RDFlib Blank node update query - sparql

I am trying to update the object of a triple with a blank node as its subject using RDFlib. I firstly select the blank node in the first function and insert this blank node into the update query in the second function, however, this doesn't provide me with the required output. I can't use the add() method or initBindings as I need to save the SPARQL query executed for the user.
Sample data
#prefix rr: <http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#> .
[ rr:objectMap [ rr:column "age" ;
rr:language "dhhdhd"] ].
mapping_graph = Graph().parse("valid_mapping.ttl",format="ttl")
# find the blank node for the update query
def find_om_IRI():
query = """SELECT ?om
?om rr:language 'dhhdhd' .
qres = mapping_graph.query(query)
for row in qres:
return row[0]
# insert blank node as subject to update query
def change_language_tag():
om_IRI = find_om_IRI()
update_query = """
PREFIX rr: <http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#>
_:%s rr:language 'dhhdhd' .
""" % (om_IRI)
processUpdate(mapping_graph, update_query)
return update_query
This however returns the following output. Leaving the graph unchanged.
#prefix rr: <http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#> .
[ rr:objectMap [ rr:column "age" ;
rr:language "dhhdhd"] ].

If you filter based on the blank node value. This is the final query I came up with.
PREFIX rr: <http://www.w3.org/ns/r2rml#>
DELETE { ?om rr:language "dhhdhd" }
INSERT { ?om rr:language "en-fhfhfh" }
?om rr:language "dhhdhd" .
FILTER(str(?om) = "ub1bL24C24").

Indeed, as commenter #TallTed says "Blank nodes cannot be directly referenced in separate queries". You are trying to do something with BNs for which the are expressly not defined, that is persist their absolute identity, e.g. across separate queries. You should take the approach of relative identification (locate the BN with reference to identified, URI, nodes) or single SPARQL queries. So this question is an RDF/SPARQL question, not an RDFlib question.
You said: "I can't combine the queries as there could be other object maps with the same language tag". So if you cannot deterministically refer to a node due to its lack of distinctness, you will have to change your data, but I suspect you can - see the suggestion at the end.
Then you said "I have figured out the solution and have updated the question accordingly. Its a hack really..." Yes, don't do this! You should have a solution that's not dependent on some quirks of RDFlib! RDF and Semantic Web in general is all about universally defined and standard data and querying, so don't rely on a particular toolkit for a data question like this. Use RDFlib only as an implementation but one that should be replicable in another language. I personally model all my RDFlib triple adding/deleting/selecting code as standard SPARQL queries first so that my RDFlib code is then just a standard function equivalent.
In your own answer you said "If you filter based on the blank node value...", also don't do this either!
My suggestion is to change your underlying data to include representations of things - named nodes etc - that you can use to fix on for querying. If you cannot distinguish between things that you want to change without resorting to hacks, then you have a data modelling problem that needs solving. I do think you can distinguishes object maps though.
In your data, you must be able to fix on the particular object map for which you are changing the language. Is the object map unique per column and is the column uniquely identified by its rr:column value? If so:
SELECT ?lang
  ?om rr:column ?col .  ?om rr:language ?lang .
  FILTER (?col = "age")
This will get you the object map for the column "age" so, to change it:
  ?om rr:language ?lang .
  ?om rr:language "new-language" .
  ?om rr:column ?col .  ?om rr:language ?lang .
  FILTER (?col = "age")


