Middleware writes response when starting up the project - asp.net-core

Using ASP.Net Core, C#
I have a middleware where i check for particular cookie is present otherwise returning a 400 response. My problem is the middleware fires up starting the project itself and check the cookie is present or not and then shows the response text in the swagger index page, which i dont want.the middleware fies when swagger loads. I want this condition to be executed only for the requests.
public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
var pl = context.Request.Cookies["pl"];
var sig = context.Request.Cookies["sig"];
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pl) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sig))
context.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest;
context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
await context.Response.WriteAsync("Invalid Data");
// If success i process and do something
// Call the next delegate/middleware in the pipeline
await _next(context);

I can prevent firing the middleware when swagger loads and fire only for api requests. But is this better approach or any other better are there.
app.UseWhen(context => `context.Request.Path.ToString().Contains("/api"),HandleBranch);`


Asp.net core exception handling in applications that combines Razor Pages and ApiControllers

when using asp.net applications that combines Razor Pages and Api Controllers.
how to globally check if the exception is thrown from an Api Controller ?
the idea is to use UseExceptionHandler midlleware but conditionally return an html response if the unhanded exception is thrown from a Razor Page and a json ProblemDetails response if the excpetion is thrown from an ApiController
For web Api, add attribute route with Api, and then check the request path in the middleware or exception handler like this:
app.UseExceptionHandler("/Error"); //handle the exception from the razor page
//handle the exception from the API.
app.UseWhen(context => context.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments("/api"), subApp =>
subApp.UseExceptionHandler(builder =>
builder.Run(async context =>
context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
await context.Response.WriteAsync("{\"error\":\"Exception from API!\"}");
//await context.Response.WriteAsync("ERROR From API!<br><br>\r\n");
//await context.Response.WriteAsync("Home<br>\r\n");
//await context.Response.WriteAsync("</body></html>\r\n");
The result as below:
Besides, you can also use a custom exception handler page is to provide a lambda to UseExceptionHandler. Using a lambda allows access to the path of the request that made the error before returning the response.
For example:
app.UseExceptionHandler(errorApp =>
errorApp.Run(async context =>
var exceptionHandlerPathFeature =
//check if the handler path contains api or not.
if (exceptionHandlerPathFeature.Path.Contains("api"))
context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; ;
context.Response.ContentType = "text/html";
await context.Response.WriteAsync("<html lang=\"en\"><body>\r\n");
await context.Response.WriteAsync("ERROR From API!<br><br>\r\n");
await context.Response.WriteAsync(
await context.Response.WriteAsync("</body></html>\r\n");
More detail information, see asp.net core app.UseExceptionHandler() to handle exceptions for certain endpoints?

