I am not getting the value of 'steps' from this React Native code - react-native

{this.state.isEnded ? 'Congrats! You have completed in $ {this.state.steps} steps.': 'You have tried $ {this.state.steps} time(s).'}
What is wrong?
React-native android development

{this.state.isEnded ? <Text>Congrats! You have completed in {this.state.steps} steps.</Text>:<Text>You have tried {this.state.steps} time(s).</Text>}

{this.state.isEnded ? <>Congrats! You have completed in ${this.state.steps} steps.<>: <>You have tried ${this.state.steps} time(s).<>}
replace <> with blank


after installing magnus-ui in expo app getting error "No Space between hexadecimal literal and identifier"

expo go giving me this error
No Space between hexadecimal literal and identifier
No Stack
I am facing same problem here but it just happen in Android, iOS is running with no problem
-- EDIT --
I just found the problem when I tried to run the project on browser.
So these are the steps for you reproduce my aproach:
expo start
Choose "Run in web browser"
You will face a error in "color" module:
Access the module directory and file:
1st problem is in line 66:
change this:
object &= 0xFF_FF_FF;
to this:
object &= 0xFFFFFF;
2nd problem is in the line 258:
change this:
`lum[i] = (chan <= 0.039_28) ? chan / 12.92 : ((chan + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4;``
to this:
lum[i] = (chan <= 0.03928) ? chan / 12.92 : ((chan + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4;
So this solved my problem just creating a issue here:
-- UPDATE --
The right way to fix that is downgrade color plugin from 4.0.0 to latest release, in my case today (07/28) is 3.2.1 so run:
yarn remove color
yarn add color#3.2.1

Getting Error with Pytube: signature = cipher.get_signature(js, stream['s']) KeyError: 's'

I have been this error when running my Pytube script:
signature = cipher.get_signature(js, stream['s'])
KeyError: 's'
My code is like this:
url = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v='
train_List = []
i = 0
while i < len(my_list):
if len(my_list[i]) > 6:
urls = url + my_list[i]
I also tried:
I altered the cipher.py and helper.py files per the recommendation here: https://github.com/nficano/pytube/issues/353#issuecomment-455116197
but it hasn't fixed the problem. After making the alterations, I got the error noted above.
Next, I ran "pip install pytube --upgrade" per some other recommendations. Still getting the KeyError after it downloads a few audio files.
I've also implemented this in mixins.py, per the github issues:
if ('signature=' in url) or ('&sig=' in url) or ('&lsig=' in url):
but now it's hanging after 3 uploads.
Does anyone have a fix for this?
I fixed this issue (for me, at least) by changing line 49 in mixins.py to this:
signature = cipher.get_signature(js, stream['url'])
instead of
signature = cipher.get_signature(js, stream['s'])
and then changing lines 55-63 to
'finished descrambling signature for itag=%s\n%s',
stream['itag'], pprint.pformat(
'url': stream['url'],
'signature': signature,
}, indent=2,
Have the same problem. If I try a second time it works most of the time...
url = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQrkvZeE3Uc'
yt = YouTube(url)
yt.streams.filter(progressive=True, subtype='mp4').order_by('resolution').desc().last().download()
Thanks for any help
You have to fix the cipher.py file in lib/python3.6/site-packages/pytube:
In cipher.py, change pattern starting at line 38 to this:
pattern = [
One of the ways to solve it: pip install git+https://github.com/nficano/pytube.git
Other than that, check this thread
I did pip uninstall pytube.
Checked my python version with python --version, turned out to be the Anaconda 3.6.8 version.
So I did pip3 install pytube, pip3 being for Python 3 I believe.
It works no problems now.
had same issue, based on other answers that installed it from sources, just checked my current pytube version, which was 9.5.0 and see that the last released is 9.5.2, so I just run pip install --upgrade pytube and worked perfectly