GraphDB: use similarity search with embedded repository

I have been using GraphDB's (version 9.2) similarity search from the workbench. Now I also want to use this feature for an embedded repository using graphdb-free-runtime 9.2.1. However I have no clue how this feature can be used from the APIs provided by the runtime. My questions are:
In http://graphdb.ontotext.com/documentation/standard/semantic-similarity-searches.html it is mentioned that similarity search is a plugin. However I could not find any such plugin within the runtime. Do I have to load it from some external resource? Where?
Is there any documentation or example how to create a similarity index programmatically?
Would it be an option to run the workbench as some kind of server and access the similarity search via REST API? However the REST API documentation at http://graphdb.ontotext.com/documentation/9.0/free/using-the-workbench-rest-api.html does not mention any API for similarity searches. Am I missing something?
Any hints or pointers are welcome.
You could add similarity plugin runtime, setting following "graphdb.extra.plugins" property to directory where similarity-plugin (you could find such into GDB instance -> dist/lib/plugins) is located , or:
System.setProperty("graphdb.extra.plugins", "directory");
You may create index programmatically using SPARQL or:
to create similarity text index "allNews" execute following update:
PREFIX : <http://www.ontotext.com/graphdb/similarity/>
PREFIX inst: <http://www.ontotext.com/graphdb/similarity/instance/>
PREFIX pred: <http://www.ontotext.com/graphdb/similarity/psi/>
insert {
inst:allNews :createIndex "-termweight idf" ;
:analyzer "org.apache.lucene.analysis.en.EnglishAnalyzer" ;
:documentID ?documentID .
?documentID :documentText ?documentText .
} where {
SELECT ?documentID ?documentText {
?documentID ?p ?documentText .
to delete index "allNews" execute following update:
PREFIX :<http://www.ontotext.com/graphdb/similarity/>
PREFIX inst:<http://www.ontotext.com/graphdb/similarity/instance/>
insert { inst:allNews :deleteIndex '' } where {}
to rebuild index "allNews":
PREFIX :<http://www.ontotext.com/graphdb/similarity/>
PREFIX inst:<http://www.ontotext.com/graphdb/similarity/instance/>
insert { inst:allNews :rebuildIndex '' } where {}
followed by the create query!
to list all created indexes, execute following query:
PREFIX :<http://www.ontotext.com/graphdb/similarity/>
PREFIX inst:<http://www.ontotext.com/graphdb/similarity/instance/>
select ?index ?status ?type
where {
?index :status ?status .
?index :type ?type .

SPIN representation to SPARQL

Is there an API that could help convert SPIN representation (of a SPARQL query) back to its SPARQL query form?
[ a <http://spinrdf.org/sp#Select> ;
<http://spinrdf.org/sp#where> ( [ <http://spinrdf.org/sp#object> [ <http://spinrdf.org/sp#varName>
"o"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string> ] ;
[ <http://spinrdf.org/sp#varName>
"p"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string> ] ;
[ <http://spinrdf.org/sp#varName>
"s"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string> ]
] )
] .
?s ?p ?o .
Thanks in advance.
I know two jena-based APIs to work with SPIN.
You can use either org.topbraid:shacl:1.0.1 which is based on jena-arq:3.0.4 or the mentioned in the comment org.spinrdf:spinrdf:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT, which is a fork of the first one, but with changed namespaces and updated dependencies.
Note the first (original) API also may work with modern jena (3.13.x), at least your task can be solved in such circumstances.
The second API has no maven release yet, but can be included into your project via jitpack.
To solve the problem you need to find the root org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource and cast it to org.topbraid.spin.model.Select (or org.spinrdf.model.Select) using jena polymorphism (i.e. the operation org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode#as(Class)).
Then #toString() will return the desired query with the model's prefixes.
Note that all personalities are already included into model via static initialization.
A demonstration of this approach is SpinTransformer from ONT-API test-scope, which transforms SPARQL-based queries to an equivalent form with sp:text.

