How do I list the values being counted? - sql

I use the aggregate function to count the most occurring unique values (which lets say is 5). I now want to list these unique values that were counted in a column - struggling with how to do that. Can I even do that? I'm using PostgreSQL.
COUNT(DISTINCT people) AS num_people
FROM class
Current Sample Result:
| **IDs** | **num_people** |
| Aabbcc | 5 |
I want this result with the new column at thee end. (It could be a separate rows too - it
does not have to be all in one row - but that would be ideal)
| **IDs** | **num_people** | **people_listed** |
| Aabbcc | 5 | Coco, Riley, Allan, Betty, Cici |

You could use the aggregate function ARRAY_AGG or STRING_AGG for that:
COUNT(DISTINCT people) AS num_people,
STRING_AGG(DISTINCT people, ', ') AS people_listed
FROM class


More efficient way to query shortest string value associated with each value in another column in Hive QL

I have a table in Hive containing store names, order IDs, and User IDs (as well as some other columns including item ID). There is a row in the table for every item purchased (so there can be more than one row per order if the order contains multiple items). Order IDs are unique within a store, but not across stores. A single order can have more than one user ID associated with it.
I'm trying to write a query that will return a list of all stores and order IDs and the shortest user ID associated with each order.
So, for example, if the data looks like this:
| a | 1 | bill | abc |
| a | 1 | susan | def |
| a | 2 | jane | abc |
| b | 1 | scott | ghi |
| b | 1 | tony | jkl |
Then the output would look like this:
a | 1 | bill
a | 2 | jane
b | 1 | tony
I've written a query that will do this, but I feel like there must be a more efficient way to go about it. Does anybody know a better way to produce these results?
This is what I have so far:
select, users.orderid, users.userid
store, orderid, userid, length(userid) as len
sales) users
(select distinct
store, orderid,
min(length(userid)) over (partition by store, orderid) as len
sales) len on =
and users.orderid = len.orderid
and users.len = len.len
Check out probably this will work for you, here you can achieve your goal of single "SELECT" clause with no extra overhead on SQL.
select distinct
store, orderid,
first_value(userid) over(partition by store, orderid order by length(userid) asc) f_val
The result will be:
store orderid f_val
a 1 bill
a 2 jane
b 1 tony
Probably rank() is the best way:
select s.*
from (select s.*, rank() over (partition by store order by length(userid) as seqnum
from sales s
) s
where seqnum = 1;

