53.057:INFO:osjsh.ContextHandler:main: Stopped o.s.j.s.h.ContextHandler#fbd1f6{/tests,null,UNAVAILABLE}
Jul 19, 2017 10:41:53 AM org.openqa.selenium.remote.ErrorCodes toStatus
INFO: HTTP Status: '404' -> incorrect JSON status mapping for 'unknown error' (500 expected)
Jul 19, 2017 10:41:54 AM org.openqa.selenium.server.htmlrunner.HTMLLauncher mainInt
WARNING: Test of browser failed: *firefox
org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: quit
It seems to me that it's not executing the click or it's not able to get to the next page. Same things happens for IE and Chrome. Could it be a permissions issue? Or is it a configuration with Jenkins? I'm a bit stumped

OSGi bundle is installed and active in Felix but no desire or visible output

I am new to OSGi world.
I am using Felix 5.0.1 as OSGi container and Apache Aries Blueprint bundle set.
Maven 3.2.1 , Eclipse Version: Juno Service Release 2 as IDE. windows 7 Pro OS.
I have develop two small application using OSGi bundles.
Welcome application it has 3 bundles
welcomeapi bundle
welcomeserver bundle
welcomeclient bundle
The api bundle is having interface , server bundle is implementing the interface and exposing the service.
Client bundle is referring/consuming the bundle expose by the server bundle.
This application works fine and desire sys outs are getting properly displayed on Felix command prompt
Contact application
This application also has 3 bundles
In this application I have done some additional things which are as follows.
bundle has one interface and one class. (and NOT having any config.xml)
This bundle has API/methods that will take Contactid as input argument , connect to database and fetches the required data such as fname, lname etc.
and provide these contact details to requester(i.e. ContactHelloWorld bundle).
bundle has API/methods that will provide Contactid as input argument to the methods of ContactDAO and should get the contact object and print the values on console.
In short the ContactHelloworld bundle invokes ContactDAO projects API/methods
All three bundles of Contact application are installed and are in active state but no output
42|Installed | 1|ContactAPI (0.0.1.SNAPSHOT)
43|Installed | 1|ContactDAO (0.0.1.SNAPSHOT)
44|Installed | 1|ContactHelloWorld (0.0.1.SNAPSHOT)
g! start 42
DEBUG: WIRE: [Contact_API [42](R 42.0)]; (&( -> [org.apache.felix.framework [0](R 0)]
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - Starting BlueprintContainer destruction process for bundle Contact_API
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - Not a blueprint bundle or destruction of BlueprintContainer already finished for Contact_API.
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - Starting BlueprintContainer destruction process for bundle Contact_API
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - Not a blueprint bundle or destruction of BlueprintContainer already finished for Contact_API.
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - Scanning bundle Contact_API for blueprint application
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - No blueprint application found in bundle Contact_API
g! [FelixDispatchQueue] DEBUG Contact_API - BundleEvent RESOLVED
[FelixDispatchQueue] DEBUG Contact_API - BundleEvent STARTED
start 43
DEBUG: WIRE: [Contact_DAO [43](R 43.0)] osgi.wiring.package; (osgi.wiring.package=javax.sql) -> [org.apache.felix.framework [0](R 0)]
DEBUG: WIRE: [Contact_DAO [43](R 43.0)] osgi.wiring.package; ( -> [org.apache.felix.framework [0](R 0)]
DEBUG: WIRE: [Contact_DAO [43](R 43.0)] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=org.apache.commons.dbcp2)(version>=2.1.0)(!(version>=3.0.0))) -> [org.apache.commons.dbcp2 [9](R 9.0)]
DEBUG: WIRE: [Contact_DAO [43](R 43.0)] osgi.wiring.package; (&(>=0.0.0)(!(version>=1.0.0))) -> [Contact_API [42](R 42.0)]
DEBUG: WIRE: [Contact_DAO [43](R 43.0)] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=com.javapro.gokul.sample.osgi.spring.contactapi)(version>=0.0.0)(!(version>=1.0.0))) -> [Contact_API [42](R 42.0
DEBUG: WIRE: [Contact_DAO [43](R 43.0)]; (&( -> [org.apache.felix.framework [0](R 0)]
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - Starting BlueprintContainer destruction process for bundle Contact_DAO
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - Not a blueprint bundle or destruction of BlueprintContainer already finished for Contact_DAO.
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - Starting BlueprintContainer destruction process for bundle Contact_DAO
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - Not a blueprint bundle or destruction of BlueprintContainer already finished for Contact_DAO.
