Getting error while executing DACPAC file (using sqlpackage.exe) - database-project

I am getting below error while executing DACPAC file using SQLPackage.
The column [dbo].[Temp].[GMTOffset] on table [dbo].[Temp] must be added, but the column has no default value and does not allow NULL values. If the table contains data, the ALTER script will not work. To avoid this issue you must either: add a default value to the column, mark it as allowing NULL values, or enable the generation of smart-defaults as a deployment option.
PowerShell script -
& $using:SqlPackagePath /Action:Publish /tu:$using:DatabaseUsername /tp:$using:DatabasePassword
/tsn:$using:ServerInstance /tdn:"$_" /sf:$using:DacpacLocation /p:BlockOnPossibleDataLoss=False
I have set 'Generate smart defaults, when applicable' setting in publish profile of the DB project and execute the PowerShell script after compiling the project, however, still getting this error. Any pointers or help would be appreciated.

This error was resolved after specifying this option on the command line like below as #Peter also mentioned.
& $using:SqlPackagePath /Action:Publish /tu:$using:DatabaseUsername /tp:$using:DatabasePassword /tsn:$using:ServerInstance /tdn:"$_" /sf:$using:DacpacLocation /p:GenerateSmartDefaults=True /p:BlockOnPossibleDataLoss=False


Azure DevOps SQL DB Deploy

I'm trying to deploy a dacpac with db references to 2 other dbs using Azure DevOps. I'm unable to find the right syntax for mentioning additional arguments for the sqlcmd variables for those dbs. I keep getting 'Unrecognized command line argument' error everytime I trigger deployment. the current syntax I'm using is
/Variables:variable1 = "value1" /Variables:variable2 = "value2"
Follow documentation and use
SQLCMD Variables
The following table describes the format of the option that you can use to override the value of a SQL command (sqlcmd) variable used during a publish action. The values of variable specified on the command line override other values assigned to the variable (for example, in a publish profile).
Parameter Default Description
/Variables:{PropertyName}={Value} Specifies a name value pair for an action-specific variable; {VariableName}={Value}. The DACPAC file contains the list of valid SQLCMD variables. An error results if a value is not provided for every variable.
/Variables: /v {PropertyName}={Value} Specifies a name value pair for an action-specific variable; {VariableName}={Value}. The DACPAC file contains the list of valid SQLCMD variables. An error results if a value is not provided for every variable.

SQL16010: Incorrect syntaxt after using :r on a database project

I have a database project with the following structure
When I try to publish the profile, the VS compiles de code before and is showing me the following error:
SQL46010: Incorrect syntax near .
I have this option enable for the SQLCMD on my VS configurations
My OneTimeMaster.sql looks also has another error after :r, the code looks like this
:setvar path ".\Sprint 1.11"
:r $(path)\Header.sql
How can I make it run just to get the generated script.
I am assuming that your post-deployment or pre-depolyment script are pointing to your OneTimeMaster.sql, on that case if you have your SQLCMD activated, the pre and post deployment sqls will not have any error, but when you try to make a build seems like the other files interpreted by the compiler as regular sql without the SQLCMD command. I tested your scenario and the way that I was able to generate the script was changing the Property Action of the OneTimeMaster.sql and all the subsql files to None. Doing that the generated script had the merge of your Testing1.sql and Testing2.sql. Hope this helps

Can Liquibase Autopick new changesets files like Flyway?

