Log Parser not working with named column in WHERE statement - where-clause

I am running into an issue with Log Parser where I cannot used named columns in the WHERE statement. The named column works fine in the Order By statement. Removing the named column from the WHERE statement makes the query work fine.
This is the error I get:
Error parsing query: WHERE clause: Semantic Error: WHERE clause contains aggregate functions [SQL query syntax invalid or unsupported.]
This is my query:
SELECT cs-uri-stem, count(cs-uri-stem) as hits INTO '" + $Destination + "' FROM $filePaths WHERE (cs-uri-stem LIKE '/testing%' OR cs-uri-stem LIKE '%/test%') AND (date > '2020-08-01' AND date < '2020-09-31') AND (hits > 1) Group By cs-uri-stem order by hits desc
Does Log Parser not support this?

No SQL dialect supports this - the results of aggregate functions cannot be referenced in the WHERE clause. You may use the HAVING clause instead for filtering aggregations:
Group By cs-uri-stem
HAVING hits > 1
order by hits desc


What causes error "Strings cannot be added or subtracted in dialect 3"

I have the query:
AS (
SELECT ro.kod_stanow, ro.ind_wyrob||' - '||ro.LP_OPER INDEKS_OPERACJA, count(*) ILE_POWT
JOIN M_TABST st ON st.SYMBOL = ro.kod_stanow
WHERE (st.KOD_GRST starting with 'F' or (st.KOD_GRST starting with 'T') ) AND ro.DATA_WYKON>'NOW'-100
GROUP BY S.kod_stanow
That should be working, but I get an error:
SQL Error [335544606] [42000]: Dynamic SQL Error; expression evaluation not supported; Strings cannot be added or subtracted in dialect 3 [SQLState:42000, ISC error code:335544606]
I tried to cast it into bigger varchar but still no success. What is wrong here? Database is a Firebird 2.1
Your problem is 'NOW'-100. The literal 'NOW' is not a date/timestamp by itself, but a CHAR(3) literal. Only when compared to (or assigned to) a date or timestamp column will it be converted, and here the subtraction happens before that point. And the subtraction fails, because subtraction from a string literal is not defined.
Use CAST('NOW' as TIMESTAMP) - 100 or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - 100 (or cast to DATE or use CURRENT_DATE if the column DATA_WYKON is a DATE).

Unable to apply "where" clause to a date column in BigQuery

I have a date column (in YYYY-MM-DD format) in a big query table. I am unable to apply a where clause to the date column. I am using the following queries:
SELECT * FROM [dataSet_Id.TableName] where CR_DT=DATE("2016-01-01")
SELECT * FROM [dataSet_Id.TableName] where CR_DT=DATE("2016-01-01") where CR_DT=20160101
So how do I do it?
I got it work, If I use Standard SQL Dialect instead of Legacy SQL
Sample queries to handle date in where clause:
SELECT * from demoschema.demotable where dob = date('2016-08-10');
SELECT * from demoschema.demotable where dob = '2016-08-11';
If you want to use Standard SQL Dialect, just go to Show options then you will find SQL Version field which is use for enabling Standard SQL. .Dialect.
If the type of your CR_DT column is String then:
SELECT * FROM [dataSet_Id.TableName] where CR_DT = '2016-01-01'
If the type of your CR_DT column is TIMESTAMP then:
SELECT * FROM [dataSet_Id.TableName] where DATE(CR_DT) = DATE(timestamp('2016-01-01'))

