Modal in Elm without framework - elm

I am new to ELM and I want to create a modal without the use of any libraries such as Bootstrap or ELM-UI. I found this simple example online which is also using JSON Decode. Is there a possibility to have the modal work simply without any framework/library and JSON Decode? How can I modify the code to simply get a working modal?
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, button, div, span, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, on)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, style)
import Json.Decode as Decode
type alias Model =
{ isVisible : Bool, count : Int }
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ isVisible = False, count = 0 }
type Msg
= Show
| Hide
| Increment
| Decrement
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
Show ->
{ model | isVisible = True }
Hide ->
{ model | isVisible = False }
Increment ->
{ model | count = model.count + 1 }
Decrement ->
{ model | count = model.count - 1 }
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ button [ onClick Show ] [ text "Show!" ]
, if model.isVisible then
([ class dialogContainerClass
, on "click" (containerClickDecoder Hide)
++ dialogContainerStyle
[ div dialogContentStyle
[ span [] [ text "Click anywhere outside this dialog to close it!" ]
, span [] [ text "Clicking on anything inside of this dialog works as normal." ]
, div []
[ button [ onClick Decrement ] [ text "-" ]
, text (String.fromInt model.count)
, button [ onClick Increment ] [ text "+" ]
div [] []
dialogContainerClass : String
dialogContainerClass = "dialog-container-class"
containerClickDecoder : msg -> Decode.Decoder msg
containerClickDecoder closeMsg = [ "target", "className" ] Decode.string
|> Decode.andThen
(\c ->
if String.contains dialogContainerClass c then
Decode.succeed closeMsg
else "ignoring"
dialogContainerStyle : List (Attribute msg)
dialogContainerStyle =
[ style "position" "absolute"
, style "top" "0"
, style "bottom" "0"
, style "right" "0"
, style "left" "0"
, style "display" "flex"
, style "align-items" "center"
, style "justify-content" "center"
, style "background-color" "rgba(33, 43, 54, 0.4)"
dialogContentStyle : List (Attribute msg)
dialogContentStyle =
[ style "border-style" "solid"
, style "border-radius" "3px"
, style "border-color" "white"
, style "background-color" "white"
, style "height" "120px"
, style "width" "440px"
, style "display" "flex"
, style "flex-direction" "column"
, style "align-items" "center"
, style "justify-content" "center"
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = initialModel
, view = view
, update = update

If I understand your question correctly, the problem you're trying to solve is clicking outside the modal to close it. Decoding the event object to get information about the DOM is a bit of a hack in Elm – I think you're right to try to avoid it, unless necessary. One way to achieve the same thing is to add a click event handler with stop propagation to your modal contents – this stops the click event from firing on the container when it originates from within the modal.
I've put your example code in an Ellie and made some small changes:
This solution uses Html.Events.stopPropagationOn, which is like on but does a call to event.stopPropagation(). This function does require you to supply a decoder, so I'm afraid you can't get away from importing Json.Decode, but we are using the simplest possible decoder – Decode.succeed – and only to satisfy the parameters of the function.
I've added a NoOp variant to Msg, as there is nothing to do when the modal is clicked; simply attaching this event handler stops the Hide event from firing when we don't want it to.
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Attribute, Html, button, div, span, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, style)
import Html.Events exposing (on, onClick)
import Json.Decode as Decode
type alias Model =
{ isVisible : Bool, count : Int }
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ isVisible = False, count = 0 }
type Msg
= Show
| Hide
| Increment
| Decrement
| NoOp
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
Show ->
{ model | isVisible = True }
Hide ->
{ model | isVisible = False }
Increment ->
{ model | count = model.count + 1 }
Decrement ->
{ model | count = model.count - 1 }
NoOp ->
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ button [ onClick Show ] [ text "Show!" ]
, if model.isVisible then
(onClick Hide
:: dialogContainerStyle
[ div
(onClickStopPropagation NoOp
:: dialogContentStyle
[ span [] [ text "Click anywhere outside this dialog to close it!" ]
, span [] [ text "Clicking on anything inside of this dialog works as normal." ]
, div []
[ button [ onClick Decrement ] [ text "-" ]
, text (String.fromInt model.count)
, button [ onClick Increment ] [ text "+" ]
div [] []
onClickStopPropagation : msg -> Html.Attribute msg
onClickStopPropagation msg =
Html.Events.stopPropagationOn "click" <| Decode.succeed ( msg, True )
dialogContainerStyle : List (Attribute msg)
dialogContainerStyle =
[ style "position" "absolute"
, style "top" "0"
, style "bottom" "0"
, style "right" "0"
, style "left" "0"
, style "display" "flex"
, style "align-items" "center"
, style "justify-content" "center"
, style "background-color" "rgba(33, 43, 54, 0.4)"
dialogContentStyle : List (Attribute msg)
dialogContentStyle =
[ style "border-style" "solid"
, style "border-radius" "3px"
, style "border-color" "white"
, style "background-color" "white"
, style "height" "120px"
, style "width" "440px"
, style "display" "flex"
, style "flex-direction" "column"
, style "align-items" "center"
, style "justify-content" "center"
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
{ init = initialModel
, view = view
, update = update