[FelixDispatchQueue] DEBUG Contact_DAO - BundleEvent RESOLVED
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - Scanning bundle Contact_DAO for blueprint application
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - No blueprint application found in bundle Contact_DAO
g! [FelixDispatchQueue] DEBUG Contact_DAO - BundleEvent STARTED
start 44
DEBUG: WIRE: [Contact_Hello_World [44](R 44.0)] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=com.javapro.gokul.sample.osgi.spring.contactapi)(version>=0.0.0)(!(version>=1.0.0))) -> [Contact_API [42
(R 42.0)]
DEBUG: WIRE: [Contact_Hello_World [44](R 44.0)] osgi.wiring.package; (&(osgi.wiring.package=com.javapro.gokul.sample.osgi.spring.impl)(version>=0.0.0)(!(version>=1.0.0))) -> [Contact_DAO [43](R 43
DEBUG: WIRE: [Contact_Hello_World [44](R 44.0)]; (&( -> [org.apache.felix.framework [0](R 0)]
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - Starting BlueprintContainer destruction process for bundle Contact_Hello_World
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - Not a blueprint bundle or destruction of BlueprintContainer already finished for Contact_Hello_World.
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - Starting BlueprintContainer destruction process for bundle Contact_Hello_World
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - Not a blueprint bundle or destruction of BlueprintContainer already finished for Contact_Hello_World.
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - Scanning bundle Contact_Hello_World for blueprint application
[Gogo shell] DEBUG org.apache.aries.blueprint.container.BlueprintExtender - No blueprint application found in bundle Contact_Hello_World
g! [FelixDispatchQueue] DEBUG Contact_Hello_World - BundleEvent RESOLVED
[FelixDispatchQueue] DEBUG Contact_Hello_World - BundleEvent STARTED
On the Felix console getting this following log statements (log level is set to 4)
DEBUG: WIRE: [Contact_DAO [43](R 43.0)]; (&( -> [org.apache.felix.framework [0](R 0)]
But then Why I am not getting the same issue in the welcome application ?
Please have a look at the attached code.
Any Help will be appreciated.
One more important point I have to mentioned
I observed that the services for the Contact application are not getting registered. (Even though Contact Application bundles are Active)
41|Active | 1|spring-osgi-io (1.2.1)
42|Active | 1|WelcomeApi (0.0.1.SNAPSHOT)
43|Active | 1|WelcomeServer (0.0.1.SNAPSHOT)
44|Active | 1|WelcomeClient (0.0.1.SNAPSHOT)
g! inspect cap service 42
WelcomeServer [42] provides:
service [EMPTY]
g! inspect cap service 43
Welcome_Server [43] provides:
service; com.javapro.gokul.apache.aries.blueprint.welcomeapi.WelcomeService with properties:
osgi.service.blueprint.compname = welcomeservice
service.bundleid = 43 = 37
service.scope = bundle
Used by:
Welcome_Client [44]
service; org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.BlueprintContainer with properties:
osgi.blueprint.container.symbolicname = Welcome_Server
osgi.blueprint.container.version = 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT
service.bundleid = 43 = 38
service.scope = singleton
g! inspect cap service 44
Welcome_Client [44] provides:
service; org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.BlueprintContainer with properties:
osgi.blueprint.container.symbolicname = Welcome_Client
osgi.blueprint.container.version = 0.0.1.SNAPSHOT
service.bundleid = 44 = 39
service.scope = singleton
Above Services for Welcome application are registered propely
Below Services for Contact application are NOT registered propely
42|Active | 1|WelcomeApi (0.0.1.SNAPSHOT)
43|Active | 1|WelcomeServer (0.0.1.SNAPSHOT)
44|Active | 1|WelcomeClient (0.0.1.SNAPSHOT)
45|Active | 1|ContactAPI (0.0.1.SNAPSHOT)
46|Active | 1|ContactDAO (0.0.1.SNAPSHOT)
47|Active | 1|ContactHelloWorld (0.0.1.SNAPSHOT)
g! inspect cap service 45
Contact_API [45] provides:
service [EMPTY]
g! inspect cap service 46
Contact_DAO [46] provides:
service [EMPTY]
g! inspect cap service 47
Contact_Hello_World [47] provides:
service [EMPTY]

cannot register a node (VM) with selenium grid 2 hub (physical machine)

I al trying to register a node which is a VM with windows 7 on a hub that sits on a physical machine windows 7 also.
