I need to convert below code from kotlin to java,
TabLayoutMediator(pager_tab_layout, digital_pager) { tab, position ->}.attach()
Any help is appreciated!
You can convert the above initialization of TabLayoutMediator and the calling of attach method on that as below
new TabLayoutMediator(pagerTabLayout, digitalPager,
new TabLayoutMediator.TabConfigurationStrategy() {
#Override public void onConfigureTab(#NonNull TabLayout.Tab tab, int position) {}
Or you can separate the initialization and method call separately as below
TabLayoutMediator tabLayoutMediator = new TabLayoutMediator(pagerTabLayout, digitalPager,
new TabLayoutMediator.TabConfigurationStrategy() {
#Override public void onConfigureTab(#NonNull TabLayout.Tab tab, int position) {}
I am trying to develop a IntelliJ plugin which provides a Language Server with help of lsp4intellij by ballerina.
Thing is, i've got a special condition: The list of completion items should be editable in runtime.
But I've not found any way to communicate new completionItems to the LanguageServer process once its running.
My current idea is to add an action to the plugin which builds a new jar and then restarts the server with the new jar, using the Java Compiler API.
The problem with that is, i need to get the source code from the plugin project including the gradle dependencies accessable from the running plugin... any ideas?
If your requirement is to modify the completion items (coming from the language server) before displaying them in the IntelliJ UI, you can do that by implementing the LSP4IntelliJ's
LSPExtensionManager in your plugin.
Currently, we do not have proper documentation for the LSP4IntelliJ's extension points but you can refer to our Ballerina IntelliJ plugin as a reference implementation, where it has implemented Ballerina LSP Extension manager to override/modify completion items at the client runtime in here.
For those who might stumble upon this - it is indeed possible to change the amount of CompletionItems the LanguageServer can provide during runtime.
I simply edited the TextDocumentService.java (the library I used is LSP4J).
It works like this:
The main function of the LanguageServer needs to be started with an additional argument, which is the path to the config file in which you define the CompletionItems.
Being called from LSP4IntelliJ it would look like this:
String[] command = new String[]{"java", "-jar",
"path\\to\\LangServer.jar", "path\\to\\config.json"};
IntellijLanguageClient.addServerDefinition(new RawCommandServerDefinition("md,java", command));
The path String will then be passed through to the Constructor of your CustomTextDocumentServer.java, which will parse the config.json in a new Timer thread.
An Example:
public class CustomTextDocumentService implements TextDocumentService {
private List<CompletionItem> providedItems;
private String pathToConfig;
public CustomTextDocumentService(String pathToConfig) {
this.pathToConfig = pathToConfig;
Timer timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(new ReloadCompletionItemsTask(), 0, 10000);
public CompletableFuture<Either<List<CompletionItem>, CompletionList>> completion(CompletionParams completionParams) {
return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
List<CompletionItem> completionItems;
completionItems = this.providedItems;
// Return the list of completion items.
return Either.forLeft(completionItems);
public void didOpen(DidOpenTextDocumentParams didOpenTextDocumentParams) {
public void didChange(DidChangeTextDocumentParams didChangeTextDocumentParams) {
public void didClose(DidCloseTextDocumentParams didCloseTextDocumentParams) {
public void didSave(DidSaveTextDocumentParams didSaveTextDocumentParams) {
private void loadCompletionItems() {
providedItems = new ArrayList<>();
CustomParser = new CustomParser(pathToConfig);
ArrayList<String> variables = customParser.getTheParsedItems();
for(String variable : variables) {
String itemTxt = "$" + variable + "$";
CompletionItem completionItem = new CompletionItem();
class ReloadCompletionItemsTask extends TimerTask {
public void run() {
I want to achieve clickable link in a textview. I am now migrating all my UI to Android data binding and was wondering how to achieve it.
Any suggestions?