elm-ui center elements in wrapped row

I'm using Elm with mdgriffiths/elm-ui, and I've really been enjoying it. Right now, I'm trying to create a centered, wrapped row of elements:
I can get it to this point:
using this code:
button : String -> String -> Element Msg
button label url =
[ height (px 150)
, width (px 150)
, Border.width 1
, Background.color (rgb255 255 255 255)
{ url = url
, label =
[ ]
[ textEl [] label ]
row : Element Msg
row =
[ Element.spacing 25
, Element.centerX
, Element.centerY
, width (fill |> Element.maximum 600)
[ button "A" "/a"
, button "B" "/b"
, button "C" "/c"
, button "D" "/d"
But when I try adding Element.centerX to my buttons like this
[ Element.centerX
, ...
I get this instead:
I've also tried without success, and I don't know what else I can try.
I'm not sure if I'm missing something I should be using, or if the whole thing needs re-arranging, or if I just need to use the built-in CSS stuff.
Link to an Ellie with the issues I'm seeing.
This Github issue is useful for this problem. I'm afraid you will have to use some CSS (unless I'm missing something). I've found this before with elm-ui; every now and then it can't quite do what you want and you need a bit of CSS.
This works for me (taken from the post by AlienKevin in the link above). You need to set "marginLeft" and "marginRight" to "auto".
module Main exposing (main)
import Element as E
import Element.Border
import Html.Attributes
box : String -> E.Element msg
box label =
[ E.width <| E.px 200
, Element.Border.width 1
, E.htmlAttribute ( "marginLeft" "auto")
, E.htmlAttribute ( "marginRight" "auto")
[ E.text label ]
row : E.Element msg
row =
E.wrappedRow []
[ box "A"
, box "B"
, box "C"
main =
E.layout [] row
(See here for an Ellie.)
You can also do the following:
Define the following elm-ui classes. I usually setup a UI.elm module for this
centerWrap : Attribute msg
centerWrap =
Html.Attributes.class "centerWrap"
|> htmlAttribute
dontCenterWrap : Attribute msg
dontCenterWrap =
Html.Attributes.class "dontCenterWrap"
|> htmlAttribute
Add the following to your css. Basically says center elements if has centerWrap class but not dontCenterWrap class.
:not(.dontCenterWrap).centerWrap>div.wrp {
justify-content: center !important;
Apply the attribute
wrappedRow [ width fill, UI.centerWrap, spaceEvenly ] [...]
Assuming you created a custom element that centerWraps and wanted to disable that you could use UI.dontCenterWrap
centerWrappedRow attr children =
wrappedRow (UI.centerWrap :: attr) children
-- somewhere else
centerWrappedRow [UI.dontCenterWrap] [..]