Use something like TOP with GROUP BY

With table table1 like below
| flight | orig | dest | passenger | bags |
| 1111 | sfo | chi | david | 3 |
| 1112 | sfo | dal | david | 7 |
| 1112 | sfo | dal | kim | 10|
| 1113 | lax | san | ameera | 5 |
| 1114 | lax | lfr | tim | 6 |
| 1114 | lax | lfr | jake | 8 |
I'm aggregating the table by orig like below
, count(*) flight_cnt
, count(distinct passenger) as pass_cnt
, percentile_cont(0.5) within group ( order by bags ASC) as bag_cnt_med
from table1
group by orig
I need to add the passenger with the longest name ( length(passenger) ) for each orig group - how do I go about it?
Output expected
| orig | flight_cnt | pass_cnt | bags_cnt_med | pass_max_len_name |
| sfo | 3 | 2 | 7 | david |
| lax | 3 | 3 | 6 | ameera |
You can conveniently retrieve the passenger with the longest name per group with DISTINCT ON.
Select first row in each GROUP BY group?
But I see no way to combine that (or any other simple way) with your original query in a single SELECT. I suggest to join two separate subqueries:
FROM ( -- your original query
, count(*) AS flight_cnt
, count(distinct passenger) AS pass_cnt
, percentile_cont(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY bags) AS bag_cnt_med
FROM table1
) org_query
JOIN ( -- my addition
SELECT DISTINCT ON (orig) orig, passenger AS pass_max_len_name
FROM table1
ORDER BY orig, length(passenger) DESC NULLS LAST
) pas USING (orig);
USING in the join clause conveniently only outputs one instance of orig, so you can simply use SELECT * in the outer SELECT.
If passenger can be NULL, it is important to add NULLS LAST:
PostgreSQL sort by datetime asc, null first?
From multiple passenger names with the same maximum length in the same group, you get an arbitrary pick - unless you add more expressions to ORDER BY as tiebreaker. Detailed explanation in the answer linked above.
Typically, a single scan is superior, especially with sequential scans.
The above query uses two scans (maybe index / index-only scans). But the second scan is comparatively cheap unless the table is too huge to fit in cache (mostly). Lukas suggested an alternative query with only a single SELECT adding:
, (ARRAY_AGG (passenger ORDER BY LENGTH (passenger) DESC))[1] -- I'd add NULLS LAST
The idea is smart, but last time I tested, array_agg with ORDER BY did not perform so well. (The overhead of per-group ORDER BY is substantial, and array handling is expensive, too.)
The same approach can be cheaper with a custom aggregate function first() like instructed in the Postgres Wiki here. Or, faster, yet, with a version written in C, available on PGXN. Eliminates the extra cost for array handling, but we still need per-group ORDER BY. May be faster for only few groups. You would then add:
, first(passenger ORDER BY length(passenger) DESC NULLS LAST)
Gordon and Lukas also mention the window function first_value(). Window functions are applied after aggregate functions. To use it in the same SELECT, we would need to aggregate passenger somehow first - catch 22. Gordon solves this with a subquery - another candidate for good performance with standard Postgres.
first() does the same without subquery and should be simpler and a bit faster. But it still won't be faster than a separate DISTINCT ON for most cases with few rows per group. For lots of rows per group, a recursive CTE technique is typically faster. There are yet faster techniques if you have a separate table holding all relevant, unique orig values. Details:
Optimize GROUP BY query to retrieve latest record per user
The best solution depends on various factors. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. To optimize performance you have to test with your setup. The above query should be among the fastest.
One method uses the window function first_value(). Unfortunately, this is not available as an aggregation function:
select orig,
count(*) flight_cnt,
count(distinct passenger) as pass_cnt,
percentile_cont(0.5) within group ( order by bags ASC) as bag_cnt_med,
max(longest_name) as longest_name
from (select t1.*,
first_value(name) over (partition by orig order by length(name) desc) as longest_name
from table1
) t1
group by orig;
You are looking for something like Oracle's KEEP FIRST/LAST where you get a value (the passenger name) according to an aggregate (the name length). PostgreSQL doesn't have such function as far as I know.
One way to go about this is a trick: Combine length and name, get the maximum, then extract the name: '0005david' > '0003kim' etc.
, count(*) flight_cnt
, count(distinct passenger) as pass_cnt
, percentile_cont(0.5) within group ( order by bags ASC) as bag_cnt_med,
, substr(max(to_char(char_length(passenger), '0000') || passenger), 5) as name
from table1
group by orig
order by orig;
For small group sizes, you could use array_agg()
, COUNT (*) AS flight_cnt
, COUNT (DISTINCT passenger) AS pass_cnt
, (ARRAY_AGG (passenger ORDER BY LENGTH (passenger) DESC))[1] AS pass_max_len_name
FROM table1
Having said so, while this is shorter syntax, a first_value() window function based approach might be faster for larger data sets as array accumulation might become expensive.
bot it does not solve problem if you have several names wqith same length:
t=# with p as (select distinct orig,passenger,length(trim(passenger)),max(length(trim(passenger))) over (partition by orig) from s127)
, o as ( select
, count(*) flight_cnt
, count(distinct passenger) as pass_cnt
, percentile_cont(0.5) within group ( order by bags ASC) as bag_cnt_med
from s127
group by orig)
select distinct o.*,p.passenger from o join p on p.orig = o.orig where max=length;
orig | flight_cnt | pass_cnt | bag_cnt_med | passenger
lax | 3 | 3 | 6 | ameera
sfo | 3 | 2 | 7 | david
(2 rows)
t=# create table s127(flight int,orig text,dest text, passenger text, bags int);
Time: 52.678 ms
t=# copy s127 from stdin delimiter '|';
Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
>> 1111 | sfo | chi | david | 3
>> 1112 | sfo | dal | david | 7
1112 | sfo | dal | kim | 10
1113 | lax | san | ameera | 5
1114 | lax | lfr | tim | 6
1114 | lax | lfr | jake | 8 >> >> >> >>
>> \.

How to return unique rows having count() of multiple columns = 1 using group by?

