Why can Kotlin's code directly call the top level function from “kotlin.collections”, without import the package - kotlin

Why can Kotlin's code directly call the top level function from “kotlin.collections”, without import the package. such as below function listOf:
data class Person1(val name: String, val age: Int)
class DataClassExecutor {
... ...
fun test(arg: String?): String? {
val persons = listOf(
Person1("Lucy", age = 26),
Person1("Lily", age = 29))
... ...

Please refer this page: https://kotlinlang.org/spec/packages-and-imports.html. It says:
There are some packages which have all their entities implicitly
imported into any Kotlin file, meaning one can access such entity
without explicitly using import directives.
The List includes kotlin.collections.
This is similar to how in Java, java.lang is implicitly imported. In Java one does not need to say java.lang.System.out.println, just System.out.println is enough.


Trying to implement the TornadoFX "Motivational example"

I'm trying to implement the motivational example from this page: https://docs.tornadofx.io/0_subsection/1_why_tornadofx
For this I need a data class Person as defined here:
class Person(id: Int, name: String, birthday: LocalDate) {
val idProperty = SimpleIntegerProperty(id)
var id by idProperty
val nameProperty = SimpleStringProperty(name)
var name by nameProperty
val birthdayProperty = SimpleObjectProperty(birthday)
var birthday by birthdayProperty
val age: Int get() = Period.between(birthday, LocalDate.now()).years
To do this it was neccessary to make the following imports:
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleIntegerProperty
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleObjectProperty
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleStringProperty
import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.Period
However, if I try to run the example I get the following error:
Kotlin: Property delegate must have a 'getValue(Person, KProperty<*>)' method. None of the following functions is suitable:
public open fun getValue(): Int! defined in javafx.beans.property.SimpleIntegerProperty
I can circumvent this by not using delegate types and setting the properties like this:
val idProperty = SimpleIntegerProperty(id)
var id: Int
get() = idProperty.value
set(value) { idProperty.value = value}
But that seems to defeat the point of using delegates in TornadoFX when this is their motivational example for using it.
Here's what I found on delegate types: https://edvin.gitbooks.io/tornadofx-guide/content/part2/Property_Delegates.html
That doesn't help with getting the shorthand of var id by idProperty to work though.
Can somebody point me in the right direction here?
You need to also import the following:
import tornadofx.getValue
import tornadofx.setValue
Those are extension operator functions defined for various types in JavaFX (e.g., properties, observable values, etc.) so that those types can be used as delegates. But those function aren't defined in those types, thus the need for the additional imports.

How does Jackson marshalling work with Kotlin data class?

I have a simple data class being returned from a REST endpoint.
data class SummarizedReturn(
val NET_CASH_FLOW: BigDecimal,
val ROI_PERCENTAGE: BigDecimal
When it is returned, the object looks like this:
summarizedReturn: {
net_CASH_FLOW: -194703.12028723184,
roi_PERCENTAGE: -35,
This is not what I need. I need all letters to be capitalized. So I added the JsonProperty annotation
data class SummarizedReturn(
val NET_CASH_FLOW: BigDecimal,
val ROI_PERCENTAGE: BigDecimal,
This did not change anything. I still get the result the same as above.
I then changed the property names and kept the annotation
data class SummarizedReturn(
val netCashFlow: BigDecimal,
val roiPercentage: BigDecimal,
and that returned what I wanted.
summarizedReturn: {
NET_CASH_FLOW: -194703.12028723184,
Why did the annotation not work on the initial version of the class? How can I keep my property names all capitalized and have the Jackson value to be the same?
There is an issue with interoperability of Java annotations in Kotlin code. You can register Jackson's Kotlin module to get rid of this problems:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.jacksonObjectMapper
fun main() {
val mapper = jacksonObjectMapper() // <= shortcut to ObjectMapper().registerKotlinModule()
This will also require you to add com.fasterxml.jackson.module:jackson-module-kotlin to your dependencies.
PS: Alternatively you can solve it by using slightly different target:
#JsonPropery => #get:JsonPropery (or field:#JsonPropery in case this data class will also be used for deserialization)

