Blazor Architecture - structure

I am building a Blazor app and I have a need to reuse a bit of code that returns teh results of a linq query. My question is where do i put general code? What is the accepted place in the structure? I've got the following folders to choose from:
and then once i've got this how do i call this public method? Is it enough that it is public or do i need to create a class variable of type x? Pretty basic stuff but i'm stuck.
I've puyt the methoid in once page component/class anmd then to use it elsewhere I 've created a new new instance of the class component so i can reference the method but is this the best way?

If the page you are reusing has html or css then use a .razor otherwise, use a .cs
Looking at your folder structure, MVC is not a good choice to architect Blazor apps as MVC is for Stateless and Blazor is not Stateless. There are several choices on how to accomplish getting data into a component, my favorite is DI.


MVC based authentication templates in ASP.NET Core 2.0

When creating a new ASP.Net Core web project in ASP.Net Core 2.0, and choosing the 'Individual account' authentication option, the authentication views/controllers where originally implemented using ASP.Net MVC. Recently it appears they have been updated to use Razor pages. My questions there a way I can revert the new project template to using the MVC instead of Razor pages or at the very least is there a way I can see what code the MVC template used to create?
Simply, no. Identity now comes with a Razor Class Library containing a default UI, which as you've noted, is Razor Pages-based. If you want the old-style MVC setup, you'll need to create it yourself. You can scaffold the Default UI pages into your project and then refer to these to move code into controllers/views. Then, when you're done with that, remove the default UI pages in your project, and turn off the default UI in general by using AddIdentity<TUser, TRole> instead of AddDefaultIdentity<TUser> (which adds the default UI under the hood).
FWIW, I used to be totally opposed to Razor Pages until I endeavor the same thing you're about to embark on. After moving all the code into controllers, I started to remember how much of a mess it actually was. There's so much boilerplate code involved in auth: sign in, sign out, registration, password resets, 2FA, third-party login, etc. You end up with monstrous controllers with hundreds or even thousands of lines of code. Even if you try to break it up into many different controllers, that just kind of makes it worse. Long and short, Razor Pages actually works pretty well for something like this. It keeps each unit of functionality self-contained, so you know exactly where your need to go to edit stuff. I'd encourage you to give it a go as-is, first, and see how it works for you.
Also, one of your main concerns may be the Web Forms style of routing with Razor Pages, where you the path becomes the URL, and if you're like me, that probably offends your sensibilities. This can actually be changed, though it's not documented well at all. You can simply specify whatever route you'd like the page to have with the #page directive. For example, you could do something like following in Login.cshtml:
#page "/signin"
Then, you can access the page via /signin, instead of /Identity/Account/Login.cshtml.

Sharing View Components across several projects

I have a fairly big view component that I want to use in two different core MVC projects. So far I found two approaches for accomplish this:
Encapsulating it into a DLL
Making a shared (dummy) web project
What are the trade-offs between these two approaches? My view component has nested view components and it requires java-script to implement some dynamic functionality.
With ASP.NET Core 2.1 onwards you want to use Razor Class Libraries (RCL) which were designed for this very scenario.
RLC lets you create reusable UI with razor views, pages, controllers, page models, view components and data models. Added benefit is that views (even partial) are overridable by main app where the Razor markup (.cshtml file) takes precedence allowing for per-app changes without modifying the original shared component.
From the Visual Studio File menu, select New > Project.
Select ASP.NET Core Web Application.
Name the library (for example, "RazorClassLib") > OK. To avoid a file name collision with the generated view library, ensure the
library name doesn't end in .Views.
Verify ASP.NET Core 2.1 or later is selected.
Select Razor Class Library > OK.
Reference the RCL from main app (you can also make the shared library as NuGet package)
Start the application and visit /MyFeature/Page1
Read the full documentation

Storing\Reading an external email template with aspnetcore

I have mailgun wired up in my aspnet core site to fire off emails, but I really want the "Template" to be stored externally on the file system (ideally the wwwroot) so I can quickly change\tweak without needing to re-publish anything.
How would I accomplish something like this?
I use Razor with strongly typed models to render email, so the templates are just .cshtml files.
you can see my code here which sends emails, it invokes this ViewRenderer, and you can see my Razor templates here
the linked examples use simple primitive types for the models, but I'm using more elaborate view models with the same technique in my other projects

Where to place "common" classes in YII Framework structure?

I need to create a few classes and would like some help on where this would go in the YII Framework. I know if I create a Model, it must go in the "models" directory. And by the same logic I know where "views", "controllers" etc would go. However, where would the following be placed in my web application:
A class that contains a variety of "number" functions such as currency conversion, metric conversions etc?
A class that interacts with a REST API? (It interacts with the database)
Any tips?
To get started with adding custom classeses on YII you can check below link.
Hope it'll help you to start.
You can find an example here, it is pretty detailed in my opinion:
The directory structure of the Yii project site
Usually you can use any PHP class in within Yii. You can place it in the models folder (alongside the Yii generated models) and access them directly like so:
$myclass = new MyClass;
Alternatively (or if you run into any issues), you have can place it anywhere in your directory structure and include it in the main index.php (in the root) like so:
$myclass = dirname(__FILE__).'/myclass.php';

Mixing Web Api and ASP.Net MVC Pages in One Project

How do I mix Web API and ASP.Net MVC pages in one project?
For instance, I have model User. I would like, within the same project, to have an ApiController that would respond to all the HTTP verbs for managing the User entities, and at the same time have a Controller that would return the appropriate strongly-typed Views depending on the Action requested.
I can't name both controllers UserController. What is the best way around this? Should I name one UserApiController and the other UserController? Any other suggestions?
You can put them in separate namespaces, e.g MyApp.Controllers.UsersController and MyApp.Controllers.WebAPI.UsersController.
This would let you expose similar URI routes in MVC and WebAPI, eg:
/users/1 << MVC view
/api/users/1 << Web API
I haven't changed the namespaces, the only thing that I had to do was register WebApi first, and then MVC route
//First register WebApi router
//and register Default MVC Route after
and everything works great!
The WebApi implementation should be added as a separate Area in the MVC application. It is a natural fit. Doing this gives you the separate namespace that Mike Wasson recommended, plus it gives you a natural way to set up the /api routing. You get a separate model folder
Additionally, it is very specifically separated from the rest of the project. If requirements in the future are ever such that you need to separate the api implementation into a separate project, having the api implementation isolated to a separate area makes that breaking it out a lot easier.