Blazor WASM - PWA - Offline behaviour with server-side requests

I've created a new project using the default project template for a Blazor Webassembly app, with identity, asp.net core hosted, and PWA options checked. This gives us a WASM blazor SPA app with some basic offline PWA ability, and a server-side asp.net core app.
When authenticating with identity, the pages are served by the Server app. As such, they can't be reached when the app is running offline. This is to be expected, but the user experience (out of the box) in this scenario is poor with default 404, or "you have no internet" pages rendered by the browser.
I'd like to clean this up so the user is safely/gracefully warned about the failure to GET the remote pages. I started to look at the service-worker.js provided by the template and it already contains code to deal with "connect" and "identity" urls and ensure they are fetched from the server-side. I've attempted to add to this by using the approach shown here - https://googlechrome.github.io/samples/service-worker/custom-offline-page/
async function onFetch(event) {
let cachedResponse = null;
var shouldServeIndexHtml = true;
console.info('Service worker: onFetch');
if (event.request.method === 'GET') {
// For all navigation requests, try to serve index.html from cache
// If you need some URLs to be server-rendered, edit the following check to exclude those URLs
shouldServeIndexHtml = event.request.mode === 'navigate'
&& !event.request.url.includes('/connect/')
&& !event.request.url.includes('/Identity/');
const request = shouldServeIndexHtml ? 'index.html' : event.request;
const cache = await caches.open(cacheName);
cachedResponse = await cache.match(request);
console.info('Service worker event.request.url: ' + event.request.url);
if (cachedResponse != null) {
console.info('Service worker we have cachedResponse: ' + cachedResponse.url);
return cachedResponse
} else {
console.info('Service worker cachedResponse is null, starting fetch ');
try {
const networkResponse = await fetch(event.request);
return networkResponse;
} catch (error) {
// catch is only triggered if an exception is thrown, which is likely
// due to a network error.
// If fetch() returns a valid HTTP response with a response code in
// the 4xx or 5xx range, the catch() will NOT be called.
console.log('Fetch failed; returning offline page instead.', error);
console.log('Fetch failed shouldServeIndexHtml ',shouldServeIndexHtml);
if (shouldServeIndexHtml == false) {
console.log('Fetch failed, attempting fallback');
const request = 'index.html';
const cache = await caches.open(cacheName);
cachedResponse = await cache.match(request);
if (cachedResponse != null) {
console.info('Service worker we have fallback cachedResponse: ' + cachedResponse.url);
return cachedResponse
} else {
console.info('Service worker fallback cachedResponse is null');
Code is rough at the moment, apologies!
This almost works. If a GET is attempted to a server page (identified with shouldServeIndexHtml = false), it now attempts the fetch in a try/catch. The catch then does fire, and I try to route to "index.html", but here is where it all falls down. This ends with the Blazor client-side Router going to the NotFound layout.
This makes me think that this isn't the best approach to this, but has anyone else attempted to sort this out using the service worker, or via another method?

Log middle-ware gets 200 response code when it is actually a 500

I am working on a ASP.Net Core Web API project and I want to log all the requests and 500 server errors.
I used custom middleware to log requests, and it is defined in the startup.cs as:
I also defined an Exception handler to capture server errors in the startup.cs:
app.UseExceptionHandler(builder => {
builder.Run(async context => {
context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
var error = context.Features.Get<IExceptionHandlerFeature>();
if (error != null) {
logService logger = new logService(conf);
await logger.logError(error, context);
I keep the request information in error logs, so I don't need to save the request log when the response code is 500, so I added a check into request log function to filter errors:
public async Task logRequestAsync(HttpContext context) {
if (context.Response.StatusCode != 500) {
//do things
The problem is the Response.StatusCode returns as 200 instead of 500. Probably it runs before the API call's function is completed and the server error happens later in the runtime.
Is there a way to move the "request log" process to the point where the response is created instead of the beginning of the API request?

How to customize the authorization error produced by OpenIddict?