So here is my situation:
| idnumber | name | sectiongroup |
| 123 | Joe | one |
| 123 | Barry | two |
| 1234 | Laura | one |
| 1234 | LauraCopyCat | one |
I am trying to build a query which will return any unique (i.e. - COUNT(idnumber) = 1) id numbers in a given sectiongroup. So if you are in sectiongroup number one and no one else in your sectiongroup has the same ID number as you, then I want your idnumber. If someone in group two happens to have the same idnumer, that is okay, I still want your idnumber.
For example, Barry and Joe have the same id number but they are in separate sectiongroups, so I want to return their idnubers. However, Laura and LauraCopyCat have the SAME sectiongroup, so I do NOT want their idnumbers to be returned. So far I have the following:
SELECT idnumber
FROM namestable
GROUP BY idnumber, sectiongroup
HAVING(COUNT(idnumber) = 1)
Is there a way to add sectiongroup into the COUNT()=1 condition?
Just use COUNT(*) to avoid confusion. This will count the number of records in the particular group. Remember, a group consists of the unique combinations of values in the fields specified in your GROUP BY statement.
SELECT idnumber
FROM namestable
GROUP BY idnumber, sectiongroup
Note that this will result in duplicate idnumbers, if you have records that share an id but have different subgroups. To remove duplicate, just change SELECT to SELECT DISTINCT.
Tested here:!9/b0a50c/3

Grouping by two values in same table

I have a table on the format
Ship_type | userid | Message
Neither of these columns are unique.
I want to count how many (unique) user id's that belong to each ship type, and thus find out which ship type is the most popular.
Ship_type | userid| Message
-------------- ------- ----------
Sailboat | 34241 | hello
Sailboat | 34241 | hi
Sailboat | 34241 | I'm on a boat!
Fishingvessel | 31245 | yo
Fishingvessel | 98435 | hi there
Here we see that there are two different fishingvessels and one sailboat.
If I do the following query:
select ship_type, count(ship_type) FROM db1.MessageType5 GROUP BY ship_type ORDER BY count(ship_type) ASC;
I get
Sailboat | 3
Fishingvessel | 2
which is wrong - as it counts the number of messages belonging to each ship_type.
Desired result:
Fishingvessel | 2
Sailboat | 1
You have to COUNT DISTINCT user ids (and ORDER BY ... DESC if you want the provided result):
SELECT ship_type, COUNT(DISTINCT userid) as cnt
FROM db1.MessageType5
GROUP BY ship_type
See this fiddle.

MIN() Function in SQL

Need help with Min Function in SQL
I have a table as shown below.
| Date_ | Name | Score |
| 2012/07/05 | Jack | 1 |
| 2012/07/05 | Jones | 1 |
| 2012/07/06 | Jill | 2 |
| 2012/07/06 | James | 3 |
| 2012/07/07 | Hugo | 1 |
| 2012/07/07 | Jack | 1 |
| 2012/07/07 | Jim | 2 |
I would like to get the output like below
| Date_ | Name | Score |
| 2012/07/05 | Jack | 1 |
| 2012/07/06 | Jill | 2 |
| 2012/07/07 | Hugo | 1 |
When I use the MIN() function with just the date and Score column I get the lowest score for each date, which is what I want. I don't care which row is returned if there is a tie in the score for the same date. Trouble starts when I also want name column in the output. I tried a few variation of SQL (i.e min with correlated sub query) but I have no luck getting the output as shown above. Can anyone help please:)
Query is as follows
A.USername, A.Date_, A.Score
FROM TestTable AS A
FROM TestTable
ON (A.Score = B.MinScore) AND (A.Date_ = B.Date_);
Use this solution:
SELECT a.date_, MIN(name) AS name, a.score
FROM tbl a
SELECT date_, MIN(score) AS minscore
FROM tbl
GROUP BY date_
) b ON a.date_ = b.date_ AND a.score = b.minscore
GROUP BY a.date_, a.score
SQL-Fiddle Demo
This will get the minimum score per date in the INNER JOIN subselect, which we use to join to the main table. Once we join the subselect, we will only have dates with names having the minimum score (with ties being displayed).
Since we only want one name per date, we then group by date and score, selecting whichever name: MIN(name).
If we want to display the name column, we must use an aggregate function on name to facilitate the GROUP BY on date and score columns, or else it will not work (We could also use MAX() on that column as well).
Please learn about the GROUP BY functionality of RDBMS.
SELECT Date_,Name,MIN(Score)
This makes the assumption that EACH NAME and EACH date appears only once, and this will only work for MySQL.
To make it work on other RDBMSs, you need to apply another group function on the Date column, like MAX. MIN. etc
SELECT T.Name, T.Date_, MIN(T.Score) as Score FROM T
Edit: This answer is not corrected as pointed out by JNK in comments
SELECT Date_,MAX(Name),MIN(Score)
Here I am using MAX(NAME), it will pick one name if two names were found with the same goal numbers.
This will find Min score for each day (no duplicates), scored by any player. The name that starts with Z will be picked first than the name that starts with A.
Edit: Fixed by removing group by name