Import class and extension functions for the class simultaneously

When you are writing a class (here it will be a simple Integer class, so it will be easy to follow) and you are overloading operators, I already had a problem on how to overload the operator for a stranger class, which takes your object as a parameter. Look at this example:
package com.example
class Integer(var value: Int) {
operator fun plus(x: Integer) = Integer(value + x.value)
operator fun plus(x: Int) = Integer(value + x)
operator fun minus(x: Integer) = Integer(value - x.value)
operator fun minus(x: Int) = Integer(value - x)
override fun toString(): String {
return value.toString()
I simply overload simple operators so maybe another programmer can use these overloads to avoid creating functions on his own. Now I got following problem: When overloading operators for classes you don't own, you can create simple extension functions like this:
operator fun Int.plus(x: Integer) = Integer(x.value + this) // This is referencing to the actual `Int` object
operator fun Int.minus(x: Integer) = Integer(x.value - this)
but where do I got to place these extension functions to be imported automatically when the Integer class is being used?
// Main.kt
import com.example.Integer
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val int1: Integer(2) + 3 // Compiles
val int2: 3 + Integer(2) // Doesn't compile unleast you add the extensions functions in `Integer` before the class declaration
// (between the package declaration and the class) and import them explicity
// like `import com.example.plus`
I could workaround this by import com.example.*, but then every single class in the package gets imported even if they remain unused. So how do I do this correctly?
Unless you want to place these extension functions into their own package and use a * import on that package, I don't see how you could make this any better. You just have to import the extension functions one by one, that's how the compiler knows where they come from. Otherwise you could have the same extension functions defined in multiple packages and files all over your project and there would be no way to choose between them.

How to clone object in Kotlin?

The Kotlin documentation describes cloning only in accessing Java and in enum class. In latter case clone is just throwing an exception.
So, how would I / should I clone arbitrary Kotlin object?
Should I just use clone() as in Java?
For a data class, you can use the compiler-generated copy() method. Note that it will perform a shallow copy.
To create a copy of a collection, use the toList() or toSet() methods, depending on the collection type you need. These methods always create a new copy of a collection; they also perform a shallow copy.
For other classes, there is no Kotlin-specific cloning solution. You can use .clone() if it suits your requirements, or build a different solution if it doesn't.
You can use Gson library to convert the original object to a String and then convert back that String to an actual Object type, and you'll have a clone. Although this is not the intended usage of the Gson library which is actually used to convert between JSON and other object types, but I have devised this method to solve the cloning problem in many of my Kotlin based Android applications.
See my example. Put this function in the class/model of which you want to create a clone. In my example I'm cloning an Animal type object so I'll put it in the Animal class
class Animal{
fun clone(): Animal
val stringAnimal = Gson().toJson(this, Animal::class.java)
return Gson().fromJson<Animal>(stringAnimal, Animal::class.java)
Then use it like this:
val originalAnimal = Animal()
val clonedAnimal = originalAnimal.clone()
A Kotlin data class is easy to clone using .copy()
All values will be shallow copied, be sure to handle any list/array contents carefully.
A useful feature of .copy() is the ability to change any of the values at copy time. With this class:
data class MyData(
val count: Int,
val peanuts: Int?,
val name: String
val data = MyData(1, null, "Monkey")
You could set values for any of the properties
val copy = data.copy(peanuts = 100, name = "Elephant")
The result in copy would have values (1, 100, "Elephant")
If the class you are trying to clone does not implement Cloneable or is not a data class and is a part of an outside library, you can create an extension method that returns a new instance. For example:
class Person {
var id: String? = null
var name: String? = null
fun Person.clone(): Person {
val person = Person()
person.id = id
person.name = name
return person
It requires to implement Cloneable for your class then override clone() as a public like:
public override fun clone(): Any {<your_clone_code>}
fun <T : Any> clone (obj: T): T {
if (!obj::class.isData) {
throw Error("clone is only supported for data classes")
val copy = obj::class.memberFunctions.first { it.name == "copy" }
val instanceParam = copy.instanceParameter!!
return copy.callBy(mapOf(
instanceParam to obj
)) as T
I've voted for #yole for nice answer, but other ways if you don't (or can't) use data class. You can write helper method like this:
object ModelHelper {
inline fun <reified T : Serializable> mergeFields(from: T, to: T) {
from::class.java.declaredFields.forEach { field ->
val isLocked = field.isAccessible
field.isAccessible = true
field.set(to, field.get(from))
field.isAccessible = isLocked
So you can "copy" instance A into B by:
val bInstance = AClassType()
ModelHelper.mergeFields(aInstance, bInstance)
Sometimes, I use this way to merge data from many instances into one object which value available (not null).
Here is a consistent solution that works for any object type:
Kotlin's Array data structure provides a clone() method that can be used to clone the contents of the array:
val a = arrayOf(1)
//Prints one object reference
//Prints a different object reference
As of Kotlin 1.3, the clone method has been supported on all major targets, so it should be usable across platforms.
It's also possible to clone an object using kotlinx.serialization
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
import kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonConfiguration
class A
val name: String = "Cloneable class A"
fun clone(): A {
val json = Json(JsonConfiguration.Stable)
val jsonStr = json.stringify(serializer(), this)
return json.parse(serializer(), jsonStr)
Collection copying functions, such as toList(), toMutableList(), toSet() and others, create a snapshot of a collection at a specific moment. Their result is a new collection of the same elements. If you add or remove elements from the original collection, this won't affect the copies. Copies may be changed independently of the source as well.
val alice = Person("Alice")
val sourceList = mutableListOf(alice, Person("Bob"))
val copyList = sourceList.toList()
alice.name = "Alicia"
println("First item's name is: ${sourceList[0].name} in source and ${copyList[0].name} in copy")
println("List size is: ${sourceList.size} in source and ${copyList.size} in copy")
First item's name is: Alicia in source and Alicia in copy
List size is: 3 in source and 2 in copy
Kotlin Official Document
Sample Screenshot