Passing multiple complex parent actions to deeply nested child views

Disclaimer: I realized this was a maybe stupid question after I finished writing it. Please don't spend too much time reading it. I am very new to Elm, functional programming, and not a UI buff.
I have a view in Elm that returns Html Msg and takes in a model. Using the simple increment demo as en example, I have this typical setup:
module Main exposing (..)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, button, div, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
main =
Browser.sandbox { init = init, update = update, view = view }
type alias Model = Int
init : Model
init =
type Msg
= Increment
| Decrement
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
Increment ->
model + 1
Decrement ->
model - 1
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ button [ onClick Decrement ] [ text "-" ]
, div [] [ text (String.fromInt model) ]
, button [ onClick Increment ] [ text "+" ]
I have a button component that's quite complex which I would like to extract into a separate function. I'm able to do this with normal Html, i.e.
some_html : Html msg
some_html =
text "FOO"
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ button [ onClick Decrement ] [ text "-" ]
, div [] [ text (String.fromInt model) ]
, button [ onClick Increment ] [ text "+" ]
, some_html
I can also pass the Msg type I've defined and have the "sub-function" call the action:
make_button : Msg -> Html Msg
make_button msg =
button [ onClick msg ] [ text "-" ]
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ make_button Decrement
, div [] [ text (String.fromInt model) ]
, button [ onClick Increment ] [ text "+" ]
My problem and question is:
I would like to be able to have my make_button function be able to handle multiple actions. One way I have found that works is to pass all possible actions and then a key, i.e.
make_button : Msg -> Msg -> String -> Html Msg
make_button decr incr which =
if which == "Decrement" then
button [ onClick decr ] [ text "-" ]
else button [ onClick incr ] [ text "+" ]
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ make_button Decrement Increment "Decrement"
, div [] [ text (String.fromInt model) ]
, make_button Decrement Increment "Increment" -- doesn't matter here.
But this becomes cumbersome when the number of actions is large (in my use case I have 20 or so actions).
Should I create a dictionary of sorts? Is there a way this is done? Is this a bad thing to do? Please give me grief.
I am imaging scenarios where many nested child components might want to have the ability to call any Action of the parent component on the fly without this being hard-coded, which is why I decided to still ask the question.
You're definitely over thinking things! The way you would do this is
-- camel case is the convention in Elm ;)
makeButton : Msg -> Html Msg
makeButton msg =
[ onClick msg ]
[ text <|
-- an if statement would also work in this case
case msg of
Increment ->
Decrement ->
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ makeButton Decrement
, div [] [ text (String.fromInt model) ]
, makeButton Increment

Layout questions with Style Elements and Elm

I am building my first app in Elm and decided to use Style Elements package instead of CSS.
This is the layout that I am attempting. Its a single page app that does not scroll.
here is some code
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
layout Styles.stylesheet <|
pageWrapper : Element Styles variation Msg
column Page
[ width (percent 100), height (percent 100) ]
[ navMain
, contentArea
navMain : Element Styles variation Msg
navMain =
row Navigation
[ spread, padding 10 ]
[ el (Nav Logo) [ width (px 50)] (text "Logo")
, row (Nav Link)
[ padding 15, spacing 10]
[ el (Nav Link) [] (text "About")
, el (Nav Link) [] (text "Services")
, el (Nav Link) [] (text "Team")
, el (Nav Link) [] (text "Location")
, el (Nav Link) [] (text "Contact")
contentArea : Element Styles variation Msg
contentArea =
-- At this point I thought I would make a row with an el with the image
and a column containing the other two images. And other than creating heights with pixels I don't know how to extend the main content to the bottom of the page.
What are some good example apps I can look at to get a good idea of how to control the layout? I have looked through several, and I feel like I am just missing something very obvious because so far SE has been awesome to work with!
Here's a very basic example:
I've left the heights of the elements undefined below but you should be able to figure that out to suit your needs. I updated the ellie link to a version that I think better approximates the height in your example.
module Main exposing (main)
import Html
import Html.Attributes
import Color
import Style
import Style.Font as Font
import Style.Color as Color
import Element exposing (..)
import Element.Attributes exposing (..)
main =
{ model = model
, update = update
, view = view
type alias Model =
{ navbar : String
, leftcontent : String
, rightcontent : { top : String, bottom : String }
model : Model
model =
{ navbar = "This is the navbar"
, leftcontent = "This is the left column content"
, rightcontent =
{ top = "This is the right top content"
, bottom = "This is the right bottom content"
update model msg =
type MyStyles = Navbar | Left | RightTop | RightBottom | None
stylesheet =
[ Navbar [ Color.background ]
, Left [ Color.background ]
, RightTop [Color.background Color.purple ]
, RightBottom [Color.background Color.gray ]
view model =
Element.viewport stylesheet <|
(column None [] [
row Navbar [] [ text model.navbar ]
, wrappedRow None []
[ column Left [ width (percent 50)] [ text model.leftcontent ]
, wrappedColumn None [ width (percent 50)]
[ el RightTop [ width fill] (text
, el RightBottom [ width fill ] (text model.rightcontent.bottom)

Elm: Conditional preventDefault (with contentEditable)