I'm using OpenIddict for auth in a .NET Core 2 API. Client side I'm relying on any API errors to follow a custom scheme. However, when e.g. a refresh token has been outdated, I can't seem to find out how to customize the error sent back.
The /token endpoint is never reached, so the error is not under "my control".
The result of the request is a status code 400, with the following JSON:
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"The specified refresh token is no longer valid."}
I've tried to use a custom middleware to catch all status codes (which it does), but the result is returned before the execution of my custom middleware has completed.
How can I properly customize the error or intercept to change it? Thanks!
You can use OpenIddict's event model to customize the token response payloads before they are written to the response stream. Here's an example:
public class MyApplyTokenResponseHandler : IOpenIddictServerEventHandler<ApplyTokenResponseContext>
public ValueTask HandleAsync(ApplyTokenResponseContext context)
var response = context.Response;
if (string.Equals(response.Error, OpenIddictConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
response.ErrorDescription = "Your customized error";
return default;
.AddCore(options =>
// ...
.AddServer(options =>
// ...
options.AddEventHandler<ApplyTokenResponseContext>(builder =>
The /token endpoint is never reached, so the error is not under "my control".
In fact ,the /token is reached, and the parameter of grant_type equals refresh_token. But the rejection logic when refresh token expired is not processed by us. It is some kind of "hardcoded" in source code :
if (token == null)
error: OpenIddictConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
description: context.Request.IsAuthorizationCodeGrantType() ?
"The specified authorization code is no longer valid." :
"The specified refresh token is no longer valid.");
if (options.UseRollingTokens || context.Request.IsAuthorizationCodeGrantType())
if (!await TryRedeemTokenAsync(token))
error: OpenIddictConstants.Errors.InvalidGrant,
description: context.Request.IsAuthorizationCodeGrantType() ?
"The specified authorization code is no longer valid." :
"The specified refresh token is no longer valid.");
The context.Reject here comes from the assembly AspNet.Security.OpenIdConnect.Server.
For more details, see source code on GitHub .
I've tried to use a custom middleware to catch all status codes (which it does), but the result is returned before the execution of my custom middleware has completed.
I've tried and I'm pretty sure we can use a custom middleware to catch all status codes. The key point is to detect the status code after the next() invocation:
app.Use(async(context , next )=>{
// passby all other end points
if(! context.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments("/connect/token")){
await next();
// since we might want to detect the Response.Body, I add some stream here .
// if you only want to detect the status code , there's no need to use these streams
Stream originalStream = context.Response.Body;
var hijackedStream = new MemoryStream();
context.Response.Body = hijackedStream;
await next();
// if status code not 400 , pass by
if(context.Response.StatusCode != 400){
await CopyStreamToResponseBody(context,hijackedStream,originalStream);
// read and custom the stream
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(hijackedStream))
var raw= sr.ReadToEnd();
if(raw.Contains("The specified refresh token is no longer valid.")){
// custom your own response
context.Response.StatusCode = 401;
// ...
//context.Response.Body = ... /
await CopyStreamToResponseBody(context,hijackedStream,originalStream);
// helper to make the copy easy
private async Task CopyStreamToResponseBody(HttpContext context,Stream newStream, Stream originalStream){
await newStream.CopyToAsync(originalStream);
context.Response.ContentLength =originalStream.Length;
context.Response.Body = originalStream;

How to redirect to log in page on 401 using JWT authorization in ASP.NET Core

I have this JWT authorization configuration in my Startup.cs:
services.AddAuthentication(opts =>
opts.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
opts.DefaultChallengeScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
opts.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
.AddJwtBearer(opts =>
opts.RequireHttpsMetadata = false;
opts.SaveToken = true;
opts.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters()
IssuerSigningKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("my_secret_key")),
ValidIssuer = "iss",
ValidAudience = "aud",
ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
ValidateLifetime = true
My HomeController has [Authorize] attribute. So upon access to Home/Index, I get a 401 response and I am presented with a blank page. I want to redirect to my Account/LogIn page but I am not sure how to do it.
I read that this shouldn't automatically redirect because it won't make sense to API calls if they are not authorized and then you redirect them, so what is the proper way on how I would get them to the login page on 401.
Please bear in mind that in this project, I have both Web API and Action methods with [Authorize] attributes so I need to redirect only when it is an action method.
You may use StatusCodePages middleware. Add the following inot your Configure method:
app.UseStatusCodePages(async context => {
var request = context.HttpContext.Request;
var response = context.HttpContext.Response;
if (response.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
// you may also check requests path to do this only for specific methods
// && request.Path.Value.StartsWith("/specificPath")
I read that this shouldn't automatically redirect because it won't make sense to API calls
this relates to API calls, that returns data other than pages. Let's say your app do call to API in the background. Redirect action to login page doesn't help, as app doesn't know how to authenticate itself in background without user involving.
Thanks for your suggestion... after spending a good time on google i could find your post and that worked for me. You raised a very good point because it does not make sense for app API calls.
However, I have a situation where the Actions called from the app has a specific notation route (/api/[Controller]/[Action]) which makes me possible to distinguish if my controller has been called by Browser or App.
app.UseStatusCodePages(async context =>
var request = context.HttpContext.Request;
var response = context.HttpContext.Response;
var path = request.Path.Value ?? "";
if (response.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized && path.StartsWith("/api", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
This works for both Razor Pages and MVC Views as follows: response.Redirect("/Login"); for Razor Pages. response.Redirect("/Home/Login"); for MVC Views. In order for this to work, the Authorize filter has to be added to the Controller. The code block also has to be added between app.UseAuthentication(); and app.UseAuthorization(); methods.
app.UseStatusCodePages(async context =>
var response = context.HttpContext.Response;
if (response.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized ||
response.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)