How to Select count and literal value in hive

Why is this query returning an error. I am trying to load the code for table as a constant string, the flag for data again a constant string, the time of insertion and the counts for a table. I thought, let me try and run the secelct before writing the inserts.
But for some reason, it fails listing column names from tables from where I am trying to get a count. All i need is two constant values, one date and one count. Tried by removing the groupby as well, throws another error.
hive -e "select "WEB" as src_cd, "1Hr" as Load_Flag, from_unixtime((unix_timestamp(substr(sysDate, 0, 11), 'dd/MMM/yyyy')), 'MM/dd/yyyy') as time, count(*)
from weblog
where year=2015 and month=04 and day=17
group by src_cd, load_flag, time
Time taken: 1.446 seconds
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10004]: Line 4:9 Invalid table alias or column reference 'src_cd': (possible column names are: clientip, authuser, sysdate, clfrequest.........(and so on) year, month, day)
The double quotes on the literals is a problem. Here is a simpler version that I tested successfully:
hive -e "select 'WEB' , '1Hr' , from_unixtime((unix_timestamp(substr(sysDate, 0, 11), 'dd/MMM/yyyy')), 'MM/dd/yyyy') as time, count(*) from weblog where year=2015 and month=04 and day=17 group by 1,2 , from_unixtime((unix_timestamp(substr(sysDate, 0, 11), 'dd/MMM/yyyy')), 'MM/dd/yyyy') ; "
Just leave out the constants in the group by. It isn't doing anything:
select "WEB" as src_cd, "1Hr" as Load_Flag,
from_unixtime((unix_timestamp(substr(sysDate, 0, 11), 'dd/MMM/yyyy')), 'MM/dd/yyyy') as time, count(*)
from weblog
where year = 2015 and month = 04 and day = 17
group by from_unixtime((unix_timestamp(substr(sysDate, 0, 11), 'dd/MMM/yyyy')), 'MM/dd/yyyy')
I don't think Hive allows column aliases in the group by, so you need to put in the entire expression or use a subquery/CTE.
There are two things.
1. Hive does not parse double quote or single quote in that way. So instead use back quote(`).
2. In group by clause either use the columnar position specifier or the direct functional translation.

ERROR: function date_trunc(timestamp without time zone) does not exist

I have this problem. I have an sql query am trying to make to my postgres db. These queries work fine in oracle but am in the process of converting it to a postgres query but it complains. This is the query:
select to_char(calldate,'Day') as Day, date_trunc(calldate) as transdate,
Onnet' as destination,ceil(sum(callduration::integer/60) )as total_minutes,round(sum(alltaxcost::integer) ,2)as revenue
from cdr_data
where callclass ='008' and callsubclass='001'
and callduration::integer >0
and regexp_like(identifiant,'^73')
and bundleunits = 'Money'
and inserviceresultindicator in (0,5)
and regexp_like(regexp_replace(callednumber,'^256','') ,'^73')
group by to_char(calldate,'Day') ,trunc(calldate),'Onnet' order by 2
And the error am getting is this:
Err] ERROR: function date_trunc(timestamp without time zone) does not exist
LINE 4: select to_char(calldate,'Day') as Day, date_trunc(calldate)...
What am I doing wrong, or what is the solution to this error?
... date_trunc('day',calldate) ...
For PostgreSQL date_trunc() function you must always specify precision as the first argument.
Details here.

Select throws an ORA-01858 exception

With the following query, the Oracle exception is thrown.
However, I cant see why. Can anyone shed some light?
select visit_id, to_date(response, 'DD/MM/YYYY') as convertedDate from
select *
from dat_results_ext
where item_name = 'CALLBACKDATE'
where to_date(response, 'DD/MM/YYYY') > sysdate
I understand the exception to be mean that its trying to convert the 'response' field, but it is meeting a non-numeric. Problem is the row that it should bring back has everything in the right format.
The 'response' field is a varchar field, but all the rows coming back with the 'item_name = 'CALLBACKDATE' clause are all of the correct format.
Any ideas?
The optimizer can rewrite your query before trying to find the best execution plan. In your case since you have no hints that would prevent the optimizer from doing this, it will probably unnest your subquery and rewrite your query as:
FROM dat_results_ext
AND to_date(response, 'DD/MM/YYYY') > sysdate
You don't have control over the order of evaluation of the statements in the WHERE clause, so Oracle probably evaluated the to_date function first on a row that is not convertible to a date, hence the error.
I see two options to force Oracle to evaluate the statements in the order you want:
Use rownum. Rownum will materialize the subquery, preventing Oracle from merging it with the outer query:
SELECT visit_id, to_date(response, 'DD/MM/YYYY') AS convertedDate
rownum /* will materialize the subquery */
FROM dat_results_ext r
WHERE to_date(response, 'DD/MM/YYYY') > sysdate
Use the NO_MERGE hint:
SELECT visit_id, to_date(response, 'DD/MM/YYYY') AS convertedDate
FROM dat_results_ext
WHERE to_date(response, 'DD/MM/YYYY') > sysdate
The TO_DATE clause has to be evaluated before the truth of the WHERE clause can be determined. If you have values of response that can't be evaluated in the TO_DATE function, you'll see the error.
To be very precise, this is caused because some value of response do not match the format mask of DD/MM/YYYY. For example, if your session is set to default date format of DD-MON-YY, execute the following and you will receive the error message:-
select to_date('17/SEP/2012','DD/MM/YYYY') from dual;
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
Since you passed a character in the month field and Oracle expects a number.