Exception when using spring-data-mongodb with Kotlin

I'm new to Kotlin, and experimenting with spring-data-mongodb. Please see example below (also available here as fully runnable Maven project with in-memory MongoDb: https://github.com/danielsindahl/spring-boot-kotlin-example).
package dsitest
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication
open class Application
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
SpringApplication.run(Application::class.java, *args)
package dsitest
import org.springframework.data.annotation.Id
import org.springframework.data.annotation.PersistenceConstructor
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.Document
#Document(collection = "user")
data class User #PersistenceConstructor constructor(#Id val id: String? = null, val userName: String)
package dsitest
import org.springframework.data.repository.CrudRepository
interface UserRepository : CrudRepository<User, String>
package dsitest
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner
class KotlinIntegrationTest constructor () {
lateinit var userRepository : UserRepository;
fun persistenceTest() {
val user : User = User(userName = "Mary")
val savedUser = userRepository.save(user)
val loadedUser = userRepository.findOne(savedUser.id) // Failing code
println("loadedUser = ${loadedUser}")
When running the test KotlinIntegrationTest.persistenceTest, I get the following error message when trying to retrieve a User object from MongoDb:
org.springframework.data.mapping.model.MappingException: No property null found on entity class dsitest.User to bind constructor parameter to!
If I modify the User data class so that userName is nullable, everything works.
data class User #PersistenceConstructor constructor(#Id val id: String? = null,
val userName: String? = null)
I would like to understand why this is the case, since I don't want userName to be nullable. Is there some alternative, better way of defining my User class in Kotlin?
Many thanks,
Yes, it is a known problem. You should check how the bytecode for your User class looks like. Java sees the constructor with all the parameters present and tries to call it with a null value for the 2nd one.
What you could do is to try adding #JvmOverloads to your constructor - this will force Kotlin compiler to generate all versions of the constructor and so the Spring Data Mongo could pick the correct one (get rid of the #PersistenceConstructor) then.
You could also define 1 constructor with no defaults - only for Java-based frameworks and 2nd one with some defaults your you. Or...
When I write things like you are now, I create simple 'persistence' data classes with no default values whatsoever that are mapped to/from my regular domain objects (a sort of abstraction over database). It may generate some overhead at the start - but keeping your domain model not coupled so tightly with the storage model is usually a good idea anyway.