My server starts succesfully on port 4444.
I run this command to register the node :
This is what i get from my node console :
C:\grid>java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.35.0.jar -role node -hub http://
hubip:4444/grid/register -browser browserName=firefox,platform=WINDOWS -
rowser browserName=chrome,platform=WINDOWS -browser "browserName=internet explo
er,platform=WINDOWS" -remoteHost nodeip:4444
26 sept. 2013 11:28:40 org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncher main
INFO: Launching a selenium grid node
26 sept. 2013 11:28:40 org.openqa.grid.common.RegistrationRequest addCapability
INFO: Adding browserName=firefox,platform=WINDOWS
26 sept. 2013 11:28:40 org.openqa.grid.common.RegistrationRequest addCapability
INFO: Adding browserName=chrome,platform=WINDOWS
26 sept. 2013 11:28:40 org.openqa.grid.common.RegistrationRequest addCapability
INFO: Adding browserName=internet explorer,platform=WINDOWS
11:28:41.375 INFO - Java: Sun Microsystems Inc. 20.13-b02
11:28:41.375 INFO - OS: Windows 7 6.1 x86
11:28:41.375 INFO - v2.35.0, with Core v2.35.0. Built from revision c916b9d
11:28:41.531 INFO - RemoteWebDriver instances should connect to: ://127.0.0
11:28:41.531 INFO - Version Jetty/5.1.x
11:28:41.531 INFO - Started HttpContext[/selenium-server/driver,/selenium-serve
11:28:41.531 INFO - Started HttpContext[/selenium-server,/selenium-server]
11:28:41.531 INFO - Started HttpContext[/,/]
11:28:41.546 INFO - Started org.openqa.jetty.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler#111a3
11:28:41.546 INFO - Started HttpContext[/wd,/wd]
11:28:41.546 INFO - Started SocketListener on
11:28:41.546 INFO - Started org.openqa.jetty.jetty.Server#a9ae05
11:28:41.546 INFO - using the json request : {"class":"org.openqa.grid.common.R
S","browserName":"internet explorer"}],"configuration":{"port":5555,"host":"10.
11:28:41.546 INFO - Starting auto register thread. Will try to register every 5
00 ms.
11:28:41.546 INFO - Registering the node to hub :://hubip:4444/grid
11:29:56.910 INFO - Registering the node to hub :://hubip:4444/grid
11:31:12.274 INFO - Registering the node to hub :://hubip:4444/grid
11:32:27.684 INFO - Registering the node to hub :://hubip:4444/grid
11:33:43.204 INFO - Registering the node to hub :://hubip:4444/grid
11:34:58.599 INFO - Registering the node to hub :://hubip:4444/grid
--- the node keeps trying to register but the registration is refused.
Here is what i get from the hub console :
Avertissement: Unregistering the node. It's been down for 60113 milliseconds.
sept. 26, 2013 12:00:04 PM org.openqa.grid.internal.Registry removeIfPresent
Avertissement: Proxy 'nodeip:4444 time out : 300000' was prev
iously registered. Cleaning up any stale test sessions.
sept. 26, 2013 12:00:07 PM org.openqa.grid.internal.BaseRemoteProxy <init>
Avertissement: Max instance not specified. Using default = 1 instance
sept. 26, 2013 12:00:07 PM org.openqa.grid.internal.BaseRemoteProxy <init>
Avertissement: Max instance not specified. Using default = 1 instance
sept. 26, 2013 12:00:07 PM org.openqa.grid.internal.BaseRemoteProxy <init>
Avertissement: Max instance not specified. Using default = 1 instance
sept. 26, 2013 12:00:13 PM org.openqa.grid.selenium.proxy.DefaultRemoteProxy isA
Avertissement: Failed to check status of node: Connection to nodeip
:4444 refused
sept. 26, 2013 12:00:19 PM org.openqa.grid.selenium.proxy.DefaultRemoteProxy isA
Avertissement: Failed to check status of node: Connection to nodeip
:4444 refused
sept. 26, 2013 12:00:19 PM org.openqa.grid.selenium.proxy.DefaultRemoteProxy onE
Avertissement: Marking the node as down. Cannot reach the node for 2 tries.
sept. 26, 2013 12:00:25 PM org.openqa.grid.selenium.proxy.DefaultRemoteProxy isA
Avertissement: Failed to check status of node: Connection to nodeip
:4444 refusedsept. 26, 2013 12:00:31 PM