Android MonkeyRunner unable to enter text

I recently started using MonkeyRunner to test the UI of my Android application (I am also using Espresso but wanted to play around with MonkeyRunner). The problem that I am having is that I am unable to enter text into EditText fields using the automation script.
The script navigates through my app perfectly but it doesn't seem to actually enter any text on call of the MonkeyRunner.type() command.
Please find my script below.
from com.android.monkeyrunner import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice
from com.android.monkeyrunner.easy import EasyMonkeyDevice, By
import commands
import sys
import os
# starting the application and test
print "Starting the monkeyrunner script"
# connection to the current device, and return a MonkeyDevice object
device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection()
easy_device = EasyMonkeyDevice(device)
apk_path = device.shell('pm path com.mysample
if apk_path.startswith('package:'):
print "application installed."
print "not installed, install APK"
package ="com.mysample"
activity = ".SampleActivity"
print "Package: " + package + "Activity: " + activity
print "starting application...."
device.startActivity(component=package + '/' + activity)
print "...component started"
device.touch(205,361, "DOWN_AND_UP")
device.type("This is sample text")
result = device.takeSnapshot()
As you can see from the script above the text This is sample text should be placed in the EditText box. Both the emulator and screenshot that is taken show no text in the text field.
Am I missing a step or just doing something incorrectly?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I would rather use AndroidViewClient/culebra to simplify the task.
Basically, you can connect your device with adb and then run
culebra -VC -d on -t on -o myscript.py
The script obtains references to all of the visible Views. Edit the script and add at the end
no_id10.type('This is sample text')
No need to worry about View coordinates, no need to touch and type, no need to add sleeps, etc.
NOTE: this is using no_id10 as an example, the id for your EditText could be different
First of all, I would not use the MonkeyRunner.sleep command, but I would rather use the time package and the time.sleep command. Just import the package
import time
and you should be good to go.
Moreover, I suggest you should wait some time between device.touch and device.type. Try with
device.touch(205,361, "DOWN_AND_UP")
device.type("This is sample text")

DbFit - Cannot work out how to run in Standalone Mode

OK, I'm still a newbie to DBFit. I have downloaded the files from here: Dbfit download page
and run startFitnesse.bat
The following in Flow Mode works perfectly:
!path lib/*.jar
|field1 |
!|Query| select * from MyTable|
So when I try the following to test Standalone Mode according to this link:
!path lib/*.jar
|field1 |
!|Query| select * from MyTable|
I get the following error:
"Could not find fixture: import."
I've googled around and can't find a complete example to show me how to run DbFit in Standalone Mode....please help!
I worked out the problem after I saw this example
The syntax for the Import should be:
!|import fixture|
The documentation I've seen doesn't seem to show that however...

hide error messages in dcl script

I have a test script I'm running that generates some errors,shown below, I expect these errors. Is there anyway I can prevent them from showing on the screen however? I use the
$ write sys$output
to display if there is an expected error.
I tried to use
but this then changed my entire error output log to this, if this is the correct way to handle it can I unset this at the end of my script somehow?
[error example]
%DCL-E-OPENIN, error opening TEST$DISK:[AAA]NOTTHERE.TXT; as input
-RMS-E-FNF, file not found
%DCL-E-OPENIN, error opening TEST$DISK:[AAA]NOTTHERE.TXT; as input
-RMS-E-FNF, file not found
%DCL-W-UNDFIL, file has not been opened by DCL - check logical name
DEFINE/USER creates a logical name that disappears when the next image exits.
So if you use that just before a command just to protect that command, then fine.
Otherwise I would prefer SET MESSAGE to control the output.
And of course yoy want to grab $STATUS and verify it after the command for success or for the expected error, reporting any unexpected error.
Better still... if you expect certain error conditions to occur,
then why not test for them?
For example:
$ IF file.NES."" THEN TYPE 'file'
To suppress Error message inside a script. try this command
NL: is a null device, so you don`t see any error messages displayed on your terminal.
good luck
This works interactively and in batch.
$ <DCL_Command>