How to filter a column in Spark dataframe using a Array of strings? - sql

I have to filter a column in spark dataframe using a Array[String]
I have an parameter file like below,
I read the parameter file and split each row by "=" and load in to a Map[String,String]
In order to get the value, I pass the key "varaible1" and split the value by ","
val value1:Array[String] = parameterValues("varaible1").split(",")
now I need to use this value1 while filtering a dataframe.
val finalDf = testDf.filter("column1 in ($value1) and column2 in ($value1)")
I'm getting the below error,
mismatched input '(' expecting <EOF>(line 1, pos 12)
== SQL ==
column1 in ([Ljava.lang.String;#760b9444) and column2 in ([Ljava.lang.String;#5397d41e)
Any suggestions?

You can filter a column using an array as you've done. To correct your SQL expression, you need to do two things.
First, you forgot to put the 's' string interpolator at the start of your string representing your SQL expression, as below:
s"column1 in ($value1) and column2 in ($value1)"
And then, you need to convert your Array[String] to a well formatted String that will be understood as an SQL array. To do so, you can use mkString method on your value1 array:
value1.mkString("'", "','","'")
On your array Array("100", "200"), this method would return the string "'100','200'"
If we wrap up everything, we get the following expression:
val finalDf = testDf.filter(s"column1 in (${value1.mkString("'", "','","'")}) and column2 in (${value1.mkString("'", "','","'")})")

To filter a column by an array, you can use the isin column method:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
val finalDf = testDf.filter(col("column1").isin(value1: _*) && col("column2").isin(value1: _*))


Aggregating multiple data types in pandas groupby

I have a data frame with rows that are mostly translations of other rows e.g. an English row and an Arabic row. They share an identifier (location_shelfLocator) and I'm trying to merge the rows together based on the identifier match. In some columns the Arabic doesn't contain a translation, but the same English value (e.g. for the language column both records might have ['ger'] which becomes ['ger', 'ger']) so I would like to get rid of these duplicate values. This is my code:
df_merged = df_filled.groupby("location_shelfLocator").agg(
lambda x: np.unique(x.tolist())
It works when the values being aggregated are the same type (e.g. when they are both strings or when they are both arrays). When one is a string and the other is an array, it doesn't work. I get this warning:
FutureWarning: ['subject_name_namePart'] did not aggregate successfully. If any error is raised this will raise in a future version of pandas. Drop these columns/ops to avoid this warning.
df_merged = df_filled.groupby("location_shelfLocator").agg(lambda x: np.unique(x.tolist()))
and the offending column is removed from the final data frame. Any idea how I can combine these values and remove duplicates when they are both lists, both strings, or one of each?
Here is some sample data:
81055/vdc_100000000094.0x000093,ara,"['فلك، العرب', 'فلك، اليونان', 'فلك، العصور الوسطى', 'الكواكب']",المُلكية العامة,كلاوديوس بطلميوس (بطليمو)
81055/vdc_100000000094.0x000093,ara,"['Astronomy, Arab', 'Astronomy, Greek', 'Astronomy, Medieval', 'Constellations']",Public Domain,"['Claudius Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy)', ""'Abd al-Raḥmān ibn 'Umar Ṣūfī""]"
And expected output:
"[‘81055/vdc_100000000094.0x000093’] ",[‘ara’],"['فلك، العرب', 'فلك، اليونان', 'فلك، العصور الوسطى', ‘الكواكب’, 'Astronomy, Arab', 'Astronomy, Greek', 'Astronomy, Medieval', 'Constellations']","[‘المُلكية العامة’, ‘Public Domain’]","[‘كلاوديوس بطلميوس (بطليمو)’,’Claudius Ptolemaeus (Ptolemy)', ""'Abd al-Raḥmān ibn 'Umar Ṣūfī""]"
If you cannot have a control over the input value, you need to fix it somehow.
Something like this. Here, I am converting string value in subject_name_namePart to array of string.
from ast import literal_eval
mask = df.subject_name_namePart.str[0] != '['
df.loc[mask, 'subject_name_namePart'] = "['" + df.loc[mask, 'subject_name_namePart'] + "']"
df['subject_name_namePart'] = df.subject_name_namePart.transform(literal_eval)
Then, you can do (explode) + aggregation.
df = df.explode('subject_name_namePart')
df = df.groupby('location_shelfLocator').agg(lambda x: x.unique().tolist())

How to type cast an Array as empty String array

I can type cast NULL as a string.
How can I type cast an empty array as an empty array of strings?
I need to solve it inside the SQL query.
The following snippet throws a ValueError: Some of types cannot be determined after inferring
df = spark.sql("select Array()").collect()
I only found a somewhat roundabout way of doing this only with SQL:
select from_json("[]", "array<string>")
I think just keeping quotes should have empty string array
df = spark.sql("select array('')").collect()