I'm trying to make a content editable tag that uses enter to update the model.
My code is below, and here is a version that you can play around with on Ellie.
The on "blur" attribute works and updates the model when you click away. But I want to get the same 'update' functionality when an enter is pressed.
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
attrs =
[ contenteditable True
--, on "blur" ( UpdateTitle targetTextContent)
, onInput2 UpdateTitle
, onEnter EnterPressed
, id "title"
, class "title"
div []
[ h1 attrs [ text model.existing ]
, text "Click above to start editing. Blur to save the value. The aim is to capture an <enter> and interpret that as a blur, i.e. to save the value and blur the field"
, p [] [ text <| "(" ++ model.existing ++ ")" ]
targetTextContent : Json.Decoder String
targetTextContent = [ "target", "textContent" ] Json.string
onInput2 : (String -> msg) -> Attribute msg
onInput2 msgCreator =
on "input" ( msgCreator targetTextContent)
onEnter : (Bool -> msg) -> Attribute msg
onEnter enterMsg =
onWithOptions "keydown"
{ stopPropagation = False
, preventDefault = False
|> Json.andThen
(\ch ->
_ =
Debug.log "on Enter" ch
Json.succeed (enterMsg <| ch == 13)
This code seems to be updating the model ok, but the DOM is getting messed up. For example if I enter enter after "blast" I see this
I tried switching to Html.Keyed and using "keydown" but it did not make any difference or just created different issues.
Solved! The key point is the filter function that uses so that only <enter> is subject to preventDefault. See for the idea.
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
attrs =
[ contenteditable True
, on "blur" ( UpdateTitle targetTextContent)
, onEnter EnterPressed
, id "title"
, class "title"
div []
[ h1 attrs [ text model.existing ]
, text "Click above to start editing. Blur to save the value. The aim is to capture an <enter> and interpret that as a blur, i.e. to save the value and blur the field"
, p [] [ text <| "(" ++ model.existing ++ ")" ]
targetTextContent : Json.Decoder String
targetTextContent = [ "target", "textContent" ] Json.string
onEnter : msg -> Attribute msg
onEnter msg =
options =
{ defaultOptions | preventDefault = True }
filterKey code =
if code == 13 then
Json.succeed msg
else "ignored input"
decoder =
|> Json.andThen filterKey
onWithOptions "keydown" options decoder

Conditionally toggle `preventDefault` on form submissions in Elm

Is there a way to conditionally toggle preventDefault on form submissions?
I've tried using onWithOptions, below, but it seems only the first setting is used, even though I can see it change using Debug.log, when there is a name on the model.
, onWithOptions
(if == "" then
(Debug.log "prevent" { preventDefault = True, stopPropagation = True })
(Debug.log "allow" { preventDefault = False, stopPropagation = False })
(Json.succeed FormSubmit)
Updated with findings from answer
As stated by #Tosh, hiding the button resolves the issue:
, button
[ onPreventClickHtml FormSubmit
, Html.Attributes.hidden ( == "" |> not) ]
[ text " prevent" ]
, button
[ onClick FormSubmit
, Html.Attributes.hidden ( == "") ]
[ text "allow" ]
Where onPreventClickHtml is:
onPreventClickHtml : Msg -> Attribute Msg
onPreventClickHtml msg =
{ preventDefault = True, stopPropagation = True }
(Json.succeed msg)
Conditionally displaying the button does not work:
, (if == "" then
[ onPreventClickHtml FormSubmit ]
[ text " prevent" ]
[ type' "submit", onClick FormSubmit ]
[ text "allow" ]
I'm using elm-mdl and so found implementing the solution more challenging because from my experience creating a custom onclick requires types which are not exposed by elm-mdl, and so need to be duplicated.
, if == "" then
Material.Options.css "visibility" "hidden"
, onPreventClick FormSubmit
, if == "" then
Material.Options.css "visibility" "hidden"
, Button.onClick FormSubmit
onPreventClick : Msg -> Property Msg
onPreventClick message =
(\options -> { options | onClick = Just (onPreventClickHtml message) })
-- Duplicated from elm-mdl
type alias Property m =
Material.Options.Property (Config m) m
-- Duplicated from elm-mdl
type alias Config m =
{ ripple : Bool
, onClick : Maybe (Attribute m)
, disabled : Bool
, type' : Maybe String
Another approach, which worked for my scenario, was changing the button type:
, if == "" then
Button.type' "reset"
Button.type' "submit"
One simple workaround suggestion until someone can show us how to solve it.
How about create two buttons (with different options as you've shown) and depending on the condition show only one of them?
You can use Html.Attributes.hide for that.