I am new to both Liquibase and Flyway. Was trying to do some Hello Worlds. I successfully ran basic SQL ( create insert etc ) using both Liquibase and Flyway. Was interested in running them from command line.
Flyway :
was kind of easy to start with
I had to just Put sql file in correct naming format 'V1_xxxx.sql' in correct folder 'flyway/sql' & Run 'flyway migrate'
the best part was it automatically picked up any new sql file given the correct file name.
LiquiBase :
had to spend some time to understand and use it
Need to give correct file name each time
liquibase --driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --classpath=/path/to/classes --changeLogFile=com/example/db.changelog1.xml --url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/example" --username=dev migrate
liquibase --driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --classpath=/path/to/classes --changeLogFile=com/example/db.changelog2.xml --url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/example" --username=dev migrate
Is there a way in liquibase to automatically pick the new xml files ? like Flyway i could just give folder name and Liquibase could use its table DATABASECHANGELOG to find the deltas and execute same.
Second Question for Liquibase only
In windows in order to run command successfully i had to change the changeLogFile parameter ... from ...
liquibase --driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --classpath=/path/to/classes --changeLogFile=com/example/db.changelog1.xml --url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/example" --username=dev migrate
liquibase --driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --classpath=/path/to/classes --changeLogFile=./db.changelog1.xml --url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/example" --username=dev migrate
i.e. i changed my present working directory to com/example and then modified the changeLogFile param to point to a file in current folder and execute command.
Is there a way i can point to changeLogFile in another folder (apart from current folder)
One thing you can do to make liquibase a bit easier to use from the commandline is to create a file named and save that in the directory where you are running the command. If I remember correctly, the command line will look for files with that name and use the properties in that file rather than requiring all the options on the command line. See and for more details. The docs there have this:
If you do not want to always specify options on the command line, you
can create a properties file that contains default values. By default,
Liquibase will look for a file called “” in the
current working directory, but you can specify an alternate location
with the --defaultsFile flag. If you have specified an option in a
properties file and specify the same option on the command line, the
value on the command line will override the properties file value.
Yes, you can have liquibase automatically load files from a directory. You have to have a simple changelog.xml that is referenced from the command line or your properties file, but then that changelog can just reference another directory that contains more changelog files. The <includeAll> tag is used for this purpose (see for more details.
Also, yes, you can put the changelog file wherever you like.

Bamboo with tSQLt - Failed to parse test result file

First of all I should point out I'm new to Atlassian's Bamboo and continuous integration in general. This is the first project where I've used either.
I've created a raft of unit tests using the tSQLt framework. I've also configured Bamboo to:
Get a fresh copy of the repository from BitBucket
Drop & re-create the build DB
Use Red-Gate SQL Compare to deploy the DB objects from source to the build DB
Run the tSQLt tests
Output the results of the tests in XML format to a file called TestResults.xml
I've checked and can confirm that the TestResults.xml file is created.
In Bamboo I then added a JUnit Parser task to consume the contents of this TestResults.xml file. However when that task runs it returns this error:
Failed to parse test result file
At first I thought it might have meant that Bamboo could not find the file. I changed the task that created the results file to output a file called TestResults2.xml. When I did that the JUnit Parser returned this error:
Failing task since test cases were expected but none were found.
So I'm assuming that the first error message means Bamboo is finding the file, it just can't parse the file.
I have no idea where to start working out what exactly is the problem. Has anyone got any ideas?
I had a similar problem, but turned out to be weird behavior from bamboo needing file stamps being modified to have visibility of the JUnit file.
In Windows enviornment you just need to add "script task" before the "JUnit task"
powershell (ls *.xml).LastWriteTime = Get-Date
I have had several cases of this and was able to fix it by removing single quotes and greater than / less than characters from test names inside the *.rb file.
test "make sure 'go_to_world' is removed from header and length < 23"
change to remove single quotes and < symbol
test "make sure go_to_world is removed from header and length less than 23"
Very common are contractions: "won't don't shouldn't", or possessives: "the vessel's data".
And also < or > characters.
I think there is a bug in the parser that just doesn't escape those characters in a test title appropriately.

How to provide vsdbcmd deploy command line target dbschema sql command variables?

The Visual Studio (2010) gui provides options for specifying second command variable file for target. I however cant find this option for the command line implementation - vsdbcmd.exe.
Running vsdbcmd deploy for dbschema to dbschema with only source model command variables given results that objects that implement the variables are treated as having changes. Resulting in incorrect(improper) update script.
The command i use currently:
vsdbcmd.exe /a:deploy /dd:- /dsp:sql /model:Source.dbschema /targetmodelfile:Target.dbschema /p:SqlCommandVariablesFile=Database.sqlcmdvars /manifest:Database.deploymanifest /DeploymentScriptFile:UpdateScript.sql /p:TargetDatabase="DatabaseName"
What im looking for is the /p:TargetSqlCommandVariablesFile, if such thing exists ...
The result script is the same as running so GUI compare without specifying the sqlcmd vars for target
I found what looks like full documentation for VSDBCMD.EXE at this link.
I think you may be looking for something like:
In the end i found no info on the possibility to do what I required - checked vsdbcmd libs with IL spy for hidden parameters - didn't find any.
Reached my goal by parsing the dbschema files for both target and current and parsing the cmd variable values directly into them - then doing the compare on modified dbschemas. This approach no longer allows to change sql cmd vars in resulting script (as the values are already baked into code), however this was deemed as acceptable loss.
Not the most beautiful solution but so far i have had no issues with it.