Spark SQL - Alternative for 'contains' function

I have a scenario wherein I need to find the existence of strings in dataframe column within larger strings in another column of another dataframe.
I am using Spark 2.4.4 and Scala 2.11.12.
The org.apache.spark.sql.Column has the contains function that you can use to do string style contains operation between 2 columns containing String.
val df = //a dataframe buiktas a result of join and has 2 columns - c1, c2

TypeError: withColumn() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)

I'm trying to create 2 columns in Databricks which are the result of substractin the values of 2 columns and adding the values of these 2 colums.
This is the code I've entered.
dfPrep = dfCleanYear.withColumn(df.withColumn("NuevaCol", df["AverageTemperature"] - df["AverageTemperatureUncertainty"])).withColumn(df.withColumn("NuevaCol", df["AverageTemperature"] + df["AverageTemperatureUncertainty"]))
And this the error.
TypeError: withColumn() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)
Would you know which argument is missing?
It's not clear which Spark version/flavour you're using. But DataBricks documentation is usually clear about this, first parameter in .withColumn call should be a DataFrame.
withColumn(df, “newColName”, colExpr)
df: Any SparkR DataFrame
newColName: String, name of new column to be added
colExpr: Column Expression
We can rewrite your code:
a = df.withColumn("NuevaCol", df["AverageTemperature"] - df["AverageTemperatureUncertainty"])
b = df.withColumn("NuevaCol", df["AverageTemperature"] + df["AverageTemperatureUncertainty"])
dfPrep = dfCleanYear.withColumn(a).withColumn(b)
The first two lines are fine. The error comes from the 3rd one. There are two problems with this line:
The withColumn syntax should be dataframe.withColumn("New_col_name", expression), here there is only one argument in the brackets
What you want here is to take a column from one dataframe df and add to another dataframe dfCleanYear. So, you should use join, not withColumn.
Something likes (not tested):
df = df.withColumn("NuevaCol_A", df["AverageTemperature"] - df["AverageTemperatureUncertainty"])
df = df.withColumn("NuevaCol_B", df["AverageTemperature"] + df["AverageTemperatureUncertainty"])
dfPrep = dfCleanYear.join(df, "KEY")