I found out a way to do it. here it is
Create a static method and add BindingAdapter annotation preferably in a separate class
public static void setSpecialText(TextView textView, SpecialText specialText) {
SpannableString ss = new SpannableString(specialText.getText());
ClickableSpan clickableSpan = new ClickableSpan() {
public void onClick(View textView) {
Log.d("tag", "onSpecialClick: ");
public void updateDrawState(TextPaint ds) {
ss.setSpan(clickableSpan, specialText.getStartIndex(), ss.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
In your binding layout file
type="com.example.test.data.SpecialText" />
In your activity or fragment where you are using the layout
SpecialText specialText = new TCText();
Let me know if you know any better way to do it. Thanks !
I made a simple project of java to test ByteBuddy . I typed exactly the same code in a tutorial made by Rafael Winterhalter but it showing some errors
1) ByteBuddyAgent cannot be resolved.
2) type cannot be resolved to a variable.
3) builder cannot be resolved.
4) method cannot be resolved to a variable.
I added the byte-buddy-1.7.1.jar as a referenced library.
public class LogAspect {
public static void main(String[] args){
premain("", ByteBuddyAgent.installOnOpenJDK());
Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
int sum = calculator.sum(10, 15, 20);
System.out.println("Sum is "+ sum);
public static void premain(String arg, Instrumentation inst){
new AgentBuilder.Default()
.rebase(type -> type.getSimpleName().equals("Calculator"))
.transform((builder, typeDescription) -> builder
.method(method -> method.getDeclaredAnnotations().isAnnotationPresent(Log.class))
public static void intercept(#Origin Method method){
System.out.println(method.getName()+" is called.");
#interface Log{
class Calculator {
public int sum(int... values) {
return Arrays.stream(values).sum();
It looks like you are using a very outdated tutorial of the 0.* ara. Use an IDE to check your compile-time errors and check the webpage for more recent tutorials.
I'm trying to test small pieces of code. I do not want test one of the method and used Mockito.doNothing(), but this method was still run. How can I do that?
protected EncoderClientCommandEventHandler clientCommandEventHandlerProcessStop = new EncoderClientCommand.EncoderClientCommandEventHandler() {
public void onCommandPerformed(
EncoderClientCommand clientCommand) {
protected void processStop() {
EncoderServerCommand serverCommand = new EncoderServerCommand();
public void testClientCommandEventHandlerProcessStop() {
EncoderClientCommand encoderClientCommand = mock(EncoderClientCommand.class);
I've found the problem. One of the variable is already mocked in buttonsBackNormal().
below is an extract from a Step Definition class of my Specflow project.
In the first method public void WhenIExtractTheReferenceNumber() I can successfully extract the text from the application under test, and I have proved this using the Console.WriteLine();
I need to be able to use this text in other methods with in my class I.e. public void WhenIPrintNumber(); But I'm not sure how to do this!
I read about Get/Set but I could not get this working. So I'm thinking is it possible to make my var result global somehow, so that I can call it at anytime during the test?
namespace Application.Tests.StepDefinitions
public class AllSharedSteps
[When(#"I extract the reference number")]
public void WhenIExtractTheReferenceNumber()
Text textCaseReference = ActiveCase.CaseReferenceNumber;
Ranorex.Core.Element elem = textCaseReference;
var result = elem.GetAttributeValue("Text");
[When(#"I print number")]
public void WhenIPrintNumber()
Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
Here is the solution to my question. Now I can access my variable(s) from any methods within my class. I have also included code that I'm using to split my string and then use the first part of the string. In my case I need the numerical part of '12345 - some text':
namespace Application.Tests.StepDefinitions
public class AllSharedSteps
private string result;
public Array splitReference;
[When(#"I extract the case reference number")]
public void WhenIExtractTheCaseReferenceNumber()
Text textCaseReference = ActiveCase.CaseReferenceNumber;
Ranorex.Core.Element elem = textCaseReference;
result = elem.GetAttributeValue("Text").ToString();
splitReference = result.Split('-'); // example of string to be split '12345 - some text'
[When(#"I print number")]
public void WhenIPrintNumber()
Keyboard.Press(result); // prints full string
Keyboard.Press(splitReference.GetValue(0).ToString()); // prints first part of string i.e. in this case, a reference number
I hope this help somebody else :)