My changes made in Dashboard.vue aren't being saved (Laravel Jetstream Inertia.js) - laravel-8

This is my first day working with this so I'm not sure what's going on.
When I start up my laravel project and add jetstream(inertia.js) and make changes to my resources/js/Dashboard.vue file, I open my local server and go to /dashboard and those changes don't appear on the website.
Things I've tried:
Made sure it wasn't my development server because I was able to change welcome.blade.php
Ran npm run dev again.
Steps I made when I create the app:
1. ran laravel new ProjectName --jet
2. opened my project in VSCODE
3. ran npm install && npm run dev
4. Made changes to my Welcome.blade.php
5. Attempt at changing Dashboard.vue

When you start your application, just type the following in your terminal.
1. npm install
2. npm run dev
3. npm run prod
4. npm run watch
5. php artisan serve
And it should all work, for the question i had, all i used was steps. 1,2,4,5. But i ran into a problem later regarding something else and then ran npm run prod and it fixed.


Laravel 9 - Install Breeze

I have created a Fresh Laravel-9 Project, created a database in admin-sql and updated the .env file. After this, I ran following commands:
composer require laravel/breeze --dev
php artisan breeze:install
php artisan migrate
npm install
npm run dev
I then ran Laravel and registered a user. I then closed my project and closed all command prompt windows. Next time I ran my project and trid to login and got the following error
Did you forget to run npm install && npm run dev?".
I then ran npm run dev and a server started at and then I was able to login.
My question is, everytime I open my project, do I have to run an additional server at using npm run dev in addition to php artisan serve or am I doing something wrong?
When I used Laravel 9 for the first time, I had the same doubt.
It seems you do need to run it everytime.
But if you do not want to build your files again then you may use the build command
npm run build

vue app not working after npm run build for production

So I created a simple app with vue and works as I expected. But since I ran npm run build and I tried to run that project from /dist directory(for produnction) I just stops. What am i missing here guys?

How to see the build version of a build project with npm

I know that my question gonna be quite stupid for the pro vue.js and Webpack. I'm not really use to it yet.
I have actually a little application with vue.js and webpack. I was developing and seeing the result by using the command : npm run dev
and looking at the local adress : http://localhost:8080/
Then, I have done a build version with : npm run build
So eveything is fine but now, I dont know how to see the final result locally. What I have to do or what I'm missing ?
Thank for your answer
You could use the http-server npm package:
yarn global install http-server
# Or
npm install -g http-server
then cd into your built folder and launch http-server. This should give you a url to go to.

Hot reloading with create-react-native app on vagrant

I have used create-react-native-app and expo to build an application on a vagrant ubuntu and run it using yarn start.
When i make changes to my file on my host machine, the changes are not
With create-react-app, CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true worked and all my
changes were reflected instantly but this is not the case for native.
Does anyone know how to get this to work?
Please try using yarn start instead of npm start since your current of npm (5) has issues with create-react-native-app as of today.

"Node Commands" printed at prompt when trying to run grunt/ gulp on Windows 7

I've installed nodejs, and have used npm to install grunt using
npm install grunt
When I try to run grunt, I am presented with what appears to be instructions on running node commands: (see image)
the same applies when trying to run gulp
I have done the same steps on other computers, and had no problem running grunt previously
Please suggest ideas as to what's going on.
As suggested by Joe Clay, the problem was that there was another app called node.exe whose pathwas in PATH variable before nodejs.
see also:
Nodejs seems to be not working; npm do work, however