Concatenate columns in Apache Spark DataFrame

How do we concatenate two columns in an Apache Spark DataFrame?
Is there any function in Spark SQL which we can use?
With raw SQL you can use CONCAT:
In Python
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([("foo", 1), ("bar", 2)], ("k", "v"))
sqlContext.sql("SELECT CONCAT(k, ' ', v) FROM df")
In Scala
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(("foo", 1), ("bar", 2))).toDF("k", "v")
sqlContext.sql("SELECT CONCAT(k, ' ', v) FROM df")
Since Spark 1.5.0 you can use concat function with DataFrame API:
In Python :
from pyspark.sql.functions import concat, col, lit"k"), lit(" "), col("v")))
In Scala :
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{concat, lit}$"k", lit(" "), $"v"))
There is also concat_ws function which takes a string separator as the first argument.
Here's how you can do custom naming
import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import functions as sf
sc = pyspark.SparkContext()
sqlc = pyspark.SQLContext(sc)
df = sqlc.createDataFrame([('row11','row12'), ('row21','row22')], ['colname1', 'colname2'])
| row11| row12|
| row21| row22|
create new column by concatenating:
df = df.withColumn('joined_column',
sf.concat(sf.col('colname1'),sf.lit('_'), sf.col('colname2')))
| row11| row12| row11_row12|
| row21| row22| row21_row22|
One option to concatenate string columns in Spark Scala is using concat.
It is necessary to check for null values. Because if one of the columns is null, the result will be null even if one of the other columns do have information.
Using concat and withColumn:
val newDf =
when(col("COL1").isNotNull, col("COL1")).otherwise(lit("null")),
when(col("COL2").isNotNull, col("COL2")).otherwise(lit("null"))))
Using concat and select:
val newDf = df.selectExpr("concat(nvl(COL1, ''), nvl(COL2, '')) as NEW_COLUMN")
With both approaches you will have a NEW_COLUMN which value is a concatenation of the columns: COL1 and COL2 from your original df.
v1.5 and higher
Concatenates multiple input columns together into a single column. The function works with strings, binary and compatible array columns.
Eg: new_df =, df.b, df.c))
concat_ws(sep, *cols)
v1.5 and higher
Similar to concat but uses the specified separator.
Eg: new_df ='-', df.col1, df.col2))
v2.4 and higher
Used to concat maps, returns the union of all the given maps.
Eg: new_df ="map1", "map2"))
Using concat operator (||):
v2.3 and higher
Eg: df = spark.sql("select col_a || col_b || col_c as abc from table_x")
Reference: Spark sql doc
If you want to do it using DF, you could use a udf to add a new column based on existing columns.
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
case class MyDf(col1: String, col2: String)
//here is our dataframe
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(sc.parallelize(
Array(MyDf("A", "B"), MyDf("C", "D"), MyDf("E", "F"))
//Define a udf to concatenate two passed in string values
val getConcatenated = udf( (first: String, second: String) => { first + " " + second } )
//use withColumn method to add a new column called newColName
df.withColumn("newColName", getConcatenated($"col1", $"col2")).select("newColName", "col1", "col2").show()
From Spark 2.3(SPARK-22771) Spark SQL supports the concatenation operator ||.
For example;
val df = spark.sql("select _c1 || _c2 as concat_column from <table_name>")
Here is another way of doing this for pyspark:
#import concat and lit functions from pyspark.sql.functions
from pyspark.sql.functions import concat, lit
#Create your data frame
countryDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame([('Ethiopia',), ('Kenya',), ('Uganda',), ('Rwanda',)], ['East Africa'])
#Use select, concat, and lit functions to do the concatenation
personDF =['East Africa'], lit('n')).alias('East African'))
#Show the new data frame
|East African|
| Ethiopian|
| Kenyan|
| Ugandan|
| Rwandan|
Here is a suggestion for when you don't know the number or name of the columns in the Dataframe.
val dfResults =",", => col(c)): _*))
Do we have java syntax corresponding to below process
val dfResults =",", => col(c)): _*))
In Spark 2.3.0, you may do:
spark.sql( """ select '1' || column_a from table_a """)
In Java you can do this to concatenate multiple columns. The sample code is to provide you a scenario and how to use it for better understanding.
SparkSession spark = JavaSparkSessionSingleton.getInstance(rdd.context().getConf());
Dataset<Row> reducedInventory = spark.sql("select * from table_name")
concat(col("col1"), lit("_"), col("col2"), lit("_"), col("col3")));
class JavaSparkSessionSingleton {
private static transient SparkSession instance = null;
public static SparkSession getInstance(SparkConf sparkConf) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = SparkSession.builder().config(sparkConf)
return instance;
The above code concatenated col1,col2,col3 seperated by "_" to create a column with name "concatenatedCol".
In my case, I wanted a Pipe-'I' delimited row.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F'|','_c1','_c2','_c3','_c4')).show()
This worked well like a hot knife over butter.
use concat method like this:
Dataset<Row> DF2 = DF1
Another way to do it in pySpark using sqlContext...
#Suppose we have a dataframe:
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([('row1_1','row1_2')], ['colname1', 'colname2'])
# Now we can concatenate columns and assign the new column a name
df =, df.colname2).alias('joined_colname'))
Indeed, there are some beautiful inbuilt abstractions for you to accomplish your concatenation without the need to implement a custom function. Since you mentioned Spark SQL, so I am guessing you are trying to pass it as a declarative command through spark.sql(). If so, you can accomplish in a straight forward manner passing SQL command like:
SELECT CONCAT(col1, '<delimiter>', col2, ...) AS concat_column_name FROM <table_name>;
Also, from Spark 2.3.0, you can use commands in lines with:
SELECT col1 || col2 AS concat_column_name FROM <table_name>;
Wherein, is your preferred delimiter (can be empty space as well) and is the temporary or permanent table you are trying to read from.
We can simple use SelectExpr as well.
df1.selectExpr("*","upper(_2||_3) as new")
We can use concat() in select method of dataframe
val fullName ="FirstName"), lit(" "), col("LastName")).as("FullName"))
Using withColumn and concat
val fullName1 = nameDF.withColumn("FullName", concat(col("FirstName"), lit(" "), col("LastName")))
Using spark.sql concat function
val fullNameSql = spark.sql("select Concat(FirstName, LastName) as FullName from names")
Taken from
val newDf =
when(col("COL1").isNotNull, col("COL1")).otherwise(lit("null")),
when(col("COL2").isNotNull, col("COL2")).otherwise(lit("null"))))
Note: For this code to work you need to put the parentheses "()" in the "isNotNull" function. -> The correct one is "isNotNull()".
val newDf =
when(col("COL1").isNotNull(), col("COL1")).otherwise(lit("null")),
when(col("COL2").isNotNull(), col("COL2")).otherwise(lit("null"))))