How to create a new variable in CONSTRUCT query

I'm transforming the data in one data store to another form / ontology / schema, using SPARQL.
The data is actually a provenance, but can be simplified as a series of relationship like this: A produces D + B consumes D.
:A0 :consumes :D0 ;
:produces :D1, :D2 .
:A1 :produces :D3 .
:A2 :consumes :D1, :D2 ;
:produces :D4 .
:A3 :consumes :D3, :D4 ;
:produces :D5, D6 .
(There is no guarantee D is always produced by some A, or will be consumed by some other A. But every D will only be produced by one A.)
I would like to get the information of data dependency. An example query looks like this:
?producer :hasNextStage ?consumer .
?producer :produces ?data .
?consumer :consumes ?data .
FILTER (?producer != ?consumer)
Everything is fine until here. However, I would like to have more information, say "which A is connected to which another A by what data", something like this:
:A0 :hasInfluence :INFLUENCE .
:INFLUENCE :stage :A2 ;
:data :D1, :D2 .
As demonstrated, this requires me to construct a new variable (:INFLUENCE) and assign triples to it.
Is there a way to do this in SPARQL?
According to cygri's answer, I changed the query to this:
?producer :hasInfluence ?influence .
?influence :stage ?consumer ;
:data ?data .
?producer :produces ?data .
?consumer :consumes ?data .
FILTER (?producer != ?consumer)
BIND (IRI(CONCAT("http://my/ns/#", CONCAT(STRAFTER(STR(?producer), "#"), STRAFTER(STR(?consumer), "#")))) AS ?influence)
However, the BIND clause seems not having any effect. After shortening it, the problem is with the ?producer variable: if I use this variable here, it won't work. Seems ?producer is not bound here? (But the FILTER does work.)
If I move this BIND clause out of the OPTIONAL, everything works fine. But this is not intuitive, and I'm wondering why it won't work inside OPTIONAL?
The simplest solution would be to avoid a new variable in the CONSTRUCT template altogether and just use a blank node:
?producer :hasInfluence [
:stage ?consumer;
:data ?data
This should produce the desired graph structure. If you insist on an IRI instead of a blank node for the influence node (as you probably should), then you would want something like:
?producer :hasInfluence ?influence.
?influence :stage ?consumer;
:data ?data.
BIND (IRI(xxx) AS ?influence)
This assigns a new IRI to variable ?influence and uses that variable in the CONSTRUCT template.
Now, xxx is just a placeholder for the expression that calculates the IRI. You don’t provide enough detail to say what should go in there. Would there be one influence node for each data node? If so, you could take the string form of the data IRI: str(?data) and do some string replacement using replace(s, search, replace) to make a nice unique IRI for the influence node.

Is it possible to get the nested json output in SPARQL?

I am using MarkLogic 8.0-6.3
I came across a scenario where I need nested JSON output in SPARQL.
For example there are multiple same predicates for an IRI, in the result I want the multiple values in array not as a whole triple.
for example:
Assume triples:
#prefix p0: <http://www.mla.com/term/> .
p0:7 <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#narrower> p0:768 ,
p0:769 ,
p0:770 ,
p0:771 .
SPARQL query:
PREFIX skos-mla: <http://www.mlacustom.com#>
PREFIX term: <http://www.mla.com/term/>
select ?iri ?o {
bind(term:7 as ?iri)
term:7 skos:narrower ?o .
the above query will return the 4 triples as output.
What I want is it should just return me a single json structure like
"iri": "http://www.mla.com/term/7",
"narrowers": ["http://www.mla.com/term/768", "http://www.mla.com/term/769", "http://www.mla.com/term/770", "http://www.mla.com/term/771"]
Above JSON is just to explain the problem.
In actual I would need a more complex json structure like instead of string array I need an array of json objects.
I know that I can read the response and recreate the whole json in any format but it has performance impacts.
In recent versions of MarkLogic 9, the Optic API can support this requirement:
Use the op.fromSPARQL() accessor to project columns of values from the triples.
Chain a select() call using op.jsonObject() to collect the values as properties of objects.
Chain a groupBy() call using op.arrayAggregate() to aggregate the objects in an array.
Chain a result() call to get the output.
For more information, see:
Hoping that helps,

SPARQL Update not working

I am trying to perform a simple update of the value of a property that that has a given resource as its subject.
Here is my query:
DELETE { <> <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator> ?o0 .
<> <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator> "creator1" .
WHERE { <> <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator> ?o0 .
The result of this is that the delete is executed, but the insert is not; I end up destroying all instances of the property, but no new value is added.
If I remove the WHERE clause, I end up with duplicate triples, because it seems the DELETE is not executed.
What am I doing wrong?
This code produces the duplicates:
<> <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator> ?o0 .
<> <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator> "creator1" .
The query without the WHERE clause is not a legal SPARQL expression, and should have resulted in a syntax error. If the engine you're using accepts this, then that is a bug in that engine.
At first glance, ditto for the earlier operation, which you say deletes but does not insert: as far as I can see the SPARQL expression is correct, and if as you say the insert part does not get executed, that means you've discovered a bug in the engine that executes it. I recommend you get in touch with the developers directly.
Here is a workaround I used to get this working (finally thank God). It seems you can specify several operations to be executed over the graph in a single operation using the semicolon ;.
I ended up specifying the DELETE statement and then the UPDATE one
Check this out for code sample : SPARQL Update example for updating more than one triple in a single query